[CalendarServer-changes] [4520] CalendarServer/branches/users/cdaboo/partition-4464/twistedcaldav/ directory

source_changes at macosforge.org source_changes at macosforge.org
Tue Sep 1 11:32:34 PDT 2009

Revision: 4520
Author:   cdaboo at apple.com
Date:     2009-09-01 11:32:32 -0700 (Tue, 01 Sep 2009)
Log Message:
Get rid of old directory service implementations.

Removed Paths:

Deleted: CalendarServer/branches/users/cdaboo/partition-4464/twistedcaldav/directory/oldappleopendirectory.py
--- CalendarServer/branches/users/cdaboo/partition-4464/twistedcaldav/directory/oldappleopendirectory.py	2009-09-01 16:03:51 UTC (rev 4519)
+++ CalendarServer/branches/users/cdaboo/partition-4464/twistedcaldav/directory/oldappleopendirectory.py	2009-09-01 18:32:32 UTC (rev 4520)
@@ -1,1176 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-Apple Open Directory directory service implementation.
-__all__ = [
-    "OpenDirectoryService",
-    "OpenDirectoryInitError",
-import sys
-from random import random
-from uuid import UUID
-from xml.parsers.expat import ExpatError
-import opendirectory
-import dsattributes
-import dsquery
-from twisted.internet.reactor import callLater
-from twisted.internet.threads import deferToThread
-from twisted.cred.credentials import UsernamePassword
-from twisted.web2.auth.digest import DigestedCredentials
-from twext.python.plistlib import readPlistFromString
-from twistedcaldav.directory.directory import DirectoryService, DirectoryRecord
-from twistedcaldav.directory.directory import DirectoryError, UnknownRecordTypeError
-from twistedcaldav.directory.principal import cuAddressConverter
-from twistedcaldav.scheduling.cuaddress import normalizeCUAddr
-class OpenDirectoryService(DirectoryService):
-    """
-    Open Directory implementation of L{IDirectoryService}.
-    """
-    baseGUID = "891F8321-ED02-424C-BA72-89C32F215C1E"
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return "<%s %r: %r>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.realmName, self.node)
-    def __init__(
-        self,
-        node="/Search",
-        restrictEnabledRecords=False,
-        restrictToGroup="",
-        dosetup=True,
-        cacheTimeout=30
-    ):
-        """
-        @param node: an OpenDirectory node name to bind to.
-        @param restrictEnabledRecords: C{True} if a group in the directory is to be used to determine
-            which calendar users are enabled.
-        @param restrictToGroup: C{str} guid or name of group used to restrict enabled users.
-        @param dosetup: if C{True} then the directory records are initialized,
-                        if C{False} they are not.
-                        This should only be set to C{False} when doing unit tests.
-        @param cacheTimeout: C{int} number of minutes before cache is invalidated.
-        """
-        try:
-            directory = opendirectory.odInit(node)
-        except opendirectory.ODError, e:
-            self.log_error("Open Directory (node=%s) Initialization error: %s" % (node, e))
-            raise
-        self.realmName = node
-        self.directory = directory
-        self.node = node
-        self.restrictEnabledRecords = restrictEnabledRecords
-        self.restrictToGroup = restrictToGroup
-        try:
-            UUID(self.restrictToGroup)
-        except:
-            self.restrictToGUID = False
-        else:
-            self.restrictToGUID = True
-        self.restrictedGUIDs = None
-        self.cacheTimeout = cacheTimeout
-        self._records = {}
-        self._delayedCalls = set()
-        if dosetup:
-            for recordType in self.recordTypes():
-                self.recordsForType(recordType)
-    def __cmp__(self, other):
-        if not isinstance(other, DirectoryRecord):
-            return super(DirectoryRecord, self).__eq__(other)
-        for attr in ("directory", "node"):
-            diff = cmp(getattr(self, attr), getattr(other, attr))
-            if diff != 0:
-                return diff
-        return 0
-    def __hash__(self):
-        h = hash(self.__class__)
-        for attr in ("directory", "node"):
-            h = (h + hash(getattr(self, attr))) & sys.maxint
-        return h
-    def _expandGroupMembership(self, members, nestedGroups, processedGUIDs=None, returnGroups=False):
-        if processedGUIDs is None:
-            processedGUIDs = set()
-        if isinstance(members, str):
-            members = [members]
-        if isinstance(nestedGroups, str):
-            nestedGroups = [nestedGroups]
-        for memberGUID in members:
-            if memberGUID not in processedGUIDs:
-                processedGUIDs.add(memberGUID)
-                yield memberGUID
-        for groupGUID in nestedGroups:
-            if groupGUID in processedGUIDs:
-                continue
-            self.log_debug("opendirectory.queryRecordsWithAttribute_list(%r,%r,%r,%r,%r,%r,%r)" % (
-                self.directory,
-                dsattributes.kDS1AttrGeneratedUID,
-                groupGUID,
-                dsattributes.eDSExact,
-                False,
-                dsattributes.kDSStdRecordTypeGroups,
-                [dsattributes.kDSNAttrGroupMembers, dsattributes.kDSNAttrNestedGroups]
-            ))
-            result = opendirectory.queryRecordsWithAttribute_list(
-                self.directory,
-                dsattributes.kDS1AttrGeneratedUID,
-                groupGUID,
-                dsattributes.eDSExact,
-                False,
-                dsattributes.kDSStdRecordTypeGroups,
-                [dsattributes.kDSNAttrGroupMembers, dsattributes.kDSNAttrNestedGroups]
-            )
-            if not result:
-                self.log_error("Couldn't find group %s when trying to expand nested groups."
