[CalendarServer-changes] [12988] CalendarServer/trunk

source_changes at macosforge.org source_changes at macosforge.org
Fri Mar 21 12:51:51 PDT 2014

Revision: 12988
Author:   wsanchez at apple.com
Date:     2014-03-21 12:51:51 -0700 (Fri, 21 Mar 2014)
Log Message:

Removed Paths:

Deleted: CalendarServer/trunk/run.omg-dont-use-this-its-so-last-year
--- CalendarServer/trunk/run.omg-dont-use-this-its-so-last-year	2014-03-21 19:47:59 UTC (rev 12987)
+++ CalendarServer/trunk/run.omg-dont-use-this-its-so-last-year	2014-03-21 19:51:51 UTC (rev 12988)
@@ -1,250 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# -*- sh-basic-offset: 2 -*-
-# Copyright (c) 2005-2014 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# WARNING: This script is intended for use by developers working on
-# the Calendar Server code base.  It is not intended for use in a
-# deployment configuration.
-# DO NOT use this script as a system startup tool (eg. in /etc/init.d,
-# /Library/StartupItems, launchd plists, etc.)
-# For those uses, install the server properly (eg. with "./run -i
-# /tmp/foo && cd /tmp/foo && pax -pe -rvw . /") and use the caldavd
-# executable to start the server.
-set -e;
-set -u;
-wd="$(cd "$(dirname "$0")" && pwd)";
-# Echo the usage for the main 'run' script, then exit with an error.
-usage () {
-  program="$(basename "$0")";
-  if [ "${1--}" != "-" ]; then
-    echo "$@";
-    echo;
-  fi;
-  echo "Usage: ${program} [-hvgsfnpdkrR] [-K key] [-iIb dst] [-t type] [-S statsdirectory] [-P plugin]";
-  echo "Options:";
-  echo "	-h  Print this help and exit";
-  echo "	-v  Be verbose";
-  echo "	-g  Get dependencies only; don't run setup or run the server.";
-  echo "	-s  Run setup only; don't run server";
-  echo "	-f  Force setup to run";
-  echo "	-n  Do not run setup";
-  echo "	-p  Print PYTHONPATH value for server and exit";
-  echo "	-e  Print =-separated environment variables required to run and exit";
-  echo "	-d  Run caldavd as a daemon";
-  echo "	-k  Stop caldavd";
-  echo "	-r  Restart caldavd";
-  echo "	-K  Print value of configuration key and exit";
-  echo "	-i  Perform a system install into dst; implies -s";
-  echo "	-I  Perform a home install into dst; implies -s";
-  echo "	-b  Perform a bundled install (include all dependencies) into dst; implies -s";
-  echo "	-t  Select the server process type (Master, Slave or Combined) [${service_type}]";
-  echo "	-S  Write a pstats object for each process to the given directory when the server is stopped.";
-  echo "	-P  Select the twistd plugin name [${plugin_name}]";
-  echo "	-R  Twisted Reactor plugin to execute [${reactor}]";
-  if [ "${1-}" == "-" ]; then
-    return 0;
-  fi;
-  exit 64;
-# Parse command-line options to set up state which controls the behavior of the
-# functions in build.sh.
-parse_options () {
-  OPTIND=1;
-  while getopts "ahvgsfnpedkrK:i:I:b:t:S:P:R:" option; do
-    case "${option}" in
-      '?') usage; ;;
-      'h') usage -; exit 0; ;;
-      'v')       verbose="-v"; ;;
-      'f')   force_setup="true"; ;;
-      'k')          kill="true"; ;;
-      'r')       restart="true"; ;;
-      'd')     daemonize=""; ;;
-      'P')   plugin_name="${OPTARG}"; ;;
-      'R')       reactor="-R ${OPTARG}"; ;;
-      't')  service_type="${OPTARG}"; ;;
-      'K')      read_key="${OPTARG}"; ;;
-      'S')       profile="-p ${OPTARG}"; ;;
-      'g') do_get="true" ; do_setup="false"; do_run="false"; ;;
-      's') do_get="true" ; do_setup="true" ; do_run="false"; ;;
-      'p')
-        do_get="false"; do_setup="false"; do_run="false"; print_path="true";
-        ;;
-      'e')
-        do_get="false"; do_setup="false"; do_run="false"; print_path="true";
-        print_environment="true";
-        ;;
-      'i')
-        do_get="true";
-        do_setup="true";
-        do_run="false";
-        install="${OPTARG}";
-        install_flag="--root=";
-        ;;
-      'I')
-        do_get="true";
-        do_setup="true";
-        do_run="false";
-        install="${wd}/build/dst";
-        install_flag="--root=";
-        install_home="${OPTARG}";
-        ;;
-      'b')
-        do_bundle="true";
-        do_get="true";
-        do_setup="true";
-        do_run="false";
-        install="${OPTARG}";
-        install_flag="--root=";
-        ;;
-      'n') do_get="false" ; do_setup="false"; ;;
-    esac;
-  done;
-  shift $((${OPTIND} - 1));
-  if [ $# != 0 ]; then
-    usage "Unrecognized arguments:" "$@";
-  fi;
-. "${wd}/support/build.sh";
-# Actually run the server.  (Or, exit, if things aren't sufficiently set up in
-# order to do that.)
