[CalendarServer-changes] [3421] CalendarServer/trunk/calendarserver

source_changes at macosforge.org source_changes at macosforge.org
Mon Dec 1 13:49:58 PST 2008

Revision: 3421
Author:   wsanchez at apple.com
Date:     2008-12-01 13:49:58 -0800 (Mon, 01 Dec 2008)
Log Message:
Move tap tests

Added Paths:

Removed Paths:

Copied: CalendarServer/trunk/calendarserver/tap/test/test_caldav.py (from rev 3419, CalendarServer/trunk/calendarserver/test/test_tap.py)
--- CalendarServer/trunk/calendarserver/tap/test/test_caldav.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ CalendarServer/trunk/calendarserver/tap/test/test_caldav.py	2008-12-01 21:49:58 UTC (rev 3421)
@@ -0,0 +1,689 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2007 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import os
+from os.path import dirname, abspath
+    from plistlib import writePlist
+except ImportError:
+    from twistedcaldav.py.plistlib import writePlist
+from twisted.python.usage import Options, UsageError
+from twisted.python.reflect import namedAny
+from twisted.application.service import IService
+from twisted.application import internet
+from twisted.web2.dav import auth
+from twisted.web2.log import LogWrapperResource
+from twistedcaldav.config import config, ConfigDict, defaultConfig, _mergeData
+from twistedcaldav.directory.aggregate import AggregateDirectoryService
+from twistedcaldav.directory.sudo import SudoDirectoryService
+from twistedcaldav.directory.directory import UnknownRecordTypeError
+from twistedcaldav.test.util import TestCase
+from calendarserver.tap.caldav import CalDAVOptions, CalDAVServiceMaker, CalDAVService
+# Points to top of source tree.
+sourceRoot = dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(abspath(__file__)))))
+class TestCalDAVOptions (CalDAVOptions):
+    """
+    A fake implementation of CalDAVOptions that provides
+    empty implementations of checkDirectory and checkFile.
+    """
+    def checkDirectory(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        pass
+    def checkFile(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        pass
+class CalDAVOptionsTest (TestCase):
+    """
+    Test various parameters of our usage.Options subclass
+    """
+    def setUp(self):
+        """
+        Set up our options object, giving it a parent, and forcing the
+        global config to be loaded from defaults.
+        """
+        TestCase.setUp(self)
+        self.config = TestCalDAVOptions()
+        self.config.parent = Options()
+        self.config.parent["uid"] = 0
+        self.config.parent["gid"] = 0
+        self.config.parent["nodaemon"] = False
+    def tearDown(self):
+        config.loadConfig(None)
+        config.setDefaults(defaultConfig)
+        config.reload()
+    def test_overridesConfig(self):
+        """
+        Test that values on the command line's -o and --option options
+        overide the config file
+        """
+        argv = [
+            "-f", "No-Such-File",
+            "-o", "EnableSACLs",
+            "-o", "HTTPPort=80",
+            "-o", "BindAddresses=,,",
+            "-o", "DocumentRoot=/dev/null",
+            "-o", "UserName=None",
+            "-o", "EnableProxyPrincipals=False",
+        ]
+        self.config.parseOptions(argv)
+        self.assertEquals(config.EnableSACLs, True)
+        self.assertEquals(config.HTTPPort, 80)
+        self.assertEquals(config.BindAddresses,
+                          ["", "", ""])
+        self.assertEquals(config.DocumentRoot, "/dev/null")
+        self.assertEquals(config.UserName, None)
+        self.assertEquals(config.EnableProxyPrincipals, False)
+        argv = ["-o", "Authentication=This Doesn't Matter"]
+        self.assertRaises(UsageError, self.config.parseOptions, argv)
+    def test_setsParent(self):
+        """
+        Test that certain values are set on the parent (i.e. twistd's
+        Option's object)
+        """
+        argv = [
+            "-f", "No-Such-File",
+            "-o", "ErrorLogFile=/dev/null",
+            "-o", "PIDFile=/dev/null",
+        ]
+        self.config.parseOptions(argv)
+        self.assertEquals(self.config.parent["logfile"], "/dev/null")
+        self.assertEquals(self.config.parent["pidfile"], "/dev/null")
+    def test_specifyConfigFile(self):
+        """
+        Test that specifying a config file from the command line
+        loads the global config with those values properly.