-                             % (groupGUID,))
-                continue
-            group = result[0][1]
-            processedGUIDs.add(groupGUID)
-            if returnGroups:
-                yield groupGUID
-            for GUID in self._expandGroupMembership(
-                group.get(dsattributes.kDSNAttrGroupMembers, []),
-                group.get(dsattributes.kDSNAttrNestedGroups, []),
-                processedGUIDs,
-                returnGroups,
-            ):
-                yield GUID
-    def _calendarUserAddresses(self, recordType, recordData):
-        """
-        Extract specific attributes from the directory record for use as calendar user address.
-        @param recordData: a C{dict} containing the attributes retrieved from the directory.
-        @return: a C{set} of C{str} for each expanded calendar user address.
-        """
-        # Now get the addresses
-        result = set()
-        # Add each email address as a mailto URI
-        emails = recordData.get(dsattributes.kDSNAttrEMailAddress)
-        if emails is not None:
-            if isinstance(emails, str):
-                emails = [emails]
-            for email in emails:
-                result.add("mailto:%s" % (email.lower(),))
-        return result
-    def _parseResourceInfo(self, plist, guid, recordType, shortname):
-        """
-        Parse OD ResourceInfo attribute and extract information that the server needs.
-        @param plist: the plist that is the attribute value.
-        @type plist: str
-        @param guid: the directory GUID of the record being parsed.
-        @type guid: str
-        @param shortname: the record shortname of the record being parsed.
-        @type shortname: str
-        @return: a C{tuple} of C{bool} for auto-accept, C{str} for proxy GUID, C{str} for read-only proxy GUID.
-        """
-        try:
-            plist = readPlistFromString(plist)
-            wpframework = plist.get("com.apple.WhitePagesFramework", {})
-            autoaccept = wpframework.get("AutoAcceptsInvitation", False)
-            proxy = wpframework.get("CalendaringDelegate", None)
-            read_only_proxy = wpframework.get("ReadOnlyCalendaringDelegate", None)
-        except (ExpatError, AttributeError), e:
-            self.log_error(
-                "Failed to parse ResourceInfo attribute of record (%s)%s (guid=%s): %s\n%s" %
-                (recordType, shortname, guid, e, plist,)
-            )
-            raise ValueError("Invalid ResourceInfo")
-        return (autoaccept, proxy, read_only_proxy,)
-    def recordTypes(self):
-        return (
-            self.recordType_users,
-            self.recordType_groups,
-            self.recordType_locations,
-            self.recordType_resources,
-        )
-    def _storage(self, recordType):
-        try:
-            storage = self._records[recordType]
-        except KeyError:
-            self.reloadCache(recordType)
-            storage = self._records[recordType]
-        else:
-            if storage["status"] == "stale":
-                storage["status"] = "loading"
-                def onError(f):
-                    storage["status"] = "stale" # Keep trying
-                    self.log_error(
-                        "Unable to load records of type %s from OpenDirectory due to unexpected error: %s"
-                        % (recordType, f)
-                    )
-                # Reload the restricted access group details if reloading user records
-                if recordType == self.recordType_users:
-                    self.restrictedGUIDs = None
-                d = deferToThread(self.reloadCache, recordType)
-                d.addErrback(onError)
-        return storage
-    def recordsForType(self, recordType):
-        """
-        @param recordType: a record type
-        @return: a dictionary containing all records for the given record
-        type.  Keys are short names and values are the corresponding
-        OpenDirectoryRecord for the given record type.
-        """
-        return self._storage(recordType)["records"]
-    def listRecords(self, recordType):
-        return self.recordsForType(recordType).itervalues()
-    def recordWithShortName(self, recordType, shortName):
-        try:
-            return self.recordsForType(recordType)[shortName]
-        except KeyError:
-            # Check negative cache
-            if shortName in self._storage(recordType)["disabled names"]:
-                return None
-            # Cache miss; try looking the record up, in case it is new
-            # FIXME: This is a blocking call (hopefully it's a fast one)
-            self.reloadCache(recordType, lookup=("shortName", shortName,))
-            record = self.recordsForType(recordType).get(shortName, None)
-            if record is None:
-                # Add to negative cache
-                self._storage(recordType)["disabled names"].add(shortName)
-            return record
-    def recordWithCalendarUserAddress(self, address):
-        address = normalizeCUAddr(address)
-        record = None
-        if address.startswith("urn:uuid:"):
-            guid = address[9:]
-            record = self.recordWithGUID(guid)
-        elif address.startswith("mailto:"):
-            record = self._recordWithAttribute("cuas", "disabled cuas", "cua", address)
-        return record if record and record.enabledForCalendaring else None
-    def recordWithGUID(self, guid):
-        return self._recordWithAttribute("guids", "disabled guids", "guid", guid)
-    recordWithUID = recordWithGUID
-    def recordWithAuthID(self, authID):
-        return self._recordWithAttribute("authIDs", "disabled authIDs", "authID", authID)
-    def _recordWithAttribute(self, cacheKey, disabledKey, lookupKey, value):
-        def lookup():
-            for recordType in self.recordTypes():
-                record = self._storage(recordType)[cacheKey].get(value, None)
-                if record:
-                    return record
-            else:
-                return None
-        record = lookup()
-        if record is None:
-            # Cache miss; try looking the record up, in case it is new
-            for recordType in self.recordTypes():
-                # Check negative cache
-                if value in self._storage(recordType)[disabledKey]:
-                    continue
-                try:
-                    self.reloadCache(recordType, lookup=(lookupKey, value,))
-                    record = lookup()
-                except opendirectory.ODError, e:
-                    if e.message[1] == -14140 or e.message[1] == -14200:
-                        # Unsupported attribute on record - don't fail
-                        record = None
-                    else:
-                        raise
-                if record is None:
-                    self._storage(recordType)[disabledKey].add(value)
-                else:
-                    self.log_info("Faulted record with %s %s into %s record cache"
-                                  % (lookupKey, value, recordType))
-                    break
-            else:
-                # Nothing found; add to negative cache
-                self.log_info("Unable to find any record with %s %s" % (lookupKey, value,))
-        return record
-    def groupsForGUID(self, guid):
-        # Lookup in index
-        try:
-            return self._storage(self.recordType_groups)["groupsForGUID"][guid]
-        except KeyError:
-            return ()
-    def proxiesForGUID(self, recordType, guid):
-        # Lookup in index
-        try:
-            return self._storage(recordType)["proxiesForGUID"][guid]
-        except KeyError:
-            return ()
-    def readOnlyProxiesForGUID(self, recordType, guid):
-        # Lookup in index
-        try:
-            return self._storage(recordType)["readOnlyProxiesForGUID"][guid]
-        except KeyError:
-            return ()
-    def _indexGroup(self, group, guids, index):
-        for guid in guids:
-            index.setdefault(guid, set()).add(group)
-    _ODFields = {
-        'fullName' : {
-            'odField' : dsattributes.kDS1AttrDistinguishedName,
-            'appliesTo' : set([
-                dsattributes.kDSStdRecordTypeUsers,
-                dsattributes.kDSStdRecordTypeGroups,
-                dsattributes.kDSStdRecordTypePlaces,
-                dsattributes.kDSStdRecordTypeResources,
-            ]),
-        },
-        'firstName' : {
-            'odField' : dsattributes.kDS1AttrFirstName,
-            'appliesTo' : set([
-                dsattributes.kDSStdRecordTypeUsers,
-            ]),
-        },
-        'lastName' : {
-            'odField' : dsattributes.kDS1AttrLastName,
-            'appliesTo' : set([
-                dsattributes.kDSStdRecordTypeUsers,
-            ]),
-        },
-        'emailAddresses' : {
-            'odField' : dsattributes.kDSNAttrEMailAddress,
-            'appliesTo' : set([
-                dsattributes.kDSStdRecordTypeUsers,
-                dsattributes.kDSStdRecordTypeGroups,
-            ]),
-        },
-        'recordName' : {
-            'odField' : dsattributes.kDSNAttrRecordName,
-            'appliesTo' : set([
-                dsattributes.kDSStdRecordTypeUsers,
-                dsattributes.kDSStdRecordTypeGroups,
-                dsattributes.kDSStdRecordTypePlaces,
-                dsattributes.kDSStdRecordTypeResources,
-            ]),
-        },
-        'guid' : {
-            'odField' : dsattributes.kDS1AttrGeneratedUID,
-            'appliesTo' : set([
-                dsattributes.kDSStdRecordTypeUsers,
-                dsattributes.kDSStdRecordTypeGroups,
-                dsattributes.kDSStdRecordTypePlaces,
-                dsattributes.kDSStdRecordTypeResources,
-            ]),
-        },
-    }
-    _toODRecordTypes = {
-        DirectoryService.recordType_users :
-            dsattributes.kDSStdRecordTypeUsers,
-        DirectoryService.recordType_locations :
-            dsattributes.kDSStdRecordTypePlaces,
-        DirectoryService.recordType_groups :
-            dsattributes.kDSStdRecordTypeGroups,
-        DirectoryService.recordType_resources :
-            dsattributes.kDSStdRecordTypeResources,
-    }
-    _fromODRecordTypes = dict([(b, a) for a, b in _toODRecordTypes.iteritems()])
-    def recordsMatchingFields(self, fields, operand="or", recordType=None):
-        # Note that OD applies case-sensitivity globally across the entire
-        # query, not per expression, so the current code uses whatever is
-        # specified in the last field in the fields list
-        def collectResults(results):
-            self.log_info("Got back %d records from OD" % (len(results),))
-            for key, val in results.iteritems():
-                self.log_debug("OD result: %s %s" % (key, val))
-                try:
-                    guid = val[dsattributes.kDS1AttrGeneratedUID]
-                    record = self.recordWithGUID(guid)
-                    if record:
-                        yield record
-                except KeyError:
-                    pass
-        def multiQuery(directory, queries, attrs, operand):
-            results = {}
-            for query, recordTypes in queries.iteritems():
-                if not query:
-                    continue
-                expressions = []
-                for ODField, value, caseless, matchType in query:
-                    if matchType == "starts-with":
-                        comparison = dsattributes.eDSStartsWith
-                    elif matchType == "contains":
-                        comparison = dsattributes.eDSContains
-                    else:
-                        comparison = dsattributes.eDSExact
-                    expressions.append(dsquery.match(ODField, value, comparison))
-                complexExpression = dsquery.expression(operand, expressions).generate()
-                self.log_info("Calling OD: Types %s, Operand %s, Caseless %s, %s" %
-                    (recordTypes, operand, caseless, complexExpression))
-                results.update(
-                    opendirectory.queryRecordsWithAttributes(
-                        directory,
-                        complexExpression,
-                        caseless,
-                        recordTypes,
-                        attrs,
-                    )
-                )
-            return results
-        operand = (dsquery.expression.OR if operand == "or"
-            else dsquery.expression.AND)
-        if recordType is None:
-            # The client is looking for records in any of the four types
-            recordTypes = set(self._toODRecordTypes.values())
-        else:
-            # The client is after only one recordType
-            recordTypes = [self._toODRecordTypes[recordType]]
-        queries = buildQueries(recordTypes, fields, self._ODFields)
-        deferred = deferToThread(
-            multiQuery,
-            self.directory,
-            queries,
-            [ dsattributes.kDS1AttrGeneratedUID ],
-            operand
-        )
-        deferred.addCallback(collectResults)
-        return deferred
-    def reloadCache(self, recordType, lookup=None):