-run () {
-  echo "Using ${python} as Python";
-  if "${do_run}"; then
-    if [ ! -f "${config}" ]; then
-      echo "";
-      echo "Missing config file: ${config}";
-      echo "You might want to start by copying the test configuration:";
-      echo "";
-      echo "  cp conf/caldavd-test.plist conf/caldavd-dev.plist";
-      echo "";
-      if [ -t 0 ]; then
-        # Interactive shell
-        echo -n "Would you like to copy the test configuration now? [y/n]";
-        read answer;
-        case "${answer}" in
-          y|yes|Y|YES|Yes)
-            echo "Copying test cofiguration...";
-            cp "${wd}/conf/caldavd-test.plist" "${wd}/conf/caldavd-dev.plist";
-            ;;
-          *)
-            exit 1;
-            ;;
-        esac;
-      else
-        exit 1;
-      fi;
-    fi;
-    cd "${wd}";
-    if [ ! -d "${wd}/data" ]; then
-      mkdir "${wd}/data";
-    fi;
-    echo "";
-    echo "Starting server...";
-    exec ${caldavd_wrapper_command}                   \
-        "${caldav}/bin/caldavd" ${daemonize}      \
-        -f "${config}"                                \
-        -P "${plugin_name}"                           \
-        -t "${service_type}"                          \
-        ${reactor}                                    \
-        ${profile};
-    cd /;
-  fi;
-# The main-point of the 'run' script: parse all options, decide what to do,
-# then do it.
-run_main () {
-  parse_options "$@";
-  # If we've been asked to read a configuration key, just read it and exit.
-  if [ -n "${read_key}" ]; then
-    value="$("${caldav}/bin/calendarserver_config" "${read_key}")";
-    IFS="="; set ${value}; echo "$2"; unset IFS;
-    exit $?;
-  fi;
-  if "${kill}" || "${restart}"; then
-    pidfile="$("${caldav}/bin/calendarserver_config" "PIDFile")";
-    # Split key and value on "=" and just grab the value
-    IFS="="; set ${pidfile}; pidfile="$2"; unset IFS;
-    if [ ! -r "${pidfile}" ]; then
-      echo "Unreadable PID file: ${pidfile}";
-      exit 1
-    fi;
-    pid="$(cat "${pidfile}" | head -1)";
-    if [ -z "${pid}" ]; then
-      echo "No PID in PID file: ${pidfile}";
-      exit 1;
-    fi;
-    echo "Killing process ${pid}";
-    kill -TERM "${pid}";
-    if ! "${restart}"; then
-      exit 0;
-    fi;
-  fi;
-  # About to do something for real; let's enumerate (and depending on options,
-  # possibly download and/or install) the dependencies.
-  dependencies;
-  # Now that all the dependencies are set up, let's see if we're just being
-  # asked to print the path.
-  if "${print_path}"; then
-    if "${print_environment}"; then
-      "${PYTHON}" -c "import os; print repr(dict(os.environ))"
-    else
-      echo "${PYTHONPATH}";
-    fi;
-    exit 0;
-  fi;
-  # If we're installing, install the calendar server itself.
-  py_install "Calendar Server" "${caldav}";
-  if [ -n "${install_home:-}" ]; then
-    do_home_install;
-  fi;
-  if "${do_bundle}"; then
-    write_environment;
-  fi;
-  # Finally, run the server.