+        """
+        myConfig = ConfigDict(defaultConfig)
+        myConfig.Authentication.Basic.Enabled = False
+        myConfig.MultiProcess.LoadBalancer.Enabled = False
+        myConfig.HTTPPort = 80
+        myConfig.ServerHostName = "calendar.calenderserver.org"
+        myConfigFile = self.mktemp()
+        writePlist(myConfig, myConfigFile)
+        args = ["-f", myConfigFile]
+        self.config.parseOptions(args)
+        self.assertEquals(config.ServerHostName, myConfig["ServerHostName"])
+        self.assertEquals(
+            config.MultiProcess.LoadBalancer.Enabled,
+            myConfig.MultiProcess.LoadBalancer.Enabled
+        )
+        self.assertEquals(config.HTTPPort, myConfig.HTTPPort)
+        self.assertEquals(
+            config.Authentication.Basic.Enabled,
+            myConfig.Authentication.Basic.Enabled
+        )
+    def test_specifyDictPath(self):
+        """
+        Test that we can specify command line overrides to leafs using
+        a "/" seperated path.  Such as "-o MultiProcess/ProcessCount=1"
+        """
+        argv = [
+            "-o", "MultiProcess/ProcessCount=102",
+            "-f", "conf/caldavd.plist",
+        ]
+        self.config.parseOptions(argv)
+        self.assertEquals(config.MultiProcess["ProcessCount"], 102)
+class BaseServiceMakerTests(TestCase):
+    """
+    Utility class for ServiceMaker tests.
+    """
+    configOptions = None
+    def setUp(self):
+        TestCase.setUp(self)
+        self.options = TestCalDAVOptions()
+        self.options.parent = Options()
+        self.options.parent["gid"] = None
+        self.options.parent["uid"] = None
+        self.options.parent["nodaemon"] = None
+        self.config = ConfigDict(defaultConfig)
+        accountsFile = os.path.join(sourceRoot, "twistedcaldav/directory/test/accounts.xml")
+        pemFile = os.path.join(sourceRoot, "twistedcaldav/test/data/server.pem")
+        self.config["DirectoryService"] = {
+            "params": {"xmlFile": accountsFile},
+            "type": "twistedcaldav.directory.xmlfile.XMLDirectoryService"
+        }
+        self.config.DocumentRoot   = self.mktemp()
+        self.config.DataRoot       = self.mktemp()
+        self.config.ProcessType    = "Slave"
+        self.config.SSLPrivateKey  = pemFile
+        self.config.SSLCertificate = pemFile
+        self.config.SudoersFile = ""
+        if self.configOptions:
+            _mergeData(self.config, self.configOptions)
+        os.mkdir(self.config.DocumentRoot)
+        os.mkdir(self.config.DataRoot)
+        self.configFile = self.mktemp()
+        self.writeConfig()
+    def tearDown(self):
+        config.loadConfig(None)
+        config.setDefaults(defaultConfig)
+        config.reload()
+    def writeConfig(self):
+        """
+        Flush self.config out to self.configFile
+        """
+        writePlist(self.config, self.configFile)
+    def makeService(self):
+        """
+        Create a service by calling into CalDAVServiceMaker with
+        self.configFile
+        """
+        self.options.parseOptions(["-f", self.configFile])
+        return CalDAVServiceMaker().makeService(self.options)
+    def getSite(self):
+        """
+        Get the server.Site from the service by finding the HTTPFactory
+        """
+        service = self.makeService()
+        return service.services[0].args[1].protocolArgs["requestFactory"]
+class CalDAVServiceMakerTests(BaseServiceMakerTests):
+    """
+    Test the service maker's behavior
+    """
+    def test_makeServiceDispatcher(self):
+        """
+        Test the default options of the dispatching makeService
+        """
+        validServices = ["Slave", "Master", "Combined"]
+        self.config["HTTPPort"] = 80
+        for service in validServices:
+            self.config["ProcessType"] = service
+            self.writeConfig()
+            self.makeService()
+        self.config["ProcessType"] = "Unknown Service"
+        self.writeConfig()
+        self.assertRaises(UsageError, self.makeService)
+class SlaveServiceTest(BaseServiceMakerTests):
+    """
+    Test various configurations of the Slave service
+    """
+    configOptions = {
+        "HTTPPort": 8008,
+        "SSLPort": 8443,
+    }
+    def test_defaultService(self):
+        """
+        Test the value of a Slave service in it's simplest
+        configuration.