-        if lookup is not None:
-            self.log_info("Faulting record with %s %s into %s record cache" % (lookup[0], lookup[1], recordType))
-        else:
-            self.log_info("Reloading %s record cache" % (recordType,))
-        results = self._queryDirectory(recordType, lookup=lookup)
-        if lookup is None:
-            records = {}
-            guids   = {}
-            authIDs = {}
-            cuas  = {}
-            disabledNames   = set()
-            disabledGUIDs   = set()
-            disabledAuthIDs = set()
-            disabledCUAs    = set()
-            if recordType == self.recordType_groups:
-                groupsForGUID = {}
-            elif recordType in (self.recordType_resources, self.recordType_locations):
-                proxiesForGUID = {}
-                readOnlyProxiesForGUID = {}
-        else:
-            storage = self._records[recordType]
-            records = storage["records"]
-            guids   = storage["guids"]
-            authIDs = storage["authIDs"]
-            cuas    = storage["cuas"]
-            disabledNames   = storage["disabled names"]
-            disabledGUIDs   = storage["disabled guids"]
-            disabledAuthIDs = storage["disabled authIDs"]
-            disabledCUAs    = storage["disabled cuas"]
-            if recordType == self.recordType_groups:
-                groupsForGUID = storage["groupsForGUID"]
-            elif recordType in (self.recordType_resources, self.recordType_locations):
-                proxiesForGUID = storage["proxiesForGUID"]
-                readOnlyProxiesForGUID = storage["readOnlyProxiesForGUID"]
-        enabled_count = 0
-        def _uniqueTupleFromAttribute(attribute):
-            if attribute:
-                if isinstance(attribute, str):
-                    return (attribute,)
-                else:
-                    s = set()
-                    return tuple([(s.add(x), x)[1] for x in attribute if x not in s])
-            else:
-                return ()
-        def _setFromAttribute(attribute, lower=False):
-            if attribute:
-                if isinstance(attribute, str):
-                    return set((attribute.lower() if lower else attribute,))
-                else:
-                    return set([item.lower() if lower else item for item in attribute])
-            else:
-                return ()
-        for (recordShortName, value) in results:
-            # Now get useful record info.
-            recordGUID           = value.get(dsattributes.kDS1AttrGeneratedUID)
-            recordShortNames     = _uniqueTupleFromAttribute(value.get(dsattributes.kDSNAttrRecordName))
-            recordAuthIDs        = _setFromAttribute(value.get(dsattributes.kDSNAttrAltSecurityIdentities))
-            recordFullName       = value.get(dsattributes.kDS1AttrDistinguishedName)
-            recordFirstName      = value.get(dsattributes.kDS1AttrFirstName)
-            recordLastName       = value.get(dsattributes.kDS1AttrLastName)
-            recordEmailAddresses = _setFromAttribute(value.get(dsattributes.kDSNAttrEMailAddress), lower=True)
-            recordNodeName       = value.get(dsattributes.kDSNAttrMetaNodeLocation)
-            if not recordGUID:
-                self.log_debug("Record (%s)%s in node %s has no GUID; ignoring."
-                               % (recordType, recordShortName, recordNodeName))
-                continue
-            if recordGUID.lower().startswith("ffffeeee-dddd-cccc-bbbb-aaaa"):
-                self.log_debug("Ignoring system record (%s)%s in node %s."
-                               % (recordType, recordShortName, recordNodeName))
-                continue
-            # Determine enabled state
-            if recordType == self.recordType_groups:
-                enabledForCalendaring = False
-            else:
-                if self.restrictEnabledRecords and self.restrictedGUIDs is not None:
-                    enabledForCalendaring = recordGUID in self.restrictedGUIDs
-                else:
-                    enabledForCalendaring = True
-            if enabledForCalendaring:
-                enabled_count += 1
-                calendarUserAddresses = self._calendarUserAddresses(recordType, value)
-            else:
-                # Some records we want to keep even though they are not enabled for calendaring.
-                # Others we discard.
-                if recordType not in (
-                    self.recordType_users,
-                    self.recordType_groups,
-                ):
-                    self.log_debug(
-                        "Record (%s) %s is not enabled for calendaring"
-                        % (recordType, recordShortName)
-                    )
-                    continue
-                self.log_debug(
-                    "Record (%s) %s is not enabled for calendaring but may be used in ACLs"
-                    % (recordType, recordShortName)
-                )
-                calendarUserAddresses = ()
-            # Special case for groups, which have members.
-            if recordType == self.recordType_groups:
-                memberGUIDs = value.get(dsattributes.kDSNAttrGroupMembers)
-                if memberGUIDs is None:
-                    memberGUIDs = ()
-                elif type(memberGUIDs) is str:
-                    memberGUIDs = (memberGUIDs,)
-                nestedGUIDs = value.get(dsattributes.kDSNAttrNestedGroups)
-                if nestedGUIDs:
-                    if type(nestedGUIDs) is str:
-                        nestedGUIDs = (nestedGUIDs,)
-                    memberGUIDs += tuple(nestedGUIDs)
-            else:
-                memberGUIDs = ()
-            record = OpenDirectoryRecord(
-                service               = self,
-                recordType            = recordType,
-                guid                  = recordGUID,
-                nodeName              = recordNodeName,
-                shortNames            = recordShortNames,
-                authIDs               = recordAuthIDs,
-                fullName              = recordFullName,
-                firstName             = recordFirstName,
-                lastName              = recordLastName,
-                emailAddresses        = recordEmailAddresses,
-                calendarUserAddresses = calendarUserAddresses,
-                enabledForCalendaring = enabledForCalendaring,
-                memberGUIDs           = memberGUIDs,
-            )
-            def disableGUID(guid, record):
-                """
-                Disable the record by removing it from all indexes.