-  run;
-run_main "$@";

Deleted: CalendarServer/trunk/support/build.sh
--- CalendarServer/trunk/support/build.sh	2014-03-21 19:47:59 UTC (rev 12987)
+++ CalendarServer/trunk/support/build.sh	2014-03-21 19:51:51 UTC (rev 12988)
@@ -1,971 +0,0 @@
-# -*- sh-basic-offset: 2 -*-
-# Copyright (c) 2005-2014 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-set -e
-set -u
-. "${wd}/support/py.sh";
-echo_header () {
-  if ! "${print_path}"; then
-    echo "$@";
-    echo "";
-  fi;
-using_system () {
-  local name="$1"; shift;
-  echo_header "Using system version of ${name}.";
-# Provide a default value: if the variable named by the first argument is
-# empty, set it to the default in the second argument.
-conditional_set () {
-  local var="$1"; shift;
-  local default="$1"; shift;
-  if [ -z "$(eval echo "\${${var}:-}")" ]; then
-    eval "${var}=\${default:-}";
-  fi;
-# Checks for presence of a C header, optionally with a version comparison.
-# With only a header file name, try to include it, returning nonzero if absent.
-# With 3 params, also attempt a version check, returning nonzero if too old.
-# Param 2 is a minimum acceptable version number
-# Param 3 is a #define from the source that holds the installed version number
-# Examples:
-#   Assert that ldap.h is present
-#     find_header "ldap.h"
-#   Assert that ldap.h is present with a version >= 20344
-#     find_header "ldap.h" 20344 "LDAP_VENDOR_VERSION"
-find_header () {
-  sys_header="$1"; shift;
-  if [ $# -ge 1 ]; then
-        min_version="$1"; shift;
-      version_macro="$1"; shift;
-  fi;
-  # No min_version given:
-  # Check for presence of a header. We use the "-c" cc option because we don't
-  # need to emit a file; cc exits nonzero if it can't find the header
-  if [ -z "${min_version:-}" ]; then
-    echo "#include <${sys_header}>" | cc -x c -c - -o /dev/null 2> /dev/null;
-    return "$?";
-  fi;
-  # Check for presence of a header of specified version
-  found_version="$(printf "#include <${sys_header}>\n${version_macro}\n" | cc -x c -E - | tail -1)";
-  if [ "${found_version}" == "${version_macro}" ]; then
-    # Macro was not replaced
-    return 1;
-  fi;
-  if cmp_version "${min_version}" "${found_version}"; then
-    return 0;
-  else
-    return 1;
-  fi;
-# Initialize all the global state required to use this library.
-init_build () {
-            verbose="";
-             do_get="true";
-           do_setup="true";
-             do_run="true";
-          do_bundle="false";
-        force_setup="false";
-      disable_setup="false";
-         print_path="false";
-  print_environment="false";
-            install="";
-          daemonize="-X -L";
-               kill="false";
-            restart="false";
-        plugin_name="caldav";
-       service_type="Combined";
-           read_key="";
-            profile="";
-            reactor="";
-  # These variables are defaults for things which might be configured by
-  # environment; only set them if they're un-set.
-  conditional_set wd "$(pwd)";
-  conditional_set config "${wd}/conf/caldavd-dev.plist";
-  conditional_set caldav "${wd}";
-  conditional_set CALENDARSERVER_BUILD_DEPS "${caldav}/..";
-  if [ -z "${CALENDARSERVER_CACHE_DEPS-}" ]; then
-    cache_deps="${wd}/.dependencies";
-  else
-    cache_deps="${CALENDARSERVER_CACHE_DEPS}";
-  fi;
-  top="$(cd "${CALENDARSERVER_BUILD_DEPS}" && pwd -L)";
-  if [ -z "${caldavd_wrapper_command:-}" ]; then
-    if [ "$(uname -s)" == "Darwin" ] && [ "$(uname -r | cut -d . -f 1)" -ge 9 ]; then
-      caldavd_wrapper_command="launchctl bsexec /";
-    else
-      caldavd_wrapper_command="";
-    fi;
-  fi;
-  patches="${caldav}/lib-patches";
-  # Find some hashing commands
-  # sha1() = sha1 hash, if available
-  # md5()  = md5 hash, if available
