[CalendarServer-changes] [4206] CalendarServer/trunk

source_changes at macosforge.org source_changes at macosforge.org
Thu May 7 14:29:14 PDT 2009

Revision: 4206
Author:   wsanchez at apple.com
Date:     2009-05-07 14:29:14 -0700 (Thu, 07 May 2009)
Log Message:
Move calendarserver_manage_principals code into the library.

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Modified: CalendarServer/trunk/bin/calendarserver_manage_principals
--- CalendarServer/trunk/bin/calendarserver_manage_principals	2009-05-07 21:12:08 UTC (rev 4205)
+++ CalendarServer/trunk/bin/calendarserver_manage_principals	2009-05-07 21:29:14 UTC (rev 4206)
@@ -21,438 +21,21 @@
-if "PYTHONPATH" in globals():
-    sys.path.insert(0, PYTHONPATH)
-    from os.path import dirname, abspath, join
-    from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
-    home = dirname(dirname(abspath(__file__)))
-    run = join(home, "run")
-    child = Popen((run, "-p"), stdout=PIPE)
-    path, stderr = child.communicate()
-    if child.wait() == 0:
-        sys.path[0:0] = path.split(":")
-from calendarserver.provision.root import RootResource
-from getopt import getopt, GetoptError
-import operator
-from twisted.internet import reactor
-from twisted.internet.address import IPv4Address
-from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks, returnValue, succeed
-from twisted.python import log
-from twisted.python.reflect import namedClass
-from twisted.web2.dav import davxml
-from twistedcaldav import caldavxml
-from twistedcaldav import memcachepool
-from twistedcaldav.config import config, defaultConfigFile
-from twistedcaldav.customxml import calendarserver_namespace
-from twistedcaldav.directory.directory import DirectoryService, DirectoryRecord
-from twistedcaldav.directory.principal import DirectoryPrincipalProvisioningResource
-from twistedcaldav.log import setLogLevelForNamespace
-from twistedcaldav.notify import installNotificationClient
-from twistedcaldav.static import CalendarHomeProvisioningFile
-import itertools
-import os
-# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-def usage(e=None):
-    if e:
-        print e
-        print ""
-    name = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
-    print "usage: %s [options]" % (name,)
-    print ""
-    print "options:"
-    print "  -h --help: print this help and exit"
-    print "  -f --config <path>: Specify caldavd.plist configuration path"
-    print "  --resource <prinicpal-path>: path of the resource to use"
-    print "  --search <search-string>: search for matching resources"
-    print "  --read-property: namespace-qualified DAV property to read, e.g. 'DAV:#group-member-set'"
-    print "  --list-read-delegates: list delegates with read-only access to the current resource"
-    print "  --list-write-delegates: list delegates with read-write access to the current resource"
-    print "  --add-read-delegate <prinicpal-path>: add argument as a read-only delegate to the current resource"
-    print "  --add-write-delegate <prinicpal-path>: add argument as a read-write delegate to the current resource"
-    print "  --remove-delegate <prinicpal-path>: strip argument of delegate status for the current resource"
-    print "  --set-auto-schedule [true|false] : determines whether the current resource auto-accepts invitations"
-    print "  --get-auto-schedule : returns the current resource's auto-schedule state"
-    if e:
-        sys.exit(64)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    if "PYTHONPATH" in globals():
+        sys.path.insert(0, PYTHONPATH)
-        sys.exit(0)
+        from os.path import dirname, abspath, join
+        from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
-class UsageError (StandardError):
-    pass
+        home = dirname(dirname(abspath(__file__)))
+        run = join(home, "run")
-# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+        child = Popen((run, "-p"), stdout=PIPE)
+        path, stderr = child.communicate()
-def main():
-    try:
-        (optargs, args) = getopt(
-            sys.argv[1:], "hf:r:s:", [
-                "config=",
-                "help",
-                "resource=",
-                "search=",
-                "read-property=",
-                "list-read-delegates",
-                "list-write-delegates",
-                "add-read-delegate=",
-                "add-write-delegate=",
-                "remove-delegate=",
-                "set-auto-schedule=",