-                """
-                self.log_warn("GUID %s disabled due to conflict for record: %s"
-                              % (guid, record))
-                disabledGUIDs.add(guid)
-                disabledNames.update(record.shortNames)
-                disabledAuthIDs.update(record.authIDs)
-                disabledCUAs.update(record.calendarUserAddresses)
-                if guid in guids:
-                    try:
-                        del guids[guid]
-                    except KeyError:
-                        pass
-                for shortName in record.shortNames:
-                    try:
-                        del records[shortName]
-                    except KeyError:
-                        pass
-                for authID in record.authIDs:
-                    try:
-                        del authIDs[authID]
-                    except KeyError:
-                        pass
-                for cua in record.calendarUserAddresses:
-                    try:
-                        del cuas[cua]
-                    except KeyError:
-                        pass
-            if record.guid in disabledGUIDs:
-                disableGUID(record.guid, record)
-            else:
-                # Check for duplicates
-                existing_record = guids.get(record.guid)
-                if existing_record is not None:
-                    if existing_record.shortNames != record.shortNames:
-                        disableGUID(record.guid, record)
-                        disableGUID(record.guid, existing_record)
-                        if existing_record.enabledForCalendaring:
-                            enabled_count -= 1
-                else:
-                    guids[record.guid] = record
-                    self.log_debug("Added record %s to OD record cache" % (record,))
-                    if record.enabledForCalendaring:
-                        enabled_count += 1
-                    # Do group indexing if needed
-                    if recordType == self.recordType_groups:
-                        self._indexGroup(record, record._memberGUIDs, groupsForGUID)
-                    # Index non-duplicate shortNames
-                    def disableName(shortName, record):
-                        self.log_warn("Short name %s disabled due to conflict for record: %s"
-                                      % (shortName, record))
-                        record.shortNames = tuple([item for item in record.shortNames if item != shortName])
-                        disabledNames.add(shortName)
-                        if shortName in records:
-                            del records[shortName]
-                    for shortName in tuple(record.shortNames):
-                        if shortName in disabledNames:
-                            disableName(shortName, record)
-                        else:
-                            # Check for duplicates
-                            existing_record = records.get(shortName)
-                            if existing_record is not None and existing_record != record:
-                                disableName(shortName, record)
-                                disableName(shortName, existing_record)
-                            else:
-                                records[shortName] = record
-                    # Index non-duplicate authIDs
-                    def disableAuthIDs(authID, record):
-                        self.log_warn("Auth ID %s disabled due to conflict for record: %s"
-                                      % (authID, record))
-                        record.authIDs.remove(authID)
-                        disabledAuthIDs.add(authID)
-                        if authID in authIDs:
-                            del authIDs[authID]
-                    for authID in frozenset(recordAuthIDs):
-                        if authID in disabledAuthIDs:
-                            disableAuthIDs(authID, record)
-                        else:
-                            # Check for duplicates
-                            existing_record = authIDs.get(authID)
-                            if existing_record is not None:
-                                disableAuthIDs(authID, record)
-                                disableAuthIDs(authID, existing_record)
-                            else:
-                                authIDs[authID] = record
-                    # Index non-duplicate CUAs
-                    def disableCUA(cua, record):
-                        self.log_warn("CUA %s disabled due to conflict for record: %s"
-                                      % (cua, record))
-                        record.calendarUserAddresses.remove(cua)
-                        disabledCUAs.add(cua)
-                        if cua in cuas:
-                            del cuas[cua]
-                        if cua in records:
-                            del records[cua]
-                    for cua in frozenset(calendarUserAddresses):
-                        if cua in disabledCUAs:
-                            disableCUA(cua, record)
-                        else:
-                            # Check for duplicates
-                            existing_record = cuas.get(cua)
-                            if existing_record is not None:
-                                disableCUA(cua, record)
-                                disableCUA(cua, existing_record)
-                            else:
-                                cuas[cua] = record
-        if lookup is None:
-            #
-            # Replace the entire cache
-            #
-            storage = {
-                "status"           : "new",
-                "records"          : records,
-                "guids"            : guids,
-                "authIDs"          : authIDs,
-                "cuas"             : cuas,
-                "disabled names"   : disabledNames,
-                "disabled guids"   : disabledGUIDs,
-                "disabled authIDs" : disabledAuthIDs,
-                "disabled cuas"    : disabledCUAs,
-            }
-            # Add group indexing if needed
-            if recordType == self.recordType_groups:
-                storage["groupsForGUID"] = groupsForGUID
-            # Add proxy indexing if needed
-            elif recordType in (self.recordType_resources, self.recordType_locations):
-                storage["proxiesForGUID"] = proxiesForGUID
-                storage["readOnlyProxiesForGUID"] = readOnlyProxiesForGUID
-            def rot():
-                storage["status"] = "stale"
-                removals = set()
-                for call in self._delayedCalls:
-                    if not call.active():
-                        removals.add(call)
-                for item in removals:
-                    self._delayedCalls.remove(item)
-            #
-            # Add jitter/fuzz factor to avoid stampede for large OD query
-            # Max out the jitter at 60 minutes
-            #
-            cacheTimeout = min(self.cacheTimeout, 60) * 60
-            cacheTimeout = (cacheTimeout * random()) - (cacheTimeout / 2)
-            cacheTimeout += self.cacheTimeout * 60
-            self._delayedCalls.add(callLater(cacheTimeout, rot))
-            self._records[recordType] = storage
-            self.log_info(
-                "Added %d (%d enabled) records to %s OD record cache; expires in %d seconds"
-                % (len(self._records[recordType]["guids"]), enabled_count, recordType, cacheTimeout)
-            )
-    def _queryDirectory(self, recordType, lookup=None):
-        attrs = [
-            dsattributes.kDS1AttrGeneratedUID,
-            dsattributes.kDSNAttrRecordName,
-            dsattributes.kDSNAttrAltSecurityIdentities,
-            dsattributes.kDS1AttrDistinguishedName,
-            dsattributes.kDS1AttrFirstName,
-            dsattributes.kDS1AttrLastName,
-            dsattributes.kDSNAttrEMailAddress,
-            dsattributes.kDSNAttrMetaNodeLocation,
-        ]
-        if recordType == self.recordType_users:
-            listRecordType = dsattributes.kDSStdRecordTypeUsers
-        elif recordType == self.recordType_groups:
-            listRecordType = dsattributes.kDSStdRecordTypeGroups
-            attrs.append(dsattributes.kDSNAttrGroupMembers)
-            attrs.append(dsattributes.kDSNAttrNestedGroups)
-        elif recordType == self.recordType_locations:
-            listRecordType = dsattributes.kDSStdRecordTypePlaces
-            attrs.append(dsattributes.kDSNAttrResourceInfo)
-        elif recordType == self.recordType_resources:
-            listRecordType = dsattributes.kDSStdRecordTypeResources
-            attrs.append(dsattributes.kDSNAttrResourceInfo)
-        else:
-            raise UnknownRecordTypeError("Unknown Open Directory record type: %s" % (recordType))
-        # If restricting enabled records, then make sure the restricted group member
-        # details are loaded. Do nested group expansion and include the nested groups
-        # as enabled records too.
