[CalendarServer-changes] [8994] CalendarServer/branches/users/gaya/ldapdirectorybacker/twistedcaldav /directory

source_changes at macosforge.org source_changes at macosforge.org
Fri Apr 6 12:47:21 PDT 2012

Revision: 8994
Author:   gaya at apple.com
Date:     2012-04-06 12:47:21 -0700 (Fri, 06 Apr 2012)
Log Message:
ignore system records by ds uid (as well as guid)

Added Paths:

Removed Paths:

Deleted: CalendarServer/branches/users/gaya/ldapdirectorybacker/twistedcaldav/directory/opendirectorybacker.py
--- CalendarServer/branches/users/gaya/ldapdirectorybacker/twistedcaldav/directory/opendirectorybacker.py	2012-04-06 18:26:59 UTC (rev 8993)
+++ CalendarServer/branches/users/gaya/ldapdirectorybacker/twistedcaldav/directory/opendirectorybacker.py	2012-04-06 19:47:21 UTC (rev 8994)
@@ -1,1730 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2006-2012 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-Apple Open Directory directory service implementation for backing up directory-backed address books
-__all__ = [
-    "OpenDirectoryBackingService", "ABDirectoryQueryResult",
-import traceback
-import hashlib
-import os
-import sys
-import time
-from os.path import join
-from random import random
-from pycalendar.n import N
-from pycalendar.adr import Adr
-from pycalendar.datetime import PyCalendarDateTime
-from socket import getfqdn
-from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks, returnValue, deferredGenerator, succeed
-from txdav.xml import element as davxml
-from txdav.xml.base import twisted_dav_namespace, dav_namespace, parse_date, twisted_private_namespace
-from twext.web2.dav.resource import DAVPropertyMixIn
-from twext.web2.dav.util import joinURL
-from twext.web2.http_headers import MimeType, generateContentType, ETag
-from twistedcaldav import carddavxml
-from twistedcaldav.config import config
-from twistedcaldav.directory.directory import DirectoryService, DirectoryRecord
-from twistedcaldav.query import addressbookqueryfilter
-from twistedcaldav.vcard import Component, Property, vCardProductID
-from xmlrpclib import datetime
-from calendarserver.platform.darwin.od import dsattributes, dsquery
-from twisted.python.reflect import namedModule
-from twext.python.log import LoggingMixIn
-class OpenDirectoryBackingService(DirectoryService):
-    """
-    Open Directory implementation of L{IDirectoryService}.
-    """
-    baseGUID = "BF07A1A2-5BB5-4A4D-A59A-67260EA7E143"
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return "<%s %r>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.realmName, )
-    def __init__(self, params):
-        self._actuallyConfigure(**params)
-    def _actuallyConfigure(
-        self, queryPeopleRecords=True, 
-        peopleNode = "/Search/Contacts",
-        queryUserRecords=True, 
-        userNode = "/Search",
-        maxDSQueryRecords = 0,            # maximum number of records requested for any ds query
-        queryDSLocal = False,             #query in DSLocal -- debug
-        dsLocalCacheTimeout = 30,
-        ignoreSystemRecords = True,
-        fakeETag = True,                  # eTag is not reliable if True 
-        addDSAttrXProperties=False,       # add dsattributes to vcards as "X-" attributes
-        generateSimpleUIDs = False,       # use simple synthetic UIDs --- good for testing
-        appleInternalServer=False,
-        additionalAttributes=[],
-        allowedAttributes=[],
-        directoryBackedAddressBook=None
-    ):
-        """
-        @queryPeopleRecords: C{True} to query for People records
-        @queryUserRecords: C{True} to query for User records
-        @maxDSQueryRecords: maximum number of (unfiltered) ds records retrieved before raising 
-            NumberOfMatchesWithinLimits exception or returning results
-        @dsLocalCacheTimeout: how log to keep cache of DSLocal records
-        @fakeETag: C{True} to use a fake eTag; allows ds queries with partial attributes
-        @generateSimpleUIDs: C{True} when creating synthetic UID (==f(Node, Type, Record Name)), 
-            use a standard Node name. This allows testing with the same UID on different hosts
-        @allowedAttributes: list of DSAttributes that are used to create VCards
-        """
-        assert directoryBackedAddressBook is not None
-        self.directoryBackedAddressBook = directoryBackedAddressBook
-        self.peopleDirectory = None
-        self.peopleNode = None
-        self.userDirectory = None
-        self.userNode = None
-        self.realmName = None # needed for super
-        self.odModule = namedModule(config.OpenDirectoryModule)
-        if queryPeopleRecords or not queryUserRecords:
-            self.peopleNode = peopleNode
-            try:
-                self.peopleDirectory = self.odModule.odInit(peopleNode)
-            except self.odModule.ODError, e:
-                self.log_error("Open Directory (node=%s) Initialization error: %s" % (peopleNode, e))
-                raise
-            self.realmName = peopleNode
-        if queryUserRecords:
-            if self.peopleNode == userNode:          # use sane directory and node if they are equal
-                self.userNode = self.peopleNode
-                self.userDirectory = self.peopleDirectory
-            else:
-                self.userNode = userNode
-                try:
-                    self.userDirectory = self.odModule.odInit(userNode)
-                except self.odModule.ODError, e:
-                    self.log_error("Open Directory (node=%s) Initialization error: %s" % (userNode, e))
-                    raise
-                if self.realmName:
-                    self.realmName += "+" + userNode
-                else:
-                    self.realmName = userNode
-        self.maxDSQueryRecords = maxDSQueryRecords
-        self.ignoreSystemRecords = ignoreSystemRecords
-        self.queryDSLocal = queryDSLocal
-        self.dsLocalCacheTimeout = dsLocalCacheTimeout
-        self.fakeETag = fakeETag
-        self.addDSAttrXProperties = addDSAttrXProperties
-        self.generateSimpleUIDs = generateSimpleUIDs
-        self.appleInternalServer = appleInternalServer
-        self.additionalAttributes = additionalAttributes
-        # filter allows attributes, but make sure there are a minimum of attributes for functionality
-        if allowedAttributes:
-            self.allowedDSQueryAttributes = sorted(list(set(
-                                                [attr for attr in ABDirectoryQueryResult.allDSQueryAttributes
-                                                    if (isinstance(attr, str) and attr in allowedAttributes) or
-                                                       (isinstance(attr, tuple) and attr[0] in allowedAttributes)] +
-                                                ABDirectoryQueryResult.dsqueryAttributesForProperty.get("X-INTERNAL-REQUIRED")
-                                                )))
-            if (self.allowedDSQueryAttributes != ABDirectoryQueryResult.allDSQueryAttributes):
-                self.log_info("Allowed DS query attributes = %r" % (self.allowedDSQueryAttributes, ))
-        else:
-            self.allowedDSQueryAttributes = ABDirectoryQueryResult.allDSQueryAttributes
-        #self.returnedAttributes = ABDirectoryQueryResult.allDSQueryAttributes
-        self.returnedAttributes = self.allowedDSQueryAttributes
-        self._dsLocalResults = {}
-        self._nextDSLocalQueryTime = 0
-    def __cmp__(self, other):
-        if not isinstance(other, DirectoryRecord):
-            return super(DirectoryRecord, self).__eq__(other)
-        for attr in ("directory", "node"):
-            diff = cmp(getattr(self, attr), getattr(other, attr))
-            if diff != 0:
-                return diff
-        return 0
-    def __hash__(self):
-        h = hash(self.__class__.__name__)
-        for attr in ("node",):
-            h = (h + hash(getattr(self, attr))) & sys.maxint
-        return h
-    def createCache(self):
-         succeed(None)
-    def _getAllDSLocalResults(self):
-        def generateDSLocalResults():
-            resultsDictionary = {}
-            recordTypes = [dsattributes.kDSStdRecordTypePeople, dsattributes.kDSStdRecordTypeUsers, ]
-            try:
-                localNodeDirectory = self.odModule.odInit("/Local/Default")
-                self.log_debug("opendirectory.listAllRecordsWithAttributes_list(%r,%r,%r)" % (
-                        "/DSLocal",
-                        recordTypes,
-                        self.returnedAttributes,
-                    ))
-                records = list(self.odModule.listAllRecordsWithAttributes_list(
-                        localNodeDirectory,
-                        recordTypes,
-                        self.returnedAttributes,
-                    ))
-            except self.odModule.ODError, ex:
-                self.log_error("Open Directory (node=%s) error: %s" % ("/Local/Default", str(ex)))
-                raise
-            for (recordShortName, value) in records: #@UnusedVariable
-                try:
-                    result = ABDirectoryQueryResult(self.directoryBackedAddressBook, value)
-                except:
-                    traceback.print_exc()
-                    self.log_info("Could not get vcard for record %s" % (recordShortName,))
-                else:
-                    uid = result.vCard().propertyValue("UID")
-                    if self.ignoreSystemRecords:
-                        # remove system users and people
-                        if uid.startswith("FFFFEEEE-DDDD-CCCC-BBBB-AAAA"):
-                            self.log_info("Ignoring vcard for system record %s"  % (recordShortName,))
-                            continue
-                    if uid in resultsDictionary:
-                        self.log_info("Record skipped due to duplicate UID: %s" % (recordShortName,))
-                        continue
-                    self.log_debug("VCard text =\n%s" % (result.vCardText(), ))
-                    resultsDictionary[uid] = result                   
-            return resultsDictionary
-        if not self.queryDSLocal:
-            return {}
-        if time.time() > self._nextDSLocalQueryTime:
-            self._dsLocalResults = generateDSLocalResults()
-            # Add jitter/fuzz factor 
-            self._nextDSLocalQueryTime = time.time() + self.dsLocalCacheTimeout * (random() + 0.5)  * 60
-        return self._dsLocalResults
-    @inlineCallbacks
-    def _getDirectoryQueryResults(self, query=None, attributes=None, maxRecords=0 ):
-        """
-        Get a list of filtered ABDirectoryQueryResult for the given query with the given attributes.
-        query == None gets all records. attribute == None gets ABDirectoryQueryResult.allDSQueryAttributes
-        """
-        limited = False
-        records = (yield self._queryDirectory(query, attributes, maxRecords ))
-        if maxRecords and len(records) >= maxRecords:
-            limited = True
-            self.log_debug("Directory address book record limit (= %d) reached." % (maxRecords, ))
-        self.log_debug("Query done. Inspecting %s records" % len(records))
-        resultsDictionary = self._getAllDSLocalResults().copy()
-        self.log_debug("Adding %s DSLocal results" % len(resultsDictionary.keys()))
-        for (recordShortName, recordAttributes) in records: #@UnusedVariable
-            try:
-                # fix ds strangeness
-                if recordAttributes.get(dsattributes.kDS1AttrLastName, "") == "99":
-                    del recordAttributes[dsattributes.kDS1AttrLastName]
-                result = ABDirectoryQueryResult(self.directoryBackedAddressBook, recordAttributes, 
-                                     generateSimpleUIDs=self.generateSimpleUIDs, 
-                                     addDSAttrXProperties=self.addDSAttrXProperties,
-                                     appleInternalServer=self.appleInternalServer,
-                                     )
-            except:
-                traceback.print_exc()
-                self.log_info("Could not get vcard for record %s" % (recordShortName,))
-            else:
-                uid = result.vCard().propertyValue("UID")
-                if self.ignoreSystemRecords:
-                    # remove system users and people
-                    if uid.startswith("FFFFEEEE-DDDD-CCCC-BBBB-AAAA"):
-                        self.log_info("Ignoring vcard for system record %s"  % (recordShortName,))
-                        continue
-                if uid in resultsDictionary:
-                    self.log_info("Record skipped due to duplicate UID: %s" % (recordShortName,))
-                    continue
-                self.log_debug("VCard text =\n%s" % (result.vCardText(), ))
-                resultsDictionary[uid] = result                   
-        self.log_debug("After filtering, %s results (limited=%s)." % (len(resultsDictionary), limited))
-        returnValue((resultsDictionary.values(), limited, ))
-    def _queryDirectory(self, query=None, attributes=None, maxRecords=0 ):
-        startTime = time.time()
-        if not attributes:
-            attributes = self.returnedAttributes
-        attributes = list(set(attributes + self.additionalAttributes)) # remove duplicates
-        directoryAndRecordTypes = []
-        if self.peopleDirectory == self.userDirectory:
-            # use single ds query if possible for best performance
-            directoryAndRecordTypes.append( (self.peopleDirectory, self.peopleNode, (dsattributes.kDSStdRecordTypePeople, dsattributes.kDSStdRecordTypeUsers) ) )
-        else:
-            if self.peopleDirectory:
-                directoryAndRecordTypes.append( (self.peopleDirectory, self.peopleNode, dsattributes.kDSStdRecordTypePeople) )
-            if self.userDirectory:
-                directoryAndRecordTypes.append( (self.userDirectory, self.userNode, dsattributes.kDSStdRecordTypeUsers) )
-        allResults = []
-        for directory, node, recordType in directoryAndRecordTypes:
-            try:
-                if query:
-                    if isinstance(query, dsquery.match) and query.value is not "":
-                        self.log_debug("opendirectory.queryRecordsWithAttribute_list(%r,%r,%r,%r,%r,%r,%r,%r)" % (
-                            node,
-                            query.attribute,
-                            query.value,
-                            query.matchType,
-                            False,
-                            recordType,
-                            attributes,
-                            maxRecords,
-                        ))
-                        results = list(
-                            self.odModule.queryRecordsWithAttribute_list(
-                                directory,
-                                query.attribute,
-                                query.value,
-                                query.matchType,
-                                False,
-                                recordType,
-                                attributes,
-                                maxRecords,
-                            ))
-                    else:
-                        self.log_debug("opendirectory.queryRecordsWithAttribute_list(%r,%r,%r,%r,%r,%r)" % (
-                            node,
-                            query.generate(),
-                            False,
-                            recordType,
-                            attributes,
-                            maxRecords,
-                        ))
-                        results = list(
-                            self.odModule.queryRecordsWithAttributes_list(
-                                directory,
-                                query.generate(),
-                                False,
-                                recordType,
-                                attributes,
-                                maxRecords,
-                            ))
-                else:
-                    self.log_debug("opendirectory.listAllRecordsWithAttributes_list(%r,%r,%r,%r)" % (
-                        node,
-                        recordType,
-                        attributes,
-                        maxRecords,
-                    ))
-                    results = list(
-                        self.odModule.listAllRecordsWithAttributes_list(
-                            directory,
-                            recordType,
-                            attributes,
-                            maxRecords,
-                        ))
-            except self.odModule.ODError, ex:
-                self.log_error("Open Directory (node=%s) error: %s" % (self.realmName, str(ex)))
-                raise
-            allResults.extend(results)
-            if maxRecords:
-                maxRecords -= len(results)
-                if maxRecords <= 0:
-                    break
-        elaspedTime = time.time()-startTime
-        self.log_info("Timing: Directory query: %.1f ms (%d records, %.2f records/sec)" % (elaspedTime*1000, len(allResults), len(allResults)/elaspedTime))
-        return succeed(allResults)
-    def _attributesForAddressBookQuery(self, addressBookQuery ):
-        etagRequested, propertyNames = propertiesInAddressBookQuery( addressBookQuery )
-        if etagRequested and not self.fakeETag:
-            propertyNames = None
-        if not propertyNames:
-            #print("using all attributes")
-            return self.returnedAttributes
-        else:
-            propertyNames.append("X-INTERNAL-MINIMUM-VCARD-PROPERTIES") # these properties are required to make a vCard
-            queryAttributes = []
-            for prop in propertyNames:
-                if prop in ABDirectoryQueryResult.dsqueryAttributesForProperty:
-                    #print("adding attributes %r" % ABDirectoryQueryResult.dsqueryAttributesForProperty.get(prop))
-                    queryAttributes += ABDirectoryQueryResult.dsqueryAttributesForProperty.get(prop)
-            return list(set(queryAttributes).intersection(set(self.returnedAttributes)))
-    @inlineCallbacks
-    def doAddressBookQuery(self, addressBookFilter, addressBookQuery, maxResults ):
-        """
-        Get vCards for a given addressBookFilter and addressBookQuery
-        """
-        allRecords, filterAttributes, dsFilter  = dsFilterFromAddressBookFilter( addressBookFilter, vcardPropToLdapAttrMap=ABDirectoryQueryResult.dsqueryAttributesForProperty, allowedAttributes=self.allowedDSQueryAttributes );
-        #print("allRecords = %s, query = %s" % (allRecords, "None" if dsFilter is None else dsFilter.generate(),))
-        # testing:
-        # allRecords = True
-        if allRecords:
-            dsFilter = None #  None expression == all Records
-        clear = not allRecords and not dsFilter
-        results = []
-        limited = False
-        if not clear:
-            # add filter to ignore system records rather than post filtering
-            # but this appears to be broken in open directory
-            '''
-            if self.ignoreSystemRecords:
-                ignoreExpression = dsquery.expression( dsquery.expression.NOT, 
-                                                       dsquery.match(dsattributes.kDS1AttrGeneratedUID, "FFFFEEEE-DDDD-CCCC-BBBB-AAAA", dsattributes.eDSStartsWith)
-                                                       )
-                filterAttributes = list(set(filterAttributes).union(dsattributes.kDS1AttrGeneratedUID))
-                dsFilter = dsquery.expression( dsquery.expression.AND, (dsFilter, ignoreExpression,) ) if dsFilter else ignoreExpression
-                #dsFilter = ignoreExpression
-            '''
-            queryAttributes = self._attributesForAddressBookQuery( addressBookQuery )
-            attributes = filterAttributes + queryAttributes
-            #calc maxRecords from passed in maxResults allowing extra for second stage filtering in caller
-            maxRecords = int(maxResults * 1.2)
-            if self.maxDSQueryRecords and maxRecords > self.maxDSQueryRecords:
-                maxRecords = self.maxDSQueryRecords
-            results, limited = (yield self._getDirectoryQueryResults(dsFilter, attributes, maxRecords))
-        returnValue((results, limited,))        
-def propertiesInAddressBookQuery( addressBookQuery ):
-    etagRequested = False
-    propertyNames = [] 
-    #print( "addressBookQuery.qname=%r" % addressBookQuery.qname)
-    if addressBookQuery.qname() == ("DAV:", "prop"):
-        for property in addressBookQuery.children:                
-            #print("property = %r" % property )
-            if isinstance(property, carddavxml.AddressData):
-                for addressProperty in property.children:
-                    #print("addressProperty = %r" % addressProperty )
-                    if isinstance(addressProperty, carddavxml.Property):
-                        #print("Adding property %r", addressProperty.attributes["name"])
-                        propertyNames.append(addressProperty.attributes["name"])
-            elif property.qname() == ("DAV:", "getetag"):
-                # for a real etag == md5(vCard), we need all attributes
-                etagRequested = True
-    return (etagRequested, propertyNames if len(propertyNames) else None)
-def dsFilterFromAddressBookFilter(addressBookFilter, vcardPropToLdapAttrMap, allowedAttributes=None):
-    """
-    Convert the supplied addressbook-query into a ds expression tree.
-    @param filter: the L{Filter} for the addressbook-query to convert.
-    @return: (needsAllRecords, espressionAttributes, expression) tuple
-    """
-    def propFilterListQuery(filterAllOf, propFilters):
-        def propFilterExpression(filterAllOf, propFilter):
-            #print("propFilterExpression")
-            """
-            Create an expression for a single prop-filter element.
-            @param propFilter: the L{PropertyFilter} element.