+        """
+        service = self.makeService()
+        self.failUnless(
+            IService(service),
+            "%s does not provide IService" % (service,)
+        )
+        self.failUnless(
+            service.services,
+            "No services configured"
+        )
+        self.failUnless(
+            isinstance(service, CalDAVService),
+            "%s is not a CalDAVService" % (service,)
+        )
+    def test_defaultListeners(self):
+        """
+        Test that the Slave service has sub services with the
+        default TCP and SSL configuration
+        """
+        service = self.makeService()
+        expectedSubServices = (
+            (internet.TCPServer, self.config["HTTPPort"]),
+            (internet.SSLServer, self.config["SSLPort"]),
+        )
+        configuredSubServices = [(s.__class__, s.args) for s in service.services]
+        for serviceClass, serviceArgs in configuredSubServices:
+            self.failUnless(serviceClass in (s[0] for s in expectedSubServices))
+            self.assertEquals(
+                serviceArgs[0],
+                dict(expectedSubServices)[serviceClass]
+            )
+    def test_SSLKeyConfiguration(self):
+        """
+        Test that the configuration of the SSLServer reflect the config file's
+        SSL Private Key and SSL Certificate
+        """
+        service = self.makeService()
+        sslService = None
+        for s in service.services:
+            if isinstance(s, internet.SSLServer):
+                sslService = s
+                break
+        self.failIf(sslService is None, "No SSL Service found")
+        context = sslService.args[2]
+        self.assertEquals(
+            self.config["SSLPrivateKey"],
+            context.privateKeyFileName
+        )
+        self.assertEquals(
+            self.config["SSLCertificate"],
+            context.certificateFileName,
+        )
+    def test_noSSL(self):
+        """
+        Test the single service to make sure there is no SSL Service when SSL
+        is disabled
+        """
+        del self.config["SSLPort"]
+        self.writeConfig()
+        service = self.makeService()
+        self.assertNotIn(
+            internet.SSLServer,
+            [s.__class__ for s in service.services]
+        )
+    def test_noHTTP(self):
+        """
+        Test the single service to make sure there is no TCPServer when
+        HTTPPort is not configured
+        """
+        del self.config["HTTPPort"]
+        self.writeConfig()
+        service = self.makeService()
+        self.assertNotIn(
+            internet.TCPServer,
+            [s.__class__ for s in service.services]
+        )
+    def test_singleBindAddresses(self):
+        """
+        Test that the TCPServer and SSLServers are bound to the proper address
+        """
+        self.config.BindAddresses = [""]
+        self.writeConfig()
+        service = self.makeService()
+        for s in service.services:
+            self.assertEquals(s.kwargs["interface"], "")
+    def test_multipleBindAddresses(self):
+        """
+        Test that the TCPServer and SSLServers are bound to the proper
+        addresses.
+        """
+        self.config.BindAddresses = [
+            "",
+            "",
+            "",
+        ]
+        self.writeConfig()
+        service = self.makeService()
+        tcpServers = []
+        sslServers = []
+        for s in service.services:
+            if isinstance(s, internet.TCPServer):
+                tcpServers.append(s)
+            elif isinstance(s, internet.SSLServer):
+                sslServers.append(s)
+        self.assertEquals(len(tcpServers), len(self.config.BindAddresses))
+        self.assertEquals(len(sslServers), len(self.config.BindAddresses))
+        for addr in self.config.BindAddresses:
+            for s in tcpServers:
+                if s.kwargs["interface"] == addr:
+                    tcpServers.remove(s)
+            for s in sslServers:
+                if s.kwargs["interface"] == addr:
+                    sslServers.remove(s)
+        self.assertEquals(len(tcpServers), 0)
+        self.assertEquals(len(sslServers), 0)
+    def test_listenBacklog(self):
+        """
+        Test that the backlog arguments is set in TCPServer and SSLServers
+        """
+        self.config.ListenBacklog = 1024
+        self.writeConfig()
+        service = self.makeService()
+        for s in service.services:
+            self.assertEquals(s.kwargs["backlog"], 1024)
+class ServiceHTTPFactoryTests(BaseServiceMakerTests):
+    """
+    Test the configuration of the initial resource hierarchy of the
+    single service
+    """
+    configOptions = {"HTTPPort": 8008}
+    def test_AuthWrapperAllEnabled(self):
+        """
+        Test the configuration of the authentication wrapper
+        when all schemes are enabled.
+        """
+        self.config.Authentication.Digest.Enabled = True
+        self.config.Authentication.Kerberos.Enabled = True
+        self.config.Authentication.Kerberos.ServicePrincipal = "http/hello at bob"
+        self.config.Authentication.Basic.Enabled = True
+        self.writeConfig()
+        site = self.getSite()
+        self.failUnless(isinstance(
+                site.resource.resource,
+                auth.AuthenticationWrapper))
+        authWrapper = site.resource.resource
+        expectedSchemes = ["negotiate", "digest", "basic"]
+        for scheme in authWrapper.credentialFactories:
+            self.failUnless(scheme in expectedSchemes)
+        self.assertEquals(len(expectedSchemes),
+                          len(authWrapper.credentialFactories))
+    def test_servicePrincipalNone(self):
+        """
+        Test that the Kerberos principal look is attempted if the principal is empty.
+        """
+        self.config.Authentication.Kerberos.ServicePrincipal = ""
+        self.config.Authentication.Kerberos.Enabled = True
+        self.writeConfig()
+        site = self.getSite()
+        authWrapper = site.resource.resource
+        self.assertFalse(authWrapper.credentialFactories.has_key("negotiate"))
+    def test_servicePrincipal(self):
+        """
+        Test that the kerberos realm is the realm portion of a principal
+        in the form proto/host at realm
+        """
+        self.config.Authentication.Kerberos.ServicePrincipal = "http/hello at bob"
+        self.config.Authentication.Kerberos.Enabled = True
+        self.writeConfig()
+        site = self.getSite()
+        authWrapper = site.resource.resource
+        ncf = authWrapper.credentialFactories["negotiate"]
+        self.assertEquals(ncf.service, "http at HELLO")
+        self.assertEquals(ncf.realm, "bob")
+    def test_AuthWrapperPartialEnabled(self):
+        """
+        Test that the expected credential factories exist when
+        only a partial set of authentication schemes is
+        enabled.