-        if self.restrictEnabledRecords and self.restrictedGUIDs is None:
-            attributeToMatch = dsattributes.kDS1AttrGeneratedUID if self.restrictToGUID else dsattributes.kDSNAttrRecordName 
-            valueToMatch = self.restrictToGroup
-            self.log_debug("Doing restricted group membership check")
-            self.log_debug("opendirectory.queryRecordsWithAttribute_list(%r,%r,%r,%r,%r,%r,%r)" % (
-                self.directory,
-                attributeToMatch,
-                valueToMatch,
-                dsattributes.eDSExact,
-                False,
-                dsattributes.kDSStdRecordTypeGroups,
-                [dsattributes.kDSNAttrGroupMembers, dsattributes.kDSNAttrNestedGroups,],
-            ))
-            results = opendirectory.queryRecordsWithAttribute_list(
-                self.directory,
-                attributeToMatch,
-                valueToMatch,
-                dsattributes.eDSExact,
-                False,
-                dsattributes.kDSStdRecordTypeGroups,
-                [dsattributes.kDSNAttrGroupMembers, dsattributes.kDSNAttrNestedGroups,],
-            )
-            if len(results) == 1:
-                members      = results[0][1].get(dsattributes.kDSNAttrGroupMembers, [])
-                nestedGroups = results[0][1].get(dsattributes.kDSNAttrNestedGroups, [])
-            else:
-                members = []
-                nestedGroups = []
-            self.restrictedGUIDs = set(self._expandGroupMembership(members, nestedGroups, returnGroups=True))
-            self.log_debug("Got %d restricted group members" % (len(self.restrictedGUIDs),))
-        query = None
-        if lookup is not None:
-            indexType, indexKey = lookup
-            origIndexKey = indexKey
-            if indexType == "cua":
-                # The directory doesn't contain CUAs, so we need to convert
-                # the CUA to the appropriate field name and value:
-                queryattr, indexKey = cuAddressConverter(indexKey)
-                # queryattr will be one of:
-                # guid, emailAddresses, or recordName
-                # ...which will need to be mapped to DS
-                queryattr = self._ODFields[queryattr]['odField']
-            else:
-                queryattr = {
-                    "shortName" : dsattributes.kDSNAttrRecordName,
-                    "guid"      : dsattributes.kDS1AttrGeneratedUID,
-                    "authID"    : dsattributes.kDSNAttrAltSecurityIdentities,
-                }.get(indexType)
-                assert queryattr is not None, "Invalid type for record faulting query"
-            query = dsquery.match(queryattr, indexKey, dsattributes.eDSExact)
-        try:
-            if query:
-                self.log_debug("opendirectory.queryRecordsWithAttribute_list(%r,%r,%r,%r,%r,%r,%r)" % (
-                    self.directory,
-                    query.attribute,
-                    query.value,
-                    query.matchType,
-                    False,
-                    listRecordType,
-                    attrs,
-                ))
-                results = opendirectory.queryRecordsWithAttribute_list(
-                    self.directory,
-                    query.attribute,
-                    query.value,
-                    query.matchType,
-                    False,
-                    listRecordType,
-                    attrs,
-                )
-            else:
-                self.log_debug("opendirectory.listAllRecordsWithAttributes_list(%r,%r,%r)" % (
-                    self.directory,
-                    listRecordType,
-                    attrs,
-                ))
-                results = opendirectory.listAllRecordsWithAttributes_list(
-                    self.directory,
-                    listRecordType,
-                    attrs,
-                )
-        except opendirectory.ODError, ex:
-            self.log_error("Open Directory (node=%s) error: %s" % (self.realmName, str(ex)))
-            raise
-        return results
-    def getResourceInfo(self):
-        """
-        Resource information including proxy assignments for resource and
-        locations, as well as auto-schedule settings, used to live in the
-        directory.  This method fetches old resource info for migration
-        purposes.