-  # hash() = default hash function
-  # $hash  = name of the type of hash used by hash()
-  hash="";
-  if type -ft openssl > /dev/null; then
-    if [ -z "${hash}" ]; then hash="md5"; fi;
-    md5 () { "$(type -p openssl)" dgst -md5 "$@"; }
-  elif type -ft md5 > /dev/null; then
-    if [ -z "${hash}" ]; then hash="md5"; fi;
-    md5 () { "$(type -p md5)" "$@"; }
-  elif type -ft md5sum > /dev/null; then
-    if [ -z "${hash}" ]; then hash="md5"; fi;
-    md5 () { "$(type -p md5sum)" "$@"; }
-  fi;
-  if type -ft sha1sum > /dev/null; then
-    if [ -z "${hash}" ]; then hash="sha1sum"; fi;
-    sha1 () { "$(type -p sha1sum)" "$@"; }
-  fi;
-  if type -ft shasum > /dev/null; then
-    if [ -z "${hash}" ]; then hash="sha1"; fi;
-    sha1 () { "$(type -p shasum)" "$@"; }
-  fi;
-  if [ "${hash}" == "sha1" ]; then
-    hash () { sha1 "$@"; }
-  elif [ "${hash}" == "md5" ]; then
-    hash () { md5 "$@"; }
-  elif type -t cksum > /dev/null; then
-    hash="hash";
-    hash () { cksum "$@" | cut -f 1 -d " "; }
-  elif type -t sum > /dev/null; then
-    hash="hash";
-    hash () { sum "$@" | cut -f 1 -d " "; }
-  else
-    hash () { echo "INTERNAL ERROR: No hash function."; exit 1; }
-  fi;
-  if [ -n "${install}" ] && ! echo "${install}" | grep '^/' > /dev/null; then
-    install="$(pwd)/${install}";
-  fi;
-  svn_uri_base="$(svn info "${caldav}" --xml 2> /dev/null | sed -n 's|^.*<root>\(.*\)</root>.*$|\1|p')";
-  conditional_set svn_uri_base "http://svn.calendarserver.org/repository/calendarserver";
-# This is a hack, but it's needed because installing with --home doesn't work
-# for python-dateutil.
-do_home_install () {
-  install -d "${install_home}";
-  install -d "${install_home}/bin";
-  install -d "${install_home}/conf";
-  install -d "${install_home}/lib/python";
-  rsync -av "${install}${py_prefix}/bin/" "${install_home}/bin/";
-  rsync -av "${install}${py_libdir}/" "${install_home}/lib/python/";
-  rsync -av "${install}${py_prefix}/caldavd/" "${install_home}/caldavd/";
-  rm -rf "${install}";
-# Apply patches from lib-patches to the given dependency codebase.
-apply_patches () {
-  local name="$1"; shift;
-  local path="$1"; shift;
-  if [ -d "${patches}/${name}" ]; then
-    echo "";
-    echo "Applying patches to ${name} in ${path}...";
-    cd "${path}";
-    find "${patches}/${name}"                  \
-        -type f                                \
-        -name '*.patch'                        \
-        -print                                 \
-        -exec patch -p0 --forward -i '{}' ';';
-    cd /;
-  fi;
-  echo "";
-  if [ -e "${path}/setup.py" ]; then
-    echo "Removing build directory ${path}/build...";
-    rm -rf "${path}/build";
-    echo "Removing pyc files from ${path}...";
-    find "${path}" -type f -name '*.pyc' -print0 | xargs -0 rm -f;
-  fi;
-# If do_get is turned on, get an archive file containing a dependency via HTTP.
-www_get () {
-  if ! "${do_get}"; then return 0; fi;
-  local  md5="";
-  local sha1="";
-  OPTIND=1;
-  while getopts "m:s:" option; do
-    case "${option}" in
-      'm')  md5="${OPTARG}"; ;;
-      's') sha1="${OPTARG}"; ;;
-    esac;
-  done;
-  shift $((${OPTIND} - 1));
-  local name="$1"; shift;
-  local path="$1"; shift;
-  local  url="$1"; shift;
-  if "${force_setup}" || [ ! -d "${path}" ]; then
-    local ext="$(echo "${url}" | sed 's|^.*\.\([^.]*\)$|\1|')";
-    untar () { tar -xvf -; }
-    unzipstream () { tmp="$(mktemp -t ccsXXXXX)"; cat > "${tmp}"; unzip "${tmp}"; rm "${tmp}"; }
-    case "${ext}" in
-      gz|tgz) decompress="gzip -d -c"; unpack="untar"; ;;
-      bz2)    decompress="bzip2 -d -c"; unpack="untar"; ;;
-      tar)    decompress="untar"; unpack="untar"; ;;
-      zip)    decompress="cat"; unpack="unzipstream"; ;;