+        """
+        self.config.Authentication.Basic.Enabled    = False
+        self.config.Authentication.Kerberos.Enabled = False
+        self.writeConfig()
+        site = self.getSite()
+        authWrapper = site.resource.resource
+        expectedSchemes = ["digest"]
+        for scheme in authWrapper.credentialFactories:
+            self.failUnless(scheme in expectedSchemes)
+        self.assertEquals(
+            len(expectedSchemes),
+            len(authWrapper.credentialFactories)
+        )
+    def test_LogWrapper(self):
+        """
+        Test the configuration of the log wrapper
+        """
+        site = self.getSite()
+        self.failUnless(isinstance(
+                site.resource,
+                LogWrapperResource))
+    def test_rootResource(self):
+        """
+        Test the root resource
+        """
+        site = self.getSite()
+        root = site.resource.resource.resource
+        self.failUnless(isinstance(root, CalDAVServiceMaker.rootResourceClass))
+    def test_principalResource(self):
+        """
+        Test the principal resource
+        """
+        site = self.getSite()
+        root = site.resource.resource.resource
+        self.failUnless(isinstance(
+            root.getChild("principals"),
+            CalDAVServiceMaker.principalResourceClass
+        ))
+    def test_calendarResource(self):
+        """
+        Test the calendar resource
+        """
+        site = self.getSite()
+        root = site.resource.resource.resource
+        self.failUnless(isinstance(
+            root.getChild("calendars"),
+            CalDAVServiceMaker.calendarResourceClass
+        ))
+sudoersFile = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
+<plist version="1.0">
+    <key>users</key>
+    <array>
+       	<dict>
+            <key>password</key>
+            <string>superuser</string>
+            <key>username</key>
+            <string>superuser</string>
+        </dict>
+    </array>
+class DirectoryServiceTest(BaseServiceMakerTests):
+    """
+    Tests of the directory service
+    """
+    configOptions = {"HTTPPort": 8008}
+    def test_sameDirectory(self):
+        """
+        Test that the principal hierarchy has a reference
+        to the same DirectoryService as the calendar hierarchy
+        """
+        site = self.getSite()
+        principals = site.resource.resource.resource.getChild("principals")
+        calendars = site.resource.resource.resource.getChild("calendars")
+        self.assertEquals(principals.directory, calendars.directory)
+    def test_aggregateDirectory(self):
+        """
+        Assert that the base directory service is actually
+        an AggregateDirectoryService
+        """
+        site = self.getSite()
+        principals = site.resource.resource.resource.getChild("principals")
+        directory = principals.directory
+        self.failUnless(isinstance(directory, AggregateDirectoryService))
+    def test_sudoDirectoryService(self):
+        """
+        Test that a sudo directory service is available if the
+        SudoersFile is set and exists
+        """
+        self.config.SudoersFile = self.mktemp()
+        self.writeConfig()
+        open(self.config.SudoersFile, "w").write(sudoersFile)
+        site = self.getSite()
+        principals = site.resource.resource.resource.getChild("principals")
+        directory = principals.directory
+        self.failUnless(self.config.SudoersFile)
+        sudoService = directory.serviceForRecordType(SudoDirectoryService.recordType_sudoers)
+        self.assertEquals(
+            sudoService.plistFile.path,
+            os.path.abspath(self.config.SudoersFile)
+        )
+        self.failUnless(
+            SudoDirectoryService.recordType_sudoers
+            in directory.userRecordTypes
+        )
+    def test_sudoDirectoryServiceNoFile(self):
+        """
+        Test that there is no SudoDirectoryService if
+        the SudoersFile does not exist.
+        """
+        self.config.SudoersFile = self.mktemp()
+        self.writeConfig()
+        site = self.getSite()
+        principals = site.resource.resource.resource.getChild("principals")
+        directory = principals.directory
+        self.failUnless(self.config.SudoersFile)
+        self.assertRaises(
+            UnknownRecordTypeError,
+            directory.serviceForRecordType,
+            SudoDirectoryService.recordType_sudoers
+        )
+    def test_sudoDirectoryServiceNotConfigured(self):
+        """
+        Test that there is no SudoDirectoryService if
+        the SudoersFile is not configured
+        """
+        site = self.getSite()
+        principals = site.resource.resource.resource.getChild("principals")
+        directory = principals.directory
+        self.failIf(self.config.SudoersFile)
+        self.assertRaises(
+            UnknownRecordTypeError,
+            directory.serviceForRecordType,
+            SudoDirectoryService.recordType_sudoers
+        )
+    def test_configuredDirectoryService(self):
+        """
+        Test that the real directory service is the directory service
+        set in the configuration file.