-        """
-        attrs = [
-            dsattributes.kDS1AttrGeneratedUID,
-            dsattributes.kDSNAttrResourceInfo,
-        ]
-        for recordType in (dsattributes.kDSStdRecordTypePlaces, dsattributes.kDSStdRecordTypeResources):
-            try:
-                self.log_debug("opendirectory.listAllRecordsWithAttributes_list(%r,%r,%r)" % (
-                    self.directory,
-                    recordType,
-                    attrs,
-                ))
-                results = opendirectory.listAllRecordsWithAttributes_list(
-                    self.directory,
-                    recordType,
-                    attrs,
-                )
-            except opendirectory.ODError, ex:
-                self.log_error("Open Directory (node=%s) error: %s" % (self.realmName, str(ex)))
-                raise
-            for (recordShortName, value) in results:
-                recordGUID = value.get(dsattributes.kDS1AttrGeneratedUID)
-                resourceInfo = value.get(dsattributes.kDSNAttrResourceInfo)
-                if resourceInfo is not None:
-                    try:
-                        autoSchedule, proxy, readOnlyProxy = self._parseResourceInfo(resourceInfo,
-                            recordGUID, recordType, recordShortName)
-                    except ValueError:
-                        continue
-                    yield recordGUID, autoSchedule, proxy, readOnlyProxy
-def buildQueries(recordTypes, fields, mapping):
-    """
-    Determine how many queries need to be performed in order to work around opendirectory
-    quirks, where searching on fields that don't apply to a given recordType returns incorrect
-    results (either none, or all records).
-    """
-    fieldLists = {}
-    for recordType in recordTypes:
-        fieldLists[recordType] = []
-        for field, value, caseless, matchType in fields:
-            if field in mapping:
-                if recordType in mapping[field]['appliesTo']:
-                    ODField = mapping[field]['odField']
-                    fieldLists[recordType].append((ODField, value, caseless, matchType))
-    queries = {}
-    for recordType, fieldList in fieldLists.iteritems():
-        key = tuple(fieldList)
-        queries.setdefault(key, []).append(recordType)
-    return queries
-class OpenDirectoryRecord(DirectoryRecord):
-    """
-    Open Directory implementation of L{IDirectoryRecord}.
-    """
-    def __init__(
-        self, service, recordType, guid, nodeName, shortNames, authIDs, fullName,
-        firstName, lastName, emailAddresses,
-        calendarUserAddresses, enabledForCalendaring,
-        memberGUIDs,
-    ):
-        super(OpenDirectoryRecord, self).__init__(
-            service               = service,
-            recordType            = recordType,
-            guid                  = guid,
-            shortNames            = shortNames,
-            authIDs               = authIDs,
-            fullName              = fullName,
-            firstName             = firstName,
-            lastName              = lastName,
-            emailAddresses        = emailAddresses,
-            calendarUserAddresses = calendarUserAddresses,
-            enabledForCalendaring = enabledForCalendaring,
-        )
-        self.nodeName = nodeName
-        self._memberGUIDs = tuple(memberGUIDs)
-    def __repr__(self):
-        if self.service.realmName == self.nodeName:
-            location = self.nodeName
-        else:
-            location = "%s->%s" % (self.service.realmName, self.nodeName)
-        return "<%s[%s@%s(%s)] %s(%s) %r>" % (
-            self.__class__.__name__,
-            self.recordType,
-            self.service.guid,
-            location,
-            self.guid,
-            ",".join(self.shortNames),
-            self.fullName
-        )
-    def members(self):
-        if self.recordType != self.service.recordType_groups:
-            return
-        for guid in self._memberGUIDs:
-            userRecord = self.service.recordWithGUID(guid)
-            if userRecord is not None:
-                yield userRecord
-    def groups(self):
-        return self.service.groupsForGUID(self.guid)
-    def verifyCredentials(self, credentials):
-        if isinstance(credentials, UsernamePassword):
-            # Check cached password
-            try:
-                if credentials.password == self.password:
-                    return True
-            except AttributeError:
-                pass
-            # Check with directory services
-            try:
-                if opendirectory.authenticateUserBasic(self.service.directory, self.nodeName, self.shortNames[0], credentials.password):
-                    # Cache the password to avoid future DS queries
-                    self.password = credentials.password
-                    return True
-            except opendirectory.ODError, e:
-                self.log_error("Open Directory (node=%s) error while performing basic authentication for user %s: %s"
-                            % (self.service.realmName, self.shortNames[0], e))
-            return False
-        elif isinstance(credentials, DigestedCredentials):
-            #
-            # We need a special format for the "challenge" and "response" strings passed into open directory, as it is
-            # picky about exactly what it receives.
-            #
-            try:
-                if "algorithm" not in credentials.fields:
-                    credentials.fields["algorithm"] = "md5"
-                challenge = 'Digest realm="%(realm)s", nonce="%(nonce)s", algorithm=%(algorithm)s' % credentials.fields
-                response = (
-                    'Digest username="%(username)s", '
-                    'realm="%(realm)s", '
-                    'nonce="%(nonce)s", '
-                    'uri="%(uri)s", '
-                    'response="%(response)s",'
-                    'algorithm=%(algorithm)s'
-                ) % credentials.fields
-            except KeyError, e:
-                self.log_error(
-                    "Open Directory (node=%s) error while performing digest authentication for user %s: "
-                    "missing digest response field: %s in: %s"
-                    % (self.service.realmName, self.shortNames[0], e, credentials.fields)
-                )
-                return False
-            try:
-                if self.digestcache[credentials.fields["uri"]] == response:
-                    return True
-            except (AttributeError, KeyError):
-                pass
-            try:
-                if opendirectory.authenticateUserDigest(
-                    self.service.directory,
-                    self.nodeName,
-                    self.shortNames[0],
-                    challenge,
-                    response,
-                    credentials.originalMethod if credentials.originalMethod else credentials.method
-                ):
-                    try:
-                        cache = self.digestcache
-                    except AttributeError:
-                        cache = self.digestcache = {}
-                    cache[credentials.fields["uri"]] = response
-                    return True
-                else:
-                    self.log_debug(
-"""Open Directory digest authentication failed with:
-    Nodename:  %s
-    Username:  %s
-    Challenge: %s
-    Response:  %s
-    Method:    %s
-""" % (self.nodeName, self.shortNames[0], challenge, response, credentials.originalMethod if credentials.originalMethod else credentials.method))
-            except opendirectory.ODError, e:
-                self.log_error(
-                    "Open Directory (node=%s) error while performing digest authentication for user %s: %s"
-                    % (self.service.realmName, self.shortNames[0], e)
-                )
-                return False
-            return False
-        return super(OpenDirectoryRecord, self).verifyCredentials(credentials)
-class OpenDirectoryInitError(DirectoryError):
-    """
-    OpenDirectory initialization error.