-      *)
-        echo "Error in www_get of URL ${url}: Unknown extension ${ext}";
-        exit 1;
-        ;;
-    esac;
-    echo "";
-    if [ -n "${cache_deps}" ] && [ -n "${hash}" ]; then
-      mkdir -p "${cache_deps}";
-      local cache_basename="$(echo ${name} | tr '[ ]' '_')-$(echo "${url}" | hash)-$(basename "${url}")";
-      local cache_file="${cache_deps}/${cache_basename}";
-      check_hash () {
-        local file="$1"; shift;
-        local sum="$(md5 "${file}" | perl -pe 's|^.*([0-9a-f]{32}).*$|\1|')";
-        if [ -n "${md5}" ]; then
-          echo "Checking MD5 sum for ${name}...";
-          if [ "${md5}" != "${sum}" ]; then
-            echo "ERROR: MD5 sum for downloaded file is wrong: ${sum} != ${md5}";
-            return 1;
-          fi;
-        else
-          echo "MD5 sum for ${name} is ${sum}";
-        fi;
-        local sum="$(sha1 "${file}" | perl -pe 's|^.*([0-9a-f]{40}).*$|\1|')";
-        if [ -n "${sha1}" ]; then
-          echo "Checking SHA1 sum for ${name}...";
-          if [ "${sha1}" != "${sum}" ]; then
-            echo "ERROR: SHA1 sum for downloaded file is wrong: ${sum} != ${sha1}";
-            return 1;
-          fi;
-        else
-          echo "SHA1 sum for ${name} is ${sum}";
-        fi;
-      }
-      if [ ! -f "${cache_file}" ]; then
-        echo "No cache file: ${cache_file}";
-        echo "Downloading ${name}...";
-        local pkg_host="static.calendarserver.org";
-        local pkg_path="/pkg";
-        #
-        # Try getting a copy from calendarserver.org.
-        #
-        local tmp="$(mktemp "/tmp/${cache_basename}.XXXXXX")";
-        curl -L "http://${pkg_host}${pkg_path}/${cache_basename}" -o "${tmp}" || true;
-        echo "";
-        if [ ! -s "${tmp}" ] || grep '<title>404 Not Found</title>' "${tmp}" > /dev/null; then
-          rm -f "${tmp}";
-          echo "${name} is not available from calendarserver.org; trying upstream source.";
-        elif ! check_hash "${tmp}"; then
-          rm -f "${tmp}";
-          echo "${name} from calendarserver.org is invalid; trying upstream source.";
-        fi;
-        #
-        # That didn't work. Try getting a copy from the upstream source.
-        #
-        if [ ! -f "${tmp}" ]; then
-          curl -L "${url}" -o "${tmp}";
-          echo "";
-          if [ ! -s "${tmp}" ] || grep '<title>404 Not Found</title>' "${tmp}" > /dev/null; then
-            rm -f "${tmp}";
-            echo "${name} is not available from upstream source: ${url}";
-            exit 1;
-          elif ! check_hash "${tmp}"; then
-            rm -f "${tmp}";
-            echo "${name} from upstream source is invalid: ${url}";
-            exit 1;
-          fi;
-          if egrep "^${pkg_host}" "${HOME}/.ssh/known_hosts" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
-            echo "Copying cache file up to ${pkg_host}.";
-            if ! scp "${tmp}" "${pkg_host}:/var/www/static${pkg_path}/${cache_basename}"; then
-              echo "Failed to copy cache file up to ${pkg_host}.";
-            fi;
-            echo ""
-          fi;
-        fi;
-        #
-        # OK, we should be good
-        #
-        mv "${tmp}" "${cache_file}";
-      else
-        #
-        # We have the file cached, just verify hash
-        #
-        if ! check_hash "${cache_file}"; then
-          exit 1;
-        fi;
-      fi;
-      echo "Unpacking ${name} from cache...";
-      get () { cat "${cache_file}"; }
-    else
-      echo "Downloading ${name}...";
-      get () { curl -L "${url}"; }
-    fi;
-    rm -rf "${path}";
-    cd "$(dirname "${path}")";
-    get | ${decompress} | ${unpack};
-    apply_patches "${name}" "${path}";
-    cd /;
-  fi;
-# If do_get is turned on, check a name out from SVN.