-            @return: (needsAllRecords, espressionAttributes, expressions) tuple
-            """
-            def definedExpression( defined, allOf, filterName, constant, queryAttributes, allAttrStrings):
-                if constant or filterName in ("N" , "FN", "UID", ):
-                    return (defined, [], [])     # all records have this property so no records do not have it
-                else:
-                    matchList = list(set([dsquery.match(attrName, "", dsattributes.eDSStartsWith) for attrName in allAttrStrings]))
-                    if defined:
-                        # TODO:  Investigate what happens when andOrExpresion() does not return an expression
-                        return andOrExpression(allOf, queryAttributes, matchList)
-                    else:
-                        if len(matchList) > 1:
-                            expr = dsquery.expression( dsquery.expression.OR, matchList )
-                        else:
-                            expr = matchList[0]
-                        return (False, queryAttributes, [dsquery.expression( dsquery.expression.NOT, expr),])
-                #end isNotDefinedExpression()
-            def andOrExpression(propFilterAllOf, queryAttributes, matchList):
-                #print("andOrExpression(propFilterAllOf=%r, queryAttributes%r, matchList%r)" % (propFilterAllOf, queryAttributes, matchList))
-                if propFilterAllOf and len(matchList) > 1:
-                    # add OR expression because parent will AND
-                    return (False, queryAttributes, [dsquery.expression( dsquery.expression.OR, matchList),])
-                else:
-                    return (False, queryAttributes, matchList)
-                #end andOrExpression()
-            # short circuit parameter filters
-            def supportedParamter( filterName, paramFilters, propFilterAllOf ):
-                def supported( paramFilterName, paramFilterDefined, params ):
-                    paramFilterName = paramFilterName.upper()
-                    if len(params.keys()) and ((paramFilterName in params.keys()) != paramFilterDefined):
-                        return False
-                    if len(params[paramFilterName]) and str(paramFilter.qualifier).upper() not in params[paramFilterName]:
-                        return False
-                    return True 
-                    #end supported()
-                oneSupported = False
-                for paramFilter in paramFilters:
-                    if filterName == "PHOTO":
-                        if propFilterAllOf != supported( paramFilter.filter_name, paramFilter.defined, { "ENCODING": ["B",], "TYPE": ["JPEG",], }):
-                            return not propFilterAllOf
-                        oneSupported |= propFilterAllOf
-                    elif filterName == "ADR":
-                        if propFilterAllOf != supported( paramFilter.filter_name, paramFilter.defined, { "TYPE": ["WORK", "PREF", "POSTAL", "PARCEL",], }):
-                            return not propFilterAllOf
-                        oneSupported |= propFilterAllOf
-                    elif filterName == "LABEL":
-                        if propFilterAllOf != supported( paramFilter.filter_name, paramFilter.defined, { "TYPE": ["POSTAL", "PARCEL",]}):
-                            return not propFilterAllOf
-                        oneSupported |= propFilterAllOf
-                    elif filterName == "TEL":
-                        if propFilterAllOf != supported( paramFilter.filter_name, paramFilter.defined, { "TYPE": [], }): # has params derived from ds attributes
-                            return not propFilterAllOf
-                        oneSupported |= propFilterAllOf
-                    elif filterName == "EMAIL":
-                        if propFilterAllOf != supported( paramFilter.filter_name, paramFilter.defined, { "TYPE": [], }): # has params derived from ds attributes
-                            return not propFilterAllOf
-                        oneSupported |= propFilterAllOf
-                    elif filterName == "URL":
-                        if propFilterAllOf != supported( paramFilter.filter_name, paramFilter.defined, {}):
-                            return not propFilterAllOf
-                        oneSupported |= propFilterAllOf
-                    elif filterName == "KEY":
-                        if propFilterAllOf != supported( paramFilter.filter_name, paramFilter.defined, { "ENCODING": ["B",], "TYPE": ["PGPPUBILICKEY", "USERCERTIFICATE", "USERPKCS12DATA", "USERSMIMECERTIFICATE",] }):
-                            return not propFilterAllOf
-                        oneSupported |= propFilterAllOf
-                    elif not filterName.startswith("X-"): #X- IMHandles X-ABRELATEDNAMES excepted, no other params are used
-                        if propFilterAllOf == paramFilter.defined:
-                            return not propFilterAllOf
-                        oneSupported |= propFilterAllOf
-                if propFilterAllOf:
-                    return True
-                else:
-                    return oneSupported
-                #end supportedParamter()
-            def textMatchElementExpression( propFilterAllOf, textMatchElement ):
-                # pre process text match strings for ds query 
-                def getMatchStrings( propFilter, matchString ):
-                    if propFilter.filter_name in ("REV" , "BDAY", ):
-                        rawString = matchString
-                        matchString = ""
-                        for c in rawString:
-                            if not c in "TZ-:":
-                                matchString += c
-                    elif propFilter.filter_name == "GEO":
-                        matchString = ",".join(matchString.split(";"))
-                    if propFilter.filter_name in ("N" , "ADR", "ORG", ):
-                        # for structured properties, change into multiple strings for ds query
-                        if propFilter.filter_name == "ADR":
-                            #split by newline and comma
-                            rawStrings = ",".join( matchString.split("\n") ).split(",")
-                        else:
-                            #split by space
-                            rawStrings = matchString.split(" ")
-                        # remove empty strings
-                        matchStrings = []
-                        for oneString in rawStrings:
-                            if len(oneString):
-                                matchStrings += [oneString,]
-                        return matchStrings
-                    elif len(matchString):
-                        return [matchString,]
-                    else:
-                        return []
-                    # end getMatchStrings
-                if constant:
-                    # do the match right now!  Return either all or none.
-                    #FIXME: match is not implemented in twisteddaldav.query.addressbookqueryfilter.TextMatch so use _match for now
-                    return( textMatchElement._match([constant,]), [], [] )
-                else:
-                    matchStrings = getMatchStrings(propFilter, textMatchElement.text)
-                    if not len(matchStrings) or binaryAttrStrs:
-                        # no searching text in binary ds attributes, so change to defined/not defined case
-                        if textMatchElement.negate:
-                            return definedExpression(False, propFilterAllOf, propFilter.filter_name, constant, queryAttributes, allAttrStrings)
-                        # else fall through to attribute exists case below
-                    else:
-                        # special case UID's formed from node and record name
-                        if propFilter.filter_name == "UID":
-                            matchString = matchStrings[0]
-                            seperatorIndex = matchString.find(ABDirectoryQueryResult.peopleUIDSeparator)
-                            if seperatorIndex > 1:
-                                recordNameStart = seperatorIndex + len(ABDirectoryQueryResult.peopleUIDSeparator)
-                            else:
-                                seperatorIndex = matchString.find(ABDirectoryQueryResult.userUIDSeparator)                        
-                                if seperatorIndex > 1:
-                                    recordNameStart = seperatorIndex + len(ABDirectoryQueryResult.userUIDSeparator)
-                                else:
-                                    recordNameStart = sys.maxint
-                            if recordNameStart < len(matchString)-1:
-                                try:
-                                    recordNameQualifier = matchString[recordNameStart:].decode("base64").decode("utf8")
-                                except Exception, e:
-                                    self.log_debug("Could not decode UID string %r in %r: %r" % (matchString[recordNameStart:], matchString, e,))
-                                else:
-                                    if textMatchElement.negate:
-                                        return (False, queryAttributes, 
-                                                [dsquery.expression(dsquery.expression.NOT, dsquery.match(dsattributes.kDSNAttrRecordName, recordNameQualifier, dsattributes.eDSExact)),]
-                                                )
-                                    else:
-                                        return (False, queryAttributes, 
-                                                [dsquery.match(dsattributes.kDSNAttrRecordName, recordNameQualifier, dsattributes.eDSExact),]
-                                                )
-                        # use match_type where possible depending on property/attribute mapping
-                        # Note that case sensitive negate will not work
-                        #        Should return all records in that case
-                        matchType = dsattributes.eDSContains
-                        if propFilter.filter_name in ("NICKNAME" , "TITLE" , "NOTE" , "UID", "URL", "N", "ADR", "ORG", "REV",  "LABEL", ):
-                            if textMatchElement.match_type == "equals":
-                                    matchType = dsattributes.eDSExact
-                            elif textMatchElement.match_type == "starts-with":
-                                    matchType = dsattributes.eDSStartsWith
-                            elif textMatchElement.match_type == "ends-with":
-                                    matchType = dsattributes.eDSEndsWith
-                        matchList = []
-                        for matchString in matchStrings:
-                            matchList += [dsquery.match(attrName, matchString, matchType) for attrName in stringAttrStrs]
-                        matchList = list(set(matchList))
-                        if textMatchElement.negate:
-                            if len(matchList) > 1:
-                                expr = dsquery.expression( dsquery.expression.OR, matchList )
-                            else:
-                                expr = matchList[0]
-                            return (False, queryAttributes, [dsquery.expression( dsquery.expression.NOT, expr),])
-                        else:
-                            return andOrExpression(propFilterAllOf, queryAttributes, matchList)
-                # attribute exists search
-                return definedExpression(True, propFilterAllOf, propFilter.filter_name, constant, queryAttributes, allAttrStrings)
-                #end textMatchElementExpression()
-            # get attribute strings from dsqueryAttributesForProperty list 
-            #queryAttributes = list(set(ABDirectoryQueryResult.dsqueryAttributesForProperty.get(propFilter.filter_name, [])).intersection(set(self.allowedDSQueryAttributes)))
-            queryAttributes = vcardPropToLdapAttrMap.get(propFilter.filter_name, [])
-            if isinstance(queryAttributes, str):
-                queryAttributes = [queryAttributes,]
-            if allowedAttributes:
-                queryAttributes = list(set(queryAttributes).intersection(set(allowedAttributes)))
-            binaryAttrStrs = []
-            stringAttrStrs = []
-            for attr in queryAttributes:
-                if isinstance(attr, tuple):
-                    binaryAttrStrs.append(attr[0])
-                else:
-                    stringAttrStrs.append(attr)
-            allAttrStrings = stringAttrStrs + binaryAttrStrs
-            if not allAttrStrings:
-            	# not AllAttrStrings means propFilter.filter_name is not mapped
-            	# return None to try to match all items if this is the only property filter
-                return (None, [], [])
-            constant = ABDirectoryQueryResult.constantProperties.get(propFilter.filter_name)
-            if propFilter.qualifier and isinstance(propFilter.qualifier, addressbookqueryfilter.IsNotDefined):
-                return definedExpression(False, filterAllOf, propFilter.filter_name, constant, queryAttributes, allAttrStrings)
-            paramFilterElements = [paramFilterElement for paramFilterElement in propFilter.filters if isinstance(paramFilterElement, addressbookqueryfilter.ParameterFilter)]
-            textMatchElements = [textMatchElement for textMatchElement in propFilter.filters if isinstance(textMatchElement, addressbookqueryfilter.TextMatch)]
-            # if only one propFilter, then use filterAllOf as propFilterAllOf to reduce subexpressions and simplify generated query string
-            if len(propFilter.filters) == 1:
-                propFilterAllOf = filterAllOf
-            else:
-                propFilterAllOf = propFilter.propfilter_test == "allof"
-            # handle parameter filter elements
-            if len(paramFilterElements) > 0:
-                if supportedParamter(propFilter.filter_name, paramFilterElements, propFilterAllOf ):
-                    if len(textMatchElements) == 0:
-                        return definedExpression(True, filterAllOf, propFilter.filter_name, constant, queryAttributes, allAttrStrings)
-                else:
-                    if propFilterAllOf:
-                        return (False, [], [])
-            # handle text match elements
-            propFilterNeedsAllRecords = propFilterAllOf
-            propFilterAttributes = []
-            propFilterExpressionList = []
-            for textMatchElement in textMatchElements:
-                textMatchNeedsAllRecords, textMatchExpressionAttributes, textMatchExpression = textMatchElementExpression(propFilterAllOf, textMatchElement)
-                if propFilterAllOf:
-                    propFilterNeedsAllRecords &= textMatchNeedsAllRecords
-                else:
-                    propFilterNeedsAllRecords |= textMatchNeedsAllRecords
-                propFilterAttributes += textMatchExpressionAttributes
-                propFilterExpressionList += textMatchExpression
-            if (len(propFilterExpressionList) > 1) and (filterAllOf != propFilterAllOf):
-                propFilterExpressions = [dsquery.expression(dsquery.expression.AND if propFilterAllOf else dsquery.expression.OR , list(set(propFilterExpressionList)))] # remove duplicates
-            else:
-                propFilterExpressions = list(set(propFilterExpressionList))
-            return (propFilterNeedsAllRecords, propFilterAttributes, propFilterExpressions)
-            #end propFilterExpression
-        #print("propFilterListQuery: filterAllOf=%r, propFilters=%r" % (filterAllOf, propFilters,))
-        """
-        Create an expression for a list of prop-filter elements.
-        @param filterAllOf: the C{True} if parent filter test is "allof"
-        @param propFilters: the C{list} of L{ComponentFilter} elements.
-        @return: (needsAllRecords, espressionAttributes, expression) tuple
-        """
-        needsAllRecords = None
-        attributes = []
-        expressions = []
-        for propFilter in propFilters:
-            propNeedsAllRecords, propExpressionAttributes, propExpression = propFilterExpression(filterAllOf, propFilter)
-            if needsAllRecords is None:
-                needsAllRecords = propNeedsAllRecords
-            elif propNeedsAllRecords is not None:
-                if filterAllOf:
-                    needsAllRecords &= propNeedsAllRecords
-                else:
-                    needsAllRecords |= propNeedsAllRecords
-            attributes += propExpressionAttributes
-            expressions += propExpression
-        # propFilterExpression()'s returned propNeedsAllRecords is only None if a propFilter.filter_name is not not mapped
-        # needsAllRecords is None if there was only one propFilter that returned None
-        # set needsAllRecords True in the case
-        if needsAllRecords is None:
-            needsAllRecords = not filterAllOf
-        if len(expressions) > 1:
-            expr = dsquery.expression(dsquery.expression.AND if filterAllOf else dsquery.expression.OR , list(set(expressions))) # remove duplicates
-        elif len(expressions):
-            expr = expressions[0]
-        else:
-            expr = None
-        return (needsAllRecords, attributes, expr)
-    #print("_dsFilterFromAddressBookFilter")
-    # Lets assume we have a valid filter from the outset
-    # Top-level filter contains zero or more prop-filters
-    if addressBookFilter:
-        filterAllOf = addressBookFilter.filter_test == "allof"
-        if len(addressBookFilter.children) > 0:
-            return propFilterListQuery(filterAllOf, addressBookFilter.children)
-        else:
-            return (filterAllOf, [], [])
-    else:
-        return (False, [], [])    
-class ABDirectoryQueryResult(DAVPropertyMixIn, LoggingMixIn):
-    """
-    Result from ab query report or multiget on directory
-    """
-    # od attributes that may contribute to vcard properties
-    # will be used to translate vCard queries to od queries
-    dsqueryAttributesForProperty = {
-        "FN" : [
-               dsattributes.kDS1AttrFirstName, 
-               dsattributes.kDS1AttrLastName, 
-               dsattributes.kDS1AttrMiddleName,
-               dsattributes.kDSNAttrNamePrefix,
-               dsattributes.kDSNAttrNameSuffix,
-               dsattributes.kDS1AttrDistinguishedName,
-               dsattributes.kDSNAttrRecordName,
-               ],
-        "N" : [
-               dsattributes.kDS1AttrFirstName, 
-               dsattributes.kDS1AttrLastName, 
-               dsattributes.kDS1AttrMiddleName,
-               dsattributes.kDSNAttrNamePrefix,
-               dsattributes.kDSNAttrNameSuffix,
-               dsattributes.kDS1AttrDistinguishedName,
-               dsattributes.kDSNAttrRecordName,
-               ],
-        "NICKNAME" : [
-                dsattributes.kDSNAttrNickName,
-                ],
-        # no binary searching
-        "PHOTO" : [
-                (dsattributes.kDSNAttrJPEGPhoto, "base64"),
-                ],
-        "BDAY" : [
-                dsattributes.kDS1AttrBirthday,
-                ],
-        "ADR" : [
-                dsattributes.kDSNAttrBuilding,
-                dsattributes.kDSNAttrStreet,
-                dsattributes.kDSNAttrCity,
-                dsattributes.kDSNAttrState,
-                dsattributes.kDSNAttrPostalCode,
-                dsattributes.kDSNAttrCountry,
-                ],
-        "LABEL" : [
-                dsattributes.kDSNAttrPostalAddress,
-                dsattributes.kDSNAttrPostalAddressContacts,
-                dsattributes.kDSNAttrAddressLine1,
-                dsattributes.kDSNAttrAddressLine2,
-                dsattributes.kDSNAttrAddressLine3,
-                ],
-         "TEL" : [
-                dsattributes.kDSNAttrPhoneNumber,
-                dsattributes.kDSNAttrMobileNumber,
-                dsattributes.kDSNAttrPagerNumber,
-                dsattributes.kDSNAttrHomePhoneNumber,
-                dsattributes.kDSNAttrPhoneContacts,
-                dsattributes.kDSNAttrFaxNumber,
-                #dsattributes.kDSNAttrAreaCode,
-                ],
-         "EMAIL" : [
-                dsattributes.kDSNAttrEMailAddress,
-                dsattributes.kDSNAttrEMailContacts,
-                ],
-         "GEO" : [
-                dsattributes.kDSNAttrMapCoordinates,
-                ],
-         "TITLE" : [
-                dsattributes.kDSNAttrJobTitle,
-                ],
-         "ORG" : [
-                dsattributes.kDSNAttrCompany,
-                dsattributes.kDSNAttrOrganizationName,
-                dsattributes.kDSNAttrDepartment,
-                ],
-         "NOTE" : [
-                dsattributes.kDS1AttrComment,
-                dsattributes.kDS1AttrNote,
-                ],
-         "REV" : [
-                dsattributes.kDS1AttrModificationTimestamp,
-                ],
-         "UID" : [
-                dsattributes.kDS1AttrGeneratedUID,
-                # special cased
-                #dsattributes.kDSNAttrMetaNodeLocation,
-                #dsattributes.kDSNAttrRecordName,
-                #dsattributes.kDS1AttrDistinguishedName,
-                ],
-         "URL" : [
-                dsattributes.kDS1AttrWeblogURI,
-                dsattributes.kDSNAttrURL,
-                ],
-         "KEY" : [
-                # check on format, are these all binary?
