[CalendarServer-changes] [10763] CalendarServer/branches/users/gaya/sharedgroups

source_changes at macosforge.org source_changes at macosforge.org
Tue Feb 19 15:19:21 PST 2013

Revision: 10763
Author:   gaya at apple.com
Date:     2013-02-19 15:19:21 -0800 (Tue, 19 Feb 2013)
Log Message:
fix sharing.py merge

Modified Paths:

Removed Paths:

Deleted: CalendarServer/branches/users/gaya/sharedgroups/twistedcaldav/notify.py
--- CalendarServer/branches/users/gaya/sharedgroups/twistedcaldav/notify.py	2013-02-19 22:15:27 UTC (rev 10762)
+++ CalendarServer/branches/users/gaya/sharedgroups/twistedcaldav/notify.py	2013-02-19 23:19:21 UTC (rev 10763)
@@ -1,1554 +0,0 @@
-# -*- test-case-name: twistedcaldav.test.test_notify -*-
-# Copyright (c) 2005-2013 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-Notification framework for Calendar Server
-This module implements client code which is executed within the context of
-icalserver itself, and also server code (the "notification server") which is
-run as a separate process, launched as part of "./run".
-The notification server process is implemented as a twistd plugin
-(with a tapname of "caldav_notifier"), and is comprised of two
-services -- one handling the internal channel between icalserver
-and notification server, the other handling the external channel
-between notification server and a remote consumer.
-# TODO: add CalDAVTester test for examining new xmpp-uri property
-import uuid
-from fnmatch import fnmatch
-from zope.interface import Interface, implements
-from twext.python.log import LoggingMixIn, Logger
-from twisted.internet.protocol import ReconnectingClientFactory, ServerFactory
-from twisted.internet.ssl import ClientContextFactory
-from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks, Deferred, returnValue
-from twisted.protocols.basic import LineReceiver
-from twisted.plugin import IPlugin
-from twisted.application import internet, service
-from twisted.python.usage import Options, UsageError
-from twisted.python.reflect import namedClass
-from twisted.words.protocols.jabber import xmlstream
-from twisted.words.protocols.jabber.jid import JID
-from twisted.words.protocols.jabber.client import XMPPAuthenticator, IQAuthInitializer
-from twisted.words.protocols.jabber.xmlstream import IQ
-from twisted.words.xish import domish
-from twistedcaldav.config import config
-from twistedcaldav.memcacher import Memcacher
-from twistedcaldav.stdconfig import DEFAULT_CONFIG, DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE
-from twistedcaldav import memcachepool
-from twext.internet.gaiendpoint import GAIEndpoint
-from twext.internet.adaptendpoint import connect
-log = Logger()
-__all__ = [
-    "Coalescer",
-    "INotifier",
-    "InternalNotificationFactory",
-    "InternalNotificationProtocol",
-    "NotificationClientFactory",
-    "NotificationClientLineProtocol",
-    "NotificationServiceMaker",
-    "Notifier",
-    "NotifierFactory",
-    "SimpleLineNotificationFactory",
-    "SimpleLineNotificationProtocol",
-    "SimpleLineNotifier",
-    "SimpleLineNotifierService",
-    "XMPPNotificationFactory",
-    "XMPPNotifier",
-    "getNodeCacher",
-    "getPubSubAPSConfiguration",
-    "getPubSubConfiguration",
-    "getPubSubHeartbeatURI",
-    "getPubSubPath",
-    "getPubSubXMPPURI",
-    "getXMPPSettings",
-# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-# Classes used within calendarserver itself
-class Notifier(LoggingMixIn):
-    """
-    Provides a hook for sending change notifications to the
-    L{NotifierFactory}.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, notifierFactory, label="default", id=None, prefix=None):
-        self._notifierFactory = notifierFactory
-        self._ids = { label : self.normalizeID(id) }
-        self._notify = True
-        self._prefix = prefix
-    def normalizeID(self, id):
-        urn = "urn:uuid:"
-        try:
-            if id.startswith(urn):
-                return id[len(urn):]
-        except AttributeError:
-            pass
-        return id
-    def enableNotify(self, arg):
-        self.log_debug("enableNotify: %s" % (self._ids['default'][1],))
-        self._notify = True
-    def disableNotify(self):
-        self.log_debug("disableNotify: %s" % (self._ids['default'][1],))
-        self._notify = False
-    def notify(self, op="update"):
-        for label in self._ids.iterkeys():
-            id = self.getID(label=label)
-            if id is not None:
-                if self._notify:
-                    self.log_debug("Notifications are enabled: %s %s %s" %
-                        (op, label, id))
-                    self._notifierFactory.send(op, id)
-                else:
-                    self.log_debug("Skipping notification for: %s" % (id,))
-    def clone(self, label="default", id=None):
-        newNotifier = self.__class__(self._notifierFactory)
-        newNotifier._ids = self._ids.copy()
-        newNotifier._ids[label] = id
-        newNotifier._prefix = self._prefix
-        return newNotifier
-    def addID(self, label="default", id=None):
-        self._ids[label] = self.normalizeID(id)
-    def getID(self, label="default"):
-        id = self._ids.get(label, None)
-        if self._prefix is None:
-            return id
-        else:
-            return "%s|%s" % (self._prefix, id)
-    @inlineCallbacks
-    def nodeName(self, label="default"):
-        id = self.getID(label=label)
-        pubSubConfig = self._notifierFactory.pubSubConfig
-        name = getPubSubPath(id, pubSubConfig)
-        if pubSubConfig["enabled"]:
-            try:
-                if self._notifierFactory.nodeCacher:
-                    nodeCacher = self._notifierFactory.nodeCacher
-                else:
-                    nodeCacher = getNodeCacher()
-                (yield nodeCacher.waitForNode(self, name))
-            except NodeCreationException, e:
-                self.log_warn(e)
-                returnValue(None)
-        returnValue(name)
-class NotificationClientLineProtocol(LineReceiver, LoggingMixIn):
-    """
-    Notification Client Line Protocol
-    Sends updates to the notification server.
-    """
-    def connectionMade(self):
-        self.client.addObserver(self)
-        self.factory.connectionMade()
-    def connectionLost(self, reason):
-        self.client.removeObserver(self)
-class NotificationClientFactory(ReconnectingClientFactory,
-    LoggingMixIn):
-    """
-    Notification Client Factory
-    Sends updates to the notification server.
-    """
-    protocol = NotificationClientLineProtocol
-    def __init__(self, client):
-        self.connected = False
-        self.client = client
-    def clientConnectionLost(self, connector, reason):
-        self.log_error("Connect to notification server lost: %s" % (reason,))
-        self.connected = False
-        ReconnectingClientFactory.clientConnectionLost(self, connector, reason)
-    def clientConnectionFailed(self, connector, reason):
-        self.log_error("Unable to connect to notification server: %s" % (reason,))
-        self.connected = False
-        ReconnectingClientFactory.clientConnectionFailed(self, connector, reason)
-    def connectionMade(self):
-        self.connected = True
-        self.resetDelay()
-        self.client.connectionMade()
-    def isReady(self):
-        return self.connected
-    def buildProtocol(self, addr):
-        p = self.protocol()
-        p.factory = self
-        p.client = self.client
-        return p
-class NotifierFactory(LoggingMixIn):
-    """
-    Notifier Factory
-    Creates Notifier instances and forwards notifications from them to the
-    gateway.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, gatewayHost, gatewayPort, pubSubConfig=None,
-        nodeCacher=None, reactor=None):
-        self.factory = None
-        self.gatewayHost = gatewayHost
-        self.gatewayPort = gatewayPort
-        self.pubSubConfig = pubSubConfig
-        self.nodeCacher = nodeCacher
-        self.observers = set()
-        self.queued = set()
-        if reactor is None:
-            from twisted.internet import reactor
-        self.reactor = reactor
-    def send(self, op, id):
-        if self.factory is None:
-            self.factory = NotificationClientFactory(self)
-            connect(
-                GAIEndpoint(self.reactor, self.gatewayHost, self.gatewayPort),
-                self.factory)
-            self.log_debug("Creating factory")
-        msg = "%s %s" % (op, str(id))
-        if self.factory.isReady() and self.observers:
-            for observer in self.observers:
-                self.log_debug("Sending to notification server: %s" % (msg,))
-                observer.sendLine(msg)
-        else:
-            self.log_debug("Queuing: %s" % (msg,))
-            self.queued.add(msg)
-    def connectionMade(self):
-        if self.factory.isReady() and self.observers:
-            for observer in self.observers:
-                for msg in self.queued:
-                    self.log_debug("Sending from queue: %s" % (msg,))
-                    observer.sendLine(msg)
-            self.queued.clear()
-    def addObserver(self, observer):
-        self.observers.add(observer)
-    def removeObserver(self, observer):
-        self.observers.remove(observer)
-    def newNotifier(self, label="default", id=None, prefix=None):
-        return Notifier(self, label=label, id=id, prefix=prefix)
-class NodeCreationException(Exception):
-    pass
-class NodeCacher(Memcacher, LoggingMixIn):
-    def __init__(self, reactor=None):
-        if reactor is None:
-            from twisted.internet import reactor
-        self.reactor = reactor
-        super(NodeCacher, self).__init__("pubsubnodes")
-    def nodeExists(self, nodeName):
-        return self.get(nodeName)
-    def storeNode(self, nodeName):
-        return self.set(nodeName, "1")
-    @inlineCallbacks
-    def waitForNode(self, notifier, nodeName):
-        retryCount = 0
-        verified = False
-        requestedCreation = False
-        while(retryCount < 5):
-            if (yield self.nodeExists(nodeName)):
-                verified = True
-                break
-            if not requestedCreation:
-                notifier.notify(op="create")
-                requestedCreation = True
-            retryCount += 1
-            pause = Deferred()
-            def _timedDeferred():
-                pause.callback(True)
-            self.reactor.callLater(1, _timedDeferred)
-            yield pause
-        if not verified:
-            self.log_debug("Giving up!")