+        """
+        site = self.getSite()
+        principals = site.resource.resource.resource.getChild("principals")
+        directory = principals.directory
+        realDirectory = directory.serviceForRecordType("users")
+        configuredDirectory = namedAny(self.config.DirectoryService.type)
+        self.failUnless(isinstance(realDirectory, configuredDirectory))

Deleted: CalendarServer/trunk/calendarserver/test/test_tap.py
--- CalendarServer/trunk/calendarserver/test/test_tap.py	2008-12-01 21:45:07 UTC (rev 3420)
+++ CalendarServer/trunk/calendarserver/test/test_tap.py	2008-12-01 21:49:58 UTC (rev 3421)
@@ -1,684 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2007 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import os
-    from plistlib import writePlist
-except ImportError:
-    from twistedcaldav.py.plistlib import writePlist
-from twisted.python.usage import Options, UsageError
-from twisted.python.reflect import namedAny
-from twisted.application.service import IService
-from twisted.application import internet
-from twisted.web2.dav import auth
-from twisted.web2.log import LogWrapperResource
-from twistedcaldav.config import config, ConfigDict, defaultConfig, _mergeData
-from twistedcaldav.directory.aggregate import AggregateDirectoryService
-from twistedcaldav.directory.sudo import SudoDirectoryService
-from twistedcaldav.directory.directory import UnknownRecordTypeError
-from twistedcaldav.test.util import TestCase
-from calendarserver.tap.caldav import CalDAVOptions, CalDAVServiceMaker, CalDAVService
-class TestCalDAVOptions (CalDAVOptions):
-    """
-    A fake implementation of CalDAVOptions that provides
-    empty implementations of checkDirectory and checkFile.
-    """
-    def checkDirectory(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        pass
-    def checkFile(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        pass
-class CalDAVOptionsTest (TestCase):
-    """
-    Test various parameters of our usage.Options subclass
-    """
-    def setUp(self):
-        """
-        Set up our options object, giving it a parent, and forcing the
-        global config to be loaded from defaults.
-        """
-        TestCase.setUp(self)
-        self.config = TestCalDAVOptions()
-        self.config.parent = Options()
-        self.config.parent["uid"] = 0
-        self.config.parent["gid"] = 0
-        self.config.parent["nodaemon"] = False
-    def tearDown(self):
-        config.loadConfig(None)
-        config.setDefaults(defaultConfig)
-        config.reload()
-    def test_overridesConfig(self):
-        """
-        Test that values on the command line's -o and --option options
-        overide the config file
-        """
-        argv = [
-            "-f", "No-Such-File",
-            "-o", "EnableSACLs",
-            "-o", "HTTPPort=80",
-            "-o", "BindAddresses=,,",
-            "-o", "DocumentRoot=/dev/null",
-            "-o", "UserName=None",
-            "-o", "EnableProxyPrincipals=False",
-        ]
-        self.config.parseOptions(argv)
-        self.assertEquals(config.EnableSACLs, True)
-        self.assertEquals(config.HTTPPort, 80)
-        self.assertEquals(config.BindAddresses,
-                          ["", "", ""])
-        self.assertEquals(config.DocumentRoot, "/dev/null")
-        self.assertEquals(config.UserName, None)
-        self.assertEquals(config.EnableProxyPrincipals, False)
-        argv = ["-o", "Authentication=This Doesn't Matter"]
-        self.assertRaises(UsageError, self.config.parseOptions, argv)
-    def test_setsParent(self):
-        """
-        Test that certain values are set on the parent (i.e. twistd's
-        Option's object)
-        """
-        argv = [
-            "-f", "No-Such-File",
-            "-o", "ErrorLogFile=/dev/null",
-            "-o", "PIDFile=/dev/null",
-        ]
-        self.config.parseOptions(argv)
-        self.assertEquals(self.config.parent["logfile"], "/dev/null")
-        self.assertEquals(self.config.parent["pidfile"], "/dev/null")
-    def test_specifyConfigFile(self):
-        """
-        Test that specifying a config file from the command line
-        loads the global config with those values properly.
-        """
-        myConfig = ConfigDict(defaultConfig)
-        myConfig.Authentication.Basic.Enabled = False
-        myConfig.MultiProcess.LoadBalancer.Enabled = False
-        myConfig.HTTPPort = 80
-        myConfig.ServerHostName = "calendar.calenderserver.org"
-        myConfigFile = self.mktemp()
-        writePlist(myConfig, myConfigFile)
-        args = ["-f", myConfigFile]
-        self.config.parseOptions(args)
-        self.assertEquals(config.ServerHostName, myConfig["ServerHostName"])
-        self.assertEquals(
-            config.MultiProcess.LoadBalancer.Enabled,
-            myConfig.MultiProcess.LoadBalancer.Enabled
-        )
-        self.assertEquals(config.HTTPPort, myConfig.HTTPPort)
-        self.assertEquals(
-            config.Authentication.Basic.Enabled,
-            myConfig.Authentication.Basic.Enabled
-        )
-    def test_specifyDictPath(self):
-        """
-        Test that we can specify command line overrides to leafs using
-        a "/" seperated path.  Such as "-o MultiProcess/ProcessCount=1"
-        """
-        argv = [
-            "-o", "MultiProcess/ProcessCount=102",
-            "-f", "conf/caldavd.plist",
-        ]
-        self.config.parseOptions(argv)
-        self.assertEquals(config.MultiProcess["ProcessCount"], 102)
-class BaseServiceMakerTests(TestCase):
-    """
-    Utility class for ServiceMaker tests.