-                (dsattributes.kDSNAttrPGPPublicKey, "base64"),
-                (dsattributes.kDS1AttrUserCertificate, "base64"),
-                (dsattributes.kDS1AttrUserPKCS12Data, "base64"),
-                (dsattributes.kDS1AttrUserSMIMECertificate, "base64"),
-                ],
-         "IMPP" : [
-                dsattributes.kDSNAttrIMHandle,
-                ],
-         "X-AIM" : [
-                dsattributes.kDSNAttrIMHandle,
-                ],
-         "X-JABBER" :    [
-                dsattributes.kDSNAttrIMHandle,
-                ],
-         "X-MSN" :    [
-                dsattributes.kDSNAttrIMHandle,
-                ],
-         "X-YAHOO" :  [
-                dsattributes.kDSNAttrIMHandle,
-                ],
-         "X-ICQ" :    [
-                dsattributes.kDSNAttrIMHandle,
-                ],
-         "X-ABRELATEDNAMES" :  [
-                dsattributes.kDSNAttrRelationships,
-                ],
-                dsattributes.kDS1AttrGeneratedUID,
-                dsattributes.kDSNAttrMetaNodeLocation,
-                dsattributes.kDS1AttrFirstName, 
-                 dsattributes.kDS1AttrLastName, 
-                dsattributes.kDS1AttrMiddleName,
-                   dsattributes.kDSNAttrNamePrefix,
-                  dsattributes.kDSNAttrNameSuffix,
-                 dsattributes.kDS1AttrDistinguishedName,
-                dsattributes.kDSNAttrRecordName,
-                dsattributes.kDSNAttrRecordType,
-                dsattributes.kDS1AttrModificationTimestamp,
-                dsattributes.kDS1AttrCreationTimestamp,
-                ],
-          "X-INTERNAL-REQUIRED" : [
-                dsattributes.kDS1AttrGeneratedUID,
-                dsattributes.kDSNAttrMetaNodeLocation,
-                 dsattributes.kDS1AttrDistinguishedName,
-                dsattributes.kDSNAttrRecordName,
-                dsattributes.kDS1AttrFirstName, 
-                 dsattributes.kDS1AttrLastName, 
-                dsattributes.kDSNAttrRecordType,
-                ],
-    }
-    allDSQueryAttributes = sorted(list(set([attr for lookupAttributes in dsqueryAttributesForProperty.values()
-                                      for attr in lookupAttributes])))
-    binaryDSAttributeStrs = [attr[0] for attr in allDSQueryAttributes
-                                if isinstance(attr, tuple) ]
-    stringDSAttributeStrs = [attr for attr in allDSQueryAttributes
-                                if isinstance(attr, str) ]
-    allDSAttributeStrs = stringDSAttributeStrs + binaryDSAttributeStrs
-    #peopleUIDSeparator = "-" + OpenDirectoryBackingService.baseGUID + "-"
-    userUIDSeparator = "-bf07a1a2-"
-    peopleUIDSeparator = "-cf07a1a2-"
-    constantProperties = {
-        # 3.6.3 PRODID Type Definition
-        "PRODID": vCardProductID,
-        # 3.6.9 VERSION Type Definition
-        "VERSION": "3.0",
-        }
-    def __init__(self, directoryBackedAddressBook, recordAttributes, generateSimpleUIDs=False, addDSAttrXProperties=False, appleInternalServer=False, ):
-        self.log_debug("directoryBackedAddressBook=%s, attributes=%s"    % (directoryBackedAddressBook, recordAttributes))
-        #save off for debugging
-        self.addDSAttrXProperties = addDSAttrXProperties;
-        if addDSAttrXProperties:
-            self.originalAttributes = recordAttributes.copy()
-        self.appleInternalServer = appleInternalServer
-        self._directoryBackedAddressBook = directoryBackedAddressBook
-        self._vCard = None
-        #clean attributes
-        self.attributes = {}
-        for key, values in recordAttributes.items():
-            if key in ABDirectoryQueryResult.stringDSAttributeStrs:
-                if isinstance(values, list):
-                    self.attributes[key] = [removeControlChars(val).decode("utf8") for val in values]
-                else:
-                    self.attributes[key] = removeControlChars(values).decode("utf8")
-            else:
-                self.attributes[key] = values
-        # find a GUID
-        guid = self.firstValueForAttribute(dsattributes.kDS1AttrGeneratedUID)
-        if not guid:
-            if generateSimpleUIDs:
-                nodeUUIDStr = "00000000"
-            else:
-                nodeUUIDStr = "%x" % abs(hash(node))
-            nameUUIDStr = "".join(self.firstValueForAttribute(dsattributes.kDSNAttrRecordName).encode("base64").split("\n"))
-            if self.firstValueForAttribute(dsattributes.kDSNAttrRecordType) != dsattributes.kDSStdRecordTypePeople:
-                guid =  ABDirectoryQueryResult.userUIDSeparator.join([nodeUUIDStr, nameUUIDStr,])
-            else:
-                guid =  ABDirectoryQueryResult.peopleUIDSeparator.join([nodeUUIDStr, nameUUIDStr,])
-            self.attributes[dsattributes.kDS1AttrGeneratedUID] = guid
-        #generate a vCard here.  May throw an exception
-        self.vCard()
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return "<%s[%s(%s)]>" % (
-            self.__class__.__name__,
-            self.vCard().propertyValue("FN"),
-            self.vCard().propertyValue("UID")
-        )
-    def __hash__(self):
-        s = "".join([
-              "%s:%s" % (attribute, self.valuesForAttribute(attribute),)
-              for attribute in self.attributes
-              ])
-        return hash(s)
-    def hasAttribute(self, attributeName ):
-        return self.valuesForAttribute(attributeName, None) is not None
-    def valuesForAttribute(self, attributeName, default_values=[] ):
-        values = self.attributes.get(attributeName)
-        if (values is None):
-            return default_values
-        elif not isinstance(values, list):
-            values = [values, ] 
-        # ds templates often return empty attribute values
-        #     get rid of them here
-        nonEmptyValues = [(value.encode("utf-8") if isinstance(value, unicode) else value) for value in values if len(value) > 0 ]
-        if len(nonEmptyValues) > 0:
-            return nonEmptyValues
-        else:
-            return default_values
-    def firstValueForAttribute(self, attributeName, default_value="" ):
-        values = self.attributes.get(attributeName)
-        if values is None:
-            return default_value
-        elif isinstance(values, list):
-            return values[0].encode("utf_8") if isinstance(values[0], unicode) else values[0]
-        else:
-            return values.encode("utf_8") if isinstance(values, unicode) else values
-    def joinedValuesForAttribute(self, attributeName, separator=",", default_string="" ):
-        values = self.valuesForAttribute(attributeName, None)
-        if not values:
-            return default_string
-        else:
-            return separator.join(values)
-    def isoDateStringForDateAttribute(self, attributeName, default_string="" ):
-        modDate = self.firstValueForAttribute(attributeName, default_string)
-        revDate = None
-        if modDate:
-            if len(modDate) >= len("YYYYMMDD") and modDate[:8].isdigit():
-                revDate = "%s-%s-%s" % (modDate[:4],modDate[4:6],modDate[6:8], )
-            if len(modDate) >= len("YYYYMMDDHHMMSS") and modDate[8:14].isdigit():
-                revDate += "T%s:%s:%sZ" % (modDate[8:10],modDate[10:12],modDate[12:14], )
-        return revDate
-    def vCard(self):
-        def generateVCard():
-            def isUniqueProperty(vcard, newProperty, ignoreParams = None):
-                existingProperties = vcard.properties(newProperty.name())
-                for existingProperty in existingProperties:
-                    if ignoreParams:
-                        existingProperty = existingProperty.duplicate()
-                        for paramname, paramvalue in ignoreParams:
-                            existingProperty.removeParameterValue(paramname, paramvalue)
-                    if existingProperty == newProperty:
-                        return False
-                return True
-            def addUniqueProperty(vcard, newProperty, ignoreParams = None, attrType = None, attrValue = None):
-                if isUniqueProperty(vcard, newProperty, ignoreParams):
-                    vcard.addProperty(newProperty)
-                else:
-                    if attrType and attrValue:
-                        self.log_info("Ignoring attribute %r with value %r in creating property %r. A duplicate property already exists." % (attrType, attrValue, newProperty, ))
-            def addPropertyAndLabel(groupCount, label, propertyName, propertyValue, parameters = None ):
-                groupCount[0] += 1
-                groupPrefix = "item%d" % groupCount[0]
-                vcard.addProperty(Property(propertyName, propertyValue, params=parameters, group=groupPrefix))
-                vcard.addProperty(Property("X-ABLabel", label, group=groupPrefix))
-            # for attributes of the form  param:value
-            def addPropertiesAndLabelsForPrefixedAttribute(groupCount, propertyPrefix, propertyName, attrType, defaultLabel, nolabelParamTypes=(), labelMap={}, specialParamType=None):
-                preferred = True
-                for attrValue in self.valuesForAttribute(attrType):
-                    try:
-                        # special case for Apple
-                        if self.appleInternalServer and attrType == dsattributes.kDSNAttrIMHandle:
-                            splitValue = attrValue.split("|")
-                            if len (splitValue) > 1:
-                                attrValue = splitValue[0]
-                                if splitValue[1].upper() in nolabelParamTypes:
-                                    defaultLabel = splitValue[1]
-                        colonIndex = attrValue.find(":")
-                        if (colonIndex > len(attrValue)-2):
-                            raise ValueError("Nothing after colon.")
-                        propertyValue = attrValue[colonIndex+1:]
-                        labelString = attrValue[:colonIndex] if colonIndex > 0 else defaultLabel
-                        paramTypeString = labelString.upper()
-                        if specialParamType:
-                            parameters = { specialParamType: (paramTypeString,) }
-                            if preferred:
-                                parameters["TYPE"] = ("PREF",)
-                        else:
-                            # add PREF to first prop's parameters
-                            paramTypeStrings = [paramTypeString,]
-                            if preferred and "PREF" != paramTypeString:
-                                paramTypeStrings += ["PREF",]
-                            parameters = { "TYPE": paramTypeStrings, }
-                        #special case for IMHandles which the param is the last part of the property like X-AIM or X-JABBER 
-                        if propertyPrefix:
-                            propertyName = propertyPrefix + paramTypeString
-                        # only add label prop if needed
-                        if paramTypeString in nolabelParamTypes:
-                            addUniqueProperty(vcard, Property(propertyName, attrValue[colonIndex+1:], params=parameters), None, attrValue, attrType)
-                        else:
-                            # use special localizable addressbook labels where possible
-                            localizedABLabelString = labelMap.get(labelString, labelString)
-                            addPropertyAndLabel(groupCount, localizedABLabelString, propertyName, propertyValue, parameters)
-                        preferred = False
-                    except Exception, e:
-                        traceback.print_exc()
-                        self.log_debug("addPropertiesAndLabelsForPrefixedAttribute(): groupCount=%r, propertyPrefix=%r, propertyName=%r, nolabelParamTypes=%r, labelMap=%r, attrType=%r" % (groupCount[0], propertyPrefix, propertyName, nolabelParamTypes, labelMap, attrType,))
-                        self.log_error("addPropertiesAndLabelsForPrefixedAttribute(): Trouble parsing attribute %s, with value \"%s\".  Error = %s" % (attrType, attrValue, e,))
-            #print("ABDirectoryQueryResult.vCard")
-            # create vCard
-            vcard = Component("VCARD")
-            groupCount = [0]
-            # add constant properties - properties that are the same regardless of the record attributes
-            for key, value in ABDirectoryQueryResult.constantProperties.items():
-                vcard.addProperty(Property(key, value))
-            # 3.1 IDENTIFICATION TYPES http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2426#section-3.1
-            # 3.1.1 FN Type Definition
-            # dsattributes.kDS1AttrDistinguishedName,      # Users distinguished or real name
-            #
-            # full name is required but this is set in OpenDiretoryBackingRecord.__init__
-            #vcard.addProperty(Property("FN", self.firstValueForAttribute(dsattributes.kDS1AttrDistinguishedName)))
-            # 3.1.2 N Type Definition
-            # dsattributes.kDS1AttrFirstName,            # Used for first name of user or person record.
-            # dsattributes.kDS1AttrLastName,            # Used for the last name of user or person record.
-            # dsattributes.kDS1AttrMiddleName,            # Used for the middle name of user or person record.
-            # dsattributes.kDSNAttrNameSuffix,            # Represents the name suffix of a user or person.
-                                                        #      ie. Jr., Sr., etc.
-                                                        #      Usually found in user or people records (kDSStdRecordTypeUsers or 
-                                                        #      dsattributes.kDSStdRecordTypePeople).
-            # dsattributes.kDSNAttrNamePrefix,            # Represents the title prefix of a user or person.
-                                                        #      ie. Mr., Ms., Mrs., Dr., etc.
-                                                        #      Usually found in user or people records (kDSStdRecordTypeUsers or 
-                                                        #      dsattributes.kDSStdRecordTypePeople).
-            # name is required, so make sure we have one
-            # vcard says: Each name attribute can be a string or a list of strings.
-            if not self.hasAttribute(dsattributes.kDS1AttrFirstName) and not self.hasAttribute(dsattributes.kDS1AttrLastName):
-                familyName = self.firstValueForAttribute(dsattributes.kDS1AttrDistinguishedName)
-            else:
-                familyName = self.valuesForAttribute(dsattributes.kDS1AttrLastName, "")
-            nameObject = N(
-                first = self.valuesForAttribute(dsattributes.kDS1AttrFirstName, ""),
-                last = familyName, 
-                middle = self.valuesForAttribute(dsattributes.kDS1AttrMiddleName, ""),
-                prefix = self.valuesForAttribute(dsattributes.kDSNAttrNamePrefix, ""),
-                suffix = self.valuesForAttribute(dsattributes.kDSNAttrNameSuffix, ""),
-            )
-            vcard.addProperty(Property("N", nameObject))
-            # set full name to Name with contiguous spaces stripped
-            # it turns out that Address Book.app ignores FN and creates it fresh from N in ABRecord
-            # so no reason to have FN distinct from N
-            vcard.addProperty(Property("FN", nameObject.getFullName() ))
-            # 3.1.3 NICKNAME Type Definition
-            # dsattributes.kDSNAttrNickName,            # Represents the nickname of a user or person.
-                                                        #    Usually found in user or people records (kDSStdRecordTypeUsers or 
-                                                        #    dsattributes.kDSStdRecordTypePeople).
-            for nickname in self.valuesForAttribute(dsattributes.kDSNAttrNickName):
-                addUniqueProperty(vcard, Property("NICKNAME", nickname), None, dsattributes.kDSNAttrNickName, nickname)
-            # 3.1.4 PHOTO Type Definition
-            # dsattributes.kDSNAttrJPEGPhoto,            # Used to store binary picture data in JPEG format. 
-                                                        #      Usually found in user, people or group records (kDSStdRecordTypeUsers, 
-                                                        #      dsattributes.kDSStdRecordTypePeople,dsattributes.kDSStdRecordTypeGroups).
-            # pyOpenDirectory always returns binary-encoded string                                       
-            for photo in self.valuesForAttribute(dsattributes.kDSNAttrJPEGPhoto):
-                photo = "".join("".join(photo.split("\r")).split("\n")) #get rid of line folding: for PHOTO
-                addUniqueProperty(vcard, Property("PHOTO", photo, params={"ENCODING": ["b",], "TYPE": ["JPEG",],}), None, dsattributes.kDSNAttrJPEGPhoto, photo)
-            # 3.1.5 BDAY Type Definition
-            # dsattributes.kDS1AttrBirthday,            # Single-valued attribute that defines the user's birthday.
-                                                        #      Format is x.208 standard YYYYMMDDHHMMSSZ which we will require as GMT time.
-                                                        #                               012345678901234
-            birthdate = self.isoDateStringForDateAttribute(dsattributes.kDS1AttrBirthday)
-            if birthdate:
-                vcard.addProperty(Property("BDAY", PyCalendarDateTime.parseText(birthdate, fullISO=True)))
-            # 3.2 Delivery Addressing Types http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2426#section-3.2
-            #
-            # 3.2.1 ADR Type Definition
-            #address
-            # vcard says: Each address attribute can be a string or a list of strings.
-            extended = self.valuesForAttribute(dsattributes.kDSNAttrBuilding, "")
-            street = self.valuesForAttribute(dsattributes.kDSNAttrStreet, "")
-            city = self.valuesForAttribute(dsattributes.kDSNAttrCity, "")
-            region = self.valuesForAttribute(dsattributes.kDSNAttrState, "")
-            code = self.valuesForAttribute(dsattributes.kDSNAttrPostalCode, "")
-            country = self.valuesForAttribute(dsattributes.kDSNAttrCountry, "")
-            if len(extended) > 0 or len(street) > 0 or len(city) > 0 or len(region) > 0 or len(code) > 0 or len(country) > 0:
-                vcard.addProperty(Property("ADR",
-                    Adr(
-                        #pobox = box,
-                        extended = extended,
-                        street = street,
-                        locality = city,
-                        region = region,
-                        postalcode = code,
-                        country = country,
-                    ),
-                    params = {"TYPE": ["WORK", "PREF", "POSTAL", "PARCEL",],}
-                ))
-            # 3.2.2 LABEL Type Definition
-            # dsattributes.kDSNAttrPostalAddress,            # The postal address usually excluding postal code.
-            # dsattributes.kDSNAttrPostalAddressContacts,    # multi-valued attribute that defines a record's alternate postal addresses .
-                                                            #      found in user records (kDSStdRecordTypeUsers) and resource records (kDSStdRecordTypeResources).
-            # dsattributes.kDSNAttrAddressLine1,            # Line one of multiple lines of address data for a user.
-            # dsattributes.kDSNAttrAddressLine2,            # Line two of multiple lines of address data for a user.
-            # dsattributes.kDSNAttrAddressLine3,            # Line three of multiple lines of address data for a user.
-            for label in self.valuesForAttribute(dsattributes.kDSNAttrPostalAddress):
-                addUniqueProperty(vcard, Property("LABEL", label, params={"TYPE": ["POSTAL", "PARCEL",]}), None, dsattributes.kDSNAttrPostalAddress, label)
-            for label in self.valuesForAttribute(dsattributes.kDSNAttrPostalAddressContacts):
-                addUniqueProperty(vcard, Property("LABEL", label, params={"TYPE": ["POSTAL", "PARCEL",]}), None, dsattributes.kDSNAttrPostalAddressContacts, label)
-            address = self.joinedValuesForAttribute(dsattributes.kDSNAttrAddressLine1)
-            addressLine2 = self.joinedValuesForAttribute(dsattributes.kDSNAttrAddressLine2)
-            if len(addressLine2) > 0:
-                address += "\n" + addressLine2
-            addressLine3 = self.joinedValuesForAttribute(dsattributes.kDSNAttrAddressLine3)
-            if len(addressLine3) > 0:
-                address += "\n" + addressLine3
-            if len(address) > 0:
-                vcard.addProperty(Property("LABEL", address, params={"TYPE": ["POSTAL", "PARCEL",]}))
-            # 3.3 TELECOMMUNICATIONS ADDRESSING TYPES http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2426#section-3.3
-            # 3.3.1 TEL Type Definition
-            #          TEL;TYPE=work,voice,pref,msg:+1-213-555-1234
-            # dsattributes.kDSNAttrPhoneNumber,            # Telephone number of a user.
-            # dsattributes.kDSNAttrMobileNumber,        # Represents the mobile numbers of a user or person.
-                                                        #      Usually found in user or people records (kDSStdRecordTypeUsers or 
-                                                        #      dsattributes.kDSStdRecordTypePeople).
-            # dsattributes.kDSNAttrFaxNumber,            # Represents the FAX numbers of a user or person.
-                                                        # Usually found in user or people records (kDSStdRecordTypeUsers or 
-                                                        # kDSStdRecordTypePeople).
-            # dsattributes.kDSNAttrPagerNumber,            # Represents the pager numbers of a user or person.
-                                                        #      Usually found in user or people records (kDSStdRecordTypeUsers or 
-                                                        #      dsattributes.kDSStdRecordTypePeople).
-            # dsattributes.kDSNAttrHomePhoneNumber,        # Home telephone number of a user or person.
-            # dsattributes.kDSNAttrPhoneContacts,        # multi-valued attribute that defines a record's custom phone numbers .
-                                                        #      found in user records (kDSStdRecordTypeUsers). 