-            raise NodeCreationException("Could not create node %s" % (nodeName,))
-    def createNode(self, notifier, nodeName):
-        """
-        Check with memcached to see if this node is known to exist, and if
-        not, request it be created (without waiting)
-        """
-        def _nodeExistenceChecked(result):
-            if not result:
-                notifier.notify(op="create")
-        d = self.nodeExists(nodeName)
-        d.addCallback(_nodeExistenceChecked)
-        return d
-_nodeCacher = None
-def getNodeCacher():
-    global _nodeCacher
-    if _nodeCacher is None:
-        _nodeCacher = NodeCacher()
-    return _nodeCacher
-# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-# Classes used within Notification Server
-# Internal Channel (from icalserver to notification server)
-class InternalNotificationProtocol(LineReceiver):
-    """
-    InternalNotificationProtocol
-    Receives notifications from the calendar server.
-    """
-    def lineReceived(self, line):
-        try:
-            op, id = line.strip().split()
-            self.factory.coalescer.add(op, id)
-        except ValueError:
-            # ignore invalid input
-            log.error("Invalid input received on internal notification port: %s"
-                % (line,))
-class InternalNotificationFactory(ServerFactory):
-    """
-    Internal Notification Factory
-    Receives notifications from the calendar server.
-    """
-    protocol = InternalNotificationProtocol
-    def __init__(self, notifiers, delaySeconds=None):
-        self.coalescer = Coalescer(notifiers, delaySeconds=delaySeconds)
-class Coalescer(LoggingMixIn):
-    """
-    Coalescer
-    A queue which hangs on to incoming ids for some period of time before
-    passing them along to the external notifier listening for these updates.
-    A chatty CalDAV client can make several changes in a short period of time,
-    and the Coalescer buffers the external clients somewhat.
-    """
-    delaySeconds = 5
-    # sendAnywayAfterCount can be used to control how many times a notification
-    # countdown timer is reset because of new changes.  Once a notification
-    # has been delayed 'sendAnywayAfterCount' times, it is sent anyway,
-    # otherwise a busy calendar might never have a notification sent out.
-    # Set this to 0 to disable the timer reset feature.
-    sendAnywayAfterCount = 0
-    def __init__(self, notifiers, reactor=None, delaySeconds=None,
-        sendAnywayAfterCount=None):
-        if sendAnywayAfterCount:
-            self.sendAnywayAfterCount = sendAnywayAfterCount
-        if delaySeconds is not None:
-            self.delaySeconds = delaySeconds
-        if reactor is None:
-            from twisted.internet import reactor
-        self.reactor = reactor
-        self.ids = {}
-        self.notifiers = notifiers
-    def add(self, op, id):
-        if op == "create":
-            # we don't want to delay a "create" notification; this opcode
-            # is meant for XMPP pubsub -- it means create and configure the
-            # node but don't publish to it
-            for notifier in self.notifiers:
-                notifier.enqueue(op, id)
-        else: # normal update notification
-            delayed, count = self.ids.get(id, [None, 0])
-            if delayed and delayed.active():
-                count += 1
-                if count < self.sendAnywayAfterCount:
-                    # reschedule for delaySeconds in the future
-                    delayed.reset(self.delaySeconds)
-                    self.ids[id][1] = count
-                    self.log_debug("Delaying: %s" % (id,))
-                else:
-                    self.log_debug("Not delaying to avoid starvation: %s" % (id,))
-            else:
-                self.log_debug("Scheduling: %s" % (id,))
-                self.ids[id] = [self.reactor.callLater(self.delaySeconds,
-                    self.delayedEnqueue, op, id), 0]
-    def delayedEnqueue(self, op, id):
-        self.log_debug("Time to send: %s" % (id,))
-        self.ids[id][1] = 0
-        for notifier in self.notifiers:
-            notifier.enqueue(op, id)
-# External Channel (from notification server to other consumers)
-class INotifier(Interface):
-    """
-    Notifier Interface
-    Defines an enqueue method that Notifier classes need to implement.
-    """
-    def enqueue(self, op, id):
-        """
-        Let the notifier object know that a change has been made for this
-        id, and enough time has passed to allow for coalescence.
-        @type op: C{str}
-        @type id: C{str}
-        """
-class SimpleLineNotifier(LoggingMixIn):
-    """
-    Simple Line Notifier
-    Listens for ids from the coalescer and writes them out to any
-    connected clients.  Each line is simply a sequence number, a
-    space, and an id string.  If the external client sends a sequence
-    number, this notifier will send notification lines for each id
-    that was changed since that sequence number was originally sent.
-    A history of such sequence numbers is stored in a python dict.
-    If the external client sends a zero, then the history is cleared
-    and the next sequence number to use is reset to 1.
-    The sequence number is stored as a python long which means it has
-    essentially infinite precision.  We discussed rolling over at the
-    64-bit boundary, but even if we limit the sequence number to a 64-bit
-    signed integer (or 2^63), and we had 100,000 users generating the
-    maximum number of notifications (which by default is 6/minute since
-    we're coalescing over 10 seconds), it would take 29 million years to
-    rollover.
-    """
-    implements(INotifier)
-    def __init__(self, settings):
-        self.reset()
-        self.observers = set()
-        self.sentReset = False
-    def enqueue(self, op, id):
-        if op == "update":
-            self.latestSeq += 1L
-            # Update history
-            self.history[id] = self.latestSeq
-            for observer in self.observers:
-                msg = "%d %s" % (self.latestSeq, id)
-                self.log_debug("Sending %s" % (msg,))
-                observer.sendLine(msg)
-    def reset(self):
-        self.latestSeq = 0L
-        self.history = { } # keys=id, values=sequenceNumber
-    def playback(self, observer, oldSeq):
-        hist = self.history
-        toSend = [(hist[id], id) for id in hist if hist[id] > oldSeq]
-        toSend.sort() # sorts the tuples based on numeric sequence number
-        for seq, id in toSend:
-            msg = "%d %s" % (seq, id)
-            self.log_debug("Sending %s" % (msg,))
-            observer.sendLine(msg)
-    def addObserver(self, observer):
-        self.observers.add(observer)
-    def removeObserver(self, observer):
-        self.observers.remove(observer)
-    def connectionMade(self, observer):
-        if not self.sentReset:
-            self.log_debug("Sending 0")
-            observer.sendLine("0")
-            self.sentReset = True
-class SimpleLineNotificationProtocol(LineReceiver, LoggingMixIn):
-    """
-    Simple Line Notification Protocol
-    Sends notifications to external consumers.  Also responds to history-
-    playback requests.  If an integer is received from an external consumer,
-    it is interpreted as a sequence number; all notifications sent since that
-    sequence number was sent are resent.
-    """
-    def connectionMade(self):
-        # we just received a connection from the outside; if it's the first
-        # since we started running, it means we need to let them know that
-        # a reset has happened.  This assumes that only one connection will
-        # be made to this channel; if we end up having multiple consumers
-        # of this protocol, we would need to uniquely identify them.
-        self.notifier.connectionMade(self)
-    def lineReceived(self, line):
-        val = line.strip()
-        # Should be a number requesting all updates since that sequence
-        try:
-            oldSeq = int(val)
-        except ValueError, e:
-            self.log_warn("Error parsing %s: %s (from %s)" % (val, e,
-                self.transport.getPeer()))
-            return
-        if oldSeq == 0:
-            self.notifier.reset()
-        else:
-            self.notifier.playback(self, oldSeq)
-    def connectionLost(self, reason):
-        self.notifier.removeObserver(self)
-class SimpleLineNotificationFactory(ServerFactory):
-    """
-    Simple Line Notification Factory
-    Sends notifications to external consumers.
-    """
-    protocol = SimpleLineNotificationProtocol
-    def __init__(self, notifier):
-        self.notifier = notifier
-    def buildProtocol(self, addr):
-        p = self.protocol()
-        self.notifier.addObserver(p)
-        p.notifier = self.notifier
-        return p
-class XMPPNotifier(LoggingMixIn):
-    """
-    XMPP Notifier
-    Uses pubsub XMPP requests to let subscribers know when there
-    has been a change made to a DAV resource (currently just
-    CalendarHomeResources).  Uses XMPP login info from the config file
-    to determine which pubsub service to connect to.  When it's
-    time to send a notification, XMPPNotifier computes a node path
-    corresponding to the DAV resource and emits a publish request
-    for that node.  If the request comes back 404 XMPPNotifier will
-    create the node and then go through the configuration process,
-    followed by a publish retry.
-    For monitoring purposes, you can subscribe to the server's JID
-    as long as your own JID matches the "AllowedJIDs" pattern(s) in
-    the config file; XMPPNotifier will send error messages to your
-    JID.  If you also want to receive non-error, debug messages,
-    send the calendar server JID the message, "debug on".  Send
-    "help" for other commands.
-    To let clients know that the notifications from the calendar server
-    are still flowing, a "heartbeat" node is published to every 30
-    minutes (configurable).
