[CalendarServer-changes] [11003] CalendarServer/trunk/calendarserver/tools

source_changes at macosforge.org source_changes at macosforge.org
Fri Apr 5 11:33:30 PDT 2013

Revision: 11003
Author:   cdaboo at apple.com
Date:     2013-04-05 11:33:30 -0700 (Fri, 05 Apr 2013)
Log Message:
Add option to detect location/resource calendar data with an invalid organizer.

Modified Paths:

Modified: CalendarServer/trunk/calendarserver/tools/calverify.py
--- CalendarServer/trunk/calendarserver/tools/calverify.py	2013-04-05 00:36:48 UTC (rev 11002)
+++ CalendarServer/trunk/calendarserver/tools/calverify.py	2013-04-05 18:33:30 UTC (rev 11003)
@@ -17,8 +17,6 @@
 from __future__ import print_function
-from twistedcaldav.directory.directory import DirectoryService
-from twistedcaldav.datafilters.peruserdata import PerUserDataFilter
 This tool scans the calendar store to analyze organizer/attendee event
@@ -42,30 +40,39 @@
+from calendarserver.tools.cmdline import utilityMain
 from calendarserver.tools import tables
-from calendarserver.tools.cmdline import utilityMain
 from calendarserver.tools.util import getDirectory
 from pycalendar import definitions
 from pycalendar.calendar import PyCalendar
 from pycalendar.datetime import PyCalendarDateTime
 from pycalendar.exceptions import PyCalendarError
 from pycalendar.period import PyCalendarPeriod
 from pycalendar.timezone import PyCalendarTimezone
 from twext.enterprise.dal.syntax import Select, Parameter, Count
 from twisted.application.service import Service
 from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks, returnValue
 from twisted.python import log, usage
 from twisted.python.usage import Options
 from twistedcaldav import caldavxml
+from twistedcaldav.datafilters.peruserdata import PerUserDataFilter
 from twistedcaldav.dateops import pyCalendarTodatetime
+from twistedcaldav.directory.directory import DirectoryService
 from twistedcaldav.ical import Component, ignoredComponents, \
     InvalidICalendarDataError, Property
 from twistedcaldav.scheduling.itip import iTipGenerator
 from twistedcaldav.stdconfig import DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE
 from twistedcaldav.util import normalizationLookup
 from txdav.base.propertystore.base import PropertyName
 from txdav.common.datastore.sql_tables import schema, _BIND_MODE_OWN
 from txdav.common.icommondatastore import InternalDataStoreError
 import base64
 import collections
 import sys
@@ -195,7 +202,7 @@
 if not hasattr(Component, "maxAlarmCounts"):
     Component.hasDuplicateAlarms = new_hasDuplicateAlarms
-VERSION = "9"
+VERSION = "10"
 def printusage(e=None):
     if e:
@@ -228,6 +235,7 @@
 --missing           : display orphaned calendar homes - can be used.
                       with either --ical or --mismatch.
 --double            : detect double-bookings.
+--dark-purge        : purge room/resource events with invalid organizer
 --nuke PATH|RID     : remove specific calendar resources - can
                       only be used by itself. PATH is the full
@@ -293,6 +301,7 @@
         ['mismatch', 's', "Detect organizer/attendee mismatches."],
         ['missing', 'm', "Show 'orphaned' homes."],
         ['double', 'd', "Detect double-bookings."],
+        ['dark-purge', 'p', "Purge room/resource events with invalid organizer."],
         ['fix', 'x', "Fix problems."],
         ['verbose', 'v', "Verbose logging."],
         ['details', 'V', "Detailed logging."],
@@ -564,7 +573,32 @@
         cb = schema.CALENDAR_BIND
         ch = schema.CALENDAR_HOME
         tr = schema.TIME_RANGE
+        kwds = {
+            "Start" : pyCalendarTodatetime(start),
+            "Max"   : pyCalendarTodatetime(PyCalendarDateTime(1900, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)),
+            "UUID" : uuid,
+        }
+        rows = (yield Select(
+            From=ch.join(
+                cb, type="inner", on=(ch.RESOURCE_ID == cb.CALENDAR_HOME_RESOURCE_ID)).join(
+                co, type="inner", on=(cb.CALENDAR_RESOURCE_ID == co.CALENDAR_RESOURCE_ID).And(
+                    cb.BIND_MODE == _BIND_MODE_OWN).And(
+                    cb.CALENDAR_RESOURCE_NAME != "inbox")).join(
+                tr, type="left", on=(co.RESOURCE_ID == tr.CALENDAR_OBJECT_RESOURCE_ID)),
+            Where=(ch.OWNER_UID == Parameter("UUID")).And((tr.START_DATE >= Parameter("Start")).Or(co.RECURRANCE_MAX <= Parameter("Start"))),
+        ).on(self.txn, **kwds))
+        returnValue(tuple(rows))
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def getAllResourceInfoTimeRangeWithUUIDForAllUID(self, start, uuid):
