[CalendarServer-changes] [12854] CalendarServer/trunk/calendarserver/webadmin/test/test_resource.py

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Fri Mar 7 16:28:02 PST 2014

Revision: 12854
Author:   wsanchez at apple.com
Date:     2014-03-07 16:28:02 -0800 (Fri, 07 Mar 2014)
Log Message:
obsolete tests

Removed Paths:

Deleted: CalendarServer/trunk/calendarserver/webadmin/test/test_resource.py
--- CalendarServer/trunk/calendarserver/webadmin/test/test_resource.py	2014-03-08 00:08:43 UTC (rev 12853)
+++ CalendarServer/trunk/calendarserver/webadmin/test/test_resource.py	2014-03-08 00:28:02 UTC (rev 12854)
@@ -1,501 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2011-2014 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-Tests for L{calendarserver.webadmin.resource}.
-import cgi
-from functools import partial
-from twistedcaldav.test.util import TestCase
-from twisted.web.microdom import parseString, getElementsByTagName
-from twisted.web.domhelpers import gatherTextNodes
-from calendarserver.tap.util import FakeRequest
-from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks
-from twisted.internet.defer import returnValue
-from twisted.internet.defer import succeed
-from calendarserver.webadmin.resource import WebAdminResource
-from txdav.xml.rfc3744 import GroupMemberSet
-from txdav.xml.rfc2518 import DisplayName
-from txweb2.http import HTTPError
-from txweb2.responsecode import CONFLICT
-from txdav.xml.rfc2518 import HRef
-from twistedcaldav.directory.directory import DirectoryRecord
-class RenderingTests(TestCase):
-    """
-    Tests for HTML rendering L{WebAdminResource}.
-    """
-    def expectRecordSearch(self, searchString, result):
-        """
-        Expect that a search will be issued via with the given fields, and will
-        yield the given result.
-        """
-        self.expectedSearches[(searchString,)] = result
-    def recordsMatchingTokens(self, tokens):
-        """
-        Pretend to be a directory object for the purposes of testing.
-        """
-        return succeed(self.expectedSearches.pop(tuple(tokens)))
-    def setUp(self):
-        self.expectedSearches = {}
-        self.resource = WebAdminResource(self.mktemp(), None, self, None)
-    @inlineCallbacks
-    def renderPage(self, args={}):
-        """
-        Render a page, returning a Deferred that fires with the HTML as a
-        result.
-        """
-        req = FakeRequest(method='GET', path='/admin',
-                          rootResource=self.resource)
-        req.args = args
-        response = yield self.resource.render(req)
-        self.assertEquals(response.code, 200)
-        content = response.stream.mem
-        document = parseString(content)
-        returnValue(document)
-    @inlineCallbacks
-    def test_simplestRender(self):
-        """
-        Rendering a L{WebAdminResource} will result in something vaguely
-        parseable as HTML.
-        """
-        document = yield self.renderPage()
-        self.assertEquals(document.documentElement.tagName, 'html')
-    def expectSomeRecords(self):
-        """
-        Sample invocation of expectRecordSearch that includes two sample
-        directory records.
-        """
-        self.expectRecordSearch(
-            "bob", [
-                DirectoryRecord(
-                    service=self, recordType=recordType, guid=None,
-                    authIDs=authIds, emailAddresses=tuple(emails),
-                    shortNames=tuple(shortNames), fullName=fullName
-                )
-                for (shortNames, fullName, authIds, emails, recordType)
-                in [
-                    (["bobd"], "Bob Dobson", ["bobdlogin"],
-                     ["bobd at example.com"], 'sudoers'),
-                    (["bob"], "Bob Bobson", ["boblogin"],
-                     ["bob at example.com", "bob at other.example.com"], 'users'),
-                   ]
-            ])
-    @inlineCallbacks
-    def test_resourceSearch(self):
-        """
-        Searching for resources should result in an HTML table resource search.
-        """
-        self.expectSomeRecords()
-        document = yield self.renderPage(dict(resourceSearch=["bob"]))
-        # Form is filled out with existing input.