-                "get-auto-schedule",
-            ],
-        )
-    except GetoptError, e:
-        usage(e)
+        if child.wait() == 0:
+            sys.path[0:0] = path.split(":")
-    if args:
-        usage("Too many arguments: %s" % (" ".join(args),))
-    logFileName = "/dev/stdout"
-    observer = log.FileLogObserver(open(logFileName, "a"))
-    log.addObserver(observer.emit)
-    # First pass through the args:
-    configFileName = None
-    for opt, arg in optargs:
-        if opt in ("-h", "--help"):
-            usage()
-        elif opt in ("-f", "--config"):
-            configFileName = arg
-    loadConfig(configFileName)
-    directory, root = setup()
-    root = ResourceWrapper(root)
-    reactor.callLater(0, run, directory, root, optargs)
-    reactor.run()
-# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- at inlineCallbacks
-def run(directory, root, optargs):
-    print ""
-    resource = None
-    for opt, arg in optargs:
-        if opt in ("-r", "--resource",):
-            resource = root.lookupResource(arg)
-            if resource is not None:
-                print "Found resource %s at %s" % (resource.resource, arg)
-            else:
-                abort("Could not find resource at %s" % (arg,))
-        elif opt in ("-s", "--search",):
-            fields = []
-            for fieldName in ("fullName", "firstName", "lastName",
-                "emailAddresses"):
-                fields.append((fieldName, arg, True, "contains"))
-            records = list((yield directory.recordsMatchingFields(fields)))
-            if records:
-                records.sort(key=operator.attrgetter('fullName'))
-                print "%d matches found:" % (len(records),)
-                for record in records:
-                    print "\n%s (%s)" % (record.fullName,
-                        { "users"     : "User",
-                          "groups"    : "Group",
-                          "locations" : "Place",
-                          "resources" : "Resource",
-                        }.get(record.recordType),
-                    )
-                    print record.guid
-                    print "   Record names: %s" % (", ".join(record.shortNames),)
-                    if record.authIDs:
-                        print "   Auth IDs: %s" % (", ".join(record.authIDs),)
-                    if record.emailAddresses:
-                        print "   Emails: %s" % (", ".join(record.emailAddresses),)
-            else:
-                print "No matches found"
-        elif opt in ("--read-property",):
-            if resource is None: abort("No current resource.")
-            try:
-                namespace, name = arg.split("#")
-            except Exception, e:
-                abort("Can't parse --propertyToRead: %s" % (arg,))
-            result = (yield resource.readProperty((namespace, name)))
-            print result.toxml()
-        elif opt in ("--list-write-delegates", "--list-read-delegates"):
-            if resource is None: abort("No current resource.")
-            permission = "write" if "write" in opt else "read"
-            print "Delegates (%s) for %s:" % (permission, resource.resource)
-            paths = (yield resource.getDelegates(permission))
-            for path in paths:
-                delegate = root.getChild(path)
-                print delegate.resource
-        elif opt in ("--add-write-delegate", "--add-read-delegate"):
-            if resource is None: abort("No current resource.")
-            delegate = root.lookupResource(arg)
-            if delegate is None:
-                abort("No delegate found for %s" % (arg,))
-            permission = "write" if "write" in opt else "read"
-            result = (yield resource.addDelegate(delegate, permission))
-        elif opt == "--remove-delegate":
-            if resource is None: abort("No current resource.")
-            delegate = root.lookupResource(arg)
-            if delegate is None:
-                abort("No delegate found for %s" % (arg,))
-            result = (yield resource.removeDelegate(delegate, "read"))
-            result = (yield resource.removeDelegate(delegate, "write"))
-        elif opt == "--set-auto-schedule":
-            if resource is None: abort("No current resource.")
-            result = (yield resource.setAutoSchedule(arg.lower() in ("true", "1")))
-        elif opt == "--get-auto-schedule":
-            if resource is None: abort("No current resource.")