+        co = schema.CALENDAR_OBJECT
+        cb = schema.CALENDAR_BIND
+        ch = schema.CALENDAR_HOME
+        tr = schema.TIME_RANGE
         cojoin = (cb.CALENDAR_RESOURCE_ID == co.CALENDAR_RESOURCE_ID).And(
                 cb.BIND_MODE == _BIND_MODE_OWN).And(
                 cb.CALENDAR_RESOURCE_NAME != "inbox")
@@ -1370,8 +1404,8 @@
             rows = yield self.getAllResourceInfoWithUID(self.options["uid"])
             descriptor = "getAllResourceInfoWithUID"
         elif self.options["uuid"]:
-            rows = yield self.getAllResourceInfoTimeRangeWithUUID(self.start, self.options["uuid"])
-            descriptor = "getAllResourceInfoTimeRangeWithUUID"
+            rows = yield self.getAllResourceInfoTimeRangeWithUUIDForAllUID(self.start, self.options["uuid"])
+            descriptor = "getAllResourceInfoTimeRangeWithUUIDForAllUID"
             self.options["uuid"] = None
             rows = yield self.getAllResourceInfoTimeRange(self.start)
@@ -2357,6 +2391,227 @@
+class DarkPurgeService(CalVerifyService):
+    """
+    Service which detects room/resource events that have an invalid organizer.
+    """
+    def title(self):
+        return "Dark Purge Service"
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def doAction(self):
+        self.output.write("\n---- Scanning calendar data ----\n")
+        self.tzid = PyCalendarTimezone(tzid=self.options["tzid"] if self.options["tzid"] else "America/Los_Angeles")
+        self.now = PyCalendarDateTime.getNowUTC()
+        self.start = self.options["start"] if "start" in self.options else PyCalendarDateTime.getToday()
+        self.start.setDateOnly(False)
+        self.start.setTimezone(self.tzid)
+        self.fix = self.options["fix"]
+        if self.options["verbose"] and self.options["summary"]:
+            ot = time.time()
+        # Check loop over uuid
+        UUIDDetails = collections.namedtuple("UUIDDetails", ("uuid", "rname", "purged",))
+        self.uuid_details = []
+        if len(self.options["uuid"]) != 36:
+            self.txn = self.store.newTransaction()
+            if self.options["uuid"]:
+                homes = yield self.getMatchingHomeUIDs(self.options["uuid"])
+            else:
+                homes = yield self.getAllHomeUIDs()
+            yield self.txn.commit()
+            self.txn = None
+            uuids = []
+            if self.options["verbose"]:
+                self.output.write("%d uuids to check\n" % (len(homes,)))
+            for uuid in sorted(homes):
+                record = self.directoryService().recordWithGUID(uuid)
+                if record is not None and record.recordType in (DirectoryService.recordType_locations, DirectoryService.recordType_resources):
+                    uuids.append(uuid)
+        else:
+            uuids = [self.options["uuid"], ]
+        if self.options["verbose"]:
+            self.output.write("%d uuids to scan\n" % (len(uuids,)))
+        count = 0
+        for uuid in uuids:
+            self.results = {}
+            self.summary = []
+            self.total = 0
+            count += 1
+            record = self.directoryService().recordWithGUID(uuid)
+            if record is None:
+                continue
+            if not record.thisServer() or not record.enabledForCalendaring:
+                continue
+            rname = record.fullName
+            if len(uuids) > 1 and not self.options["summary"]:
+                self.output.write("\n\n-----------------------------\n")
+            self.txn = self.store.newTransaction()
+            if self.options["verbose"]:
+                t = time.time()
+            rows = yield self.getAllResourceInfoTimeRangeWithUUID(self.start, uuid)
+            descriptor = "getAllResourceInfoTimeRangeWithUUID"
+            yield self.txn.commit()
+            self.txn = None
+            if self.options["verbose"]:
+                if not self.options["summary"]:
+                    self.output.write("%s time: %.1fs\n" % (descriptor, time.time() - t,))
+                else:
+                    self.output.write("%s (%d/%d)" % (uuid, count, len(uuids),))
+                    self.output.flush()
+            self.total = len(rows)
+            if not self.options["summary"]:
+                self.logResult("UUID to process", uuid)
+                self.logResult("Record name", rname)
+                self.addSummaryBreak()
+                self.logResult("Number of events to process", self.total)
+            if rows:
+                if not self.options["summary"]:
+                    self.addSummaryBreak()