-                                                        #      Example: home fax:408-555-4444
-            params = {"TYPE": ["WORK", "PREF", "VOICE",],}
-            for phone in self.valuesForAttribute(dsattributes.kDSNAttrPhoneNumber):
-                addUniqueProperty(vcard, Property("TEL", phone, params=params), (("TYPE", "PREF"),), phone, dsattributes.kDSNAttrPhoneNumber)
-                params = {"TYPE": ["WORK", "VOICE",],}
-            params = { "TYPE": ["WORK", "PREF", "CELL",], }
-            for phone in self.valuesForAttribute(dsattributes.kDSNAttrMobileNumber):
-                addUniqueProperty(vcard, Property("TEL", phone, params=params), (("TYPE", "PREF"),), phone, dsattributes.kDSNAttrMobileNumber)
-                params = { "TYPE": ["WORK", "CELL",], }
-            params = { "TYPE": ["WORK", "PREF", "FAX",], }
-            for phone in self.valuesForAttribute(dsattributes.kDSNAttrFaxNumber):
-                addUniqueProperty(vcard, Property("TEL", phone, params=params), (("TYPE", "PREF"),), phone, dsattributes.kDSNAttrFaxNumber)
-                params = { "TYPE": ["WORK", "FAX",], }
-            params = { "TYPE": ["WORK", "PREF", "PAGER",], }
-            for phone in self.valuesForAttribute(dsattributes.kDSNAttrPagerNumber):
-                addUniqueProperty(vcard, Property("TEL", phone, params=params), (("TYPE", "PREF"),), phone, dsattributes.kDSNAttrPagerNumber)
-                params = { "TYPE": ["WORK", "PAGER",], }
-            params = { "TYPE": ["HOME", "PREF", "VOICE",], }
-            for phone in self.valuesForAttribute(dsattributes.kDSNAttrHomePhoneNumber):
-                addUniqueProperty(vcard, Property("TEL", phone, params=params), (("TYPE", "PREF"),), phone, dsattributes.kDSNAttrHomePhoneNumber)
-                params = { "TYPE": ["HOME", "VOICE",], }
-            addPropertiesAndLabelsForPrefixedAttribute(groupCount=groupCount, propertyPrefix=None, propertyName="TEL", defaultLabel="work",
-                                                        nolabelParamTypes=("VOICE", "CELL", "FAX", "PAGER",),
-                                                        attrType=dsattributes.kDSNAttrPhoneContacts, )
-            """
-            # EXTEND:  Use this attribute
-            # dsattributes.kDSNAttrAreaCode,            # Area code of a user's phone number.
-            """
-            # 3.3.2 EMAIL Type Definition
-            # dsattributes.kDSNAttrEMailAddress,        # Email address of usually a user record.
-            # setup some params
-            preferredWorkParams = { "TYPE": ["WORK", "PREF", "INTERNET",], }
-            workParams = { "TYPE": ["WORK", "INTERNET",], }
-            params = preferredWorkParams
-            for emailAddress in self.valuesForAttribute(dsattributes.kDSNAttrEMailAddress):
-                addUniqueProperty(vcard, Property("EMAIL", emailAddress, params=params), (("TYPE", "PREF"),), emailAddress, dsattributes.kDSNAttrEMailAddress)
-                params = workParams
-            # dsattributes.kDSNAttrEMailContacts,        # multi-valued attribute that defines a record's custom email addresses .
-                                                        #    found in user records (kDSStdRecordTypeUsers). 
-                                                        #      Example: home:johndoe at mymail.com
-            # check to see if parameters type are open ended. Could be any string
-            addPropertiesAndLabelsForPrefixedAttribute(groupCount=groupCount, propertyPrefix=None, propertyName="EMAIL", defaultLabel="work",
-                                                        nolabelParamTypes=("WORK", "HOME",), 
-                                                        attrType=dsattributes.kDSNAttrEMailContacts, )
-            """
-            # UNIMPLEMENTED:
-            # 3.3.3 MAILER Type Definition
-            """
-            # 3.4 GEOGRAPHICAL TYPES http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2426#section-3.4
-            """
-            # UNIMPLEMENTED:
-            # 3.4.1 TZ Type Definition
-            """
-            # 3.4.2 GEO Type Definition
-            #dsattributes.kDSNAttrMapCoordinates,        # attribute that defines coordinates for a user's location .
-                                                        #      Found in user records (kDSStdRecordTypeUsers) and resource records (kDSStdRecordTypeResources).
-                                                        #      Example: 7.7,10.6
-            for coordinate in self.valuesForAttribute(dsattributes.kDSNAttrMapCoordinates):
-                parts = coordinate.split(",")
-                if (len(parts) == 2):
-                    vcard.addProperty(Property("GEO", parts))
-                else:
-                    self.log_info("Ignoring malformed attribute %r with value %r. Well-formed example: 7.7,10.6." % (dsattributes.kDSNAttrMapCoordinates, coordinate))
-            #
-            # 3.5 ORGANIZATIONAL TYPES http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2426#section-3.5
-            #
-            # 3.5.1 TITLE Type Definition
-            for jobTitle in self.valuesForAttribute(dsattributes.kDSNAttrJobTitle):
-                addUniqueProperty(vcard, Property("TITLE", jobTitle), None, dsattributes.kDSNAttrJobTitle, jobTitle)
-            """
-            # UNIMPLEMENTED:
-            # 3.5.2 ROLE Type Definition
-            # 3.5.3 LOGO Type Definition
-            # 3.5.4 AGENT Type Definition
-            """
-            # 3.5.5 ORG Type Definition
-            company = self.joinedValuesForAttribute(dsattributes.kDSNAttrCompany)
-            if len(company) == 0:
-                company = self.joinedValuesForAttribute(dsattributes.kDSNAttrOrganizationName)
-            department = self.joinedValuesForAttribute(dsattributes.kDSNAttrDepartment)
-            extra = self.joinedValuesForAttribute(dsattributes.kDSNAttrOrganizationInfo)
-            if len(company) > 0 or len(department) > 0:
-                vcard.addProperty(Property("ORG", (company, department, extra, ),))
-            # 3.6 EXPLANATORY TYPES http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2426#section-3.6
-            """
-            # UNIMPLEMENTED:
-            # 3.6.1 CATEGORIES Type Definition
-            """
-            # 3.6.2 NOTE Type Definition
-            # dsattributes.kDS1AttrComment,                  # Attribute used for unformatted comment.
-            # dsattributes.kDS1AttrNote,                  # Note attribute. Commonly used in printer records.
-            for comment in self.valuesForAttribute(dsattributes.kDS1AttrComment):
-                addUniqueProperty(vcard, Property("NOTE", comment), None, dsattributes.kDS1AttrComment, comment)
-            for note in self.valuesForAttribute(dsattributes.kDS1AttrNote):
-                addUniqueProperty(vcard, Property("NOTE", note), None, dsattributes.kDS1AttrNote, note)
-            # 3.6.3 PRODID Type Definition
-            #vcard.addProperty(Property("PRODID", vCardProductID + "//BUILD %s" % twistedcaldav.__version__))
-            #vcard.addProperty(Property("PRODID", vCardProductID))
-            # 3.6.4 REV Type Definition
-            revDate = self.isoDateStringForDateAttribute(dsattributes.kDS1AttrModificationTimestamp)
-            if revDate:
-                vcard.addProperty(Property("REV", PyCalendarDateTime.parseText(revDate, fullISO=True)))
-            """
-            # UNIMPLEMENTED:
-            # 3.6.5 SORT-STRING Type Definition
-            # 3.6.6 SOUND Type Definition
-            """
-            # 3.6.7 UID Type Definition
-            # dsattributes.kDS1AttrGeneratedUID,        # Used for 36 character (128 bit) unique ID. Usually found in user, 
-                                                        #      group, and computer records. An example value is "A579E95E-CDFE-4EBC-B7E7-F2158562170F".
-                                                        #      The standard format contains 32 hex characters and four hyphen characters.
-            vcard.addProperty(Property("UID", self.firstValueForAttribute(dsattributes.kDS1AttrGeneratedUID)))
-            # 3.6.8 URL Type Definition 
-            # dsattributes.kDSNAttrURL,                    # List of URLs.
-            # dsattributes.kDS1AttrWeblogURI,            # Single-valued attribute that defines the URI of a user's weblog.
-                                                        #     Usually found in user records (kDSStdRecordTypeUsers). 
-                                                        #      Example: http://example.com/blog/jsmith
-            for url in self.valuesForAttribute(dsattributes.kDS1AttrWeblogURI):
-                addPropertyAndLabel(groupCount, "weblog", "URL", url, parameters = {"TYPE": ["Weblog",]})
-            for url in self.valuesForAttribute(dsattributes.kDSNAttrURL):
-                addPropertyAndLabel(groupCount, "_$!<HomePage>!$_", "URL", url, parameters = {"TYPE": ["Homepage",]})
-            # 3.6.9 VERSION Type Definition
-            # ALREADY ADDED
-            # 3.7 SECURITY TYPES http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2426#section-3.7
-            # 3.7.1 CLASS Type Definition
-            # ALREADY ADDED
-            # 3.7.2 KEY Type Definition
-            # dsattributes.kDSNAttrPGPPublicKey,        # Pretty Good Privacy public encryption key.
-            # dsattributes.kDS1AttrUserCertificate,        # Attribute containing the binary of the user's certificate.
-                                                        #       Usually found in user records. The certificate is data which identifies a user.
-                                                        #       This data is attested to by a known party, and can be independently verified 
-                                                        #       by a third party.
-            # dsattributes.kDS1AttrUserPKCS12Data,        # Attribute containing binary data in PKCS #12 format. 
-                                                        #       Usually found in user records. The value can contain keys, certificates,
-                                                        #      and other related information and is encrypted with a passphrase.
-            # dsattributes.kDS1AttrUserSMIMECertificate,# Attribute containing the binary of the user's SMIME certificate.
-                                                        #       Usually found in user records. The certificate is data which identifies a user.
-                                                        #       This data is attested to by a known party, and can be independently verified 
-                                                        #       by a third party. SMIME certificates are often used for signed or encrypted
-                                                        #       emails.
-            for key in self.valuesForAttribute(dsattributes.kDSNAttrPGPPublicKey):
-                addUniqueProperty(vcard, Property("KEY", key, params = {"ENCODING": ["b",], "TYPE": ["PGPPublicKey",]}), None, dsattributes.kDSNAttrPGPPublicKey, key)
-            for key in self.valuesForAttribute(dsattributes.kDS1AttrUserCertificate):
-                addUniqueProperty(vcard, Property("KEY", key, params = {"ENCODING": ["b",], "TYPE": ["UserCertificate",]}), None, dsattributes.kDS1AttrUserCertificate, key)
-            for key in self.valuesForAttribute(dsattributes.kDS1AttrUserPKCS12Data):
-                addUniqueProperty(vcard, Property("KEY", key, params = {"ENCODING": ["b",], "TYPE": ["UserPKCS12Data",]}), None, dsattributes.kDS1AttrUserPKCS12Data, key)
-            for key in self.valuesForAttribute(dsattributes.kDS1AttrUserSMIMECertificate):
-                addUniqueProperty(vcard, Property("KEY", key, params = {"ENCODING": ["b",], "TYPE": ["UserSMIMECertificate",]}), None, dsattributes.kDS1AttrUserSMIMECertificate, key)
-            """
-            X- attributes, Address Book support
-            """
-            # X-AIM, X-JABBER, X-MSN, X-YAHOO, X-ICQ
-            # instant messaging
-            # dsattributes.kDSNAttrIMHandle,            # Represents the Instant Messaging handles of a user.
-                                                        #      Values should be prefixed with the appropriate IM type
-                                                        #       ie. AIM:, Jabber:, MSN:, Yahoo:, or ICQ:
-                                                        #       Usually found in user records (kDSStdRecordTypeUsers).
-            imNolabelParamTypes=("AIM", "FACEBOOK", "GAGU-GAGU", "GOOGLE TALK", "ICQ", "JABBER", "MSN", "QQ", "SKYPE", "YAHOO",)
-            addPropertiesAndLabelsForPrefixedAttribute(groupCount=groupCount, propertyPrefix="X-", propertyName=None, defaultLabel="aim",
-                                                        nolabelParamTypes=imNolabelParamTypes, 
-                                                        attrType=dsattributes.kDSNAttrIMHandle,)
-            # IMPP
-            # Address Book's implementation of http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6350#section-6.4.3
-            # adding IMPP property allows ab query report search on one property
-            addPropertiesAndLabelsForPrefixedAttribute(groupCount=groupCount, propertyPrefix=None, propertyName="IMPP", defaultLabel="aim",
-                                                        specialParamType = "X-SERVICE-TYPE",
-                                                        nolabelParamTypes=imNolabelParamTypes, 
-                                                        attrType=dsattributes.kDSNAttrIMHandle,)
-            # X-ABRELATEDNAMES
-            # dsattributes.kDSNAttrRelationships,        #      multi-valued attribute that defines the relationship to the record type .
-                                                        #      found in user records (kDSStdRecordTypeUsers). 
-                                                        #      Example: brother:John
-            addPropertiesAndLabelsForPrefixedAttribute(groupCount=groupCount, propertyPrefix=None, propertyName="X-ABRELATEDNAMES", defaultLabel="friend",
-                                                        labelMap={   "FATHER":"_$!<Father>!$_",
-                                                            "MOTHER":"_$!<Mother>!$_",
-                                                            "PARENT":"_$!<Parent>!$_",
-                                                            "BROTHER":"_$!<Brother>!$_",
-                                                            "SISTER":"_$!<Sister>!$_",
-                                                            "CHILD":"_$!<Child>!$_",
-                                                            "FRIEND":"_$!<Friend>!$_",
-                                                            "SPOUSE":"_$!<Spouse>!$_",
-                                                            "PARTNER":"_$!<Partner>!$_",
-                                                            "ASSISTANT":"_$!<Assistant>!$_",
-                                                            "MANAGER":"_$!<Manager>!$_", },
-                                                        attrType=dsattributes.kDSNAttrRelationships, )
-            # special case for Apple
-            if self.appleInternalServer:
-                for manager in self.valuesForAttribute("dsAttrTypeNative:appleManager"):
-                    splitManager = manager.split("|")
-                    if len(splitManager) >= 4:
-                        managerValue = "%s %s, %s" % (splitManager[0], splitManager[1], splitManager[3],)
-                    elif len(splitManager) >= 2:
-                        managerValue = "%s %s" % (splitManager[0], splitManager[1])
-                    else:
-                        managerValue = manager
-                    addPropertyAndLabel( groupCount, "_$!<Manager>!$_", "X-ABRELATEDNAMES", managerValue, parameters={ "TYPE": ["Manager",]} )
-            """
-            # UNIMPLEMENTED: X- attributes
-            X-MAIDENNAME
-            sattributes.kDS1AttrPicture,                # Represents the path of the picture for each user displayed in the login window.
-                                                        #      Found in user records (kDSStdRecordTypeUsers).
-            dsattributes.kDS1AttrMapGUID,                # Represents the GUID for a record's map.
-            dsattributes.kDSNAttrMapURI,                # attribute that defines the URI of a user's location.
-            dsattributes.kDSNAttrOrganizationInfo,        # Usually the organization info of a user.
-            dsattributes.kDSNAttrAreaCode,                # Area code of a user's phone number.
-            dsattributes.kDSNAttrMIME,                    # Data contained in this attribute type is a fully qualified MIME Type. 
-            """
-            # debug, create x attributes for all ds attributes
-            if self.addDSAttrXProperties:
-                for attribute in self.originalAttributes:
-                    for value in self.valuesForAttribute(attribute):
-                        vcard.addProperty(Property("X-"+"-".join(attribute.split(":")), removeControlChars(value)))
-            return vcard
-        if not self._vCard:
-            self._vCard = generateVCard()
-        return self._vCard
-    def vCardText(self):
-        return str(self.vCard())
-    def uriName(self):
-        return self.vCard().getProperty("UID").value() + ".vcf"
-    def hRef(self, parentURI="/directory/"):
-        # FIXME: Get the parent URI from self._directoryBackedAddressBook
-        return davxml.HRef.fromString(joinURL(parentURI, self.uriName()))
-    def readProperty(self, property, request):
-        if type(property) is tuple:
-            qname = property
-        else:
-            qname = property.qname()
-        namespace, name = qname
-        #print("ABDirectoryQueryResult.readProperty: qname = %s" % (qname, ))
-        if namespace == dav_namespace:
-            if name == "resourcetype":
-                result = davxml.ResourceType.empty #@UndefinedVariable
-                #print("ABDirectoryQueryResult.readProperty: qname = %s, result = %s" % (qname, result))
-                return result
-            elif name == "getetag":
-                result = davxml.GETETag( ETag(hashlib.md5(self.vCardText()).hexdigest()).generate() )
-                #print("ABDirectoryQueryResult.readProperty: qname = %s, result = %s" % (qname, result))
-                return result
-            elif name == "getcontenttype":
-                mimeType = MimeType('text', 'vcard', {})
-                result = davxml.GETContentType(generateContentType(mimeType))
-                #print("ABDirectoryQueryResult.readProperty: qname = %s, result = %s" % (qname, result))
-                return result
-            elif name == "getcontentlength":
-                result = davxml.GETContentLength.fromString(str(len(self.vCardText())))
-                #print("ABDirectoryQueryResult.readProperty: qname = %s, result = %s" % (qname, result))
-                return result
-            elif name == "getlastmodified":
-                if self.vCard().hasProperty("REV"):
-                    modDatetime = parse_date(self.vCard().propertyValue("REV"))
-                else:
-                    # use creation date attribute if it exists
-                    creationDateString = self.isoDateStringForDateAttribute(dsattributes.kDS1AttrCreationTimestamp)
-                    if creationDateString:
-                        modDatetime = parse_date(creationDateString)
-                    else:
-                        modDatetime = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
-                #strip time zone because time zones are unimplemented in davxml.GETLastModified.fromDate
-                d = modDatetime.date()
-                t = modDatetime.time()
-                modDatetimeNoTZ = datetime.datetime(d.year, d.month, d.day, t.hour, t.minute, t.second, t.microsecond, None)
-                result = davxml.GETLastModified.fromDate(modDatetimeNoTZ)
-                #print("ABDirectoryQueryResult.readProperty: qname = %s, result = %s" % (qname, result))
-                return result
-            elif name == "creationdate":
-                creationDateString = self.isoDateStringForDateAttribute(dsattributes.kDS1AttrCreationTimestamp)
-                if creationDateString:
-                    creationDatetime = parse_date(creationDateString)
-                elif self.vCard().hasProperty("REV"):    # use modification date property if it exists
-                    creationDatetime = parse_date(self.vCard().propertyValue("REV"))
-                else:
-                    creationDatetime = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
-                result = davxml.CreationDate.fromDate(creationDatetime)
-                #print("ABDirectoryQueryResult.readProperty: qname = %s, result = %s" % (qname, result))
-                return result
-            elif name == "displayname":
-                # AddressBook.app uses N. Use FN or UID instead?