-            result = (yield resource.getAutoSchedule())
-            print "Auto-Schedule: %s" % ("True" if result else "False",)
-    print ""
-    # reactor.callLater(0, reactor.stop)
-    reactor.stop()
-# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-class ResourceWrapper(object):
-    def __init__(self, resource):
-        self.resource = resource
-    def readProperty(self, prop):
-        return self.resource.readProperty(prop, FakeRequest())
-    def writeProperty(self, prop):
-        return self.resource.writeProperty(prop, FakeRequest())
-    def lookupResource(self, specifier):
-        # For now, support GUID lookup
-        return self.getChild("principals/__uids__/%s" % (specifier,))
-    def getChild(self, path):
-        resource = self.resource
-        segments = path.strip("/").split("/")
-        for segment in segments:
-            resource = resource.getChild(segment)
-            if resource is None:
-                return None
-        return ResourceWrapper(resource)
-    @inlineCallbacks
-    def removeDelegate(self, delegate, permission):
-        subPrincipalName = "calendar-proxy-%s" % (permission,)
-        subPrincipal = self.getChild(subPrincipalName)
-        if subPrincipal is None:
-            abort("No proxy subprincipal found for %s" % (self.resource,))
-        namespace, name = davxml.dav_namespace, "group-member-set"
-        prop = (yield subPrincipal.readProperty((namespace, name)))
-        newChildren = []
-        for child in prop.children:
-            if str(child) != delegate.url():
-                newChildren.append(child)
-        if len(prop.children) == len(newChildren):
-            # Nothing to do -- the delegate wasn't there
-            returnValue(False)
-        newProp = davxml.GroupMemberSet(*newChildren)
-        result = (yield subPrincipal.writeProperty(newProp))
-        returnValue(result)
-    @inlineCallbacks
-    def addDelegate(self, delegate, permission):
-        opposite = "read" if permission == "write" else "write"
-        result = (yield self.removeDelegate(delegate, opposite))
-        subPrincipalName = "calendar-proxy-%s" % (permission,)
-        subPrincipal = self.getChild(subPrincipalName)
-        if subPrincipal is None:
-            abort("No proxy subprincipal found for %s" % (self.resource,))
-        namespace, name = davxml.dav_namespace, "group-member-set"
-        prop = (yield subPrincipal.readProperty((namespace, name)))
-        for child in prop.children:
-            if str(child) == delegate.url():
-                # delegate is already in the group
-                break
-        else:
-            # delegate is not already in the group
-            newChildren = list(prop.children)
-            newChildren.append(davxml.HRef(delegate.url()))
-            newProp = davxml.GroupMemberSet(*newChildren)
-            result = (yield subPrincipal.writeProperty(newProp))
-            returnValue(result)
-    @inlineCallbacks
-    def getDelegates(self, permission):
-        subPrincipalName = "calendar-proxy-%s" % (permission,)
-        subPrincipal = self.getChild(subPrincipalName)
-        if subPrincipal is None:
-            abort("No proxy subprincipal found for %s" % (self.resource,))
-        namespace, name = davxml.dav_namespace, "group-member-set"
-        prop = (yield subPrincipal.readProperty((namespace, name)))
-        result = []
-        for child in prop.children:
-            result.append(str(child))
-        returnValue(result)
-    def setAutoSchedule(self, autoSchedule):
-        return self.resource.setAutoSchedule(autoSchedule)
-    def getAutoSchedule(self):
-        return self.resource.getAutoSchedule()
-    def url(self):
-        return self.resource.url()
-class FakeRequest(object):
-    pass
-def abort(msg, errno=1):
-    print "ERROR:", msg
-    print "Exiting"
-    reactor.stop()
-    sys.exit(errno)
-# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-def setup():
-    setLogLevelForNamespace(None, "warn")
-    directory = getDirectory()
-    if config.Memcached["ClientEnabled"]:
-        memcachepool.installPool(
-            IPv4Address(
-                'TCP',
-                config.Memcached["BindAddress"],
-                config.Memcached["Port"]
-            ),
-            config.Memcached["MaxClients"]
-        )
-    if config.Notifications["Enabled"]:
-        installNotificationClient(
-            config.Notifications["InternalNotificationHost"],
-            config.Notifications["InternalNotificationPort"],
-        )
-    principalCollection = directory.getPrincipalCollection()
-    root = RootResource(
-        config.DocumentRoot,
-        principalCollections=(principalCollection,),