+                purged = yield self.darkPurge(rows, uuid)
+            else:
+                purged = False
+            self.uuid_details.append(UUIDDetails(uuid, rname, purged))
+            if not self.options["summary"]:
+                self.printSummary()
+            else:
+                self.output.write(" - %s\n" % ("Dark Events" if purged else "OK",))
+                self.output.flush()
+        if count == 0:
+            self.output.write("Nothing to scan\n")
+        if self.options["summary"]:
+            table = tables.Table()
+            table.addHeader(("GUID", "Name", "RID", "UID", "Organizer",))
+            purged = 0
+            for item in sorted(self.uuid_details):
+                if not item.purged:
+                    continue
+                uuid = item.uuid
+                rname = item.rname
+                for detail in item.purged:
+                    table.addRow((
+                        uuid,
+                        rname,
+                        detail.resid,
+                        detail.uid,
+                        detail.organizer,
+                    ))
+                    uuid = ""
+                    rname = ""
+                    purged += 1
+            table.addFooter(("Total", "%d" % (purged,), "", "", "",))
+            self.output.write("\n")
+            table.printTable(os=self.output)
+            if self.options["verbose"]:
+                self.output.write("%s time: %.1fs\n" % ("Summary", time.time() - ot,))
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def darkPurge(self, rows, uuid):
+        """
+        Check each calendar resource by looking at any ORGANIER property value and verifying it is valid.
+        """
+        if not self.options["summary"]:
+            self.output.write("\n---- Checking for dark events ----\n")
+        self.txn = self.store.newTransaction()
+        if self.options["verbose"]:
+            t = time.time()
+        Details = collections.namedtuple("Details", ("resid", "uid", "organizer",))
+        count = 0
+        total = len(rows)
+        details = []
+        fixed = 0
+        rjust = 10
+        for resid in rows:
+            resid = resid[1]
+            caldata = yield self.getCalendar(resid, self.fix)
+            if caldata is None:
+                if self.parseError:
+                    returnValue((False, self.parseError))
+                else:
+                    returnValue((True, "Nothing to scan"))
+            cal = Component(None, pycalendar=caldata)
+            uid = cal.resourceUID()
+            organizer = cal.getOrganizer()
+            if organizer is not None:
+                principal = self.directoryService().principalForCalendarUserAddress(organizer)
+                if principal is None or not principal.calendarsEnabled():
+                    details.append(Details(resid, uid, organizer,))
+                    if self.fix:
+                        yield self.removeEvent(resid)
+                        fixed += 1
+            if self.options["verbose"] and not self.options["summary"]:
+                if count == 1:
+                    self.output.write("Current".rjust(rjust) + "Total".rjust(rjust) + "Complete".rjust(rjust) + "\n")
+                if divmod(count, 100)[1] == 0:
+                    self.output.write((
+                        "\r" +
+                        ("%s" % count).rjust(rjust) +
+                        ("%s" % total).rjust(rjust) +
+                        ("%d%%" % safePercent(count, total)).rjust(rjust)
+                    ).ljust(80))
+                    self.output.flush()
+            # To avoid holding locks on all the rows scanned, commit every 100 resources
+            if divmod(count, 100)[1] == 0:
+                yield self.txn.commit()
+                self.txn = self.store.newTransaction()
+        yield self.txn.commit()
+        self.txn = None
+        if self.options["verbose"] and not self.options["summary"]:
+            self.output.write((
+                "\r" +
+                ("%s" % count).rjust(rjust) +
+                ("%s" % total).rjust(rjust) +
+                ("%d%%" % safePercent(count, total)).rjust(rjust)
+            ).ljust(80) + "\n")
+        # Print table of results
+        if not self.options["summary"]:
+            self.logResult("Number of dark events", len(details))
+        self.results["Dark Events"] = details
+        if self.fix:
+            self.results["Fix dark events"] = fixed
+        if self.options["verbose"] and not self.options["summary"]:
+            diff_time = time.time() - t