-        self.assertEquals(
-            document.getElementById("txt_resourceSearch").getAttribute("value"),
-            "bob"
-        )
-        tables = getElementsByTagName(document, "table")
-        # search results are the first table
-        rows = getElementsByTagName(tables[0], 'tr')
-        self.assertEquals(len(rows), 3)
-        firstRowCells = getElementsByTagName(rows[1], 'td')
-        self.assertEquals(
-            [gatherTextNodes(cell) for cell in firstRowCells[1:]],
-            ["Bob Bobson", "User", "bob", "boblogin",
-             "bob at example.com, bob at other.example.com"]
-        )
-        [resourceLink] = getElementsByTagName(
-            firstRowCells[0], 'a')
-        self.assertEquals(
-            resourceLink.getAttribute("href"),
-            "/admin/old/?resourceId=users:bob"
-        )
-        self.assertEquals(gatherTextNodes(resourceLink), "select")
-        self.assertNotIn(
-            "No matches found for resource bob",
-            gatherTextNodes(document)
-        )
-    @inlineCallbacks
-    def test_proxySearch(self):
-        """
-        When the user searches for a proxy, the results are displayed in a
-        table, in a form that will allow them to submit it to add new read or
-        write proxies.
-        """
-        self.expectSomeRecords()
-        self.resource.getResourceById = partial(FakePrincipalResource, self)
-        document = yield self.renderPage(dict(resourceId=["qux"],
-                                              proxySearch=["bob"]))
-        # Form is filled out with existing input.
-        self.assertEquals(
-            document.getElementById("txt_proxySearch").getAttribute("value"),
-            "bob"
-        )
-        proxyAddForm = document.getElementById("frm_proxyAdd")
-        [proxyResultsTable] = getElementsByTagName(proxyAddForm, "table")
-        rows = getElementsByTagName(proxyResultsTable, 'tr')
-        self.assertEquals(len(rows), 3)
-        firstRowCells = getElementsByTagName(rows[1], 'td')
-        self.assertEquals(
-            [gatherTextNodes(cell) for cell in firstRowCells[1:]],
-            ["User", "bob", "bob at example.com, bob at other.example.com", ""]
-        )
-        self.assertNotIn(
-            "No matches found for proxy resource bob",
-            gatherTextNodes(document)
-        )
-    @inlineCallbacks
-    def test_emptyProxySearch(self):
-        """
-        When no results are found for a search for proxies, a relevant message
-        should be displayed and the table/form for results should not be.
-        """
-        self.resource.getResourceById = partial(FakePrincipalResource, self)
-        self.expectRecordSearch("bob", [])
-        document = yield self.renderPage(dict(resourceId=["qux"],
-                                              proxySearch=["bob"]))
-        self.assertEquals(
-            document.getElementById("txt_proxySearch").getAttribute("value"),
-            "bob"
-        )
-        proxyAddForm = document.getElementById("frm_proxyAdd")
-        self.assertIdentical(proxyAddForm, None)
-        self.assertIn(
-            "No matches found for proxy resource bob",
-            gatherTextNodes(document)
-        )
-    @inlineCallbacks
-    def test_noResourceFound(self):
-        """
-        Searching for resources which don't exist should result in an
-        informative message.
-        """
-        self.expectRecordSearch("bob", [])
-        document = yield self.renderPage(dict(resourceSearch=["bob"]))
-        self.assertIn(
-            "No matches found for resource bob",
-            gatherTextNodes(document)
-        )
-        # Search results table should not be displayed.
-        self.assertIdentical(document.getElementById("tab_searchResults"), None)
-    @inlineCallbacks
-    def test_selectResourceById(self):
-        """
-        When a resource is selected by a 'resourceId' parameter,
-        """
-        self.resource.getResourceById = partial(FakePrincipalResource, self)
-        document = yield self.renderPage(dict(resourceId=["qux"]))
-        [detailsTitle] = getElementsByTagName(document, 'h3')
-        detailString = gatherTextNodes(detailsTitle)
-        self.assertEquals(detailString,
-                          "Resource Details: Hello Fake Resource: 'qux'")
-        hiddenResourceId = document.getElementById(
-            "hdn_resourceId").getAttribute("value")
-        self.assertEquals(hiddenResourceId, "qux")
-        autoScheduleMenu = document.getElementById("sel_autoSchedule")
-        # Now, some assertions about features that are covered in other tests
-        # which should be turned _off_ here since we're not asking for them.
-        # Not an auto-schedule resource; there should be no auto-schedule menu.
-        self.assertIdentical(autoScheduleMenu, None)
-        # No resource search present; we shouldn't be performing the search.
-        self.assertNotIn("No matches found for resource",
-                         gatherTextNodes(document))
-        self.assertIdentical(document.getElementById("tab_searchResults"), None)
-        # I'm not attempting to retrieve a property, there's nothing to fail to
-        # parse.
-        self.assertNotIn("Unable to parse property", gatherTextNodes(document))
-        # I'm not searching for proxies, so there shouldn't be any results.