-    )
-    root.putChild("principals", principalCollection)
-    calendarCollection = CalendarHomeProvisioningFile(
-        os.path.join(config.DocumentRoot, "calendars"),
-        directory, "/calendars/",
-    )
-    root.putChild("calendars", calendarCollection)
-    return (directory, root)
-def loadConfig(configFileName):
-    if configFileName is None:
-        configFileName = defaultConfigFile
-    if not os.path.isfile(configFileName):
-        sys.stderr.write("No config file: %s\n" % (configFileName,))
-        sys.exit(1)
-    config.loadConfig(configFileName)
-    return config
-def getDirectory():
-    BaseDirectoryService = namedClass(config.DirectoryService["type"])
-    class MyDirectoryService (BaseDirectoryService):
-        def getPrincipalCollection(self):
-            if not hasattr(self, "_principalCollection"):
-                from twistedcaldav.directory.principal import DirectoryPrincipalProvisioningResource
-                self._principalCollection = DirectoryPrincipalProvisioningResource("/principals/", self)
-            return self._principalCollection
-        def setPrincipalCollection(self, coll):
-            # See principal.py line 237:  self.directory.principalCollection = self
-            pass
-        principalCollection = property(getPrincipalCollection, setPrincipalCollection)
-        def calendarHomeForRecord(self, record):
-            principal = self.principalCollection.principalForRecord(record)
-            if principal:
-                try:
-                    return principal._calendarHome()
-                except AttributeError:
-                    pass
-            return None
-        def calendarHomeForShortName(self, recordType, shortName):
-            principal = self.principalCollection.principalForShortName(recordType, shortName)
-            if principal:
-                try:
-                    return principal._calendarHome()
-                except AttributeError:
-                    pass
-            return None
-        def principalForCalendarUserAddress(self, cua):
-            return self.principalCollection.principalForCalendarUserAddress(cua)
-    return MyDirectoryService(**config.DirectoryService["params"])
-class DummyDirectoryService (DirectoryService):
-    realmName = ""
-    baseGUID = "51856FD4-5023-4890-94FE-4356C4AAC3E4"
-    def recordTypes(self): return ()
-    def listRecords(self): return ()
-    def recordWithShortName(self): return None
-dummyDirectoryRecord = DirectoryRecord(
-    service = DummyDirectoryService(),
-    recordType = "dummy",
-    guid = "8EF0892F-7CB6-4B8E-B294-7C5A5321136A",
-    shortNames = ("dummy",),
-    fullName = "Dummy McDummerson",
-    calendarUserAddresses = set(),
-    # autoSchedule = False,
-# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-if __name__ == "__main__":
+    from calendarserver.tools.principals import main

Modified: CalendarServer/trunk/calendarserver/tools/export.py
--- CalendarServer/trunk/calendarserver/tools/export.py	2009-05-07 21:12:08 UTC (rev 4205)
+++ CalendarServer/trunk/calendarserver/tools/export.py	2009-05-07 21:29:14 UTC (rev 4206)
@@ -42,11 +42,9 @@
 from twistedcaldav.static import CalDAVFile, CalendarHomeFile
 from twistedcaldav.directory.directory import DirectoryService
+from calendarserver.tools.util import UsageError
 from calendarserver.tools.util import loadConfig, getDirectory, dummyDirectoryRecord
-class UsageError (StandardError):
-    pass
 def usage(e=None):
     if e:
         print e

Copied: CalendarServer/trunk/calendarserver/tools/principals.py (from rev 4205, CalendarServer/trunk/bin/calendarserver_manage_principals)
--- CalendarServer/trunk/calendarserver/tools/principals.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ CalendarServer/trunk/calendarserver/tools/principals.py	2009-05-07 21:29:14 UTC (rev 4206)
@@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import sys
+import os
+import itertools
+import operator
+from getopt import getopt, GetoptError
+from twisted.python import log
+from twisted.python.reflect import namedClass
+from twisted.internet import reactor
+from twisted.internet.address import IPv4Address
+from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks, returnValue, succeed
+from twisted.web2.dav import davxml
+from twistedcaldav import caldavxml
+from twistedcaldav import memcachepool
+from twistedcaldav.config import config, defaultConfigFile
+from twistedcaldav.customxml import calendarserver_namespace
+from twistedcaldav.directory.directory import DirectoryService, DirectoryRecord
+from twistedcaldav.directory.principal import DirectoryPrincipalProvisioningResource
+from twistedcaldav.log import setLogLevelForNamespace