-svn_get () {
-  if ! "${do_get}"; then
-    return 0;
-  fi;
-  local     name="$1"; shift;
-  local     path="$1"; shift;
-  local      uri="$1"; shift;
-  local revision="$1"; shift;
-  if [ -d "${path}" ]; then
-    local wc_uri="$(svn info --xml "${path}" 2> /dev/null | sed -n 's|^.*<url>\(.*\)</url>.*$|\1|p')";
-    if "${force_setup}"; then
-      # Verify that we have a working copy checked out from the correct URI
-      if [ "${wc_uri}" != "${uri}" ]; then
-        echo "Current working copy (${path}) is from the wrong URI: ${wc_uri} != ${uri}";
-        rm -rf "${path}";
-        svn_get "${name}" "${path}" "${uri}" "${revision}";
-        return $?;
-      fi;
-      echo "Reverting ${name}...";
-      svn revert -R "${path}";
-      echo "Updating ${name}...";
-      svn update -r "${revision}" "${path}";
-      apply_patches "${name}" "${path}";
-    else
-      if ! "${print_path}"; then
-        # Verify that we have a working copy checked out from the correct URI
-        if [ "${wc_uri}" != "${uri}" ]; then
-          echo "Current working copy (${path}) is from the wrong URI: ${wc_uri} != ${uri}";
-          echo "Performing repository switch for ${name}...";
-          svn switch -r "${revision}" "${uri}" "${path}";
-          apply_patches "${name}" "${path}";
-        else
-          local svnversion="$(svnversion "${path}")";
-          if [ "${svnversion%%[M:]*}" != "${revision}" ]; then
-            echo "Updating ${name}...";
-            svn update -r "${revision}" "${path}";
-            apply_patches "${name}" "${path}";
-          fi;
-        fi;
-      fi;
-    fi;
-  else
-    checkout () {
-      echo "Checking out ${name}...";
-      svn checkout -r "${revision}" "${uri}@${revision}" "${path}";
-    }
-    if [ "${revision}" != "HEAD" ] && \
-       [ -n "${cache_deps}" ] && \
-       [ -n "${hash}" ] \
-    ; then
-      local cacheid="${name}-$(echo "${uri}" | hash)";
-      local cache_file="${cache_deps}/${cacheid}@r${revision}.tgz";
-      mkdir -p "${cache_deps}";
-      if [ -f "${cache_file}" ]; then
-        echo "Unpacking ${name} from cache...";
-        mkdir -p "${path}";
-        tar -C "${path}" -xvzf "${cache_file}";
-      else
-        checkout;
-        echo "Caching ${name}...";
-        tar -C "${path}" -cvzf "${cache_file}" .;
-      fi;
-    else
-      checkout;
-    fi;
-    apply_patches "${name}" "${path}";
-  fi;
-# (optionally) Invoke 'python setup.py build' on the given python project.
-py_build () {
-  local     name="$1"; shift;
-  local     path="$1"; shift;
-  local optional="$1"; shift;
-  if "${do_setup}"; then
-    echo_header "Building ${name}...";
-    cd "${path}";
-    if ! "${python}" ./setup.py -q build \
-        --build-lib "build/${py_platform_libdir}" "$@"; then
-      if "${optional}"; then
-        echo "WARNING: ${name} failed to build.";
-        echo "WARNING: ${name} is not required to run the server;"\
-             "continuing without it.";
-      else
-        return $?;
-      fi;
-    fi;
-    cd /;
-  fi;
-# If in install mode, install the given package from the given path.
-# (Otherwise do nothing.)
-py_install () {
-  local name="$1"; shift;
-  local path="$1"; shift;
-  if [ -n "${install}" ]; then
-    echo "";
-    echo "Installing ${name}...";
-    cd "${path}";
-    if "${do_bundle}"; then
-      # Since we've built our own Python, an option-free installation is the
-      # best bet.
-      "${python}" ./setup.py install;
-    else
-      "${python}" ./setup.py install "${install_flag}${install}";
-    fi;
-    cd /;
-  fi;
-# Declare a dependency on a Python project.
-py_dependency () {
-  local optional="false"; # Is this dependency optional?
-  local override="false"; # Do I need to get this dependency even if the system
-                          # already has it?
-  local  inplace="";      # Do development in-place; don't run setup.py to
-                          # build, and instead add the source directory plus the
-                          # given relative path directly to sys.path.
-  local skip_egg="false"; # Skip even the 'egg_info' step, because nothing needs
-                          # to be built.