-    """
-    implements(INotifier)
-    pubsubNS = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub'
-    def __init__(self, settings, reactor=None, configOverride=None,
-        heartbeat=True, roster=True):
-        self.xmlStream = None
-        self.settings = settings
-        if reactor is None:
-            from twisted.internet import reactor
-        self.reactor = reactor
-        self.config = configOverride or config
-        self.doHeartbeat = heartbeat and self.settings['HeartbeatMinutes'] != 0
-        self.doRoster = roster
-        self.roster = {}
-        self.outstanding = {}
-    def lockNode(self, nodeName):
-        if self.outstanding.has_key(nodeName):
-            return False
-        else:
-            self.outstanding[nodeName] = 1
-            return True
-    def unlockNode(self, failure, nodeName):
-        try:
-            del self.outstanding[nodeName]
-        except KeyError:
-            pass
-    def sendHeartbeat(self):
-        if self.doHeartbeat and self.xmlStream is not None:
-            self.enqueue("update", "", lock=False)
-            self.reactor.callLater(self.settings['HeartbeatMinutes'] * 60,
-                self.sendHeartbeat)
-    def enqueue(self, op, id, lock=True):
-        if self.xmlStream is not None:
-            # Convert id to node
-            nodeName = getPubSubPath(id, getPubSubConfiguration(self.config))
-            if op == "create":
-                if not self.lockNode(nodeName):
-                    # this node is busy, so it must already be created, or at
-                    # least in the proccess
-                    return
-                self.createNode(nodeName, publish=False)
-            else:
-                self.publishNode(nodeName, lock=lock)
-    def publishNode(self, nodeName, lock=True):
-        if self.xmlStream is None:
-            # We lost our connection
-            self.unlockNode(None, nodeName)
-            return
-        try:
-            if lock and not self.lockNode(nodeName):
-                return
-            iq = IQ(self.xmlStream)
-            pubsubElement = iq.addElement('pubsub', defaultUri=self.pubsubNS)
-            publishElement = pubsubElement.addElement('publish')
-            publishElement['node'] = nodeName.decode("utf-8")
-            if self.settings["NodeConfiguration"]["pubsub#deliver_payloads"] == '1':
-                itemElement = publishElement.addElement('item')
-                itemElement.addElement('plistfrag', defaultUri='plist-apple')
-            self.sendDebug("Publishing (%s)" % (nodeName,), iq)
-            d = iq.send(to=self.settings['ServiceAddress'])
-            d.addCallback(self.publishNodeSuccess, nodeName)
-            d.addErrback(self.publishNodeFailure, nodeName)
-        except:
-            self.unlockNode(None, nodeName)
-            raise
-    def publishNodeSuccess(self, iq, nodeName):
-        self.unlockNode(None, nodeName)
-        self.sendDebug("Node publish successful (%s)" % (nodeName,), iq)
-    def publishNodeFailure(self, result, nodeName):
-        try:
-            iq = result.value.getElement()
-            if iq.name == "error":
-                if iq['code'] == '400':
-                    self.requestConfigurationForm(nodeName, True)
-                elif iq['code'] == '404':
-                    self.createNode(nodeName)
-            else:
-                self.log_error("PubSub node publish error: %s" %
-                    (iq.toXml().encode('ascii', 'replace')),)
-                self.sendDebug("Node publish failed (%s)" % (nodeName,), iq)
-                # Don't know how to proceed
-                self.unlockNode(None, nodeName)
-        except AttributeError:
-            # We did not get an XML response; most likely it was a disconnection
-            self.unlockNode(None, nodeName)
-            # Don't re-raise, just unlock and ignore
-        except:
-            # Note: this block is not a "finally" because in the case of a 404
-            # we don't want to unlock yet
-            self.unlockNode(None, nodeName)
-            raise
-    def createNode(self, nodeName, publish=True):
-        if self.xmlStream is None:
-            # We lost our connection
-            self.unlockNode(None, nodeName)
-            return
-        try:
-            iq = IQ(self.xmlStream)
-            pubsubElement = iq.addElement('pubsub', defaultUri=self.pubsubNS)
-            child = pubsubElement.addElement('create')
-            child['node'] = nodeName.decode("utf-8")
-            d = iq.send(to=self.settings['ServiceAddress'])
-            d.addCallback(self.createNodeSuccess, nodeName, publish)
-            d.addErrback(self.createNodeFailure, nodeName, publish)
-        except:
-            self.unlockNode(None, nodeName)
-            raise
-    def createNodeSuccess(self, iq, nodeName, publish):
-        try:
-            self.sendDebug("Node creation successful (%s)" % (nodeName,), iq)
-            # now time to configure; fetch the form
-            self.requestConfigurationForm(nodeName, publish)
-        except:
-            self.unlockNode(None, nodeName)
-            raise
-    def createNodeFailure(self, result, nodeName, publish):
-        try:
-            iq = result.value.getElement()
-            if iq['code'] == '409':
-                # node already exists, proceed to configure
-                self.sendDebug("Node already exists (%s)" % (nodeName,), iq)
-                self.requestConfigurationForm(nodeName, publish)
-            else:
-                # couldn't create node, give up
-                self.unlockNode(None, nodeName)
-                self.log_error("PubSub node creation error: %s" %
-                    (iq.toXml().encode('ascii', 'replace')),)
-                self.sendError("Node creation failed (%s)" % (nodeName,), iq)
-        except AttributeError:
-            # We did not get an XML response; most likely it was a disconnection
-            self.unlockNode(None, nodeName)
-            # Don't re-raise, just unlock and ignore
-        except:
-            # Note: this block is not a "finally" because in the case of a 409
-            # we don't want to unlock yet
-            self.unlockNode(None, nodeName)
-            raise
-    def requestConfigurationForm(self, nodeName, publish):
-        if self.xmlStream is None:
-            # We lost our connection
-            self.unlockNode(None, nodeName)
-            return
-        try:
-            # XXX This codepath is not unit tested
-            iq = IQ(self.xmlStream, 'get')
-            child = iq.addElement('pubsub',
-                defaultUri=self.pubsubNS+"#owner")
-            child = child.addElement('configure')
-            child['node'] = nodeName.decode("utf-8")
-            d = iq.send(to=self.settings['ServiceAddress'])
-            d.addCallback(self.requestConfigurationFormSuccess, nodeName,
-                publish)
-            d.addErrback(self.requestConfigurationFormFailure, nodeName)
-        except:
-            self.unlockNode(None, nodeName)
-            raise
-    def _getChild(self, element, name):
-        for child in element.elements():
-            if child.name == name:
-                return child
-        return None
-    def requestConfigurationFormSuccess(self, iq, nodeName, publish):
-        if self.xmlStream is None:
-            # We lost our connection
-            self.unlockNode(None, nodeName)
-            return
-        try:
-            nodeConf = self.settings["NodeConfiguration"]
-            self.sendDebug("Received configuration form (%s)" % (nodeName,), iq)
-            pubsubElement = self._getChild(iq, 'pubsub')
-            if pubsubElement:
-                configureElement = self._getChild(pubsubElement, 'configure')
-                if configureElement:
-                    formElement = configureElement.firstChildElement()
-                    if formElement['type'] == 'form':
-                        # We've found the form; start building a response
-                        filledIq = IQ(self.xmlStream, 'set')
-                        filledPubSub = filledIq.addElement('pubsub',
-                            defaultUri=self.pubsubNS+"#owner")
-                        filledConfigure = filledPubSub.addElement('configure')
-                        filledConfigure['node'] = nodeName.decode("utf-8")
-                        filledForm = filledConfigure.addElement('x',
-                            defaultUri='jabber:x:data')
-                        filledForm['type'] = 'submit'
-                        configMatches = True
-                        for field in formElement.elements():
-                            if field.name == 'field':
-                                var = field['var']
-                                if var == "FORM_TYPE":
-                                    filledForm.addChild(field)
-                                else:
-                                    value = nodeConf.get(var, None)
-                                    if (value is not None and
-                                        (str(self._getChild(field,
-                                        "value")) != value)):
-                                        # this field needs configuring
-                                        configMatches = False
-                                        filledField = filledForm.addElement('field')
-                                        filledField['var'] = var
-                                        filledField['type'] = field['type']
-                                        valueElement = filledField.addElement('value')
-                                        valueElement.addContent(value)
-                                        # filledForm.addChild(field)
-                        if configMatches:
-                            # XXX This codepath is not unit tested
-                            cancelIq = IQ(self.xmlStream, 'set')
-                            cancelPubSub = cancelIq.addElement('pubsub',
-                                defaultUri=self.pubsubNS+"#owner")
-                            cancelConfig = cancelPubSub.addElement('configure')
-                            cancelConfig['node'] = nodeName.decode("utf-8")
-                            cancelX = cancelConfig.addElement('x',
-                                defaultUri='jabber:x:data')
-                            cancelX['type'] = 'cancel'
-                            self.sendDebug("Cancelling configuration (%s)"
-                                           % (nodeName,), cancelIq)
-                            d = cancelIq.send(to=self.settings['ServiceAddress'])
-                        else:
-                            self.sendDebug("Sending configuration form (%s)"
-                                           % (nodeName,), filledIq)
-                            d = filledIq.send(to=self.settings['ServiceAddress'])
-                        d.addCallback(self.configurationSuccess, nodeName,
-                            publish)
-                        d.addErrback(self.configurationFailure, nodeName)
-                        return
-            # Couldn't process configuration form, give up
-            self.unlockNode(None, nodeName)
-        except:
-            # Couldn't process configuration form, give up
-            self.unlockNode(None, nodeName)
-            raise
-    def requestConfigurationFormFailure(self, result, nodeName):
-        # If we get here we're giving up
-        try:
-            iq = result.value.getElement()
-            self.log_error("PubSub configuration form request error: %s" %
-                (iq.toXml().encode('ascii', 'replace')),)
-            self.sendError("Failed to receive configuration form (%s)" %
-                (nodeName,), iq)
-        except AttributeError:
-            # We did not get an XML response; most likely it was a disconnection
-            pass
-        finally:
-            self.unlockNode(None, nodeName)
-    def configurationSuccess(self, iq, nodeName, publish):
-        if self.xmlStream is None:
-            # We lost our connection
-            self.unlockNode(None, nodeName)
-            return
-        try:
-            self.log_debug("PubSub node %s is configured" % (nodeName,))
-            self.sendDebug("Configured node (%s)" % (nodeName,), iq)
-            nodeCacher = getNodeCacher()
-            nodeCacher.storeNode(nodeName)
-            if publish:
-                self.publishNode(nodeName, lock=False)
-            else:
-                self.unlockNode(None, nodeName)
-        except:
-            self.unlockNode(None, nodeName)
-            raise
-    def configurationFailure(self, result, nodeName):
-        # If we get here we're giving up
-        try:
-            iq = result.value.getElement()
-            self.log_error("PubSub node configuration error: %s" %
-                (iq.toXml().encode('ascii', 'replace')),)
-            self.sendError("Failed to configure node (%s)" % (nodeName,), iq)
-        except AttributeError:
-            # We did not get an XML response; most likely it was a disconnection