-    """
-    configOptions = None
-    def setUp(self):
-        TestCase.setUp(self)
-        self.options = TestCalDAVOptions()
-        self.options.parent = Options()
-        self.options.parent["gid"] = None
-        self.options.parent["uid"] = None
-        self.options.parent["nodaemon"] = None
-        self.config = ConfigDict(defaultConfig)
-        sourceRoot = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))))
-        accountsFile = os.path.join(sourceRoot, "twistedcaldav/directory/test/accounts.xml")
-        pemFile = os.path.join(sourceRoot, "twistedcaldav/test/data/server.pem")
-        self.config["DirectoryService"] = {
-            "params": {"xmlFile": accountsFile},
-            "type": "twistedcaldav.directory.xmlfile.XMLDirectoryService"
-        }
-        self.config.DocumentRoot   = self.mktemp()
-        self.config.DataRoot       = self.mktemp()
-        self.config.ProcessType    = "Slave"
-        self.config.SSLPrivateKey  = pemFile
-        self.config.SSLCertificate = pemFile
-        self.config.SudoersFile = ""
-        if self.configOptions:
-            _mergeData(self.config, self.configOptions)
-        os.mkdir(self.config.DocumentRoot)
-        os.mkdir(self.config.DataRoot)
-        self.configFile = self.mktemp()
-        self.writeConfig()
-    def tearDown(self):
-        config.loadConfig(None)
-        config.setDefaults(defaultConfig)
-        config.reload()
-    def writeConfig(self):
-        """
-        Flush self.config out to self.configFile
-        """
-        writePlist(self.config, self.configFile)
-    def makeService(self):
-        """
-        Create a service by calling into CalDAVServiceMaker with
-        self.configFile
-        """
-        self.options.parseOptions(["-f", self.configFile])
-        return CalDAVServiceMaker().makeService(self.options)
-    def getSite(self):
-        """
-        Get the server.Site from the service by finding the HTTPFactory
-        """
-        service = self.makeService()
-        return service.services[0].args[1].protocolArgs["requestFactory"]
-class CalDAVServiceMakerTests(BaseServiceMakerTests):
-    """
-    Test the service maker's behavior
-    """
-    def test_makeServiceDispatcher(self):
-        """
-        Test the default options of the dispatching makeService
-        """
-        validServices = ["Slave", "Master", "Combined"]
-        self.config["HTTPPort"] = 80
-        for service in validServices:
-            self.config["ProcessType"] = service
-            self.writeConfig()
-            self.makeService()
-        self.config["ProcessType"] = "Unknown Service"
-        self.writeConfig()
-        self.assertRaises(UsageError, self.makeService)
-class SlaveServiceTest(BaseServiceMakerTests):
-    """
-    Test various configurations of the Slave service
-    """
-    configOptions = {
-        "HTTPPort": 8008,
-        "SSLPort": 8443,
-    }
-    def test_defaultService(self):
-        """
-        Test the value of a Slave service in it's simplest
-        configuration.
-        """
-        service = self.makeService()
-        self.failUnless(
-            IService(service),
-            "%s does not provide IService" % (service,)
-        )
-        self.failUnless(
-            service.services,
-            "No services configured"
-        )
-        self.failUnless(
-            isinstance(service, CalDAVService),
-            "%s is not a CalDAVService" % (service,)
-        )
-    def test_defaultListeners(self):
-        """
-        Test that the Slave service has sub services with the
-        default TCP and SSL configuration
-        """
-        service = self.makeService()
-        expectedSubServices = (
-            (internet.TCPServer, self.config["HTTPPort"]),
-            (internet.SSLServer, self.config["SSLPort"]),
-        )
-        configuredSubServices = [(s.__class__, s.args) for s in service.services]
-        for serviceClass, serviceArgs in configuredSubServices:
-            self.failUnless(serviceClass in (s[0] for s in expectedSubServices))
-            self.assertEquals(
-                serviceArgs[0],
-                dict(expectedSubServices)[serviceClass]
-            )
-    def test_SSLKeyConfiguration(self):
-        """
-        Test that the configuration of the SSLServer reflect the config file's
-        SSL Private Key and SSL Certificate
-        """
-        service = self.makeService()
-        sslService = None
-        for s in service.services:
-            if isinstance(s, internet.SSLServer):
-                sslService = s
-                break
-        self.failIf(sslService is None, "No SSL Service found")
-        context = sslService.args[2]
-        self.assertEquals(
-            self.config["SSLPrivateKey"],
-            context.privateKeyFileName
-        )
-        self.assertEquals(
-            self.config["SSLCertificate"],
-            context.certificateFileName,
-        )
-    def test_noSSL(self):
-        """
-        Test the single service to make sure there is no SSL Service when SSL
-        is disabled
-        """
-        del self.config["SSLPort"]
-        self.writeConfig()
-        service = self.makeService()
-        self.assertNotIn(
-            internet.SSLServer,
-            [s.__class__ for s in service.services]
-        )
-    def test_noHTTP(self):
-        """
-        Test the single service to make sure there is no TCPServer when
-        HTTPPort is not configured
-        """
-        del self.config["HTTPPort"]
-        self.writeConfig()
-        service = self.makeService()
-        self.assertNotIn(
-            internet.TCPServer,
-            [s.__class__ for s in service.services]
-        )
-    def test_singleBindAddresses(self):
-        """
-        Test that the TCPServer and SSLServers are bound to the proper address
-        """
-        self.config.BindAddresses = [""]
-        self.writeConfig()
-        service = self.makeService()
-        for s in service.services:
-            self.assertEquals(s.kwargs["interface"], "")
-    def test_multipleBindAddresses(self):
-        """
-        Test that the TCPServer and SSLServers are bound to the proper
-        addresses.