-        self.assertNotIn("No matches found for proxy resource",
-                         gatherTextNodes(document))
-    @inlineCallbacks
-    def test_davProperty(self):
-        """
-        When a resource is selected by a resourceId parameter, and a DAV
-        property is selected by the 'davPropertyName' parameter, that property
-        will displayed.
-        """
-        self.resource.getResourceById = partial(FakePrincipalResource, self)
-        document = yield self.renderPage(
-            dict(resourceId=["qux"],
-                 davPropertyName=["DAV:#displayname"])
-        )
-        propertyName = document.getElementById('txt_davPropertyName')
-        self.assertEquals(propertyName.getAttribute("value"),
-                          "DAV:#displayname")
-        propertyValue = DisplayName("The Name To Display").toxml()
-        self.assertIn(cgi.escape(propertyValue),
-                      gatherTextNodes(document))
-        self.assertNotIn("Unable to parse property to read:",
-                         gatherTextNodes(document))
-    @inlineCallbacks
-    def test_notADavProperty(self):
-        """
-        When a DAV property is selected without the proper syntax (i.e. no "#"
-        to separate namespace and name), an error will be displayed.
-        """
-        self.resource.getResourceById = partial(FakePrincipalResource, self)
-        document = yield self.renderPage(
-            dict(resourceId=["qux"],
-                 davPropertyName=["blub"])
-        )
-        propertyName = document.getElementById('txt_davPropertyName')
-        self.assertEquals(propertyName.getAttribute("value"),
-                          "blub")
-        propertyValue = "Unable to parse property to read: blub"
-        self.assertIn(cgi.escape(propertyValue),
-                      gatherTextNodes(document))
-    @inlineCallbacks
-    def test_autoScheduleMenu(self):
-        """
-        When rendering a resource, an "Auto-Schedule" menu with "Yes/No" options
-        should be displayed.
-        """
-        for expectValue in [True, False]:
-            self.resource.getResourceById = partial(FakePrincipalResource, self,
-                                                    recordType='resources',
-                                                    autosched=expectValue)
-            document = yield self.renderPage(dict(resourceId=["qux"]))
-            autoScheduleMenu = document.getElementById("sel_autoSchedule")
-            self.assertEquals(autoScheduleMenu.getAttribute("name"),
-                              "autoSchedule")
-            yesno = getElementsByTagName(autoScheduleMenu, 'option')
-            # Sanity checks to make sure we got the right items
-            self.assertEquals(yesno[0].getAttribute("value"), "true")
-            self.assertEquals(yesno[1].getAttribute("value"), "false")
-            [expectedTrue, expectedFalse] = [yesno[not expectValue],
-                                             yesno[expectValue]]
-            self.assertEquals(expectedTrue.hasAttribute("selected"), True)
-            self.assertEquals(expectedFalse.hasAttribute("selected"), False)
-            self.assertEquals(expectedTrue.getAttribute("selected"), "selected")
-    @inlineCallbacks
-    def test_autoScheduleModeMenu(self):
-        """
-        When rendering a resource, an "Auto-Schedule Mode" menu with various options
-        should be displayed.
-        """
-        modes = ("default", "none", "accept-always", "decline-always", "accept-if-free", "decline-if-busy", "automatic",)
-        for ctr, expectValue in enumerate(modes):
-            self.resource.getResourceById = partial(FakePrincipalResource, self,
-                                                    recordType='resources',
-                                                    autosched=True,
-                                                    autoschedmode=expectValue)
-            document = yield self.renderPage(dict(resourceId=["qux"]))
-            autoScheduleModeMenu = document.getElementById("sel_autoScheduleMode")
-            self.assertEquals(autoScheduleModeMenu.getAttribute("name"),
-                              "autoScheduleMode")
-            popup = getElementsByTagName(autoScheduleModeMenu, 'option')
-            # Sanity checks to make sure we got the right items
-            for i, mode in enumerate(modes):
-                self.assertEquals(popup[i].getAttribute("value"), mode)
-            popupValues = [popup[i] for i in range(len(modes))]
-            for i in range(len(modes)):
-                self.assertEquals(popupValues[i].hasAttribute("selected"), ctr == i)
-            self.assertEquals(popupValues[ctr].getAttribute("selected"), "selected")
-    @inlineCallbacks
-    def test_proxiesListing(self):
-        """
-        Resource principals will have their proxies listed in a table.