-    """

Deleted: CalendarServer/branches/users/cdaboo/partition-4464/twistedcaldav/directory/oldxmlfile.py
--- CalendarServer/branches/users/cdaboo/partition-4464/twistedcaldav/directory/oldxmlfile.py	2009-09-01 16:03:51 UTC (rev 4519)
+++ CalendarServer/branches/users/cdaboo/partition-4464/twistedcaldav/directory/oldxmlfile.py	2009-09-01 18:32:32 UTC (rev 4520)
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-XML based user/group/resource directory service implementation.
-__all__ = [
-    "XMLDirectoryService",
-from time import time
-from twisted.cred.credentials import UsernamePassword
-from twisted.web2.auth.digest import DigestedCredentials
-from twisted.python.filepath import FilePath
-from twistedcaldav.directory.directory import DirectoryService, DirectoryRecord
-from twistedcaldav.directory.xmlaccountsparser import XMLAccountsParser
-class XMLDirectoryService(DirectoryService):
-    """
-    XML based implementation of L{IDirectoryService}.
-    """
-    baseGUID = "9CA8DEC5-5A17-43A9-84A8-BE77C1FB9172"
-    realmName = None
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return "<%s %r: %r>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.realmName, self.xmlFile)
-    def __init__(self, xmlFile, alwaysStat=False):
-        super(XMLDirectoryService, self).__init__()
-        if type(xmlFile) is str:
-            xmlFile = FilePath(xmlFile)
-        self.xmlFile = xmlFile
-        self._fileInfo = None
-        self._lastCheck = 0
-        self._alwaysStat = alwaysStat
-        self._accounts()
-    def recordTypes(self):
-        recordTypes = (
-            DirectoryService.recordType_users,
-            DirectoryService.recordType_groups,
-            DirectoryService.recordType_locations,
-            DirectoryService.recordType_resources
-        )
-        return recordTypes
-    def listRecords(self, recordType):
-        for _ignore_entryShortName, xmlPrincipal in self._entriesForRecordType(recordType):
-            yield XMLDirectoryRecord(
-                service       = self,
-                recordType    = recordType,
-                shortNames    = tuple(xmlPrincipal.shortNames),
-                xmlPrincipal  = xmlPrincipal,
-            )
-    def recordWithShortName(self, recordType, shortName):
-        for _ignore_entryShortName, xmlPrincipal in self._entriesForRecordType(recordType):
-            if shortName in xmlPrincipal.shortNames:
-                return XMLDirectoryRecord(
-                    service       = self,
-                    recordType    = recordType,
-                    shortNames    = tuple(xmlPrincipal.shortNames),
-                    xmlPrincipal  = xmlPrincipal,
-                )
-        return None
-    def _entriesForRecordType(self, recordType):
-        try:
-            for shortName, entry in sorted(self._accounts()[recordType].iteritems(), key=lambda x: x[0]):
-                yield shortName, entry
-        except KeyError:
-            return
-    def _accounts(self):
-        currentTime = time()
-        if self._alwaysStat or currentTime - self._lastCheck > 60:
-            self.xmlFile.restat()
-            self._lastCheck = currentTime
-            fileInfo = (self.xmlFile.getmtime(), self.xmlFile.getsize())
-            if fileInfo != self._fileInfo:
-                parser = XMLAccountsParser(self.xmlFile)
-                self._parsedAccounts = parser.items
-                self.realmName = parser.realm
-                self._fileInfo = fileInfo
-        return self._parsedAccounts
-class XMLDirectoryRecord(DirectoryRecord):
-    """
-    XML based implementation implementation of L{IDirectoryRecord}.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, service, recordType, shortNames, xmlPrincipal):
-        super(XMLDirectoryRecord, self).__init__(
-            service               = service,
-            recordType            = recordType,
-            guid                  = xmlPrincipal.guid,
-            shortNames            = shortNames,
-            fullName              = xmlPrincipal.fullName,
-            firstName             = xmlPrincipal.firstName,
-            lastName              = xmlPrincipal.lastName,
-            emailAddresses        = xmlPrincipal.emailAddresses,
-            calendarUserAddresses = xmlPrincipal.calendarUserAddresses,
-            enabledForCalendaring = xmlPrincipal.enabledForCalendaring,
-        )
-        self.password          = xmlPrincipal.password
-        self._members          = xmlPrincipal.members
-        self._groups           = xmlPrincipal.groups
-    def members(self):
-        for recordType, shortName in self._members:
-            yield self.service.recordWithShortName(recordType, shortName)
-    def groups(self):
-        for shortName in self._groups:
-            yield self.service.recordWithShortName(DirectoryService.recordType_groups, shortName)
-    def verifyCredentials(self, credentials):
-        if isinstance(credentials, UsernamePassword):
-            return credentials.password == self.password
-        if isinstance(credentials, DigestedCredentials):
-            return credentials.checkPassword(self.password)
-        return super(XMLDirectoryRecord, self).verifyCredentials(credentials)
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