+from twistedcaldav.notify import installNotificationClient
+from twistedcaldav.static import CalendarHomeProvisioningFile
+from calendarserver.tools.util import UsageError
+from calendarserver.tools.util import loadConfig, getDirectory, dummyDirectoryRecord
+from calendarserver.provision.root import RootResource
+def usage(e=None):
+    if e:
+        print e
+        print ""
+    name = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
+    print "usage: %s [options]" % (name,)
+    print ""
+    print "options:"
+    print "  -h --help: print this help and exit"
+    print "  -f --config <path>: Specify caldavd.plist configuration path"
+    print "  --resource <prinicpal-path>: path of the resource to use"
+    print "  --search <search-string>: search for matching resources"
+    print "  --read-property: namespace-qualified DAV property to read, e.g. 'DAV:#group-member-set'"
+    print "  --list-read-delegates: list delegates with read-only access to the current resource"
+    print "  --list-write-delegates: list delegates with read-write access to the current resource"
+    print "  --add-read-delegate <prinicpal-path>: add argument as a read-only delegate to the current resource"
+    print "  --add-write-delegate <prinicpal-path>: add argument as a read-write delegate to the current resource"
+    print "  --remove-delegate <prinicpal-path>: strip argument of delegate status for the current resource"
+    print "  --set-auto-schedule [true|false] : determines whether the current resource auto-accepts invitations"
+    print "  --get-auto-schedule : returns the current resource's auto-schedule state"
+    if e:
+        sys.exit(64)
+    else:
+        sys.exit(0)
+def main():
+    try:
+        (optargs, args) = getopt(
+            sys.argv[1:], "hf:r:s:", [
+                "config=",
+                "help",
+                "resource=",
+                "search=",
+                "read-property=",
+                "list-read-delegates",
+                "list-write-delegates",
+                "add-read-delegate=",
+                "add-write-delegate=",
+                "remove-delegate=",
+                "set-auto-schedule=",
+                "get-auto-schedule",
+            ],
+        )
+    except GetoptError, e:
+        usage(e)
+    if args:
+        usage("Too many arguments: %s" % (" ".join(args),))
+    logFileName = "/dev/stdout"
+    observer = log.FileLogObserver(open(logFileName, "a"))
+    log.addObserver(observer.emit)
+    # First pass through the args:
+    configFileName = None
+    for opt, arg in optargs:
+        if opt in ("-h", "--help"):
+            usage()
+        elif opt in ("-f", "--config"):
+            configFileName = arg
+    loadConfig(configFileName)
+    directory, root = setup()
+    root = ResourceWrapper(root)
+    reactor.callLater(0, run, directory, root, optargs)
+    reactor.run()
+ at inlineCallbacks
+def run(directory, root, optargs):
+    print ""
+    resource = None
+    for opt, arg in optargs:
+        if opt in ("-r", "--resource",):
+            resource = root.lookupResource(arg)
+            if resource is not None:
+                print "Found resource %s at %s" % (resource.resource, arg)
+            else:
+                abort("Could not find resource at %s" % (arg,))
+        elif opt in ("-s", "--search",):
+            fields = []
+            for fieldName in ("fullName", "firstName", "lastName",
+                "emailAddresses"):
+                fields.append((fieldName, arg, True, "contains"))
+            records = list((yield directory.recordsMatchingFields(fields)))
+            if records:
+                records.sort(key=operator.attrgetter('fullName'))
+                print "%d matches found:" % (len(records),)
+                for record in records:
+                    print "\n%s (%s)" % (record.fullName,
+                        { "users"     : "User",
+                          "groups"    : "Group",
+                          "locations" : "Place",
+                          "resources" : "Resource",
+                        }.get(record.recordType),
+                    )
+                    print record.guid
+                    print "   Record names: %s" % (", ".join(record.shortNames),)
+                    if record.authIDs:
+                        print "   Auth IDs: %s" % (", ".join(record.authIDs),)
+                    if record.emailAddresses:
+                        print "   Emails: %s" % (", ".join(record.emailAddresses),)
+            else:
+                print "No matches found"
+        elif opt in ("--read-property",):
+            if resource is None: abort("No current resource.")