-                result = davxml.DisplayName.fromString(self.vCard().propertyValue("N"))
-                #print("ABDirectoryQueryResult.readProperty: qname = %s, result = %s" % (qname, result))
-                return result
-        elif namespace == twisted_dav_namespace:
-            return super(ABDirectoryQueryResult, self).readProperty(property, request)
-            #return DAVPropertyMixIn.readProperty(self, property, request)
-        return self._directoryBackedAddressBook.readProperty(property, request)
-    def listProperties(self, request):
-        #print("ABDirectoryQueryResult.listProperties()")
-        qnames = set(self.liveProperties())
-        # Add dynamic live properties that exist
-        dynamicLiveProperties = (
-            (dav_namespace, "quota-available-bytes"     ),
-            (dav_namespace, "quota-used-bytes"          ),
-        )
-        for dqname in dynamicLiveProperties:
-            #print("ABDirectoryQueryResult.listProperties: removing dqname=%s" % (dqname,))
-            qnames.remove(dqname)
-        for qname in self.deadProperties().list():
-            if (qname not in qnames) and (qname[0] != twisted_private_namespace):
-                #print("listProperties: adding qname=%s" % (qname,))
-                qnames.add(qname)
-        #for qn in qnames: print("ABDirectoryQueryResult.listProperties: qn=%s" % (qn,))
-        yield qnames
-    listProperties = deferredGenerator(listProperties)
-# utility
-#remove illegal XML
-def removeControlChars( utf8String ):
-    result = ''.join([c for c in utf8String if c not in "\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\x0b\x0c\x0e\x0f\x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17\x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f"])
-    return result

Copied: CalendarServer/branches/users/gaya/ldapdirectorybacker/twistedcaldav/directory/opendirectorybacker.py (from rev 8981, CalendarServer/branches/users/gaya/ldapdirectorybacker/twistedcaldav/directory/opendirectorybacker.py)
--- CalendarServer/branches/users/gaya/ldapdirectorybacker/twistedcaldav/directory/opendirectorybacker.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ CalendarServer/branches/users/gaya/ldapdirectorybacker/twistedcaldav/directory/opendirectorybacker.py	2012-04-06 19:47:21 UTC (rev 8994)
@@ -0,0 +1,1727 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2006-2012 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+Apple Open Directory directory service implementation for backing up directory-backed address books
+__all__ = [
+    "OpenDirectoryBackingService", "ABDirectoryQueryResult",
+import traceback
+import hashlib
+import os
+import sys
+import time
+from os.path import join
+from random import random
+from pycalendar.n import N
+from pycalendar.adr import Adr
+from pycalendar.datetime import PyCalendarDateTime
+from socket import getfqdn
+from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks, returnValue, deferredGenerator, succeed
+from txdav.xml import element as davxml
+from txdav.xml.base import twisted_dav_namespace, dav_namespace, parse_date, twisted_private_namespace
+from twext.web2.dav.resource import DAVPropertyMixIn
+from twext.web2.dav.util import joinURL
+from twext.web2.http_headers import MimeType, generateContentType, ETag
+from twistedcaldav import carddavxml
+from twistedcaldav.config import config
+from twistedcaldav.directory.directory import DirectoryService, DirectoryRecord
+from twistedcaldav.query import addressbookqueryfilter
+from twistedcaldav.vcard import Component, Property, vCardProductID
+from xmlrpclib import datetime
+from calendarserver.platform.darwin.od import dsattributes, dsquery
+from twisted.python.reflect import namedModule
+from twext.python.log import LoggingMixIn
+class OpenDirectoryBackingService(DirectoryService):
+    """
+    Open Directory implementation of L{IDirectoryService}.
+    """
+    baseGUID = "BF07A1A2-5BB5-4A4D-A59A-67260EA7E143"
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "<%s %r>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.realmName, )
+    def __init__(self, params):
+        self._actuallyConfigure(**params)
+    def _actuallyConfigure(
+        self, queryPeopleRecords=True, 
+        peopleNode = "/Search/Contacts",
+        queryUserRecords=True, 
+        userNode = "/Search",
+        maxDSQueryRecords = 0,            # maximum number of records requested for any ds query
+        queryDSLocal = False,             #query in DSLocal -- debug
+        dsLocalCacheTimeout = 30,
+        ignoreSystemRecords = True,
+        fakeETag = True,                  # eTag is not reliable if True 
+        addDSAttrXProperties=False,       # add dsattributes to vcards as "X-" attributes
+        generateSimpleUIDs = False,       # use simple synthetic UIDs --- good for testing
+        appleInternalServer=False,
+        additionalAttributes=[],
+        allowedAttributes=[],
+        directoryBackedAddressBook=None
+    ):
+        """
+        @queryPeopleRecords: C{True} to query for People records
+        @queryUserRecords: C{True} to query for User records
+        @maxDSQueryRecords: maximum number of (unfiltered) ds records retrieved before raising 
+            NumberOfMatchesWithinLimits exception or returning results
+        @dsLocalCacheTimeout: how log to keep cache of DSLocal records
+        @fakeETag: C{True} to use a fake eTag; allows ds queries with partial attributes
+        @generateSimpleUIDs: C{True} when creating synthetic UID (==f(Node, Type, Record Name)), 
+            use a standard Node name. This allows testing with the same UID on different hosts
+        @allowedAttributes: list of DSAttributes that are used to create VCards
+        """
+        assert directoryBackedAddressBook is not None
+        self.directoryBackedAddressBook = directoryBackedAddressBook
+        self.peopleDirectory = None
+        self.peopleNode = None
+        self.userDirectory = None
+        self.userNode = None
+        self.realmName = None # needed for super
+        self.odModule = namedModule(config.OpenDirectoryModule)
+        if queryPeopleRecords or not queryUserRecords:
+            self.peopleNode = peopleNode
+            try:
+                self.peopleDirectory = self.odModule.odInit(peopleNode)
+            except self.odModule.ODError, e:
+                self.log_error("Open Directory (node=%s) Initialization error: %s" % (peopleNode, e))
+                raise
+            self.realmName = peopleNode
+        if queryUserRecords:
+            if self.peopleNode == userNode:          # use sane directory and node if they are equal
+                self.userNode = self.peopleNode
+                self.userDirectory = self.peopleDirectory
+            else:
+                self.userNode = userNode
+                try:
+                    self.userDirectory = self.odModule.odInit(userNode)
+                except self.odModule.ODError, e:
+                    self.log_error("Open Directory (node=%s) Initialization error: %s" % (userNode, e))
+                    raise
+                if self.realmName:
+                    self.realmName += "+" + userNode
+                else:
+                    self.realmName = userNode
+        self.maxDSQueryRecords = maxDSQueryRecords
+        self.ignoreSystemRecords = ignoreSystemRecords
+        self.queryDSLocal = queryDSLocal
+        self.dsLocalCacheTimeout = dsLocalCacheTimeout
+        self.fakeETag = fakeETag
+        self.addDSAttrXProperties = addDSAttrXProperties
+        self.generateSimpleUIDs = generateSimpleUIDs
+        self.appleInternalServer = appleInternalServer
+        if ignoreSystemRecords:
+            # needed for sytem record test, but not has no part in generating in vCard properties
+            additionalAttributes += [dsattributes.kDS1AttrUniqueID,]
+        self.additionalAttributes = additionalAttributes
+        # filter allows attributes, but make sure there are a minimum of attributes for functionality
+        if allowedAttributes:
+            self.allowedDSQueryAttributes = sorted(list(set(
+                                                [attr for attr in ABDirectoryQueryResult.allDSQueryAttributes
+                                                    if (isinstance(attr, str) and attr in allowedAttributes) or
+                                                       (isinstance(attr, tuple) and attr[0] in allowedAttributes)] +
+                                                ABDirectoryQueryResult.dsqueryAttributesForProperty.get("X-INTERNAL-REQUIRED")
+                                                )))
+            if (self.allowedDSQueryAttributes != ABDirectoryQueryResult.allDSQueryAttributes):
+                self.log_info("Allowed DS query attributes = %r" % (self.allowedDSQueryAttributes, ))
+        else:
+            self.allowedDSQueryAttributes = ABDirectoryQueryResult.allDSQueryAttributes
+        #self.returnedAttributes = ABDirectoryQueryResult.allDSQueryAttributes
+        self.returnedAttributes = self.allowedDSQueryAttributes
+        self._dsLocalResults = {}
+        self._nextDSLocalQueryTime = 0
+    def __cmp__(self, other):
+        if not isinstance(other, DirectoryRecord):
+            return super(DirectoryRecord, self).__eq__(other)
+        for attr in ("directory", "node"):
+            diff = cmp(getattr(self, attr), getattr(other, attr))
+            if diff != 0:
+                return diff
+        return 0
+    def __hash__(self):
+        h = hash(self.__class__.__name__)
+        for attr in ("node",):
+            h = (h + hash(getattr(self, attr))) & sys.maxint
+        return h
+    def createCache(self):
+         succeed(None)
+    def _isSystemRecord(self, recordShortName, recordAttributes):
+        guid = recordAttributes.get(dsattributes.kDS1AttrGeneratedUID)
+        if guid and guid.startswith("FFFFEEEE-DDDD-CCCC-BBBB-AAAA"):
+            self.log_info("Ignoring system record %s with %s %s"  % (recordShortName, dsattributes.kDS1AttrGeneratedUID, guid,))
+            return True
+        uniqueID = recordAttributes.get(dsattributes.kDS1AttrUniqueID)
+        if uniqueID and (int(uniqueID) < 500 or int(uniqueID) == 1000):
+            self.log_info("Ignoring system record %s with %s %s"  % (recordShortName, dsattributes.kDS1AttrUniqueID, uniqueID,))
+            return True
+        return False
+    def _getAllDSLocalResults(self):
+        def generateDSLocalResults():
+            resultsDictionary = {}
+            recordTypes = [dsattributes.kDSStdRecordTypePeople, dsattributes.kDSStdRecordTypeUsers, ]
+            try:
+                localNodeDirectory = self.odModule.odInit("/Local/Default")
+                returnedAttributes = list(set(self.returnedAttributes + self.additionalAttributes))
+                self.log_debug("opendirectory.listAllRecordsWithAttributes_list(%r,%r,%r)" % (
+                        "/DSLocal",
+                        recordTypes,
+                        returnedAttributes,
+                    ))
+                records = list(self.odModule.listAllRecordsWithAttributes_list(
+                        localNodeDirectory,
+                        recordTypes,
+                        returnedAttributes,
+                    ))
+            except self.odModule.ODError, ex:
+                self.log_error("Open Directory (node=%s) error: %s" % ("/Local/Default", str(ex)))
+                raise
+            for (recordShortName, recordAttributes) in records: #@UnusedVariable
+                try:
+                    self.log_info("Inspecting record %s"  % (recordAttributes,))
+                    if self.ignoreSystemRecords:
+                        if self._isSystemRecord(recordShortName, recordAttributes):
+                            continue
+                    result = ABDirectoryQueryResult(self.directoryBackedAddressBook, recordAttributes)
+                except:
+                    traceback.print_exc()
+                    self.log_info("Could not get vcard for record %s" % (recordShortName,))
+                else:
+                    uid = result.vCard().propertyValue("UID")
+                    if uid in resultsDictionary:
+                        self.log_info("Record %s skipped due to duplicate UID: %s" % (recordShortName, uid,))
+                        continue
+                    self.log_debug("VCard text =\n%s" % (result.vCardText(), ))
+                    resultsDictionary[uid] = result                   
+            return resultsDictionary
+        if not self.queryDSLocal:
+            return {}
+        if time.time() > self._nextDSLocalQueryTime:
+            self._dsLocalResults = generateDSLocalResults()
+            # Add jitter/fuzz factor 
+            self._nextDSLocalQueryTime = time.time() + self.dsLocalCacheTimeout * (random() + 0.5)  * 60
+        return self._dsLocalResults
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def _getDirectoryQueryResults(self, query=None, attributes=None, maxRecords=0 ):
+        """
+        Get a list of filtered ABDirectoryQueryResult for the given query with the given attributes.
+        query == None gets all records. attribute == None gets ABDirectoryQueryResult.allDSQueryAttributes
+        """
+        limited = False
+        records = (yield self._queryDirectory(query, attributes, maxRecords ))
+        if maxRecords and len(records) >= maxRecords:
+            limited = True
+            self.log_debug("Directory address book record limit (= %d) reached." % (maxRecords, ))
+        self.log_debug("Query done. Inspecting %s records" % len(records))
+        resultsDictionary = self._getAllDSLocalResults().copy()
+        self.log_debug("Adding %s DSLocal results" % len(resultsDictionary.keys()))
+        for (recordShortName, recordAttributes) in records: #@UnusedVariable
+            try:
+                # fix ds strangeness
+                if recordAttributes.get(dsattributes.kDS1AttrLastName, "") == "99":
+                    del recordAttributes[dsattributes.kDS1AttrLastName]
+                if self.ignoreSystemRecords:
+                    if self._isSystemRecord(recordShortName, recordAttributes):
+                        continue
+                result = ABDirectoryQueryResult(self.directoryBackedAddressBook, recordAttributes, 
+                                     generateSimpleUIDs=self.generateSimpleUIDs, 
+                                     addDSAttrXProperties=self.addDSAttrXProperties,
+                                     appleInternalServer=self.appleInternalServer,
+                                     )
+            except:
+                traceback.print_exc()
+                self.log_info("Could not get vcard for record %s" % (recordShortName,))
+            else:
+                uid = result.vCard().propertyValue("UID")
+                if uid in resultsDictionary:
+                    self.log_info("Record skipped due to duplicate UID: %s" % (recordShortName,))
+                    continue
+                self.log_debug("VCard text =\n%s" % (result.vCardText(), ))
+                resultsDictionary[uid] = result                   
+        self.log_debug("After filtering, %s results (limited=%s)." % (len(resultsDictionary), limited))
+        returnValue((resultsDictionary.values(), limited, ))
+    def _queryDirectory(self, query=None, attributes=None, maxRecords=0 ):
+        startTime = time.time()
+        if not attributes:
+            attributes = self.returnedAttributes
+        attributes = list(set(attributes + self.additionalAttributes)) # remove duplicates
+        directoryAndRecordTypes = []
+        if self.peopleDirectory == self.userDirectory:
+            # use single ds query if possible for best performance
+            directoryAndRecordTypes.append( (self.peopleDirectory, self.peopleNode, (dsattributes.kDSStdRecordTypePeople, dsattributes.kDSStdRecordTypeUsers) ) )
+        else:
+            if self.peopleDirectory:
+                directoryAndRecordTypes.append( (self.peopleDirectory, self.peopleNode, dsattributes.kDSStdRecordTypePeople) )
+            if self.userDirectory:
+                directoryAndRecordTypes.append( (self.userDirectory, self.userNode, dsattributes.kDSStdRecordTypeUsers) )
+        allResults = []
+        for directory, node, recordType in directoryAndRecordTypes:
+            try:
+                if query:
+                    if isinstance(query, dsquery.match) and query.value is not "":
+                        self.log_debug("opendirectory.queryRecordsWithAttribute_list(%r,%r,%r,%r,%r,%r,%r,%r)" % (
+                            node,
+                            query.attribute,
+                            query.value,
+                            query.matchType,
+                            False,
+                            recordType,
+                            attributes,
+                            maxRecords,
+                        ))
+                        results = list(
+                            self.odModule.queryRecordsWithAttribute_list(
+                                directory,
+                                query.attribute,
+                                query.value,
+                                query.matchType,
+                                False,
+                                recordType,
+                                attributes,
+                                maxRecords,
+                            ))
+                    else:
+                        self.log_debug("opendirectory.queryRecordsWithAttribute_list(%r,%r,%r,%r,%r,%r)" % (
+                            node,
+                            query.generate(),
+                            False,
+                            recordType,
+                            attributes,
+                            maxRecords,
+                        ))
+                        results = list(
+                            self.odModule.queryRecordsWithAttributes_list(
+                                directory,
+                                query.generate(),
+                                False,
+                                recordType,
+                                attributes,
+                                maxRecords,
+                            ))
+                else:
+                    self.log_debug("opendirectory.listAllRecordsWithAttributes_list(%r,%r,%r,%r)" % (
+                        node,
+                        recordType,
+                        attributes,
+                        maxRecords,
+                    ))
+                    results = list(
+                        self.odModule.listAllRecordsWithAttributes_list(
+                            directory,
+                            recordType,
+                            attributes,
+                            maxRecords,
+                        ))
+            except self.odModule.ODError, ex:
+                self.log_error("Open Directory (node=%s) error: %s" % (self.realmName, str(ex)))
+                raise
+            allResults.extend(results)
+            if maxRecords:
+                maxRecords -= len(results)
+                if maxRecords <= 0:
+                    break
+        elaspedTime = time.time()-startTime
+        self.log_info("Timing: Directory query: %.1f ms (%d records, %.2f records/sec)" % (elaspedTime*1000, len(allResults), len(allResults)/elaspedTime))
+        return succeed(allResults)
+    def _attributesForAddressBookQuery(self, addressBookQuery ):
+        etagRequested, propertyNames = propertiesInAddressBookQuery( addressBookQuery )
+        if etagRequested and not self.fakeETag:
+            propertyNames = None
+        if not propertyNames:
+            #print("using all attributes")
+            return self.returnedAttributes
+        else:
+            propertyNames.append("X-INTERNAL-MINIMUM-VCARD-PROPERTIES") # these properties are required to make a vCard
+            queryAttributes = []
+            for prop in propertyNames:
+                if prop in ABDirectoryQueryResult.dsqueryAttributesForProperty:
+                    #print("adding attributes %r" % ABDirectoryQueryResult.dsqueryAttributesForProperty.get(prop))
+                    queryAttributes += ABDirectoryQueryResult.dsqueryAttributesForProperty.get(prop)
+            return list(set(queryAttributes).intersection(set(self.returnedAttributes)))
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def doAddressBookQuery(self, addressBookFilter, addressBookQuery, maxResults ):
+        """
+        Get vCards for a given addressBookFilter and addressBookQuery
+        """
+        allRecords, filterAttributes, dsFilter  = dsFilterFromAddressBookFilter( addressBookFilter, vcardPropToDSAttrMap=ABDirectoryQueryResult.vcardPropToDSAttrMap, allowedAttributes=self.allowedDSQueryAttributes );
+        #print("allRecords = %s, query = %s" % (allRecords, "None" if dsFilter is None else dsFilter.generate(),))
+        # testing:
+        # allRecords = True
+        if allRecords:
+            dsFilter = None #  None expression == all Records
+        clear = not allRecords and not dsFilter
+        results = []
+        limited = False
+        if not clear:
+            # add filter to ignore system records rather than post filtering
+            # but this appears to be broken in open directory
+            '''
+            if self.ignoreSystemRecords:
+                ignoreExpression = dsquery.expression( dsquery.expression.NOT, 
+                                                       dsquery.match(dsattributes.kDS1AttrGeneratedUID, "FFFFEEEE-DDDD-CCCC-BBBB-AAAA", dsattributes.eDSStartsWith)
+                                                       )
+                filterAttributes = list(set(filterAttributes).union(dsattributes.kDS1AttrGeneratedUID))
+                dsFilter = dsquery.expression( dsquery.expression.AND, (dsFilter, ignoreExpression,) ) if dsFilter else ignoreExpression
+                #dsFilter = ignoreExpression
+            '''
+            queryAttributes = self._attributesForAddressBookQuery( addressBookQuery )
+            attributes = filterAttributes + queryAttributes
+            #calc maxRecords from passed in maxResults allowing extra for second stage filtering in caller
+            maxRecords = int(maxResults * 1.2)
+            if self.maxDSQueryRecords and maxRecords > self.maxDSQueryRecords:
+                maxRecords = self.maxDSQueryRecords
+            results, limited = (yield self._getDirectoryQueryResults(dsFilter, attributes, maxRecords))
+        returnValue((results, limited,))        
+def propertiesInAddressBookQuery( addressBookQuery ):
+    etagRequested = False
+    propertyNames = [] 
+    #print( "addressBookQuery.qname=%r" % addressBookQuery.qname)
+    if addressBookQuery.qname() == ("DAV:", "prop"):
+        for property in addressBookQuery.children:                
+            #print("property = %r" % property )
+            if isinstance(property, carddavxml.AddressData):
+                for addressProperty in property.children:
+                    #print("addressProperty = %r" % addressProperty )
+                    if isinstance(addressProperty, carddavxml.Property):
+                        #print("Adding property %r", addressProperty.attributes["name"])
+                        propertyNames.append(addressProperty.attributes["name"])
+            elif property.qname() == ("DAV:", "getetag"):
+                # for a real etag == md5(vCard), we need all attributes
+                etagRequested = True
+    return (etagRequested, propertyNames if len(propertyNames) else None)
+def dsFilterFromAddressBookFilter(addressBookFilter, vcardPropToDSAttrMap, allowedAttributes=None):
+    """
+    Convert the supplied addressbook-query into a ds expression tree.