-  local revision="0";     # Revision (if svn)
-  local get_type="www";   # Protocol to use
-  local  version="";      # Minimum version required
-  local   f_hash="";      # Checksum flag
-  OPTIND=1;
-  while getopts "ofi:er:v:m:s:" option; do
-    case "${option}" in
-      'o') optional="true"; ;;
-      'f') override="true"; ;;
-      'e') skip_egg="true"; ;;
-      'r') get_type="svn"; revision="${OPTARG}"; ;;
-      'v')  version="-v ${OPTARG}"; ;;
-      'm')   f_hash="-m ${OPTARG}"; ;;
-      's')   f_hash="-s ${OPTARG}"; ;;
-      'i')
-        if [ -z "${OPTARG}" ]; then
-          inplace=".";
-        else
-          inplace="${OPTARG}";
-        fi;
-        ;;
-    esac;
-  done;
-  shift $((${OPTIND} - 1));
-  # args
-  local         name="$1"; shift; # the name of the package (for display)
-  local       module="$1"; shift; # the name of the python module.
-  local distribution="$1"; shift; # the name of the directory to put the
-                                  # distribution into.
-  local      get_uri="$1"; shift; # what URL should be fetched?
-  local srcdir="${top}/${distribution}"
-  if "${override}" || ! py_have_module ${version} "${module}"; then
-    "${get_type}_get" ${f_hash} "${name}" "${srcdir}" "${get_uri}" "${revision}"
-    if [ -n "${inplace}" ]; then
-      if "${do_setup}" && "${override}" && ! "${skip_egg}"; then
-        echo;
-        if py_have_module setuptools; then
-          echo_header "Building ${name}... [overrides system, building egg-info only]";
-          cd "${srcdir}";
-          "${python}" ./setup.py -q egg_info 2>&1 | (
-            grep -i -v 'Unrecognized .svn/entries' || true);
-          cd /;
-        fi;
-      fi;
-    else
-      py_build "${name}" "${srcdir}" "${optional}";
-    fi;
-    py_install "${name}" "${srcdir}";
-    if [ -n "${inplace}" ]; then
-      if [ "${inplace}" == "." ]; then
-        local add_pythonpath="${srcdir}";
-      else
-        local add_pythonpath="${srcdir}/${inplace}";
-      fi;
-      local add_path="${srcdir}/bin";
-    else
-      local add_pythonpath="${srcdir}/build/${py_platform_libdir}";
-      local add_path="${srcdir}/build/${py_platform_scripts}";
-    fi;
-    export PYTHONPATH="${add_pythonpath}:${PYTHONPATH:-}";
-    if [ -d "${add_path}" ]; then
-      export PATH="${add_path}:${PATH}";
-    fi;
-  else
-    using_system "${name}";
-  fi;
-# Run 'make' with the given command line, prepending a -j option appropriate to
-# the number of CPUs on the current machine, if that can be determined.
-jmake () {
-  case "$(uname -s)" in
-    Darwin|Linux)
-      ncpu="$(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN)";
-      ;;
-    FreeBSD)
-      ncpu="$(sysctl hw.ncpu)";
-      ncpu="${ncpu##hw.ncpu: }";
-      ;;
-  esac;
-  if [ -n "${ncpu:-}" ] && [[ "${ncpu}" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then
-    make -j "${ncpu}" "$@";
-  else
-    make "$@";
-  fi;
-# Declare a dependency on a C project built with autotools.
-c_dependency () {
-  local f_hash="";
-  OPTIND=1;
-  while getopts "m:s:" option; do
-    case "${option}" in
-      'm') f_hash="-m ${OPTARG}"; ;;
-      's') f_hash="-s ${OPTARG}"; ;;
-    esac;
-  done;
-  shift $((${OPTIND} - 1));
-  local name="$1"; shift;
-  local path="$1"; shift;
-  local  uri="$1"; shift;
-  # Extra arguments are processed below, as arguments to './configure'.
-  if "${do_bundle}"; then
-    local dstroot="${install}";
-    srcdir="${install}/src/${path}";
-  else
-    srcdir="${top}/${path}";
-    local dstroot="${srcdir}/_root";
-  fi;
-  www_get ${f_hash} "${name}" "${srcdir}" "${uri}";
-  export              PATH="${dstroot}/bin:${PATH}";
-  export    C_INCLUDE_PATH="${dstroot}/include:${C_INCLUDE_PATH:-}";
-  export   LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${dstroot}/lib:${dstroot}/lib64:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH:-}";
-  export          CPPFLAGS="-I${dstroot}/include ${CPPFLAGS:-} ";
-  export           LDFLAGS="-L${dstroot}/lib -L${dstroot}/lib64 ${LDFLAGS:-} ";
-  export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH="${dstroot}/lib:${dstroot}/lib64:${DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH:-}";
-  export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="${dstroot}/lib/pkgconfig:${PKG_CONFIG_PATH:-}";
-  if "${do_setup}"; then
-    if "${force_setup}" || "${do_bundle}" || [ ! -d "${dstroot}" ]; then
-      echo "Building ${name}...";
-      cd "${srcdir}";
-      ./configure --prefix="${dstroot}" "$@";
-      jmake;
-      jmake install;
-    else
-      echo "Using built ${name}.";
-      echo "";
-    fi;
-  fi;
-# Used only when bundling: write out, into the bundle, an 'environment.sh' file
-# that contains all the environment variables necessary to invoke commands in
-# the deployed bundle.