+            try:
+                namespace, name = arg.split("#")
+            except Exception, e:
+                abort("Can't parse --propertyToRead: %s" % (arg,))
+            result = (yield resource.readProperty((namespace, name)))
+            print result.toxml()
+        elif opt in ("--list-write-delegates", "--list-read-delegates"):
+            if resource is None: abort("No current resource.")
+            permission = "write" if "write" in opt else "read"
+            print "Delegates (%s) for %s:" % (permission, resource.resource)
+            paths = (yield resource.getDelegates(permission))
+            for path in paths:
+                delegate = root.getChild(path)
+                print delegate.resource
+        elif opt in ("--add-write-delegate", "--add-read-delegate"):
+            if resource is None: abort("No current resource.")
+            delegate = root.lookupResource(arg)
+            if delegate is None:
+                abort("No delegate found for %s" % (arg,))
+            permission = "write" if "write" in opt else "read"
+            result = (yield resource.addDelegate(delegate, permission))
+        elif opt == "--remove-delegate":
+            if resource is None: abort("No current resource.")
+            delegate = root.lookupResource(arg)
+            if delegate is None:
+                abort("No delegate found for %s" % (arg,))
+            result = (yield resource.removeDelegate(delegate, "read"))
+            result = (yield resource.removeDelegate(delegate, "write"))
+        elif opt == "--set-auto-schedule":
+            if resource is None: abort("No current resource.")
+            result = (yield resource.setAutoSchedule(arg.lower() in ("true", "1")))
+        elif opt == "--get-auto-schedule":
+            if resource is None: abort("No current resource.")
+            result = (yield resource.getAutoSchedule())
+            print "Auto-Schedule: %s" % ("True" if result else "False",)
+    print ""
+    # reactor.callLater(0, reactor.stop)
+    reactor.stop()
+class ResourceWrapper(object):
+    def __init__(self, resource):
+        self.resource = resource
+    def readProperty(self, prop):
+        return self.resource.readProperty(prop, FakeRequest())
+    def writeProperty(self, prop):
+        return self.resource.writeProperty(prop, FakeRequest())
+    def lookupResource(self, specifier):
+        # For now, support GUID lookup
+        return self.getChild("principals/__uids__/%s" % (specifier,))
+    def getChild(self, path):
+        resource = self.resource
+        segments = path.strip("/").split("/")
+        for segment in segments:
+            resource = resource.getChild(segment)
+            if resource is None:
+                return None
+        return ResourceWrapper(resource)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def removeDelegate(self, delegate, permission):
+        subPrincipalName = "calendar-proxy-%s" % (permission,)
+        subPrincipal = self.getChild(subPrincipalName)
+        if subPrincipal is None:
+            abort("No proxy subprincipal found for %s" % (self.resource,))
+        namespace, name = davxml.dav_namespace, "group-member-set"
+        prop = (yield subPrincipal.readProperty((namespace, name)))
+        newChildren = []
+        for child in prop.children:
+            if str(child) != delegate.url():
+                newChildren.append(child)
+        if len(prop.children) == len(newChildren):
+            # Nothing to do -- the delegate wasn't there
+            returnValue(False)
+        newProp = davxml.GroupMemberSet(*newChildren)
+        result = (yield subPrincipal.writeProperty(newProp))
+        returnValue(result)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def addDelegate(self, delegate, permission):