+    @param filter: the L{Filter} for the addressbook-query to convert.
+    @return: (needsAllRecords, espressionAttributes, expression) tuple
+    """
+    def propFilterListQuery(filterAllOf, propFilters):
+        def propFilterExpression(filterAllOf, propFilter):
+            #print("propFilterExpression")
+            """
+            Create an expression for a single prop-filter element.
+            @param propFilter: the L{PropertyFilter} element.
+            @return: (needsAllRecords, espressionAttributes, expressions) tuple
+            """
+            def definedExpression( defined, allOf, filterName, constant, queryAttributes, allAttrStrings):
+                if constant or filterName in ("N" , "FN", "UID", ):
+                    return (defined, [], [])     # all records have this property so no records do not have it
+                else:
+                    matchList = list(set([dsquery.match(attrName, "", dsattributes.eDSStartsWith) for attrName in allAttrStrings]))
+                    if defined:
+                        # TODO:  Investigate what happens when andOrExpresion() does not return an expression
+                        return andOrExpression(allOf, queryAttributes, matchList)
+                    else:
+                        if len(matchList) > 1:
+                            expr = dsquery.expression( dsquery.expression.OR, matchList )
+                        else:
+                            expr = matchList[0]
+                        return (False, queryAttributes, [dsquery.expression( dsquery.expression.NOT, expr),])
+                #end isNotDefinedExpression()
+            def andOrExpression(propFilterAllOf, queryAttributes, matchList):
+                #print("andOrExpression(propFilterAllOf=%r, queryAttributes%r, matchList%r)" % (propFilterAllOf, queryAttributes, matchList))
+                if propFilterAllOf and len(matchList) > 1:
+                    # add OR expression because parent will AND
+                    return (False, queryAttributes, [dsquery.expression( dsquery.expression.OR, matchList),])
+                else:
+                    return (False, queryAttributes, matchList)
+                #end andOrExpression()
+            # short circuit parameter filters
+            def supportedParamter( filterName, paramFilters, propFilterAllOf ):
+                def supported( paramFilterName, paramFilterDefined, params ):
+                    paramFilterName = paramFilterName.upper()
+                    if len(params.keys()) and ((paramFilterName in params.keys()) != paramFilterDefined):
+                        return False
+                    if len(params[paramFilterName]) and str(paramFilter.qualifier).upper() not in params[paramFilterName]:
+                        return False
+                    return True 
+                    #end supported()
+                oneSupported = False
+                for paramFilter in paramFilters:
+                    if filterName == "PHOTO":
+                        if propFilterAllOf != supported( paramFilter.filter_name, paramFilter.defined, { "ENCODING": ["B",], "TYPE": ["JPEG",], }):
+                            return not propFilterAllOf
+                        oneSupported |= propFilterAllOf
+                    elif filterName == "ADR":
+                        if propFilterAllOf != supported( paramFilter.filter_name, paramFilter.defined, { "TYPE": ["WORK", "PREF", "POSTAL", "PARCEL",], }):
+                            return not propFilterAllOf
+                        oneSupported |= propFilterAllOf
+                    elif filterName == "LABEL":
+                        if propFilterAllOf != supported( paramFilter.filter_name, paramFilter.defined, { "TYPE": ["POSTAL", "PARCEL",]}):
+                            return not propFilterAllOf
+                        oneSupported |= propFilterAllOf
+                    elif filterName == "TEL":
+                        if propFilterAllOf != supported( paramFilter.filter_name, paramFilter.defined, { "TYPE": [], }): # has params derived from ds attributes
+                            return not propFilterAllOf
+                        oneSupported |= propFilterAllOf
+                    elif filterName == "EMAIL":
+                        if propFilterAllOf != supported( paramFilter.filter_name, paramFilter.defined, { "TYPE": [], }): # has params derived from ds attributes
+                            return not propFilterAllOf
+                        oneSupported |= propFilterAllOf
+                    elif filterName == "URL":
+                        if propFilterAllOf != supported( paramFilter.filter_name, paramFilter.defined, {}):
+                            return not propFilterAllOf
+                        oneSupported |= propFilterAllOf
+                    elif filterName == "KEY":
+                        if propFilterAllOf != supported( paramFilter.filter_name, paramFilter.defined, { "ENCODING": ["B",], "TYPE": ["PGPPUBILICKEY", "USERCERTIFICATE", "USERPKCS12DATA", "USERSMIMECERTIFICATE",] }):
+                            return not propFilterAllOf
+                        oneSupported |= propFilterAllOf
+                    elif not filterName.startswith("X-"): #X- IMHandles X-ABRELATEDNAMES excepted, no other params are used
+                        if propFilterAllOf == paramFilter.defined:
+                            return not propFilterAllOf
+                        oneSupported |= propFilterAllOf
+                if propFilterAllOf:
+                    return True
+                else:
+                    return oneSupported
+                #end supportedParamter()
+            def textMatchElementExpression( propFilterAllOf, textMatchElement ):
+                # pre process text match strings for ds query 
+                def getMatchStrings( propFilter, matchString ):
+                    if propFilter.filter_name in ("REV" , "BDAY", ):
+                        rawString = matchString
+                        matchString = ""
+                        for c in rawString:
+                            if not c in "TZ-:":
+                                matchString += c
+                    elif propFilter.filter_name == "GEO":
+                        matchString = ",".join(matchString.split(";"))
+                    if propFilter.filter_name in ("N" , "ADR", "ORG", ):
+                        # for structured properties, change into multiple strings for ds query
+                        if propFilter.filter_name == "ADR":
+                            #split by newline and comma
+                            rawStrings = ",".join( matchString.split("\n") ).split(",")
+                        else:
+                            #split by space
+                            rawStrings = matchString.split(" ")
+                        # remove empty strings
+                        matchStrings = []
+                        for oneString in rawStrings:
+                            if len(oneString):
+                                matchStrings += [oneString,]
+                        return matchStrings
+                    elif len(matchString):
+                        return [matchString,]
+                    else:
+                        return []
+                    # end getMatchStrings
+                if constant:
+                    # do the match right now!  Return either all or none.
+                    #FIXME: match is not implemented in twisteddaldav.query.addressbookqueryfilter.TextMatch so use _match for now
+                    return( textMatchElement._match([constant,]), [], [] )
+                else:
+                    matchStrings = getMatchStrings(propFilter, textMatchElement.text)
+                    if not len(matchStrings) or binaryAttrNames:
+                        # no searching text in binary ds attributes, so change to defined/not defined case
+                        if textMatchElement.negate:
+                            return definedExpression(False, propFilterAllOf, propFilter.filter_name, constant, queryAttributes, allAttrStrings)
+                        # else fall through to attribute exists case below
+                    else:
+                        # special case UID's formed from node and record name
+                        if propFilter.filter_name == "UID":
+                            matchString = matchStrings[0]
+                            seperatorIndex = matchString.find(ABDirectoryQueryResult.peopleUIDSeparator)
+                            if seperatorIndex > 1:
+                                recordNameStart = seperatorIndex + len(ABDirectoryQueryResult.peopleUIDSeparator)
+                            else:
+                                seperatorIndex = matchString.find(ABDirectoryQueryResult.userUIDSeparator)                        
+                                if seperatorIndex > 1:
+                                    recordNameStart = seperatorIndex + len(ABDirectoryQueryResult.userUIDSeparator)
+                                else:
+                                    recordNameStart = sys.maxint
+                            if recordNameStart < len(matchString)-1:
+                                try:
+                                    recordNameQualifier = matchString[recordNameStart:].decode("base64").decode("utf8")
+                                except Exception, e:
+                                    self.log_debug("Could not decode UID string %r in %r: %r" % (matchString[recordNameStart:], matchString, e,))
+                                else:
+                                    if textMatchElement.negate:
+                                        return (False, queryAttributes, 
+                                                [dsquery.expression(dsquery.expression.NOT, dsquery.match(dsattributes.kDSNAttrRecordName, recordNameQualifier, dsattributes.eDSExact)),]
+                                                )
+                                    else:
+                                        return (False, queryAttributes, 
+                                                [dsquery.match(dsattributes.kDSNAttrRecordName, recordNameQualifier, dsattributes.eDSExact),]
+                                                )
+                        # use match_type where possible depending on property/attribute mapping
+                        # Note that case sensitive negate will not work
+                        #        Should return all records in that case
+                        matchType = dsattributes.eDSContains
+                        if propFilter.filter_name in ("NICKNAME" , "TITLE" , "NOTE" , "UID", "URL", "N", "ADR", "ORG", "REV",  "LABEL", ):
+                            if textMatchElement.match_type == "equals":
+                                    matchType = dsattributes.eDSExact
+                            elif textMatchElement.match_type == "starts-with":
+                                    matchType = dsattributes.eDSStartsWith
+                            elif textMatchElement.match_type == "ends-with":
+                                    matchType = dsattributes.eDSEndsWith
+                        matchList = []
+                        for matchString in matchStrings:
+                            matchList += [dsquery.match(attrName, matchString, matchType) for attrName in stringAttrNames]
+                        matchList = list(set(matchList))
+                        if textMatchElement.negate:
+                            if len(matchList) > 1:
+                                expr = dsquery.expression( dsquery.expression.OR, matchList )
+                            else:
+                                expr = matchList[0]
+                            return (False, queryAttributes, [dsquery.expression( dsquery.expression.NOT, expr),])
+                        else:
+                            return andOrExpression(propFilterAllOf, queryAttributes, matchList)
+                # attribute exists search
+                return definedExpression(True, propFilterAllOf, propFilter.filter_name, constant, queryAttributes, allAttrStrings)
+                #end textMatchElementExpression()
+            # get attribute strings
+            queryAttributes = vcardPropToDSAttrMap.get(propFilter.filter_name, [])
+            if isinstance(queryAttributes, str):
+                queryAttributes = [queryAttributes,]
+            if allowedAttributes:
+                queryAttributes = list(set(queryAttributes).intersection(set(allowedAttributes)))
+            binaryAttrNames = []
+            stringAttrNames = []
+            for attr in queryAttributes:
+                if isinstance(attr, tuple):
+                    binaryAttrNames.append(attr[0])
+                else:
+                    stringAttrNames.append(attr)
+            allAttrStrings = stringAttrNames + binaryAttrNames
+            if not allAttrStrings:
+            	# not AllAttrStrings means propFilter.filter_name is not mapped
+            	# return None to try to match all items if this is the only property filter
+                return (None, [], [])
+            constant = ABDirectoryQueryResult.constantProperties.get(propFilter.filter_name)
+            if propFilter.qualifier and isinstance(propFilter.qualifier, addressbookqueryfilter.IsNotDefined):
+                return definedExpression(False, filterAllOf, propFilter.filter_name, constant, queryAttributes, allAttrStrings)
+            paramFilterElements = [paramFilterElement for paramFilterElement in propFilter.filters if isinstance(paramFilterElement, addressbookqueryfilter.ParameterFilter)]
+            textMatchElements = [textMatchElement for textMatchElement in propFilter.filters if isinstance(textMatchElement, addressbookqueryfilter.TextMatch)]
+            # if only one propFilter, then use filterAllOf as propFilterAllOf to reduce subexpressions and simplify generated query string
+            if len(propFilter.filters) == 1:
+                propFilterAllOf = filterAllOf
+            else:
+                propFilterAllOf = propFilter.propfilter_test == "allof"
+            # handle parameter filter elements
+            if len(paramFilterElements) > 0:
+                if supportedParamter(propFilter.filter_name, paramFilterElements, propFilterAllOf ):
+                    if len(textMatchElements) == 0:
+                        return definedExpression(True, filterAllOf, propFilter.filter_name, constant, queryAttributes, allAttrStrings)
+                else:
+                    if propFilterAllOf:
+                        return (False, [], [])
+            # handle text match elements
+            propFilterNeedsAllRecords = propFilterAllOf
+            propFilterAttributes = []
+            propFilterExpressionList = []
+            for textMatchElement in textMatchElements:
+                textMatchNeedsAllRecords, textMatchExpressionAttributes, textMatchExpression = textMatchElementExpression(propFilterAllOf, textMatchElement)
+                if propFilterAllOf:
+                    propFilterNeedsAllRecords &= textMatchNeedsAllRecords
+                else:
+                    propFilterNeedsAllRecords |= textMatchNeedsAllRecords
+                propFilterAttributes += textMatchExpressionAttributes
+                propFilterExpressionList += textMatchExpression
+            if (len(propFilterExpressionList) > 1) and (filterAllOf != propFilterAllOf):
+                propFilterExpressions = [dsquery.expression(dsquery.expression.AND if propFilterAllOf else dsquery.expression.OR , list(set(propFilterExpressionList)))] # remove duplicates
+            else:
+                propFilterExpressions = list(set(propFilterExpressionList))
+            return (propFilterNeedsAllRecords, propFilterAttributes, propFilterExpressions)
+            #end propFilterExpression
+        #print("propFilterListQuery: filterAllOf=%r, propFilters=%r" % (filterAllOf, propFilters,))
+        """
+        Create an expression for a list of prop-filter elements.
+        @param filterAllOf: the C{True} if parent filter test is "allof"
+        @param propFilters: the C{list} of L{ComponentFilter} elements.
+        @return: (needsAllRecords, espressionAttributes, expression) tuple
+        """
+        needsAllRecords = None
+        attributes = []
+        expressions = []
+        for propFilter in propFilters:
+            propNeedsAllRecords, propExpressionAttributes, propExpression = propFilterExpression(filterAllOf, propFilter)
+            if needsAllRecords is None:
+                needsAllRecords = propNeedsAllRecords
+            elif propNeedsAllRecords is not None:
+                if filterAllOf:
+                    needsAllRecords &= propNeedsAllRecords
+                else:
+                    needsAllRecords |= propNeedsAllRecords
+            attributes += propExpressionAttributes
+            expressions += propExpression
+        # propFilterExpression()'s returned propNeedsAllRecords is only None if a propFilter.filter_name is not not mapped
+        # needsAllRecords is None if there was only one propFilter that returned None
+        # set needsAllRecords True in the case
+        if needsAllRecords is None:
+            needsAllRecords = not filterAllOf
+        if len(expressions) > 1:
+            expr = dsquery.expression(dsquery.expression.AND if filterAllOf else dsquery.expression.OR , list(set(expressions))) # remove duplicates
+        elif len(expressions):
+            expr = expressions[0]
+        else:
+            expr = None
+        return (needsAllRecords, attributes, expr)
+    #print("dsFilterFromAddressBookFilter")
+    # Lets assume we have a valid filter from the outset
+    # Top-level filter contains zero or more prop-filters
+    if addressBookFilter:
+        filterAllOf = addressBookFilter.filter_test == "allof"
+        if len(addressBookFilter.children) > 0:
+            return propFilterListQuery(filterAllOf, addressBookFilter.children)
+        else:
+            return (filterAllOf, [], [])
+    else:
+        return (False, [], [])    
+class ABDirectoryQueryResult(DAVPropertyMixIn, LoggingMixIn):
+    """
+    Result from ab query report or multiget on directory
+    """
+    # od attributes that may contribute to vcard properties
+    # will be used to translate vCard queries to od queries
+    vcardPropToDSAttrMap = {
+        "FN" : [
+               dsattributes.kDS1AttrFirstName, 
+               dsattributes.kDS1AttrLastName, 
+               dsattributes.kDS1AttrMiddleName,
+               dsattributes.kDSNAttrNamePrefix,
+               dsattributes.kDSNAttrNameSuffix,
+               dsattributes.kDS1AttrDistinguishedName,
+               dsattributes.kDSNAttrRecordName,
+               ],
+        "N" : [
+               dsattributes.kDS1AttrFirstName, 
+               dsattributes.kDS1AttrLastName, 
+               dsattributes.kDS1AttrMiddleName,
+               dsattributes.kDSNAttrNamePrefix,
+               dsattributes.kDSNAttrNameSuffix,
+               dsattributes.kDS1AttrDistinguishedName,
+               dsattributes.kDSNAttrRecordName,
+               ],
+        "NICKNAME" : [
+                dsattributes.kDSNAttrNickName,
+                ],
+        # no binary searching
+        "PHOTO" : [
+                (dsattributes.kDSNAttrJPEGPhoto, "base64"),
+                ],
+        "BDAY" : [
+                dsattributes.kDS1AttrBirthday,
+                ],
+        "ADR" : [
+                dsattributes.kDSNAttrBuilding,
+                dsattributes.kDSNAttrStreet,
+                dsattributes.kDSNAttrCity,
+                dsattributes.kDSNAttrState,
+                dsattributes.kDSNAttrPostalCode,
+                dsattributes.kDSNAttrCountry,
+                ],
+        "LABEL" : [
+                dsattributes.kDSNAttrPostalAddress,
+                dsattributes.kDSNAttrPostalAddressContacts,
+                dsattributes.kDSNAttrAddressLine1,
+                dsattributes.kDSNAttrAddressLine2,
+                dsattributes.kDSNAttrAddressLine3,
+                ],
+         "TEL" : [
+                dsattributes.kDSNAttrPhoneNumber,
+                dsattributes.kDSNAttrMobileNumber,
+                dsattributes.kDSNAttrPagerNumber,
+                dsattributes.kDSNAttrHomePhoneNumber,
+                dsattributes.kDSNAttrPhoneContacts,
+                dsattributes.kDSNAttrFaxNumber,
+                #dsattributes.kDSNAttrAreaCode,
+                ],
+         "EMAIL" : [
+                dsattributes.kDSNAttrEMailAddress,
+                dsattributes.kDSNAttrEMailContacts,
+                ],
+         "GEO" : [
+                dsattributes.kDSNAttrMapCoordinates,
+                ],
+         "TITLE" : [
+                dsattributes.kDSNAttrJobTitle,
+                ],
+         "ORG" : [
+                dsattributes.kDSNAttrCompany,
+                dsattributes.kDSNAttrOrganizationName,
+                dsattributes.kDSNAttrDepartment,
+                ],
+         "NOTE" : [
+                dsattributes.kDS1AttrComment,
+                dsattributes.kDS1AttrNote,
+                ],
+         "REV" : [
+                dsattributes.kDS1AttrModificationTimestamp,
+                ],
+         "UID" : [
+                dsattributes.kDS1AttrGeneratedUID,
+                dsattributes.kDSNAttrRecordName,
+                dsattributes.kDSNAttrRecordType,
+                ],
+         "URL" : [
+                dsattributes.kDS1AttrWeblogURI,
+                dsattributes.kDSNAttrURL,
+                ],
+         "KEY" : [
+                # check on format, are these all binary?