-            pass
-        finally:
-            self.unlockNode(None, nodeName)
-    def deleteNode(self, nodeName):
-        if self.xmlStream is None:
-            # We lost our connection
-            self.unlockNode(None, nodeName)
-            return
-        try:
-            if not self.lockNode(nodeName):
-                return
-            iq = IQ(self.xmlStream)
-            pubsubElement = iq.addElement('pubsub',
-                defaultUri=self.pubsubNS+"#owner")
-            publishElement = pubsubElement.addElement('delete')
-            publishElement['node'] = nodeName.decode("utf-8")
-            self.sendDebug("Deleting (%s)" % (nodeName,), iq)
-            d = iq.send(to=self.settings['ServiceAddress'])
-            d.addCallback(self.deleteNodeSuccess, nodeName)
-            d.addErrback(self.deleteNodeFailure, nodeName)
-        except:
-            self.unlockNode(None, nodeName)
-            raise
-    def deleteNodeSuccess(self, iq, nodeName):
-        self.unlockNode(None, nodeName)
-        self.sendDebug("Node delete successful (%s)" % (nodeName,), iq)
-    def deleteNodeFailure(self, result, nodeName):
-        try:
-            iq = result.value.getElement()
-            self.log_error("PubSub node delete error: %s" %
-                (iq.toXml().encode('ascii', 'replace')),)
-            self.sendDebug("Node delete failed (%s)" % (nodeName,), iq)
-        except AttributeError:
-            # We did not get an XML response; most likely it was a disconnection
-            pass
-        finally:
-            self.unlockNode(None, nodeName)
-    def requestRoster(self):
-        if self.doRoster:
-            self.roster = {}
-            rosterIq = IQ(self.xmlStream, 'get')
-            rosterIq.addElement("query", "jabber:iq:roster")
-            d = rosterIq.send()
-            d.addCallback(self.handleRoster)
-    def allowedInRoster(self, jid):
-        """ Returns True if jid matches any of the patterns in AllowedJIDs,
-            or is our own JID.  False otherwise. """
-        # Always allow our own JID (in case multiple servers are sharing it)
-        settings = self.settings
-        if settings is not None:
-            if settings["JID"] == jid:
-                return True
-        for pattern in self.settings.get("AllowedJIDs", []):
-            if fnmatch(jid, pattern):
-                return True
-        return False
-    def handleRoster(self, iq):
-        for child in iq.children[0].children:
-            jid = child['jid']
-            if self.allowedInRoster(jid):
-                self.log_debug("In roster: %s" % (jid,))
-                if not self.roster.has_key(jid):
-                    self.roster[jid] = { 'debug' : False, 'available' : False }
-            else:
-                self.log_info("JID not allowed in roster: %s" % (jid,))
-    def handlePresence(self, iq):
-        self.log_debug("Presence IQ: %s" %
-            (iq.toXml().encode('ascii', 'replace')),)
-        presenceType = iq.getAttribute('type')
-        if presenceType == 'subscribe':
-            frm = JID(iq['from']).userhost()
-            if self.allowedInRoster(frm):
-                self.roster[frm] = { 'debug' : False, 'available' : True }
-                response = domish.Element(('jabber:client', 'presence'))
-                response['to'] = iq['from']
-                response['type'] = 'subscribed'
-                self.xmlStream.send(response)
-                # request subscription as well
-                subscribe = domish.Element(('jabber:client', 'presence'))
-                subscribe['to'] = iq['from']
-                subscribe['type'] = 'subscribe'
-                self.xmlStream.send(subscribe)
-            else:
-                self.log_info("JID not allowed in roster: %s" % (frm,))
-                # Reject
-                response = domish.Element(('jabber:client', 'presence'))
-                response['to'] = iq['from']
-                response['type'] = 'unsubscribed'
-                self.xmlStream.send(response)
-        elif presenceType == 'unsubscribe':
-            frm = JID(iq['from']).userhost()
-            if self.roster.has_key(frm):
-                del self.roster[frm]
-            response = domish.Element(('jabber:client', 'presence'))
-            response['to'] = iq['from']
-            response['type'] = 'unsubscribed'
-            self.xmlStream.send(response)
-            # remove from roster as well
-            # XXX This codepath is not unit tested
-            removal = IQ(self.xmlStream, 'set')
-            query = removal.addElement("query", "jabber:iq:roster")
-            query.addElement("item")
-            query.item["jid"] = iq["from"]
-            query.item["subscription"] = "remove"
-            removal.send()
-        elif presenceType == 'unavailable':
-            frm = JID(iq['from']).userhost()
-            if self.roster.has_key(frm):
-                self.roster[frm]['available'] = False
-        else:
-            frm = JID(iq['from']).userhost()
-            if self.allowedInRoster(frm):
-                if self.roster.has_key(frm):
-                    self.roster[frm]['available'] = True
-                else:
-                    self.roster[frm] = { 'debug' : False, 'available' : True }
-            else:
-                self.log_info("JID not allowed in roster: %s" % (frm,))
-    def streamOpened(self, xmlStream):
-        self.xmlStream = xmlStream
-        xmlStream.addObserver('/message', self.handleMessage)
-        xmlStream.addObserver('/presence', self.handlePresence)
-        self.requestRoster()
-        self.sendHeartbeat()
-    def streamClosed(self):
-        self.xmlStream = None
-    def sendDebug(self, txt, element):
-        txt = "DEBUG: %s %s" % (txt, element.toXml().encode('ascii', 'replace'))
-        for jid, info in self.roster.iteritems():
-            if info['available'] and info['debug']:
-                self.sendAlert(jid, txt)
-    def sendError(self, txt, element):
-        txt = "ERROR: %s %s" % (txt, element.toXml().encode('ascii', 'replace'))
-        for jid, info in self.roster.iteritems():
-            if info['available']:
-                self.sendAlert(jid, txt)
-    def sendAlert(self, jid, txt):
-        if self.xmlStream is not None:
-            message = domish.Element(('jabber:client', 'message'))
-            message['to'] = JID(jid).full()
-            message.addElement('body', content=txt)
-            self.xmlStream.send(message)
-    def handleMessage(self, iq):
-        body = getattr(iq, 'body', None)
-        if body:
-            response = None
-            frm = JID(iq['from']).userhost()
-            if frm in self.roster:
-                txt = str(body).lower()
-                if txt == "help":
-                    response = "debug on, debug off, roster, create <nodename>, publish <nodename>, hammer <count>"
-                elif txt == "roster":
-                    response = "Roster: %s" % (str(self.roster),)
-                elif txt == "debug on":
-                    self.roster[frm]['debug'] = True
-                    response = "Debugging on"
-                elif txt == "debug off":
-                    self.roster[frm]['debug'] = False
-                    response = "Debugging off"
-                elif txt == "outstanding":
-                    response = "Outstanding: %s" % (str(self.outstanding),)
-                elif txt.startswith("publish"):
-                    try:
-                        publish, nodeName = str(body).split()
-                    except ValueError:
-                        response = "Please phrase it like 'publish nodename'"
-                    else:
-                        response = "Publishing node %s" % (nodeName,)
-                        self.reactor.callLater(1, self.enqueue, "update",
-                            nodeName)
-                elif txt.startswith("delete"):
-                    try:
-                        delete, nodeName = str(body).split()
-                    except ValueError:
-                        response = "Please phrase it like 'delete nodename'"
-                    else:
-                        response = "Deleting node %s" % (nodeName,)
-                        self.reactor.callLater(1, self.deleteNode, nodeName)
-                elif txt.startswith("create"):
-                    try:
-                        publish, nodeName = str(body).split()
-                    except ValueError:
-                        response = "Please phrase it like 'create nodename'"
-                    else:
-                        response = "Creating and configuring node %s" % (nodeName,)
-                        self.reactor.callLater(1, self.enqueue, "create",
-                            nodeName)
-                elif txt.startswith("hammer"):
-                    try:
-                        hammer, count = txt.split()
-                        count = int(count)
-                    except ValueError:
-                        response = "Please phrase it like 'hammer 100'"
-                    else:
-                        response = "Hammer will commence now, %d times" % (count,)
-                        self.reactor.callLater(1, self.hammer, count)
-                else:
-                    response = "I don't understand.  Try 'help'."
-            else:
-                response = "Sorry, you are not authorized to converse with this server"
-            if response:
-                message = domish.Element(('jabber:client', 'message'))
-                message['to'] = JID(iq['from']).full()
-                message.addElement('body', content=response)
-                self.xmlStream.send(message)
-    def hammer(self, count):
-        for i in xrange(count):
-            self.enqueue("update", "hammertesting%d" % (i,))
-class XMPPNotificationFactory(xmlstream.XmlStreamFactory, LoggingMixIn):
-    def __init__(self, notifier, settings, reactor=None, keepAlive=True):
-        self.log_warn("Setting up XMPPNotificationFactory")
-        self.notifier = notifier
-        self.settings = settings
-        self.jid = settings['JID']
-        # Ignore JID resource from plist
-        slash = self.jid.find("/")
-        if slash > -1:
-            self.jid = self.jid[0:slash]
-        # Generate a unique JID resource value
-        resource = "icalserver.%s" % uuid.uuid4().hex
-        self.jid = "%s/%s" % (self.jid, resource)
-        self.keepAliveSeconds = settings.get('KeepAliveSeconds', 120)
-        self.xmlStream = None
-        self.presenceCall = None
-        self.doKeepAlive = keepAlive
-        if reactor is None:
-            from twisted.internet import reactor
-        self.reactor = reactor
-        xmlstream.XmlStreamFactory.__init__(self,
-            XMPPAuthenticator(JID(self.jid), settings['Password']))
-        self.addBootstrap(xmlstream.STREAM_CONNECTED_EVENT, self.connected)
-        self.addBootstrap(xmlstream.STREAM_END_EVENT, self.disconnected)
-        self.addBootstrap(xmlstream.INIT_FAILED_EVENT, self.initFailed)
-        self.addBootstrap(xmlstream.STREAM_AUTHD_EVENT, self.authenticated)
-        self.addBootstrap(IQAuthInitializer.INVALID_USER_EVENT,
-            self.authFailed)
-        self.addBootstrap(IQAuthInitializer.AUTH_FAILED_EVENT,
-            self.authFailed)
-    def connected(self, xmlStream):
-        self.xmlStream = xmlStream
-        self.log_warn("XMPP connection successful")
-        # Log all traffic
-        xmlStream.rawDataInFn = self.rawDataIn
-        xmlStream.rawDataOutFn = self.rawDataOut
-    def disconnected(self, xmlStream):
-        self.notifier.streamClosed()
-        self.xmlStream = None
-        if self.presenceCall is not None:
-            self.presenceCall.cancel()
-            self.presenceCall = None
-        self.log_warn("XMPP disconnected")
-    def initFailed(self, failure):
-        self.xmlStream = None
-        self.log_warn("XMPP Initialization failed: %s" % (failure,))
-    def authenticated(self, xmlStream):
-        self.log_warn("XMPP authentication successful: %s" % (self.jid,))
-        # xmlStream.addObserver('/message', self.handleMessage)
-        self.sendPresence()
-        self.notifier.streamOpened(xmlStream)
-    def authFailed(self, e):
-        self.log_error("Failed to log in XMPP (%s); check JID and password" %
-            (self.jid,))
-    def sendPresence(self):
-        if self.doKeepAlive and self.xmlStream is not None:
-            presence = domish.Element(('jabber:client', 'presence'))
-            self.xmlStream.send(presence)
-            self.presenceCall = self.reactor.callLater(self.keepAliveSeconds,
-                self.sendPresence)
-    def rawDataIn(self, buf):
-        self.log_debug("RECV: %s" % unicode(buf, 'utf-8').encode('ascii',
-            'replace'))
-    def rawDataOut(self, buf):
-        self.log_debug("SEND: %s" % unicode(buf, 'utf-8').encode('ascii',
-            'replace'))
-def getXMPPSettings(config):
-    """ Return the XMPP settings if both overall notifications are enabled
-        and XMPP is enabled; None otherwise.