+        opposite = "read" if permission == "write" else "write"
+        result = (yield self.removeDelegate(delegate, opposite))
+        subPrincipalName = "calendar-proxy-%s" % (permission,)
+        subPrincipal = self.getChild(subPrincipalName)
+        if subPrincipal is None:
+            abort("No proxy subprincipal found for %s" % (self.resource,))
+        namespace, name = davxml.dav_namespace, "group-member-set"
+        prop = (yield subPrincipal.readProperty((namespace, name)))
+        for child in prop.children:
+            if str(child) == delegate.url():
+                # delegate is already in the group
+                break
+        else:
+            # delegate is not already in the group
+            newChildren = list(prop.children)
+            newChildren.append(davxml.HRef(delegate.url()))
+            newProp = davxml.GroupMemberSet(*newChildren)
+            result = (yield subPrincipal.writeProperty(newProp))
+            returnValue(result)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def getDelegates(self, permission):
+        subPrincipalName = "calendar-proxy-%s" % (permission,)
+        subPrincipal = self.getChild(subPrincipalName)
+        if subPrincipal is None:
+            abort("No proxy subprincipal found for %s" % (self.resource,))
+        namespace, name = davxml.dav_namespace, "group-member-set"
+        prop = (yield subPrincipal.readProperty((namespace, name)))
+        result = []
+        for child in prop.children:
+            result.append(str(child))
+        returnValue(result)
+    def setAutoSchedule(self, autoSchedule):
+        return self.resource.setAutoSchedule(autoSchedule)
+    def getAutoSchedule(self):
+        return self.resource.getAutoSchedule()
+    def url(self):
+        return self.resource.url()
+class FakeRequest(object):
+    pass
+def abort(msg, errno=1):
+    print "ERROR:", msg
+    print "Exiting"
+    reactor.stop()
+    sys.exit(errno)
+def setup():
+    setLogLevelForNamespace(None, "warn")
+    directory = getDirectory()
+    if config.Memcached["ClientEnabled"]:
+        memcachepool.installPool(
+            IPv4Address(
+                'TCP',
+                config.Memcached["BindAddress"],
+                config.Memcached["Port"]
+            ),
+            config.Memcached["MaxClients"]
+        )
+    if config.Notifications["Enabled"]:
+        installNotificationClient(
+            config.Notifications["InternalNotificationHost"],
+            config.Notifications["InternalNotificationPort"],
+        )
+    principalCollection = directory.getPrincipalCollection()
+    root = RootResource(
+        config.DocumentRoot,
+        principalCollections=(principalCollection,),
+    )
+    root.putChild("principals", principalCollection)
+    calendarCollection = CalendarHomeProvisioningFile(
+        os.path.join(config.DocumentRoot, "calendars"),
+        directory, "/calendars/",
+    )
+    root.putChild("calendars", calendarCollection)
+    return (directory, root)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()

Modified: CalendarServer/trunk/calendarserver/tools/util.py
--- CalendarServer/trunk/calendarserver/tools/util.py	2009-05-07 21:12:08 UTC (rev 4205)
+++ CalendarServer/trunk/calendarserver/tools/util.py	2009-05-07 21:29:14 UTC (rev 4206)
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
+    "UsageError",
 import sys
@@ -99,11 +100,10 @@
     recordType = "dummy",
     guid = "8EF0892F-7CB6-4B8E-B294-7C5A5321136A",
     shortNames = ("dummy",),
-    authIDs = set(),
     fullName = "Dummy McDummerson",
     firstName = "Dummy",
     lastName = "McDummerson",
-    emailAddresses = (),
-    calendarUserAddresses = (),
-    # autoSchedule = False,
+class UsageError (StandardError):
+    pass
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