+                (dsattributes.kDSNAttrPGPPublicKey, "base64"),
+                (dsattributes.kDS1AttrUserCertificate, "base64"),
+                (dsattributes.kDS1AttrUserPKCS12Data, "base64"),
+                (dsattributes.kDS1AttrUserSMIMECertificate, "base64"),
+                ],
+         "IMPP" : [
+                dsattributes.kDSNAttrIMHandle,
+                ],
+         "X-ABRELATEDNAMES" :  [
+                dsattributes.kDSNAttrRelationships,
+                ],
+                dsattributes.kDS1AttrGeneratedUID,
+                dsattributes.kDS1AttrFirstName, 
+                dsattributes.kDS1AttrLastName, 
+                dsattributes.kDS1AttrMiddleName,
+                dsattributes.kDSNAttrNamePrefix,
+                dsattributes.kDSNAttrNameSuffix,
+                dsattributes.kDS1AttrDistinguishedName,
+                dsattributes.kDSNAttrRecordName,
+                dsattributes.kDSNAttrRecordType,
+                dsattributes.kDS1AttrModificationTimestamp,
+                dsattributes.kDS1AttrCreationTimestamp,
+                ],
+          "X-INTERNAL-REQUIRED" : [
+                dsattributes.kDS1AttrGeneratedUID,
+                dsattributes.kDS1AttrDistinguishedName,
+                dsattributes.kDSNAttrRecordName,
+                dsattributes.kDS1AttrFirstName, 
+                dsattributes.kDS1AttrLastName, 
+                dsattributes.kDSNAttrRecordType,
+                ],
+    }
+    allDSQueryAttributes = list(set([attr for lookupAttributes in vcardPropToDSAttrMap.values()
+                                      for attr in lookupAttributes]))
+    binaryDSAttrNames = [attr[0] for attr in allDSQueryAttributes
+                                if isinstance(attr, tuple) ]
+    stringDSAttrNames = [attr for attr in allDSQueryAttributes
+                                if isinstance(attr, str) ]
+    allDSAttrNames = stringDSAttrNames + binaryDSAttrNames
+    #peopleUIDSeparator = "-" + OpenDirectoryBackingService.baseGUID + "-"
+    userUIDSeparator = "-bf07a1a2-"
+    peopleUIDSeparator = "-cf07a1a2-"
+    constantProperties = {
+        # 3.6.3 PRODID Type Definition
+        "PRODID": vCardProductID,
+        # 3.6.9 VERSION Type Definition
+        "VERSION": "3.0",
+        }
+    def __init__(self, directoryBackedAddressBook, recordAttributes, generateSimpleUIDs=False, addDSAttrXProperties=False, appleInternalServer=False, ):
+        self.log_debug("directoryBackedAddressBook=%s, attributes=%s"    % (directoryBackedAddressBook, recordAttributes))
+        #save off for debugging
+        self.addDSAttrXProperties = addDSAttrXProperties;
+        if addDSAttrXProperties:
+            self.originalAttributes = recordAttributes.copy()
+        self.appleInternalServer = appleInternalServer
+        self._directoryBackedAddressBook = directoryBackedAddressBook
+        self._vCard = None
+        #clean attributes
+        self.attributes = {}
+        for key, values in recordAttributes.items():
+            if key in ABDirectoryQueryResult.stringDSAttrNames:
+                if isinstance(values, list):
+                    self.attributes[key] = [removeControlChars(val).decode("utf8") for val in values]
+                else:
+                    self.attributes[key] = removeControlChars(values).decode("utf8")
+            else:
+                self.attributes[key] = values
+        # find a GUID
+        guid = self.firstValueForAttribute(dsattributes.kDS1AttrGeneratedUID)
+        if not guid:
+            if generateSimpleUIDs:
+                nodeUUIDStr = "00000000"
+            else:
+                nodeUUIDStr = "%x" % abs(hash(node))
+            nameUUIDStr = "".join(self.firstValueForAttribute(dsattributes.kDSNAttrRecordName).encode("base64").split("\n"))
+            if self.firstValueForAttribute(dsattributes.kDSNAttrRecordType) != dsattributes.kDSStdRecordTypePeople:
+                guid =  ABDirectoryQueryResult.userUIDSeparator.join([nodeUUIDStr, nameUUIDStr,])
+            else:
+                guid =  ABDirectoryQueryResult.peopleUIDSeparator.join([nodeUUIDStr, nameUUIDStr,])
+            self.attributes[dsattributes.kDS1AttrGeneratedUID] = guid
+        #generate a vCard here.  May throw an exception
+        self.vCard()
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "<%s[%s(%s)]>" % (
+            self.__class__.__name__,
+            self.vCard().propertyValue("FN"),
+            self.vCard().propertyValue("UID")
+        )
+    def __hash__(self):
+        s = "".join([
+              "%s:%s" % (attribute, self.valuesForAttribute(attribute),)
+              for attribute in self.attributes
+              ])
+        return hash(s)
+    def hasAttribute(self, attributeName ):
+        return self.valuesForAttribute(attributeName, None) is not None
+    def valuesForAttribute(self, attributeName, default_values=[] ):
+        values = self.attributes.get(attributeName)
+        if (values is None):
+            return default_values
+        elif not isinstance(values, list):
+            values = [values, ] 
+        # ds templates often return empty attribute values
+        #     get rid of them here
+        nonEmptyValues = [(value.encode("utf-8") if isinstance(value, unicode) else value) for value in values if len(value) > 0 ]
+        if len(nonEmptyValues) > 0:
+            return nonEmptyValues
+        else:
+            return default_values
+    def firstValueForAttribute(self, attributeName, default_value="" ):
+        values = self.attributes.get(attributeName)
+        if values is None:
+            return default_value
+        elif isinstance(values, list):
+            return values[0].encode("utf_8") if isinstance(values[0], unicode) else values[0]
+        else:
+            return values.encode("utf_8") if isinstance(values, unicode) else values
+    def joinedValuesForAttribute(self, attributeName, separator=",", default_string="" ):
+        values = self.valuesForAttribute(attributeName, None)
+        if not values:
+            return default_string
+        else:
+            return separator.join(values)
+    def isoDateStringForDateAttribute(self, attributeName, default_string="" ):
+        modDate = self.firstValueForAttribute(attributeName, default_string)
+        revDate = None
+        if modDate:
+            if len(modDate) >= len("YYYYMMDD") and modDate[:8].isdigit():
+                revDate = "%s-%s-%s" % (modDate[:4],modDate[4:6],modDate[6:8], )
+            if len(modDate) >= len("YYYYMMDDHHMMSS") and modDate[8:14].isdigit():
+                revDate += "T%s:%s:%sZ" % (modDate[8:10],modDate[10:12],modDate[12:14], )
+        return revDate
+    def vCard(self):
+        def generateVCard():
+            def isUniqueProperty(vcard, newProperty, ignoreParams = None):
+                existingProperties = vcard.properties(newProperty.name())
+                for existingProperty in existingProperties:
+                    if ignoreParams:
+                        existingProperty = existingProperty.duplicate()
+                        for paramname, paramvalue in ignoreParams:
+                            existingProperty.removeParameterValue(paramname, paramvalue)
+                    if existingProperty == newProperty:
+                        return False
+                return True
+            def addUniqueProperty(vcard, newProperty, ignoreParams = None, attrType = None, attrValue = None):
+                if isUniqueProperty(vcard, newProperty, ignoreParams):
+                    vcard.addProperty(newProperty)
+                else:
+                    if attrType and attrValue:
+                        self.log_info("Ignoring attribute %r with value %r in creating property %r. A duplicate property already exists." % (attrType, attrValue, newProperty, ))
+            def addPropertyAndLabel(groupCount, label, propertyName, propertyValue, parameters = None ):
+                groupCount[0] += 1
+                groupPrefix = "item%d" % groupCount[0]
+                vcard.addProperty(Property(propertyName, propertyValue, params=parameters, group=groupPrefix))
+                vcard.addProperty(Property("X-ABLabel", label, group=groupPrefix))
+            # for attributes of the form  param:value
+            def addPropertiesAndLabelsForPrefixedAttribute(groupCount, propertyPrefix, propertyName, attrType, defaultLabel, nolabelParamTypes=(), labelMap={}, specialParamType=None):
+                preferred = True
+                for attrValue in self.valuesForAttribute(attrType):
+                    try:
+                        # special case for Apple
+                        if self.appleInternalServer and attrType == dsattributes.kDSNAttrIMHandle:
+                            splitValue = attrValue.split("|")
+                            if len (splitValue) > 1:
+                                attrValue = splitValue[0]
+                                if splitValue[1].upper() in nolabelParamTypes:
+                                    defaultLabel = splitValue[1]
+                        colonIndex = attrValue.find(":")
+                        if (colonIndex > len(attrValue)-2):
+                            raise ValueError("Nothing after colon.")
+                        propertyValue = attrValue[colonIndex+1:]
+                        labelString = attrValue[:colonIndex] if colonIndex > 0 else defaultLabel
+                        paramTypeString = labelString.upper()
+                        if specialParamType:
+                            parameters = { specialParamType: (paramTypeString,) }
+                            if preferred:
+                                parameters["TYPE"] = ("PREF",)
+                        else:
+                            # add PREF to first prop's parameters
+                            paramTypeStrings = [paramTypeString,]
+                            if preferred and "PREF" != paramTypeString:
+                                paramTypeStrings += ["PREF",]
+                            parameters = { "TYPE": paramTypeStrings, }
+                        #special case for IMHandles which the param is the last part of the property like X-AIM or X-JABBER 
+                        if propertyPrefix:
+                            propertyName = propertyPrefix + paramTypeString
+                        # only add label prop if needed
+                        if paramTypeString in nolabelParamTypes:
+                            addUniqueProperty(vcard, Property(propertyName, attrValue[colonIndex+1:], params=parameters), None, attrValue, attrType)
+                        else:
+                            # use special localizable addressbook labels where possible
+                            localizedABLabelString = labelMap.get(labelString, labelString)
+                            addPropertyAndLabel(groupCount, localizedABLabelString, propertyName, propertyValue, parameters)
+                        preferred = False
+                    except Exception, e:
+                        traceback.print_exc()
+                        self.log_debug("addPropertiesAndLabelsForPrefixedAttribute(): groupCount=%r, propertyPrefix=%r, propertyName=%r, nolabelParamTypes=%r, labelMap=%r, attrType=%r" % (groupCount[0], propertyPrefix, propertyName, nolabelParamTypes, labelMap, attrType,))
+                        self.log_error("addPropertiesAndLabelsForPrefixedAttribute(): Trouble parsing attribute %s, with value \"%s\".  Error = %s" % (attrType, attrValue, e,))
+            #print("ABDirectoryQueryResult.vCard")
+            # create vCard
+            vcard = Component("VCARD")
+            groupCount = [0]
+            # add constant properties - properties that are the same regardless of the record attributes
+            for key, value in ABDirectoryQueryResult.constantProperties.items():
+                vcard.addProperty(Property(key, value))
+            # 3.1 IDENTIFICATION TYPES http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2426#section-3.1
+            # 3.1.1 FN Type Definition
+            # dsattributes.kDS1AttrDistinguishedName,      # Users distinguished or real name
+            #
+            # full name is required but this is set in OpenDiretoryBackingRecord.__init__
+            #vcard.addProperty(Property("FN", self.firstValueForAttribute(dsattributes.kDS1AttrDistinguishedName)))
+            # 3.1.2 N Type Definition
+            # dsattributes.kDS1AttrFirstName,           # Used for first name of user or person record.
+            # dsattributes.kDS1AttrLastName,            # Used for the last name of user or person record.
+            # dsattributes.kDS1AttrMiddleName,          #Used for the middle name of user or person record.
+            # dsattributes.kDSNAttrNameSuffix,          # Represents the name suffix of a user or person.
+                                                        #      ie. Jr., Sr., etc.
+                                                        #      Usually found in user or people records (kDSStdRecordTypeUsers or 
+                                                        #      dsattributes.kDSStdRecordTypePeople).
+            # dsattributes.kDSNAttrNamePrefix,          # Represents the title prefix of a user or person.
+                                                        #      ie. Mr., Ms., Mrs., Dr., etc.
+                                                        #      Usually found in user or people records (kDSStdRecordTypeUsers or 
+                                                        #      dsattributes.kDSStdRecordTypePeople).
+            # name is required, so make sure we have one
+            # vcard says: Each name attribute can be a string or a list of strings.
+            if not self.hasAttribute(dsattributes.kDS1AttrFirstName) and not self.hasAttribute(dsattributes.kDS1AttrLastName):
+                familyName = self.firstValueForAttribute(dsattributes.kDS1AttrDistinguishedName)
+            else:
+                familyName = self.valuesForAttribute(dsattributes.kDS1AttrLastName, "")
+            nameObject = N(
+                first = self.valuesForAttribute(dsattributes.kDS1AttrFirstName, ""),
+                last = familyName, 
+                middle = self.valuesForAttribute(dsattributes.kDS1AttrMiddleName, ""),
+                prefix = self.valuesForAttribute(dsattributes.kDSNAttrNamePrefix, ""),
+                suffix = self.valuesForAttribute(dsattributes.kDSNAttrNameSuffix, ""),
+            )
+            vcard.addProperty(Property("N", nameObject))
+            # set full name to Name with contiguous spaces stripped
+            # it turns out that Address Book.app ignores FN and creates it fresh from N in ABRecord
+            # so no reason to have FN distinct from N
+            vcard.addProperty(Property("FN", nameObject.getFullName() ))
+            # 3.1.3 NICKNAME Type Definition
+            # dsattributes.kDSNAttrNickName,            # Represents the nickname of a user or person.
+                                                        #    Usually found in user or people records (kDSStdRecordTypeUsers or 
+                                                        #    dsattributes.kDSStdRecordTypePeople).
+            for nickname in self.valuesForAttribute(dsattributes.kDSNAttrNickName):
+                addUniqueProperty(vcard, Property("NICKNAME", nickname), None, dsattributes.kDSNAttrNickName, nickname)
+            # 3.1.4 PHOTO Type Definition
+            # dsattributes.kDSNAttrJPEGPhoto,           # Used to store binary picture data in JPEG format. 
+                                                        #      Usually found in user, people or group records (kDSStdRecordTypeUsers, 
+                                                        #      dsattributes.kDSStdRecordTypePeople,dsattributes.kDSStdRecordTypeGroups).
+            # pyOpenDirectory always returns binary-encoded string                                       
+            for photo in self.valuesForAttribute(dsattributes.kDSNAttrJPEGPhoto):
+                photo = "".join("".join(photo.split("\r")).split("\n")) #get rid of line folding: for PHOTO
+                addUniqueProperty(vcard, Property("PHOTO", photo, params={"ENCODING": ["b",], "TYPE": ["JPEG",],}), None, dsattributes.kDSNAttrJPEGPhoto, photo)
+            # 3.1.5 BDAY Type Definition
+            # dsattributes.kDS1AttrBirthday,            # Single-valued attribute that defines the user's birthday.
+                                                        #      Format is x.208 standard YYYYMMDDHHMMSSZ which we will require as GMT time.
+                                                        #                               012345678901234
+            birthdate = self.isoDateStringForDateAttribute(dsattributes.kDS1AttrBirthday)
+            if birthdate:
+                vcard.addProperty(Property("BDAY", PyCalendarDateTime.parseText(birthdate, fullISO=True)))
+            # 3.2 Delivery Addressing Types http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2426#section-3.2
+            #
+            # 3.2.1 ADR Type Definition
+            #address
+            # vcard says: Each address attribute can be a string or a list of strings.
+            extended = self.valuesForAttribute(dsattributes.kDSNAttrBuilding, "")
+            street = self.valuesForAttribute(dsattributes.kDSNAttrStreet, "")
+            city = self.valuesForAttribute(dsattributes.kDSNAttrCity, "")
+            region = self.valuesForAttribute(dsattributes.kDSNAttrState, "")
+            code = self.valuesForAttribute(dsattributes.kDSNAttrPostalCode, "")
+            country = self.valuesForAttribute(dsattributes.kDSNAttrCountry, "")
+            if len(extended) > 0 or len(street) > 0 or len(city) > 0 or len(region) > 0 or len(code) > 0 or len(country) > 0:
+                vcard.addProperty(Property("ADR",
+                    Adr(
+                        #pobox = box,
+                        extended = extended,
+                        street = street,
+                        locality = city,
+                        region = region,
+                        postalcode = code,
+                        country = country,
+                    ),
+                    params = {"TYPE": ["WORK", "PREF", "POSTAL", "PARCEL",],}
+                ))
+            # 3.2.2 LABEL Type Definition
+            # dsattributes.kDSNAttrPostalAddress,           # The postal address usually excluding postal code.
+            # dsattributes.kDSNAttrPostalAddressContacts,   # multi-valued attribute that defines a record's alternate postal addresses .
+                                                            #      found in user records (kDSStdRecordTypeUsers) and resource records (kDSStdRecordTypeResources).
+            # dsattributes.kDSNAttrAddressLine1,            # Line one of multiple lines of address data for a user.
+            # dsattributes.kDSNAttrAddressLine2,            # Line two of multiple lines of address data for a user.
+            # dsattributes.kDSNAttrAddressLine3,            # Line three of multiple lines of address data for a user.
+            for label in self.valuesForAttribute(dsattributes.kDSNAttrPostalAddress):
+                addUniqueProperty(vcard, Property("LABEL", label, params={"TYPE": ["POSTAL", "PARCEL",]}), None, dsattributes.kDSNAttrPostalAddress, label)
+            for label in self.valuesForAttribute(dsattributes.kDSNAttrPostalAddressContacts):
+                addUniqueProperty(vcard, Property("LABEL", label, params={"TYPE": ["POSTAL", "PARCEL",]}), None, dsattributes.kDSNAttrPostalAddressContacts, label)
+            address = self.joinedValuesForAttribute(dsattributes.kDSNAttrAddressLine1)
+            addressLine2 = self.joinedValuesForAttribute(dsattributes.kDSNAttrAddressLine2)
+            if len(addressLine2) > 0:
+                address += "\n" + addressLine2
+            addressLine3 = self.joinedValuesForAttribute(dsattributes.kDSNAttrAddressLine3)
+            if len(addressLine3) > 0:
+                address += "\n" + addressLine3
+            if len(address) > 0:
+                vcard.addProperty(Property("LABEL", address, params={"TYPE": ["POSTAL", "PARCEL",]}))
+            # 3.3 TELECOMMUNICATIONS ADDRESSING TYPES http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2426#section-3.3
+            # 3.3.1 TEL Type Definition
+            #          TEL;TYPE=work,voice,pref,msg:+1-213-555-1234
+            # dsattributes.kDSNAttrPhoneNumber,         # Telephone number of a user.
+            # dsattributes.kDSNAttrMobileNumber,        # Represents the mobile numbers of a user or person.
+                                                        #      Usually found in user or people records (kDSStdRecordTypeUsers or 
+                                                        #      dsattributes.kDSStdRecordTypePeople).
+            # dsattributes.kDSNAttrFaxNumber,           # Represents the FAX numbers of a user or person.
+                                                        # Usually found in user or people records (kDSStdRecordTypeUsers or 
+                                                        # kDSStdRecordTypePeople).
+            # dsattributes.kDSNAttrPagerNumber,         # Represents the pager numbers of a user or person.
+                                                        #      Usually found in user or people records (kDSStdRecordTypeUsers or 
+                                                        #      dsattributes.kDSStdRecordTypePeople).
+            # dsattributes.kDSNAttrHomePhoneNumber,     # Home telephone number of a user or person.
+            # dsattributes.kDSNAttrPhoneContacts,       # multi-valued attribute that defines a record's custom phone numbers .
+                                                        #      found in user records (kDSStdRecordTypeUsers). 