-    """
-    if config.Notifications.Enabled:
-        # return the first enabled xmpp service settings in the config file
-        for key, settings in config.Notifications.Services.iteritems():
-            if (settings["Service"] == "twistedcaldav.notify.XMPPNotifierService"
-                and settings["Enabled"]):
-                return settings
-    return None
-def getPubSubConfiguration(config):
-    # TODO: Should probably cache this
-    results = { 'enabled' : False, 'host' : config.ServerHostName }
-    settings = getXMPPSettings(config)
-    if settings is not None:
-        results['enabled'] = True
-        results['service'] = settings['ServiceAddress']
-        results['port'] = config.SSLPort or config.HTTPPort
-        results['xmpp-server'] = (
-            settings['Host'] if settings['Port'] == 5222
-            else "%s:%d" % (settings['Host'], settings['Port'])
-        )
-        results['heartrate'] = settings['HeartbeatMinutes']
-    return results
-def getPubSubAPSConfiguration(id, config):
-    """
-    Returns the Apple push notification settings specific to the notifier
-    ID, which includes a prefix that is either "CalDAV" or "CardDAV"
-    """
-    try:
-        prefix, id = id.split("|", 1)
-    except ValueError:
-        # id has no prefix, so we can't look up APS config
-        return None
-    # If we are directly talking to apple push, advertise those settings
-    applePushSettings = config.Notifications.Services.ApplePushNotifier
-    if applePushSettings.Enabled:
-        settings = {}
-        settings["APSBundleID"] = applePushSettings[prefix]["Topic"]
-        if config.EnableSSL:
-            url = "https://%s:%s/%s" % (config.ServerHostName, config.SSLPort,
-                applePushSettings.SubscriptionURL)
-        else:
-            url = "http://%s:%s/%s" % (config.ServerHostName, config.HTTPPort,
-                applePushSettings.SubscriptionURL)
-        settings["SubscriptionURL"] = url
-        settings["SubscriptionRefreshIntervalSeconds"] = applePushSettings.SubscriptionRefreshIntervalSeconds
-        settings["APSEnvironment"] = applePushSettings.Environment
-        return settings
-    # ...otherwise pick up the apple push settings we get via XMPP and
-    # apn bridge
-    settings = getXMPPSettings(config)
-    if settings is None:
-        return None
-    if (settings.has_key(prefix) and
-        settings[prefix]["APSBundleID"] and
-        settings[prefix]["SubscriptionURL"]):
-        return settings[prefix]
-    return None
-def getPubSubPath(id, pubSubConfiguration):
-    """
-    Generate a pubsub node path from an id and the pubsub configuration
-    @param id: a string identifying the resource that was modified.  If
-        the id has a "|" in it, what is to the left of the first "|" is
-        treated as a prefix and will be used for the root of the path.
-    @type id: C{str}
-    @param pubSubConfiguration: a dictionary containing various relevant
-        configuration data
-    @type pubSubConfiguration: C{dict}
-    """
-    path = "/"
-    try:
-        prefix, id = id.split("|", 1)
-        path += "%s/" % (prefix,)
-    except ValueError:
-        # id has no prefix
-        pass
-    path += "%s/" % (pubSubConfiguration['host'],)
-    if id:
-        path += "%s/" % (id,)
-    return path
-def getPubSubXMPPURI(id, pubSubConfiguration):
-    return "xmpp:%s?pubsub;node=%s" % (pubSubConfiguration['service'],
-        getPubSubPath(id, pubSubConfiguration))
-def getPubSubHeartbeatURI(pubSubConfiguration):
-    return "xmpp:%s?pubsub;node=%s" % (pubSubConfiguration['service'],
-        getPubSubPath("", pubSubConfiguration))
-# Notification Server service config
-class NotificationOptions(Options):
-    optParameters = [[
-        "config", "f", DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE, "Path to configuration file."
-    ]]
-    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        super(NotificationOptions, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
-        self.overrides = {}
-    def _coerceOption(self, configDict, key, value):
-        """
-        Coerce the given C{val} to type of C{configDict[key]}
-        """
-        if key in configDict:
-            if isinstance(configDict[key], bool):
-                value = value == "True"
-            elif isinstance(configDict[key], (int, float, long)):
-                value = type(configDict[key])(value)
-            elif isinstance(configDict[key], (list, tuple)):
-                value = value.split(',')
-            elif isinstance(configDict[key], dict):
-                raise UsageError(
-                    "Dict options not supported on the command line"
-                )
-            elif value == 'None':
-                value = None
-        return value
-    def _setOverride(self, configDict, path, value, overrideDict):
-        """
-        Set the value at path in configDict
-        """
-        key = path[0]
-        if len(path) == 1:
-            overrideDict[key] = self._coerceOption(configDict, key, value)
-            return
-        if key in configDict:
-            if not isinstance(configDict[key], dict):
-                raise UsageError(
-                    "Found intermediate path element that is not a dictionary"
-                )
-            if key not in overrideDict:
-                overrideDict[key] = {}
-            self._setOverride(
-                configDict[key], path[1:],
-                value, overrideDict[key]
-            )
-    def opt_option(self, option):
-        """
-        Set an option to override a value in the config file. True, False, int,
-        and float options are supported, as well as comma seperated lists. Only
-        one option may be given for each --option flag, however multiple
-        --option flags may be specified.
-        """
-        if "=" in option:
-            path, value = option.split('=')
-            self._setOverride(
-                DEFAULT_CONFIG,
-                path.split('/'),
-                value,
-                self.overrides
-            )
-        else:
-            self.opt_option('%s=True' % (option,))
-    opt_o = opt_option
-    def postOptions(self):
-        config.load(self['config'])
-        config.updateDefaults(self.overrides)
-        self.parent['pidfile'] = None
-class NotificationServiceMaker(object):
-    implements(IPlugin, service.IServiceMaker)
-    tapname = "caldav_notifier"
-    description = "Notification Server"
-    options = NotificationOptions
-    def makeService(self, options):
-        try:
-            from setproctitle import setproctitle
-        except ImportError:
-            pass
-        else:
-            setproctitle("CalendarServer [Notification Gateway]")
-        #
-        # Configure Memcached Client Pool
-        #
-        memcachepool.installPools(
-            config.Memcached.Pools,
-            config.Memcached.MaxClients,
-        )
-        multiService = service.MultiService()
-        from calendarserver.tap.util import storeFromConfig, getDBPool
-        pool, txnFactory = getDBPool(config)
-        if pool is not None:
-            pool.setServiceParent(multiService)
-        store = storeFromConfig(config, txnFactory)
-        notifiers = []
-        for key, settings in config.Notifications.Services.iteritems():
-            if settings["Enabled"]:
-                notifier = namedClass(settings["Service"]).makeService(settings,
-                    store, config.ServerHostName)
-                notifier.setServiceParent(multiService)
-                notifiers.append(notifier)
-        internet.TCPServer(
-            config.Notifications.InternalNotificationPort,
-            InternalNotificationFactory(notifiers,
-                delaySeconds=config.Notifications.CoalesceSeconds),
-            interface=config.Notifications.BindAddress
-        ).setServiceParent(multiService)
-        return multiService
-class SimpleLineNotifierService(service.Service):
-    @classmethod
-    def makeService(cls, settings, store, serverHostName):
-        return cls(settings)
-    def __init__(self, settings):
-        self.notifier = SimpleLineNotifier(settings)
-        self.server = internet.TCPServer(settings["Port"],
-            SimpleLineNotificationFactory(self.notifier))
-    def enqueue(self, op, id):
-        self.notifier.enqueue(op, id)
-    def startService(self):
-        self.server.startService()
-    def stopService(self):
-        self.server.stopService()
-class XMPPNotifierService(service.Service):
-    @classmethod
-    def makeService(cls, settings, store, serverHostName):
-        return cls(settings)
-    def __init__(self, settings):
-        self.notifier = XMPPNotifier(settings)
-        if settings["Port"] == 5223: # use old SSL method
-            self.client = internet.SSLClient(settings["Host"], settings["Port"],
-                XMPPNotificationFactory(self.notifier, settings),
-                ClientContextFactory())
-        else:
-            # TLS and SASL
-            self.client = internet.TCPClient(settings["Host"], settings["Port"],
-                XMPPNotificationFactory(self.notifier, settings))
-    def enqueue(self, op, id):
-        self.notifier.enqueue(op, id)
-    def startService(self):
-        self.client.startService()
-    def stopService(self):
-        self.client.stopService()

Modified: CalendarServer/branches/users/gaya/sharedgroups/twistedcaldav/sharing.py
--- CalendarServer/branches/users/gaya/sharedgroups/twistedcaldav/sharing.py	2013-02-19 22:15:27 UTC (rev 10762)
+++ CalendarServer/branches/users/gaya/sharedgroups/twistedcaldav/sharing.py	2013-02-19 23:19:21 UTC (rev 10763)
@@ -575,7 +575,7 @@
-        shareeStoreObject = yield self._newStoreHome.objectWithShareUID(shareUID)
+        shareeStoreObject = yield shareeHome.objectWithShareUID(shareUID)
         invitation = Invitation(shareeStoreObject)
@@ -584,11 +584,7 @@
     def _updateInvitation(self, invitation, access=None, state=None, summary=None):
         mode = None if access is None else invitationAccessToBindModeMap[access]
         status = None if state is None else invitationStateToBindStatusMap[state]
         yield self._newStoreObject.updateShare(invitation._shareeStoreObject, mode=mode, status=status, message=summary)
-        assert not access or access == invitation.access(), "access=%s != invitation.access()=%s" % (access, invitation.access())
-        assert not state or state == invitation.state(), "state=%s != invitation.state()=%s" % (state, invitation.state())
-        assert not summary or summary == invitation.summary(), "summary=%s != invitation.summary()=%s" % (summary, invitation.summary())
@@ -1066,13 +1062,35 @@
     def provisionShare(self, child, request=None):
+        """
+        If the given child resource (a L{SharedCollectionMixin}) of this
+        L{SharedHomeMixin} is a I{sharee}'s view of a shared calendar object,
+        associate it with a L{Share}.