-        """
-        def fakeResourceById(request, resid):
-            return FakePrincipalResource(self, request, resid,
-                                         recordType="resources")
-        self.resource.getResourceById = fakeResourceById
-        document = yield self.renderPage(dict(resourceId=["qux"]))
-        proxiesForm = document.getElementById("frm_proxies")
-        [proxiesTable] = getElementsByTagName(proxiesForm, "table")
-        rows = getElementsByTagName(proxiesTable, "tr")
-        # header + 3 data rows (see FakePrincipalResource)
-        self.assertEquals(len(rows), 4)
-        firstRowCells = getElementsByTagName(rows[1], "td")
-        # name, buttons, name, buttons
-        self.assertEquals(len(firstRowCells), 4)
-        lastRowCells = getElementsByTagName(rows[-1], "td")
-        # name, buttons, blank space
-        self.assertEquals(len(lastRowCells), 3)
-        self.assertEquals(lastRowCells[-1].getAttribute("colspan"), "2")
-        self.assertNotIn("This resource has no proxies.",
-                         ''.join(gatherTextNodes(document)))
-    @inlineCallbacks
-    def test_noProxiesListing(self):
-        """
-        When the selected resource principal has no proxies, the page should
-        display a message saying so.
-        """
-        self.resource.getResourceById = partial(FakePrincipalResource, self,
-                                                recordType='resources',
-                                                hasProxies=False)
-        document = yield self.renderPage(dict(resourceId=['qux']))
-        self.assertIn("This resource has no proxies.",
-                      ''.join(gatherTextNodes(document)))
-    @inlineCallbacks
-    def test_noDavProperty(self):
-        """
-        When a DAV property is not found, an error will be displayed.
-        """
-        self.resource.getResourceById = partial(FakePrincipalResource, self)
-        document = yield self.renderPage(
-            dict(resourceId=["qux"],
-                 davPropertyName=["DAV:#blub"])
-        )
-        propertyName = document.getElementById('txt_davPropertyName')
-        self.assertEquals(propertyName.getAttribute("value"),
-                          "DAV:#blub")
-        propertyValue = "No such property: DAV:#blub"
-        self.assertIn(cgi.escape(propertyValue),
-                      gatherTextNodes(document))
-    # Properties for being a fake directory service as far as the implementation
-    # of DirectoryRecord is concerned.
-    realmName = 'Fake'
-    guid = '28c57671-2bf8-4ebd-bc45-fda5ffcee1e8'
-class FakePrincipalResource(object):
-    def __init__(self, test, req=None, resid='no-id-given',
-                 autosched=True, autoschedmode=None,
-                 recordType="users", extraProperties=(), hasProxies=True):
-        self.test = test
-        self.resid = resid
-        self.autosched = autosched
-        self.autoschedmode = autoschedmode
-        self.recordType = recordType
-        self.extraProperties = extraProperties
-        self.hasProxies = hasProxies
-    @property
-    def record(self):
-        authIds = ['fake auth id']
-        emails = ['fake email']
-        shortNames = [self.resid]
-        fullName = 'nobody'
-        return DirectoryRecord(
-            service=self.test, recordType=self.recordType, guid=None,
-            authIDs=authIds, emailAddresses=tuple(emails),
-            shortNames=tuple(shortNames), fullName=fullName
-        )
-    def __str__(self):
-        return 'Hello Fake Resource: %r' % (self.resid,)
-    def getChild(self, name):
-        if name == 'calendar-proxy-read':
-            if self.hasProxies:
-                proxyProps = [HRef("read-1"), HRef("read-2"), HRef("read-3")]
-            else:
-                proxyProps = []
-            return FakePrincipalResource(
-                self.test,
-                extraProperties=[GroupMemberSet(*proxyProps)]
-            )
-        elif name == 'calendar-proxy-write':
-            if self.hasProxies:
-                proxyProps = [HRef("write-1"), HRef("write-2")]
-            else:
-                proxyProps = []
-            return FakePrincipalResource(
-                self.test,
-                extraProperties=[GroupMemberSet(*proxyProps)]
-            )
-    @inlineCallbacks
-    def readProperty(self, name, request):
-        yield None
-        if not isinstance(name, tuple):
-            name = name.qname()
-        for prop in self.extraProperties:
-            if name == prop.qname():
-                returnValue(prop)
-        if name == DisplayName.qname():
-            returnValue(DisplayName("The Name To Display"))
-        else:
-            raise HTTPError(CONFLICT)
-    def getAutoSchedule(self):
-        return self.autosched
-    def getAutoScheduleMode(self):
-        return self.autoschedmode
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