+            self.output.write("Time: %.2f s  Average: %.1f ms/resource\n" % (
+                diff_time,
+                safePercent(diff_time, total, 1000.0),
+            ))
+        returnValue(details)
 def main(argv=sys.argv, stderr=sys.stderr, reactor=None):
     if reactor is None:
@@ -2387,6 +2642,11 @@
             return SchedulingMismatchService(store, options, output, reactor, config)
         elif options["double"]:
             return DoubleBookingService(store, options, output, reactor, config)
+        elif options["dark-purge"]:
+            return DarkPurgeService(store, options, output, reactor, config)
+        else:
+            printusage("Invalid operation")
+            sys.exit(1)
     utilityMain(options['config'], makeService, reactor)

Modified: CalendarServer/trunk/calendarserver/tools/test/test_calverify.py
--- CalendarServer/trunk/calendarserver/tools/test/test_calverify.py	2013-04-05 00:36:48 UTC (rev 11002)
+++ CalendarServer/trunk/calendarserver/tools/test/test_calverify.py	2013-04-05 18:33:30 UTC (rev 11003)
@@ -19,10 +19,11 @@
 Tests for calendarserver.tools.calverify
+from calendarserver.tools.calverify import BadDataService, \
+    SchedulingMismatchService, DoubleBookingService, DarkPurgeService
 from StringIO import StringIO
 from calendarserver.tap.util import getRootResource
-from calendarserver.tools.calverify import BadDataService, \
-    SchedulingMismatchService, DoubleBookingService
 from pycalendar.datetime import PyCalendarDateTime
 from twisted.internet import reactor
 from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks, returnValue
@@ -2525,67 +2526,214 @@
         self.assertEqual(sync_token_oldl1, sync_token_newl1)
-    def test_instance(self):
-        """
-        CalVerifyService.doScan without fix for mismatches. Make sure it detects
-        as much as it can. Make sure sync-token is not changed.
-        """
-        s = """BEGIN:VCALENDAR
+class CalVerifyDarkPurge(CalVerifyMismatchTestsBase):
+    """
+    Tests calverify for events.
+    """
+    # No organizer
+PRODID:-//Apple Inc.//iCal 4.0.1//EN
- 9
- CEPTED;ROLE=REQ-PARTICIPANT:urn:uuid:46F9D5D9-08E8-4987-9636-CC796F4093C6
-ATTENDEE;CN=Kristie Phan;CUTYPE=INDIVIDUAL;EMAIL=kristie_phan at apple.com;PA
- RTSTAT=ACCEPTED:urn:uuid:97E8720F-4364-DBEC-6721-123E9A92B980
-LOCATION:Casa Blanca APPLE EMP ONLY (12) DA03 4th
-ORGANIZER;CN=Kristie Phan;EMAIL=kristie_phan at apple.com;SCHEDULE-STATUS=1.2
- :urn:uuid:97E8720F-4364-DBEC-6721-123E9A92B980
-SUMMARY:ESD Daily Meeting
-        from twistedcaldav.ical import Component
-        c = Component.fromString(s)
-        start = PyCalendarDateTime.getToday()
-        start.setDateOnly(False)
-        end = start.duplicate()
-        end.offsetDay(30)
-        config.MaxAllowedInstances = 3000
-        i = c.expandTimeRanges(end, start, ignoreInvalidInstances=True)
-        print(i)
+""".replace("\n", "\r\n") % {"year": nowYear, "month": nowMonth}
+    # Valid organizer
+PRODID:-//Apple Inc.//iCal 4.0.1//EN
+""".replace("\n", "\r\n") % {"year": nowYear, "month": nowMonth}
+    # Invalid organizer #1
+PRODID:-//Apple Inc.//iCal 4.0.1//EN
+""".replace("\n", "\r\n") % {"year": nowYear, "month": nowMonth}
+    # Invalid organizer #2
+PRODID:-//Apple Inc.//iCal 4.0.1//EN
+ORGANIZER:mailto:foobar at example.com
+ATTENDEE:mailto:foobar at example.com
+""".replace("\n", "\r\n") % {"year": nowYear, "month": nowMonth}
+    allEvents = {
+        "invite1.ics"      : (INVITE_NO_ORGANIZER_ICS, CalVerifyMismatchTestsBase.metadata,),
+        "invite2.ics"      : (INVITE_VALID_ORGANIZER_ICS, CalVerifyMismatchTestsBase.metadata,),
+        "invite3.ics"      : (INVITE_INVALID_ORGANIZER_1_ICS, CalVerifyMismatchTestsBase.metadata,),
+        "invite4.ics"      : (INVITE_INVALID_ORGANIZER_2_ICS, CalVerifyMismatchTestsBase.metadata,),
+    }
+    requirements = {
+        CalVerifyMismatchTestsBase.uuid1 : {
+            "calendar" : {},
+            "inbox" : {},
+        },
+        CalVerifyMismatchTestsBase.uuid2 : {
+            "calendar" : {},
+            "inbox" : {},
+        },
+        CalVerifyMismatchTestsBase.uuid3 : {
+            "calendar" : {},
+            "inbox" : {},
+        },
+        CalVerifyMismatchTestsBase.uuidl1 : {
+            "calendar" : allEvents,
+            "inbox" : {},
+        },
+    }
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def test_scanDarkEvents(self):
+        """
+        CalVerifyService.doScan without fix for dark events. Make sure it detects
+        as much as it can. Make sure sync-token is not changed.