+                                                        #      Example: home fax:408-555-4444
+            params = {"TYPE": ["WORK", "PREF", "VOICE",],}
+            for phone in self.valuesForAttribute(dsattributes.kDSNAttrPhoneNumber):
+                addUniqueProperty(vcard, Property("TEL", phone, params=params), (("TYPE", "PREF"),), phone, dsattributes.kDSNAttrPhoneNumber)
+                params = {"TYPE": ["WORK", "VOICE",],}
+            params = { "TYPE": ["WORK", "PREF", "CELL",], }
+            for phone in self.valuesForAttribute(dsattributes.kDSNAttrMobileNumber):
+                addUniqueProperty(vcard, Property("TEL", phone, params=params), (("TYPE", "PREF"),), phone, dsattributes.kDSNAttrMobileNumber)
+                params = { "TYPE": ["WORK", "CELL",], }
+            params = { "TYPE": ["WORK", "PREF", "FAX",], }
+            for phone in self.valuesForAttribute(dsattributes.kDSNAttrFaxNumber):
+                addUniqueProperty(vcard, Property("TEL", phone, params=params), (("TYPE", "PREF"),), phone, dsattributes.kDSNAttrFaxNumber)
+                params = { "TYPE": ["WORK", "FAX",], }
+            params = { "TYPE": ["WORK", "PREF", "PAGER",], }
+            for phone in self.valuesForAttribute(dsattributes.kDSNAttrPagerNumber):
+                addUniqueProperty(vcard, Property("TEL", phone, params=params), (("TYPE", "PREF"),), phone, dsattributes.kDSNAttrPagerNumber)
+                params = { "TYPE": ["WORK", "PAGER",], }
+            params = { "TYPE": ["HOME", "PREF", "VOICE",], }
+            for phone in self.valuesForAttribute(dsattributes.kDSNAttrHomePhoneNumber):
+                addUniqueProperty(vcard, Property("TEL", phone, params=params), (("TYPE", "PREF"),), phone, dsattributes.kDSNAttrHomePhoneNumber)
+                params = { "TYPE": ["HOME", "VOICE",], }
+            addPropertiesAndLabelsForPrefixedAttribute(groupCount=groupCount, propertyPrefix=None, propertyName="TEL", defaultLabel="work",
+                                                        nolabelParamTypes=("VOICE", "CELL", "FAX", "PAGER",),
+                                                        attrType=dsattributes.kDSNAttrPhoneContacts, )
+            """
+            # EXTEND:  Use this attribute
+            # dsattributes.kDSNAttrAreaCode,            # Area code of a user's phone number.
+            """
+            # 3.3.2 EMAIL Type Definition
+            # dsattributes.kDSNAttrEMailAddress,        # Email address of usually a user record.
+            # setup some params
+            preferredWorkParams = { "TYPE": ["WORK", "PREF", "INTERNET",], }
+            workParams = { "TYPE": ["WORK", "INTERNET",], }
+            params = preferredWorkParams
+            for emailAddress in self.valuesForAttribute(dsattributes.kDSNAttrEMailAddress):
+                addUniqueProperty(vcard, Property("EMAIL", emailAddress, params=params), (("TYPE", "PREF"),), emailAddress, dsattributes.kDSNAttrEMailAddress)
+                params = workParams
+            # dsattributes.kDSNAttrEMailContacts,       # multi-valued attribute that defines a record's custom email addresses .
+                                                        #    found in user records (kDSStdRecordTypeUsers). 
+                                                        #      Example: home:johndoe at mymail.com
+            # check to see if parameters type are open ended. Could be any string
+            addPropertiesAndLabelsForPrefixedAttribute(groupCount=groupCount, propertyPrefix=None, propertyName="EMAIL", defaultLabel="work",
+                                                        nolabelParamTypes=("WORK", "HOME",), 
+                                                        attrType=dsattributes.kDSNAttrEMailContacts, )
+            """
+            # UNIMPLEMENTED:
+            # 3.3.3 MAILER Type Definition
+            """
+            # 3.4 GEOGRAPHICAL TYPES http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2426#section-3.4
+            """
+            # UNIMPLEMENTED:
+            # 3.4.1 TZ Type Definition
+            """
+            # 3.4.2 GEO Type Definition
+            #dsattributes.kDSNAttrMapCoordinates,       # attribute that defines coordinates for a user's location .
+                                                        #      Found in user records (kDSStdRecordTypeUsers) and resource records (kDSStdRecordTypeResources).
+                                                        #      Example: 7.7,10.6
+            for coordinate in self.valuesForAttribute(dsattributes.kDSNAttrMapCoordinates):
+                parts = coordinate.split(",")
+                if (len(parts) == 2):
+                    vcard.addProperty(Property("GEO", parts))
+                else:
+                    self.log_info("Ignoring malformed attribute %r with value %r. Well-formed example: 7.7,10.6." % (dsattributes.kDSNAttrMapCoordinates, coordinate))
+            #
+            # 3.5 ORGANIZATIONAL TYPES http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2426#section-3.5
+            #
+            # 3.5.1 TITLE Type Definition
+            for jobTitle in self.valuesForAttribute(dsattributes.kDSNAttrJobTitle):
+                addUniqueProperty(vcard, Property("TITLE", jobTitle), None, dsattributes.kDSNAttrJobTitle, jobTitle)
+            """
+            # UNIMPLEMENTED:
+            # 3.5.2 ROLE Type Definition
+            # 3.5.3 LOGO Type Definition
+            # 3.5.4 AGENT Type Definition
+            """
+            # 3.5.5 ORG Type Definition
+            company = self.joinedValuesForAttribute(dsattributes.kDSNAttrCompany)
+            if len(company) == 0:
+                company = self.joinedValuesForAttribute(dsattributes.kDSNAttrOrganizationName)
+            department = self.joinedValuesForAttribute(dsattributes.kDSNAttrDepartment)
+            extra = self.joinedValuesForAttribute(dsattributes.kDSNAttrOrganizationInfo)
+            if len(company) > 0 or len(department) > 0:
+                vcard.addProperty(Property("ORG", (company, department, extra, ),))
+            # 3.6 EXPLANATORY TYPES http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2426#section-3.6
+            """
+            # UNIMPLEMENTED:
+            # 3.6.1 CATEGORIES Type Definition
+            """
+            # 3.6.2 NOTE Type Definition
+            # dsattributes.kDS1AttrComment,               # Attribute used for unformatted comment.
+            # dsattributes.kDS1AttrNote,                  # Note attribute. Commonly used in printer records.
+            for comment in self.valuesForAttribute(dsattributes.kDS1AttrComment):
+                addUniqueProperty(vcard, Property("NOTE", comment), None, dsattributes.kDS1AttrComment, comment)
+            for note in self.valuesForAttribute(dsattributes.kDS1AttrNote):
+                addUniqueProperty(vcard, Property("NOTE", note), None, dsattributes.kDS1AttrNote, note)
+            # 3.6.3 PRODID Type Definition
+            #vcard.addProperty(Property("PRODID", vCardProductID + "//BUILD %s" % twistedcaldav.__version__))
+            #vcard.addProperty(Property("PRODID", vCardProductID))
+            # 3.6.4 REV Type Definition
+            revDate = self.isoDateStringForDateAttribute(dsattributes.kDS1AttrModificationTimestamp)
+            if revDate:
+                vcard.addProperty(Property("REV", PyCalendarDateTime.parseText(revDate, fullISO=True)))
+            """
+            # UNIMPLEMENTED:
+            # 3.6.5 SORT-STRING Type Definition
+            # 3.6.6 SOUND Type Definition
+            """
+            # 3.6.7 UID Type Definition
+            # dsattributes.kDS1AttrGeneratedUID,        # Used for 36 character (128 bit) unique ID. Usually found in user, 
+                                                        #      group, and computer records. An example value is "A579E95E-CDFE-4EBC-B7E7-F2158562170F".
+                                                        #      The standard format contains 32 hex characters and four hyphen characters.
+            vcard.addProperty(Property("UID", self.firstValueForAttribute(dsattributes.kDS1AttrGeneratedUID)))
+            # 3.6.8 URL Type Definition 
+            # dsattributes.kDSNAttrURL,                 # List of URLs.
+            # dsattributes.kDS1AttrWeblogURI,           # Single-valued attribute that defines the URI of a user's weblog.
+                                                        #     Usually found in user records (kDSStdRecordTypeUsers). 
+                                                        #      Example: http://example.com/blog/jsmith
+            for url in self.valuesForAttribute(dsattributes.kDS1AttrWeblogURI):
+                addPropertyAndLabel(groupCount, "weblog", "URL", url, parameters = {"TYPE": ["Weblog",]})
+            for url in self.valuesForAttribute(dsattributes.kDSNAttrURL):
+                addPropertyAndLabel(groupCount, "_$!<HomePage>!$_", "URL", url, parameters = {"TYPE": ["Homepage",]})
+            # 3.6.9 VERSION Type Definition
+            # ALREADY ADDED
+            # 3.7 SECURITY TYPES http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2426#section-3.7
+            # 3.7.1 CLASS Type Definition
+            # ALREADY ADDED
+            # 3.7.2 KEY Type Definition
+            # dsattributes.kDSNAttrPGPPublicKey,        # Pretty Good Privacy public encryption key.
+            # dsattributes.kDS1AttrUserCertificate,     # Attribute containing the binary of the user's certificate.
+                                                        #       Usually found in user records. The certificate is data which identifies a user.
+                                                        #       This data is attested to by a known party, and can be independently verified 
+                                                        #       by a third party.
+            # dsattributes.kDS1AttrUserPKCS12Data,      # Attribute containing binary data in PKCS #12 format. 
+                                                        #       Usually found in user records. The value can contain keys, certificates,
+                                                        #      and other related information and is encrypted with a passphrase.
+            # dsattributes.kDS1AttrUserSMIMECertificate,# Attribute containing the binary of the user's SMIME certificate.
+                                                        #       Usually found in user records. The certificate is data which identifies a user.
+                                                        #       This data is attested to by a known party, and can be independently verified 
+                                                        #       by a third party. SMIME certificates are often used for signed or encrypted
+                                                        #       emails.
+            for key in self.valuesForAttribute(dsattributes.kDSNAttrPGPPublicKey):
+                addUniqueProperty(vcard, Property("KEY", key, params = {"ENCODING": ["b",], "TYPE": ["PGPPublicKey",]}), None, dsattributes.kDSNAttrPGPPublicKey, key)
+            for key in self.valuesForAttribute(dsattributes.kDS1AttrUserCertificate):
+                addUniqueProperty(vcard, Property("KEY", key, params = {"ENCODING": ["b",], "TYPE": ["UserCertificate",]}), None, dsattributes.kDS1AttrUserCertificate, key)
+            for key in self.valuesForAttribute(dsattributes.kDS1AttrUserPKCS12Data):
+                addUniqueProperty(vcard, Property("KEY", key, params = {"ENCODING": ["b",], "TYPE": ["UserPKCS12Data",]}), None, dsattributes.kDS1AttrUserPKCS12Data, key)
+            for key in self.valuesForAttribute(dsattributes.kDS1AttrUserSMIMECertificate):
+                addUniqueProperty(vcard, Property("KEY", key, params = {"ENCODING": ["b",], "TYPE": ["UserSMIMECertificate",]}), None, dsattributes.kDS1AttrUserSMIMECertificate, key)
+            """
+            X- attributes, Address Book support
+            """
+            # X-AIM, X-JABBER, X-MSN, X-YAHOO, X-ICQ
+            # instant messaging
+            # dsattributes.kDSNAttrIMHandle,            # Represents the Instant Messaging handles of a user.
+                                                        #      Values should be prefixed with the appropriate IM type
+                                                        #       ie. AIM:, Jabber:, MSN:, Yahoo:, or ICQ:
+                                                        #       Usually found in user records (kDSStdRecordTypeUsers).
+            imNolabelParamTypes=("AIM", "FACEBOOK", "GAGU-GAGU", "GOOGLE TALK", "ICQ", "JABBER", "MSN", "QQ", "SKYPE", "YAHOO",)
+            addPropertiesAndLabelsForPrefixedAttribute(groupCount=groupCount, propertyPrefix="X-", propertyName=None, defaultLabel="aim",
+                                                        nolabelParamTypes=imNolabelParamTypes, 
+                                                        attrType=dsattributes.kDSNAttrIMHandle,)
+            # IMPP
+            # Address Book's implementation of http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6350#section-6.4.3
+            # adding IMPP property allows ab query report search on one property
+            addPropertiesAndLabelsForPrefixedAttribute(groupCount=groupCount, propertyPrefix=None, propertyName="IMPP", defaultLabel="aim",
+                                                        specialParamType = "X-SERVICE-TYPE",
+                                                        nolabelParamTypes=imNolabelParamTypes, 
+                                                        attrType=dsattributes.kDSNAttrIMHandle,)
+            # X-ABRELATEDNAMES
+            # dsattributes.kDSNAttrRelationships,       #      multi-valued attribute that defines the relationship to the record type .
+                                                        #      found in user records (kDSStdRecordTypeUsers). 
+                                                        #      Example: brother:John
+            addPropertiesAndLabelsForPrefixedAttribute(groupCount=groupCount, propertyPrefix=None, propertyName="X-ABRELATEDNAMES", defaultLabel="friend",
+                                                        labelMap={   "FATHER":"_$!<Father>!$_",
+                                                            "MOTHER":"_$!<Mother>!$_",
+                                                            "PARENT":"_$!<Parent>!$_",
+                                                            "BROTHER":"_$!<Brother>!$_",
+                                                            "SISTER":"_$!<Sister>!$_",
+                                                            "CHILD":"_$!<Child>!$_",
+                                                            "FRIEND":"_$!<Friend>!$_",
+                                                            "SPOUSE":"_$!<Spouse>!$_",
+                                                            "PARTNER":"_$!<Partner>!$_",
+                                                            "ASSISTANT":"_$!<Assistant>!$_",
+                                                            "MANAGER":"_$!<Manager>!$_", },
+                                                        attrType=dsattributes.kDSNAttrRelationships, )
+            # special case for Apple
+            if self.appleInternalServer:
+                for manager in self.valuesForAttribute("dsAttrTypeNative:appleManager"):
+                    splitManager = manager.split("|")
+                    if len(splitManager) >= 4:
+                        managerValue = "%s %s, %s" % (splitManager[0], splitManager[1], splitManager[3],)
+                    elif len(splitManager) >= 2:
+                        managerValue = "%s %s" % (splitManager[0], splitManager[1])
+                    else:
+                        managerValue = manager
+                    addPropertyAndLabel( groupCount, "_$!<Manager>!$_", "X-ABRELATEDNAMES", managerValue, parameters={ "TYPE": ["Manager",]} )
+            """
+            # UNIMPLEMENTED: X- attributes
+            X-MAIDENNAME
+            sattributes.kDS1AttrPicture,                # Represents the path of the picture for each user displayed in the login window.
+                                                        #      Found in user records (kDSStdRecordTypeUsers).
+            dsattributes.kDS1AttrMapGUID,               # Represents the GUID for a record's map.
+            dsattributes.kDSNAttrMapURI,                # attribute that defines the URI of a user's location.
+            dsattributes.kDSNAttrOrganizationInfo,      # Usually the organization info of a user.
+            dsattributes.kDSNAttrAreaCode,              # Area code of a user's phone number.
+            dsattributes.kDSNAttrMIME,                  # Data contained in this attribute type is a fully qualified MIME Type. 
+            """
+            # debug, create x attributes for all ds attributes
+            if self.addDSAttrXProperties:
+                for attribute in self.originalAttributes:
+                    for value in self.valuesForAttribute(attribute):
+                        vcard.addProperty(Property("X-"+"-".join(attribute.split(":")), removeControlChars(value)))
+            return vcard
+        if not self._vCard:
+            self._vCard = generateVCard()
+        return self._vCard
+    def vCardText(self):
+        return str(self.vCard())
+    def uriName(self):
+        return self.vCard().getProperty("UID").value() + ".vcf"
+    def hRef(self, parentURI="/directory/"):
+        # FIXME: Get the parent URI from self._directoryBackedAddressBook
+        return davxml.HRef.fromString(joinURL(parentURI, self.uriName()))
+    def readProperty(self, property, request):
+        if type(property) is tuple:
+            qname = property
+        else:
+            qname = property.qname()
+        namespace, name = qname
+        #print("ABDirectoryQueryResult.readProperty: qname = %s" % (qname, ))
+        if namespace == dav_namespace:
+            if name == "resourcetype":
+                result = davxml.ResourceType.empty #@UndefinedVariable
+                #print("ABDirectoryQueryResult.readProperty: qname = %s, result = %s" % (qname, result))
+                return result
+            elif name == "getetag":
+                result = davxml.GETETag( ETag(hashlib.md5(self.vCardText()).hexdigest()).generate() )
+                #print("ABDirectoryQueryResult.readProperty: qname = %s, result = %s" % (qname, result))
+                return result
+            elif name == "getcontenttype":
+                mimeType = MimeType('text', 'vcard', {})
+                result = davxml.GETContentType(generateContentType(mimeType))
+                #print("ABDirectoryQueryResult.readProperty: qname = %s, result = %s" % (qname, result))
+                return result
+            elif name == "getcontentlength":
+                result = davxml.GETContentLength.fromString(str(len(self.vCardText())))
+                #print("ABDirectoryQueryResult.readProperty: qname = %s, result = %s" % (qname, result))
+                return result
+            elif name == "getlastmodified":
+                if self.vCard().hasProperty("REV"):
+                    modDatetime = parse_date(self.vCard().propertyValue("REV"))
+                else:
+                    # use creation date attribute if it exists
+                    creationDateString = self.isoDateStringForDateAttribute(dsattributes.kDS1AttrCreationTimestamp)
+                    if creationDateString:
+                        modDatetime = parse_date(creationDateString)
+                    else:
+                        modDatetime = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
+                #strip time zone because time zones are unimplemented in davxml.GETLastModified.fromDate
+                d = modDatetime.date()
+                t = modDatetime.time()
+                modDatetimeNoTZ = datetime.datetime(d.year, d.month, d.day, t.hour, t.minute, t.second, t.microsecond, None)
+                result = davxml.GETLastModified.fromDate(modDatetimeNoTZ)
+                #print("ABDirectoryQueryResult.readProperty: qname = %s, result = %s" % (qname, result))
+                return result
+            elif name == "creationdate":
+                creationDateString = self.isoDateStringForDateAttribute(dsattributes.kDS1AttrCreationTimestamp)
+                if creationDateString:
+                    creationDatetime = parse_date(creationDateString)
+                elif self.vCard().hasProperty("REV"):    # use modification date property if it exists
+                    creationDatetime = parse_date(self.vCard().propertyValue("REV"))
+                else:
+                    creationDatetime = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
+                result = davxml.CreationDate.fromDate(creationDatetime)
+                #print("ABDirectoryQueryResult.readProperty: qname = %s, result = %s" % (qname, result))
+                return result
+            elif name == "displayname":
+                # AddressBook.app uses N. Use FN or UID instead?
+                result = davxml.DisplayName.fromString(self.vCard().propertyValue("N"))
+                #print("ABDirectoryQueryResult.readProperty: qname = %s, result = %s" % (qname, result))
+                return result
+        elif namespace == twisted_dav_namespace:
+            return super(ABDirectoryQueryResult, self).readProperty(property, request)
+            #return DAVPropertyMixIn.readProperty(self, property, request)
+        return self._directoryBackedAddressBook.readProperty(property, request)
+    def listProperties(self, request):
+        #print("ABDirectoryQueryResult.listProperties()")
+        qnames = set(self.liveProperties())
+        # Add dynamic live properties that exist
+        dynamicLiveProperties = (
+            (dav_namespace, "quota-available-bytes"     ),
+            (dav_namespace, "quota-used-bytes"          ),
+        )
+        for dqname in dynamicLiveProperties:
+            #print("ABDirectoryQueryResult.listProperties: removing dqname=%s" % (dqname,))
+            qnames.remove(dqname)
+        for qname in self.deadProperties().list():
+            if (qname not in qnames) and (qname[0] != twisted_private_namespace):
+                #print("listProperties: adding qname=%s" % (qname,))
+                qnames.add(qname)
+        #for qn in qnames: print("ABDirectoryQueryResult.listProperties: qn=%s" % (qn,))
+        yield qnames
+    listProperties = deferredGenerator(listProperties)
+# utility
+#remove illegal XML
+def removeControlChars( utf8String ):
+    result = ''.join([c for c in utf8String if c not in "\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\x0b\x0c\x0e\x0f\x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17\x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f"])
+    return result
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