+        """
         share = yield self._shareForStoreObject(child._newStoreObject, request)
         if share:
+            access = yield child._checkAccessControl()
+            if access is None:
+                returnValue(None)
+        returnValue(child)
     def _shareForStoreObject(self, storeObject, request=None):
+        """
+        Determine the L{Share} associated with the given child.
+        @param child: A calendar or addressbook data store object, a child of
+            the resource represented by this L{SharedHomeMixin} instance, which
+            may be shared.
+        @type child: L{txdav.caldav.icalendarstore.ICalendar} or
+            L{txdav.carddav.iaddressbookstore.IAddressBook}
+        @return: a L{Share} if C{child} is not the owner's view of the share,
+            or C{None}.
+        @rtype: L{Share} or L{NoneType}
+        """
         # Find a matching share
         if not storeObject or storeObject.owned():
@@ -1135,21 +1153,26 @@
         oldShare = yield self._shareForUID(inviteUID, request)
         # Send the invite reply then add the link
-        yield self._changeShare(request, "ACCEPTED", hostUrl, inviteUID, displayname)
+        yield self._changeShare(request, "ACCEPTED", hostUrl, inviteUID,
+                                displayname)
         if oldShare:
             share = oldShare
             sharedResource = yield request.locateResource(hostUrl)
             shareeStoreObject = yield self._newStoreHome.objectWithShareUID(inviteUID)
-            share = Share(shareeStoreObject=shareeStoreObject, ownerStoreObject=sharedResource._newStoreObject, url=hostUrl)
+            share = Share(shareeStoreObject=shareeStoreObject, 
+                          ownerStoreObject=sharedResource._newStoreObject, 
+                          url=hostUrl)
-        response = yield self._acceptShare(request, not oldShare, share, displayname)
+        response = yield self._acceptShare(request, not oldShare, share,
+                                           displayname)
-    def acceptDirectShare(self, request, hostUrl, resourceUID, displayname=None):
+    def acceptDirectShare(self, request, hostUrl, resourceUID,
+                          displayname=None):
         # Just add the link
         oldShare = yield self._shareForUID(resourceUID, request)
@@ -1157,20 +1180,46 @@
             share = oldShare
             sharedCollection = yield request.locateResource(hostUrl)
-            shareeStoreObject = yield sharedCollection._newStoreObject.shareWith(shareeHome=self._newStoreHome,
-                                                    mode=_BIND_MODE_DIRECT,
-                                                    status=_BIND_STATUS_ACCEPTED,
-                                                    message=displayname)
+            shareUID = yield sharedCollection._newStoreObject.shareWith(
+                shareeHome=self._newStoreHome,
+                mode=_BIND_MODE_DIRECT,
+                status=_BIND_STATUS_ACCEPTED,
+                message=displayname
+            )
-            share = Share(shareeStoreObject=shareeStoreObject, ownerStoreObject=sharedCollection._newStoreObject, url=hostUrl)
+            shareeStoreObject = yield self._newStoreHome.objectWithShareUID(shareUID)
+            share = Share(shareeStoreObject=shareeStoreObject, 
+                          ownerStoreObject=sharedCollection._newStoreObject,
+                          url=hostUrl)
-        response = yield self._acceptShare(request, not oldShare, share, displayname)
+        response = yield self._acceptShare(request, not oldShare, share,
+                                           displayname)
     def _acceptShare(self, request, isNewShare, share, displayname=None):
+        """
+        Mark a pending shared invitation I{to} this, the owner's collection, as
+        accepted, generating the HTTP response to the request that accepted it.
+        @param request: The HTTP request that is accepting it.
+        @type request: L{twext.web2.iweb.IRequest}
+        @param isNewShare: a boolean indicating whether this share is new.
+        @type isNewShare: L{bool}
+        @param share: The share referencing the proposed sharer and sharee.
+        @type share: L{Share}
+        @param displayname: the UTF-8 encoded contents of the display-name
+            property on the resource to be created while accepting.
+        @type displayname: L{bytes}
+        @return: a L{twext.web2.iweb.IResponse} containing a serialized
+            L{customxml.SharedAs} element as its body.
+        @rtype: L{Deferred} firing L{XMLResponse}
+        """
         # Get shared collection in non-share mode first
         sharedResource = yield request.locateResource(share.url())
         sharee = self.principalForUID(share.shareeUID())
@@ -1402,8 +1451,26 @@
 class Share(object):
+    """
+    A L{Share} represents information about a collection which has been shared
+    from one user to another.
+    """
     def __init__(self, ownerStoreObject, shareeStoreObject, url):
+        """
+        @param sharerHomeChild: The data store object representing the shared
+            collection as present in the owner's home collection; the owner's
+            reference.
+        @type sharerHomeChild: L{txdav.caldav.icalendarstore.ICalendar}
+        @param shareeHomeChild: The data store object representing the
+            collection as present in the sharee's home collection; the sharee's
+            reference.
+        @type shareeHomeChild: L{txdav.caldav.icalendarstore.ICalendar}
+        @param url: The URL referring to the sharer's version of the resource.
+        @type url: L{bytes}
+        """
         self._shareeStoreObject = shareeStoreObject
         self._ownerStoreObject = ownerStoreObject
         self._ownerResourceURL = url
@@ -1411,22 +1478,32 @@
     def directUID(cls, shareeHome, ownerHomeChild):
-        return "Direct-%s-%s" % (shareeHome._resourceID, ownerHomeChild._resourceID,)
+        return "Direct-%s-%s" % (shareeHome._resourceID, 
+                                 ownerHomeChild._resourceID,)
     def uid(self):
         # Move to CommonHomeChild shareUID?
         if self._shareeStoreObject.shareMode() == _BIND_MODE_DIRECT:
-            return self.directUID(shareeHome=self._shareeStoreObject.viewerHome(), ownerHomeChild=self._ownerStoreObject,)
+            return self.directUID(shareeHome=self._shareeStoreObject.viewerHome(),
+                                  ownerHomeChild=self._ownerStoreObject,)
             return self._shareeStoreObject.shareUID()
     def direct(self):
+        """
+        Is this L{Share} a "direct" share?
+        @return: a boolean indicating whether it's direct.
+        """
         return self._shareeStoreObject.shareMode() == _BIND_MODE_DIRECT
     def url(self):
+        """
+        @return: The URL to the owner's version of the shared collection.
+        """
         return self._ownerResourceURL

Deleted: CalendarServer/branches/users/gaya/sharedgroups/twistedcaldav/test/test_notify.py
--- CalendarServer/branches/users/gaya/sharedgroups/twistedcaldav/test/test_notify.py	2013-02-19 22:15:27 UTC (rev 10762)
+++ CalendarServer/branches/users/gaya/sharedgroups/twistedcaldav/test/test_notify.py	2013-02-19 23:19:21 UTC (rev 10763)
@@ -1,621 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2008-2013 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from twisted.internet.task import Clock
-from twisted.words.protocols.jabber.client import IQ
-from twisted.words.protocols.jabber.error import StanzaError
-from twistedcaldav.notify import *
-from twistedcaldav.config import Config
-from twistedcaldav.stdconfig import DEFAULT_CONFIG, PListConfigProvider
-from twistedcaldav.test.util import TestCase
-class StubResource(object):
-    def __init__(self, id):
-        self._id = id
-    def resourceID(self):
-        return self._id
-class NotifierTests(TestCase):
-    def test_notifier(self):
-        enabledConfig = Config(PListConfigProvider(DEFAULT_CONFIG))
-        enabledConfig.Notifications["Enabled"] = True
-        notifier = Notifier(None, id="test")
-        self.assertEquals(notifier._ids, {"default": "test"})
-        clone = notifier.clone(label="alt", id="altID")
-        self.assertEquals("altID", clone.getID(label="alt"))
-        self.assertEquals(clone._ids, {
-            "default" : "test",
-            "alt"     : "altID",
-        })
-        self.assertEquals("test", notifier.getID())
-        self.assertEquals(notifier._ids, {
-            "default" : "test",
-        })
-        self.assertEquals(None, notifier.getID(label="notthere"))
-        notifier = Notifier(None, id="urn:uuid:foo")
-        self.assertEquals("foo", notifier.getID())
-        notifier.disableNotify()
-        self.assertEquals(notifier._notify, False)
-        notifier.enableNotify(None)
-        self.assertEquals(notifier._notify, True)
-        notifier = Notifier(None, id="test", prefix="CalDAV")
-        self.assertEquals("CalDAV|test", notifier.getID())
-class NotificationClientFactoryTests(TestCase):
-    def setUp(self):
-        TestCase.setUp(self)
-        self.client = StubNotificationClient(None, None)
-        self.factory = NotificationClientFactory(self.client)
-        self.factory.protocol = StubNotificationClientProtocol
-    def test_connect(self):
-        self.assertEquals(self.factory.isReady(), False)
-        protocol = self.factory.buildProtocol(None)
-        protocol.connectionMade()
-        self.assertEquals(self.client.observers, set([protocol]))
-        self.assertEquals(self.factory.isReady(), True)
-        protocol.connectionLost(None)
-        self.assertEquals(self.client.observers, set())
-        self.assertEquals(self.factory.isReady(), False)
-class StubNotificationClient(object):
-    def __init__(self, host, port, reactor=None):
-        self.lines = []
-        self.observers = set()
-    def send(self, op, id):
-        self.lines.append(id)
-    def addObserver(self, observer):
-        self.observers.add(observer)
-    def removeObserver(self, observer):