-        """
-        self.config.BindAddresses = [
-            "",
-            "",
-            "",
-        ]
-        self.writeConfig()
-        service = self.makeService()
-        tcpServers = []
-        sslServers = []
-        for s in service.services:
-            if isinstance(s, internet.TCPServer):
-                tcpServers.append(s)
-            elif isinstance(s, internet.SSLServer):
-                sslServers.append(s)
-        self.assertEquals(len(tcpServers), len(self.config.BindAddresses))
-        self.assertEquals(len(sslServers), len(self.config.BindAddresses))
-        for addr in self.config.BindAddresses:
-            for s in tcpServers:
-                if s.kwargs["interface"] == addr:
-                    tcpServers.remove(s)
-            for s in sslServers:
-                if s.kwargs["interface"] == addr:
-                    sslServers.remove(s)
-        self.assertEquals(len(tcpServers), 0)
-        self.assertEquals(len(sslServers), 0)
-    def test_listenBacklog(self):
-        """
-        Test that the backlog arguments is set in TCPServer and SSLServers
-        """
-        self.config.ListenBacklog = 1024
-        self.writeConfig()
-        service = self.makeService()
-        for s in service.services:
-            self.assertEquals(s.kwargs["backlog"], 1024)
-class ServiceHTTPFactoryTests(BaseServiceMakerTests):
-    """
-    Test the configuration of the initial resource hierarchy of the
-    single service
-    """
-    configOptions = {"HTTPPort": 8008}
-    def test_AuthWrapperAllEnabled(self):
-        """
-        Test the configuration of the authentication wrapper
-        when all schemes are enabled.
-        """
-        self.config.Authentication.Digest.Enabled = True
-        self.config.Authentication.Kerberos.Enabled = True
-        self.config.Authentication.Kerberos.ServicePrincipal = "http/hello at bob"
-        self.config.Authentication.Basic.Enabled = True
-        self.writeConfig()
-        site = self.getSite()
-        self.failUnless(isinstance(
-                site.resource.resource,
-                auth.AuthenticationWrapper))
-        authWrapper = site.resource.resource
-        expectedSchemes = ["negotiate", "digest", "basic"]
-        for scheme in authWrapper.credentialFactories:
-            self.failUnless(scheme in expectedSchemes)
-        self.assertEquals(len(expectedSchemes),
-                          len(authWrapper.credentialFactories))
-    def test_servicePrincipalNone(self):
-        """
-        Test that the Kerberos principal look is attempted if the principal is empty.
-        """
-        self.config.Authentication.Kerberos.ServicePrincipal = ""
-        self.config.Authentication.Kerberos.Enabled = True
-        self.writeConfig()
-        site = self.getSite()
-        authWrapper = site.resource.resource
-        self.assertFalse(authWrapper.credentialFactories.has_key("negotiate"))
-    def test_servicePrincipal(self):
-        """
-        Test that the kerberos realm is the realm portion of a principal
-        in the form proto/host at realm
-        """
-        self.config.Authentication.Kerberos.ServicePrincipal = "http/hello at bob"
-        self.config.Authentication.Kerberos.Enabled = True
-        self.writeConfig()
-        site = self.getSite()
-        authWrapper = site.resource.resource
-        ncf = authWrapper.credentialFactories["negotiate"]
-        self.assertEquals(ncf.service, "http at HELLO")
-        self.assertEquals(ncf.realm, "bob")
-    def test_AuthWrapperPartialEnabled(self):
-        """
-        Test that the expected credential factories exist when
-        only a partial set of authentication schemes is
-        enabled.