+        """
+        sync_token_oldl1 = (yield (yield self.calendarUnderTest(self.uuidl1)).syncToken())
+        self.commit()
+        options = {
+            "ical": False,
+            "badcua": False,
+            "mismatch": False,
+            "nobase64": False,
+            "double": True,
+            "dark-purge": False,
+            "fix": False,
+            "verbose": False,
+            "details": False,
+            "summary": False,
+            "days": 365,
+            "uid": "",
+            "uuid": self.uuidl1,
+            "tzid": "utc",
+            "start": PyCalendarDateTime(nowYear, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0),
+        }
+        output = StringIO()
+        calverify = DarkPurgeService(self._sqlCalendarStore, options, output, reactor, config)
+        yield calverify.doAction()
+        self.assertEqual(calverify.results["Number of events to process"], len(self.requirements[CalVerifyMismatchTestsBase.uuidl1]["calendar"]))
+        self.assertEqual(
+            sorted([i.uid for i in calverify.results["Dark Events"]]),
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(calverify.results["Number of dark events"], 2)
+        self.assertTrue("Fix dark events" not in calverify.results)
+        self.assertTrue("Fix remove" not in calverify.results)
+        sync_token_newl1 = (yield (yield self.calendarUnderTest(self.uuidl1)).syncToken())
+        self.assertEqual(sync_token_oldl1, sync_token_newl1)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def test_fixDarkEvents(self):
+        """
+        CalVerifyService.doScan with fix for dark events. Make sure it detects
+        as much as it can. Make sure sync-token is changed.
+        """
+        sync_token_oldl1 = (yield (yield self.calendarUnderTest(self.uuidl1)).syncToken())
+        self.commit()
+        options = {
+            "ical": False,
+            "badcua": False,
+            "mismatch": False,
+            "nobase64": False,
+            "double": True,
+            "dark-purge": False,
+            "fix": True,
+            "verbose": False,
+            "details": False,
+            "summary": False,
+            "days": 365,
+            "uid": "",
+            "uuid": self.uuidl1,
+            "tzid": "utc",
+            "start": PyCalendarDateTime(nowYear, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0),
+        }
+        output = StringIO()
+        calverify = DarkPurgeService(self._sqlCalendarStore, options, output, reactor, config)
+        yield calverify.doAction()
+        self.assertEqual(calverify.results["Number of events to process"], len(self.requirements[CalVerifyMismatchTestsBase.uuidl1]["calendar"]))
+        self.assertEqual(
+            sorted([i.uid for i in calverify.results["Dark Events"]]),
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(calverify.results["Number of dark events"], 2)
+        self.assertEqual(calverify.results["Fix dark events"], 2)
+        self.assertTrue("Fix remove" in calverify.results)
+        sync_token_newl1 = (yield (yield self.calendarUnderTest(self.uuidl1)).syncToken())
+        self.assertNotEqual(sync_token_oldl1, sync_token_newl1)
+        # Re-scan after changes to make sure there are no errors
+        self.commit()
+        options["fix"] = False
+        options["uuid"] = self.uuidl1
+        calverify = DarkPurgeService(self._sqlCalendarStore, options, output, reactor, config)
+        yield calverify.doAction()
+        self.assertEqual(calverify.results["Number of events to process"], 2)
+        self.assertEqual(len(calverify.results["Dark Events"]), 0)
+        self.assertTrue("Fix dark events" not in calverify.results)
+        self.assertTrue("Fix remove" not in calverify.results)
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