-        self.observers.remove(observer)
-    def connectionMade(self):
-        pass
-    def clear(self):
-        self.lines = []
-class StubNotificationClientProtocol(object):
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.lines = []
-    def sendLine(self, line):
-        self.lines.append(line)
-    def connectionMade(self):
-        self.client.addObserver(self)
-        self.factory.connectionMade()
-    def connectionLost(self, reason):
-        self.client.removeObserver(self)
-        self.factory.connected = False
-class NotifierFactoryTests(TestCase):
-    def setUp(self):
-        TestCase.setUp(self)
-        self.client = NotifierFactory(None, None, reactor=Clock())
-        self.client.factory = StubNotificationClientFactory()
-    def test_sendWhileNotConnected(self):
-        self.client.send("update", "a")
-        self.assertEquals(self.client.queued, set(["update a"]))
-    def test_sendWhileConnected(self):
-        protocol = StubNotificationClientProtocol()
-        self.client.addObserver(protocol)
-        self.client.factory.connected = True
-        self.client.send("update", "a")
-        self.assertEquals(self.client.queued, set())
-        self.assertEquals(protocol.lines, ["update a"])
-    def test_sendQueue(self):
-        self.client.send("update", "a")
-        self.assertEquals(self.client.queued, set(["update a"]))
-        protocol = StubNotificationClientProtocol()
-        self.client.addObserver(protocol)
-        self.client.factory.connected = True
-        self.client.connectionMade()
-        self.assertEquals(protocol.lines, ["update a"])
-        self.assertEquals(self.client.queued, set())
-class StubNotificationClientFactory(object):
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.connected = False
-    def isReady(self):
-        return self.connected
-class CoalescerTests(TestCase):
-    def setUp(self):
-        TestCase.setUp(self)
-        self.clock = Clock()
-        self.notifier = StubNotifier()
-        self.coalescer = Coalescer([self.notifier], reactor=self.clock)
-    def test_delayedNotifications(self):
-        self.coalescer.add("update", "A")
-        self.assertEquals(self.notifier.notifications, [])
-        self.clock.advance(5)
-        self.assertEquals(self.notifier.notifications, ["A"])
-    def test_removeDuplicates(self):
-        self.coalescer.add("update", "A")
-        self.coalescer.add("update", "A")
-        self.clock.advance(5)
-        self.assertEquals(self.notifier.notifications, ["A"])
-class StubNotifier(object):
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.notifications = []
-        self.observers = set()
-        self.playbackHistory = []
-    def enqueue(self, op, id):
-        self.notifications.append(id)
-    def playback(self, protocol, old_seq):
-        self.playbackHistory.append((protocol, old_seq))
-    def addObserver(self, observer):
-        self.observers.add(observer)
-    def removeObserver(self, observer):
-        self.observers.remove(observer)
-class SimpleLineNotifierTests(TestCase):
-    def setUp(self):
-        TestCase.setUp(self)
-        self.clock = Clock()
-        self.notifier = SimpleLineNotifier(None)
-        self.coalescer = Coalescer([self.notifier], reactor=self.clock)
-    def test_initialConnection(self):
-        protocol = StubProtocol()
-        self.notifier.addObserver(protocol)
-        self.notifier.connectionMade(protocol)
-        self.assertEquals(protocol.lines, ["0"])
-    def test_subsequentConnection(self):
-        protocol = StubProtocol()
-        self.notifier.addObserver(protocol)
-        self.notifier.connectionMade(protocol)
-        protocol.lines = []
-        self.notifier.connectionMade(protocol)
-        self.assertEquals(protocol.lines, [])
-    def test_send(self):
-        protocol = StubProtocol()
-        self.notifier.addObserver(protocol)
-        self.notifier.enqueue("update", "A")
-        self.assertEquals(protocol.lines, ["1 A"])
-    def test_incrementSequence(self):
-        protocol = StubProtocol()
-        self.notifier.addObserver(protocol)
-        self.notifier.enqueue("update", "A")
-        self.notifier.enqueue("update", "B")
-        self.assertEquals(protocol.lines, ["1 A", "2 B"])
-    def test_addObserver(self):
-        protocol = StubProtocol()
-        self.notifier.addObserver(protocol)
-        self.notifier.enqueue("update", "A")
-        self.assertEquals(protocol.lines, ["1 A"])
-    def test_removeObserver(self):
-        protocol = StubProtocol()
-        self.notifier.addObserver(protocol)
-        self.notifier.removeObserver(protocol)
-        self.notifier.enqueue("update", "A")
-        self.assertEquals(protocol.lines, [])
-    def test_multipleObservers(self):
-        protocol1 = StubProtocol()
-        protocol2 = StubProtocol()
-        self.notifier.addObserver(protocol1)
-        self.notifier.addObserver(protocol2)
-        self.notifier.enqueue("update", "A")
-        self.assertEquals(protocol1.lines, ["1 A"])
-        self.assertEquals(protocol2.lines, ["1 A"])
-    def test_duplicateObservers(self):
-        protocol = StubProtocol()
-        self.notifier.addObserver(protocol)
-        self.notifier.addObserver(protocol)
-        self.notifier.enqueue("update", "A")
-        self.assertEquals(protocol.lines, ["1 A"])
-    def test_playback(self):
-        self.notifier.enqueue("update", "A")
-        self.notifier.enqueue("update", "B")
-        self.notifier.enqueue("update", "C")
-        protocol = StubProtocol()
-        self.notifier.addObserver(protocol)
-        self.notifier.playback(protocol, 1)
-        self.assertEquals(protocol.lines, ["2 B", "3 C"])
-    def test_reset(self):
-        self.notifier.enqueue("update", "A")
-        self.assertEquals(self.notifier.history, {"A" : 1})
-        self.assertEquals(self.notifier.latestSeq, 1)
-        self.notifier.reset()
-        self.assertEquals(self.notifier.history, {})
-        self.assertEquals(self.notifier.latestSeq, 0)
-class SimpleLineNotificationFactoryTests(TestCase):
-    def test_buildProtocol(self):
-        notifier = StubNotifier()
-        factory = SimpleLineNotificationFactory(notifier)
-        protocol = factory.buildProtocol(None)
-        self.assertEquals(protocol.notifier, notifier)
-        self.assertIn(protocol, notifier.observers)
-class SimpleLineNotificationProtocolTests(TestCase):
-    def setUp(self):
-        TestCase.setUp(self)
-        self.notifier = StubNotifier()
-        self.protocol = SimpleLineNotificationProtocol()
-        self.protocol.notifier = self.notifier
-        self.protocol.transport = StubTransport()
-        self.notifier.addObserver(self.protocol)
-    def test_connectionLost(self):
-        self.protocol.connectionLost(None)
-        self.assertNotIn(self.protocol, self.notifier.observers)
-    def test_lineReceived(self):
-        self.protocol.lineReceived("2")
-        self.assertEquals(self.notifier.playbackHistory, [(self.protocol, 2)])
-    def test_lineReceivedInvalid(self):
-        self.protocol.lineReceived("bogus")
-        self.assertEquals(self.notifier.playbackHistory, [])
-class StubProtocol(object):
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.lines = []
-    def sendLine(self, line):
-        self.lines.append(line)
-class StubTransport(object):
-    def getPeer(self):
-        return "peer"
-class StubXmlStream(object):
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.elements = []
-    def send(self, element):
-        self.elements.append(element)
-    def addOnetimeObserver(self, *args, **kwds):
-        pass
-    def addObserver(self, *args, **kwds):
-        pass
-class StubFailure(object):
-    def __init__(self, value):
-        self.value = value
-class XMPPNotifierTests(TestCase):
-    xmppEnabledConfig = Config(PListConfigProvider(DEFAULT_CONFIG))
-    xmppEnabledConfig.Notifications["Enabled"] = True
-    xmppEnabledConfig.Notifications["Services"]["XMPPNotifier"]["Enabled"] = True
-    xmppEnabledConfig.ServerHostName = "server.example.com"
-    xmppEnabledConfig.HTTPPort = 80
-    xmppDisabledConfig = Config(PListConfigProvider(DEFAULT_CONFIG))
-    xmppDisabledConfig.Notifications["Services"]["XMPPNotifier"]["Enabled"] = False
-    def setUp(self):
-        TestCase.setUp(self)
-        self.xmlStream = StubXmlStream()
-        self.settings = { "ServiceAddress" : "pubsub.example.com",
-            "NodeConfiguration" : { "pubsub#deliver_payloads" : "1" },
-            "HeartbeatMinutes" : 30,
-        }
-        self.notifier = XMPPNotifier(self.settings, reactor=Clock(),
-            configOverride=self.xmppEnabledConfig, heartbeat=False)
-        self.notifier.streamOpened(self.xmlStream)
-    def test_sendWhileConnected(self):
-        self.notifier.enqueue("update", "test")
-        iq = self.xmlStream.elements[1]
-        self.assertEquals(iq.name, "iq")
-        pubsubElement = list(iq.elements())[0]
-        self.assertEquals(pubsubElement.name, "pubsub")
-        self.assertEquals(pubsubElement.uri, "http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub")
-        publishElement = list(pubsubElement.elements())[0]
-        self.assertEquals(publishElement.name, "publish")
-        self.assertEquals(publishElement.uri, "http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub")
-        self.assertEquals(publishElement["node"],
-            "/server.example.com/test/")
-    def test_sendWhileNotConnected(self):
-        notifier = XMPPNotifier(self.settings, reactor=Clock(),
-            configOverride=self.xmppDisabledConfig)
-        notifier.enqueue("update", "/principals/__uids__/test")
-        self.assertEquals(len(self.xmlStream.elements), 1)
-    def test_publishNewNode(self):
-        self.notifier.publishNode("testNodeName")
-        iq = self.xmlStream.elements[1]
-        self.assertEquals(iq.name, "iq")
-    def test_publishReponse400(self):
-        failure = StubFailure(StanzaError("bad-request"))
-        self.assertEquals(len(self.xmlStream.elements), 1)
-        self.notifier.publishNodeFailure(failure, "testNodeName")