-        """
-        self.config.Authentication.Basic.Enabled    = False
-        self.config.Authentication.Kerberos.Enabled = False
-        self.writeConfig()
-        site = self.getSite()
-        authWrapper = site.resource.resource
-        expectedSchemes = ["digest"]
-        for scheme in authWrapper.credentialFactories:
-            self.failUnless(scheme in expectedSchemes)
-        self.assertEquals(
-            len(expectedSchemes),
-            len(authWrapper.credentialFactories)
-        )
-    def test_LogWrapper(self):
-        """
-        Test the configuration of the log wrapper
-        """
-        site = self.getSite()
-        self.failUnless(isinstance(
-                site.resource,
-                LogWrapperResource))
-    def test_rootResource(self):
-        """
-        Test the root resource
-        """
-        site = self.getSite()
-        root = site.resource.resource.resource
-        self.failUnless(isinstance(root, CalDAVServiceMaker.rootResourceClass))
-    def test_principalResource(self):
-        """
-        Test the principal resource
-        """
-        site = self.getSite()
-        root = site.resource.resource.resource
-        self.failUnless(isinstance(
-            root.getChild("principals"),
-            CalDAVServiceMaker.principalResourceClass
-        ))
-    def test_calendarResource(self):
-        """
-        Test the calendar resource
-        """
-        site = self.getSite()
-        root = site.resource.resource.resource
-        self.failUnless(isinstance(
-            root.getChild("calendars"),
-            CalDAVServiceMaker.calendarResourceClass
-        ))
-sudoersFile = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
-<plist version="1.0">
-    <key>users</key>
-    <array>
-       	<dict>
-            <key>password</key>
-            <string>superuser</string>
-            <key>username</key>
-            <string>superuser</string>
-        </dict>
-    </array>
-class DirectoryServiceTest(BaseServiceMakerTests):
-    """
-    Tests of the directory service
-    """
-    configOptions = {"HTTPPort": 8008}
-    def test_sameDirectory(self):
-        """
-        Test that the principal hierarchy has a reference
-        to the same DirectoryService as the calendar hierarchy
-        """
-        site = self.getSite()
-        principals = site.resource.resource.resource.getChild("principals")
-        calendars = site.resource.resource.resource.getChild("calendars")
-        self.assertEquals(principals.directory, calendars.directory)
-    def test_aggregateDirectory(self):
-        """
-        Assert that the base directory service is actually
-        an AggregateDirectoryService
-        """
-        site = self.getSite()
-        principals = site.resource.resource.resource.getChild("principals")
-        directory = principals.directory
-        self.failUnless(isinstance(directory, AggregateDirectoryService))
-    def test_sudoDirectoryService(self):
-        """
-        Test that a sudo directory service is available if the
-        SudoersFile is set and exists
-        """
-        self.config.SudoersFile = self.mktemp()
-        self.writeConfig()
-        open(self.config.SudoersFile, "w").write(sudoersFile)
-        site = self.getSite()
-        principals = site.resource.resource.resource.getChild("principals")
-        directory = principals.directory
-        self.failUnless(self.config.SudoersFile)
-        sudoService = directory.serviceForRecordType(SudoDirectoryService.recordType_sudoers)
-        self.assertEquals(
-            sudoService.plistFile.path,
-            os.path.abspath(self.config.SudoersFile)
-        )
-        self.failUnless(
-            SudoDirectoryService.recordType_sudoers
-            in directory.userRecordTypes
-        )
-    def test_sudoDirectoryServiceNoFile(self):
-        """
-        Test that there is no SudoDirectoryService if
-        the SudoersFile does not exist.
-        """
-        self.config.SudoersFile = self.mktemp()
-        self.writeConfig()
-        site = self.getSite()
-        principals = site.resource.resource.resource.getChild("principals")
-        directory = principals.directory
-        self.failUnless(self.config.SudoersFile)
-        self.assertRaises(
-            UnknownRecordTypeError,
-            directory.serviceForRecordType,
-            SudoDirectoryService.recordType_sudoers
-        )
-    def test_sudoDirectoryServiceNotConfigured(self):
-        """
-        Test that there is no SudoDirectoryService if
-        the SudoersFile is not configured
-        """
-        site = self.getSite()
-        principals = site.resource.resource.resource.getChild("principals")
-        directory = principals.directory
-        self.failIf(self.config.SudoersFile)
-        self.assertRaises(
-            UnknownRecordTypeError,
-            directory.serviceForRecordType,
-            SudoDirectoryService.recordType_sudoers
-        )
-    def test_configuredDirectoryService(self):
-        """
-        Test that the real directory service is the directory service
-        set in the configuration file.
-        """
-        site = self.getSite()
-        principals = site.resource.resource.resource.getChild("principals")
-        directory = principals.directory
-        realDirectory = directory.serviceForRecordType("users")
-        configuredDirectory = namedAny(self.config.DirectoryService.type)
-        self.failUnless(isinstance(realDirectory, configuredDirectory))
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