-        self.assertEquals(len(self.xmlStream.elements), 2)
-        iq = self.xmlStream.elements[1]
-        self.assertEquals(iq.name, "iq")
-        self.assertEquals(iq["type"], "get")
-        pubsubElement = list(iq.elements())[0]
-        self.assertEquals(pubsubElement.name, "pubsub")
-        self.assertEquals(pubsubElement.uri,
-            "http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#owner")
-        configElement = list(pubsubElement.elements())[0]
-        self.assertEquals(configElement.name, "configure")
-        self.assertEquals(configElement["node"], "testNodeName")
-    def test_publishReponse404(self):
-        self.assertEquals(len(self.xmlStream.elements), 1)
-        failure = StubFailure(StanzaError("item-not-found"))
-        self.notifier.publishNodeFailure(failure, "testNodeName")
-        self.assertEquals(len(self.xmlStream.elements), 2)
-        iq = self.xmlStream.elements[1]
-        self.assertEquals(iq.name, "iq")
-        self.assertEquals(iq["type"], "set")
-        pubsubElement = list(iq.elements())[0]
-        self.assertEquals(pubsubElement.name, "pubsub")
-        self.assertEquals(pubsubElement.uri,
-            "http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub")
-        createElement = list(pubsubElement.elements())[0]
-        self.assertEquals(createElement.name, "create")
-        self.assertEquals(createElement["node"], "testNodeName")
-    def test_configureResponse(self):
-        def _getChild(element, name):
-            for child in element.elements():
-                if child.name == name:
-                    return child
-            return None
-        response = IQ(self.xmlStream, type="result")
-        pubsubElement = response.addElement("pubsub")
-        configElement = pubsubElement.addElement("configure")
-        formElement = configElement.addElement("x")
-        formElement["type"] = "form"
-        fields = [
-            ( "unknown", "don't edit me", "text-single" ),
-            ( "pubsub#deliver_payloads", "0", "boolean" ),
-            ( "pubsub#persist_items", "0", "boolean" ),
-        ]
-        expectedFields = {
-            "unknown" : "don't edit me",
-            "pubsub#deliver_payloads" : "1",
-            "pubsub#persist_items" : "1",
-        }
-        for field in fields:
-            fieldElement = formElement.addElement("field")
-            fieldElement["var"] = field[0]
-            fieldElement["type"] = field[2]
-            fieldElement.addElement("value", content=field[1])
-        self.assertEquals(len(self.xmlStream.elements), 1)
-        self.notifier.requestConfigurationFormSuccess(response, "testNodeName",
-            False)
-        self.assertEquals(len(self.xmlStream.elements), 2)
-        iq = self.xmlStream.elements[1]
-        self.assertEquals(iq.name, "iq")
-        self.assertEquals(iq["type"], "set")
-        pubsubElement = list(iq.elements())[0]
-        self.assertEquals(pubsubElement.name, "pubsub")
-        configElement = list(pubsubElement.elements())[0]
-        self.assertEquals(configElement.name, "configure")
-        self.assertEquals(configElement["node"], "testNodeName")
-        formElement = list(configElement.elements())[0]
-        self.assertEquals(formElement["type"], "submit")
-        for field in formElement.elements():
-            valueElement = _getChild(field, "value")
-            if valueElement is not None:
-                self.assertEquals(expectedFields[field["var"]],
-                    str(valueElement))
-    def test_sendHeartbeat(self):
-        xmppConfig = Config(PListConfigProvider(DEFAULT_CONFIG))
-        xmppConfig.Notifications["Enabled"] = True
-        xmppConfig.Notifications["Services"]["XMPPNotifier"]["Enabled"] = True
-        xmppConfig.ServerHostName = "server.example.com"
-        xmppConfig.HTTPPort = 80
-        clock = Clock()
-        xmlStream = StubXmlStream()
-        settings = { "ServiceAddress" : "pubsub.example.com", "JID" : "jid",
-            "Password" : "password", "KeepAliveSeconds" : 5,
-            "NodeConfiguration" : { "pubsub#deliver_payloads" : "1" },
-            "HeartbeatMinutes" : 30 }
-        notifier = XMPPNotifier(settings, reactor=clock, heartbeat=True,
-            roster=False, configOverride=xmppConfig)
-        factory = XMPPNotificationFactory(notifier, settings, reactor=clock,
-            keepAlive=False)
-        factory.connected(xmlStream)
-        factory.authenticated(xmlStream)
-        self.assertEquals(len(xmlStream.elements), 1)
-        heartbeat = xmlStream.elements[0]
-        self.assertEquals(heartbeat.name, "iq")
-        clock.advance(1800)
-        self.assertEquals(len(xmlStream.elements), 2)
-        heartbeat = xmlStream.elements[1]
-        self.assertEquals(heartbeat.name, "iq")
-        factory.disconnected(xmlStream)
-        clock.advance(1800)
-        self.assertEquals(len(xmlStream.elements), 2)
-class XMPPNotificationFactoryTests(TestCase):
-    def test_sendPresence(self):
-        clock = Clock()
-        xmlStream = StubXmlStream()
-        settings = { "ServiceAddress" : "pubsub.example.com", "JID" : "jid",
-            "NodeConfiguration" : { "pubsub#deliver_payloads" : "1" },
-            "Password" : "password", "KeepAliveSeconds" : 5 }
-        notifier = XMPPNotifier(settings, reactor=clock, heartbeat=False)
-        factory = XMPPNotificationFactory(notifier, settings, reactor=clock)
-        factory.connected(xmlStream)
-        factory.authenticated(xmlStream)
-        self.assertEquals(len(xmlStream.elements), 2)
-        presence = xmlStream.elements[0]
-        self.assertEquals(presence.name, "presence")
-        iq = xmlStream.elements[1]
-        self.assertEquals(iq.name, "iq")
-        clock.advance(5)
-        self.assertEquals(len(xmlStream.elements), 3)
-        presence = xmlStream.elements[2]
-        self.assertEquals(presence.name, "presence")
-        factory.disconnected(xmlStream)
-        clock.advance(5)
-        self.assertEquals(len(xmlStream.elements), 3)
-class ConfigurationTests(TestCase):
-    def test_disabled(self):
-        disabledConfig = Config(PListConfigProvider(DEFAULT_CONFIG))
-        # Overall notifications are disabled
-        disabledConfig.Notifications["Enabled"] = False
-        conf = getPubSubConfiguration(disabledConfig)
-        self.assertEquals(conf, { "enabled" : False, "host" : "" })
-        conf = getXMPPSettings(disabledConfig)
-        self.assertEquals(conf, None)
-        # Overall notifications are enabled, but XMPP disabled
-        disabledConfig.Notifications["Enabled"] = True
-        settings = getXMPPSettings(disabledConfig)
-        self.assertEquals(settings, None)
-        # Overall notifications are enabled, XMPP enabled, but no APS
-        service = disabledConfig.Notifications["Services"]["XMPPNotifier"]
-        service.Enabled = True
-        conf = getPubSubAPSConfiguration("CalDAV|foo", disabledConfig)
-        self.assertEquals(conf, None)
-    def test_enabled(self):
-        enabledConfig = Config(PListConfigProvider(DEFAULT_CONFIG))
-        enabledConfig.Notifications["Enabled"] = True
-        service = enabledConfig.Notifications["Services"]["XMPPNotifier"]
-        service.Enabled = True
-        service.Host = "example.com"
-        service.Port = 5222
-        service.ServiceAddress = "pubsub.example.com"
-        service.CalDAV.APSBundleID = "CalDAVAPSBundleID"
-        service.CalDAV.SubscriptionURL = "CalDAVSubscriptionURL"
-        conf = getPubSubConfiguration(enabledConfig)
-        self.assertEquals(conf, {'heartrate': 30, 'service': 'pubsub.example.com', 'xmpp-server': 'example.com', 'enabled': True, 'host': '', 'port': 0} )
-        conf = getPubSubAPSConfiguration("CalDAV|foo", enabledConfig)
-        self.assertEquals(conf, {'SubscriptionURL': 'CalDAVSubscriptionURL', 'APSBundleID': 'CalDAVAPSBundleID', 'APSEnvironment' : 'PRODUCTION'} )
-        conf = getPubSubAPSConfiguration("noprefix", enabledConfig)
-        self.assertEquals(conf, None)
-        conf = getPubSubAPSConfiguration("UnknownPrefix|foo", enabledConfig)
-        self.assertEquals(conf, None)
-    def test_allowedInRoster(self):
-        """
-        Our own JID is implicitly included in AllowedJIDs
-        """
-        settings = {
-            "JID" : "test1 at example.com",
-            "AllowedJIDs" : ["test2 at example.com"]
-        }
-        notifier = XMPPNotifier(settings, heartbeat=False)
-        self.assertTrue(notifier.allowedInRoster("test1 at example.com"))
-        self.assertTrue(notifier.allowedInRoster("test2 at example.com"))
-        self.assertFalse(notifier.allowedInRoster("test3 at example.com"))

Modified: CalendarServer/branches/users/gaya/sharedgroups/twistedcaldav/test/test_sharing.py
--- CalendarServer/branches/users/gaya/sharedgroups/twistedcaldav/test/test_sharing.py	2013-02-19 22:15:27 UTC (rev 10762)
+++ CalendarServer/branches/users/gaya/sharedgroups/twistedcaldav/test/test_sharing.py	2013-02-19 23:19:21 UTC (rev 10763)
@@ -734,7 +734,7 @@
     def test_noWikiAccess(self):
-        If L{SharedCollectionMixin.shareeAccessControlList} detects missing
+        If L{SharedResourceMixin.shareeAccessControlList} detects missing
         access controls for a directly shared collection, it will automatically
         un-share that collection.

Modified: CalendarServer/branches/users/gaya/sharedgroups/txdav/common/datastore/upgrade/test/test_migrate.py
--- CalendarServer/branches/users/gaya/sharedgroups/txdav/common/datastore/upgrade/test/test_migrate.py	2013-02-19 22:15:27 UTC (rev 10762)
+++ CalendarServer/branches/users/gaya/sharedgroups/txdav/common/datastore/upgrade/test/test_migrate.py	2013-02-19 23:19:21 UTC (rev 10763)
@@ -46,6 +46,10 @@
     StoreSpawnerService, swapAMP
 import copy
+def _todo(f, why):
+    f.todo = why
+    return f
+rewriteOrRemove = lambda f: _todo(f, "Rewrite or remove")
@@ -378,6 +382,7 @@
+    @rewriteOrRemove
     def test_upgradeAddressBookHomes(self):
         L{UpgradeToDatabaseService.startService} will do the upgrade, then
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