-write_environment () {
-  local dstroot="${install}";
-  cat > "${dstroot}/environment.sh" << __EOF__
-export              PATH="${dstroot}/bin:\${PATH}";
-export    C_INCLUDE_PATH="${dstroot}/include:\${C_INCLUDE_PATH:-}";
-export   LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${dstroot}/lib:${dstroot}/lib64:\${LD_LIBRARY_PATH:-}:\$ORACLE_HOME";
-export          CPPFLAGS="-I${dstroot}/include \${CPPFLAGS:-} ";
-export           LDFLAGS="-L${dstroot}/lib -L${dstroot}/lib64 \${LDFLAGS:-} ";
-export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH="${dstroot}/lib:${dstroot}/lib64:\${DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH:-}:\$ORACLE_HOME";
-# Enumerate all the dependencies with c_dependency and py_dependency;
-# depending on options parsed by ../run:parse_options and on-disk
-# state, this may do as little as update the PATH, DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH,
-# LD_LIBRARY_PATH and PYTHONPATH, or, it may do as much as download
-# and install all dependencies.
-dependencies () {
-  #
-  # Dependencies compiled from C source code
-  #
-  if "${do_bundle}"; then
-    # First a bit of bootstrapping: fill out the standard directory structure.
-    for topdir in bin lib include share src; do
-      mkdir -p "${install}/${topdir}";
-    done;
-    # Normally we depend on the system Python, but a bundle install should be as
-    # self-contained as possible.
-    local pyfn="Python-2.7.5";
-    c_dependency -m "6334b666b7ff2038c761d7b27ba699c1" \
-        "Python" "${pyfn}" \
-        "http://www.python.org/ftp/python/2.7.5/${pyfn}.tar.bz2" \
-        --enable-shared;
-    # Be sure to use the Python we just built.
-    export PYTHON="$(type -p python)";
-    init_py;
-  fi;
-  if type -P memcached > /dev/null; then
-    using_system "memcached";
-  else
-    local le="libevent-2.0.21-stable";
-    local mc="memcached-1.4.16";
-    c_dependency -m "b2405cc9ebf264aa47ff615d9de527a2" \
-      "libevent" "${le}" \
-      "http://github.com/downloads/libevent/libevent/${le}.tar.gz";
-    c_dependency -m "1c5781fecb52d70b615c6d0c9c140c9c" \
-      "memcached" "${mc}" \
-      "http://www.memcached.org/files/${mc}.tar.gz";
-    # "http://memcached.googlecode.com/files/${mc}.tar.gz";
-  fi;
-  if type -P postgres > /dev/null; then
-    using_system "Postgres";
-  else
-    local v="9.3.1";
-    local n="postgresql";
-    local p="${n}-${v}";
-    if type -P dtrace > /dev/null; then
-      local enable_dtrace="--enable-dtrace";
-    else
-      local enable_dtrace="";
-    fi;
-    c_dependency -m "c003d871f712d4d3895956b028a96e74" \
-      "PostgreSQL" "${p}" \
-      "http://ftp.postgresql.org/pub/source/v${v}/${p}.tar.bz2" \
-      --with-python ${enable_dtrace};
-  fi;
-  if find_header ldap.h 20428 LDAP_VENDOR_VERSION; then
-    using_system "OpenLDAP";
-  else
-    local v="2.4.38";
-    local n="openldap";
-    local p="${n}-${v}";
-    c_dependency -m "39831848c731bcaef235a04e0d14412f" \
-      "OpenLDAP" "${p}" \
-      "http://www.openldap.org/software/download/OpenLDAP/${n}-release/${p}.tgz" \
-      --disable-bdb --disable-hdb;
-  fi;
-  if find_header ffi/ffi.h; then
-    using_system "libffi";
-  else
-    c_dependency -m "45f3b6dbc9ee7c7dfbbbc5feba571529" \
-      "libffi" "libffi-3.0.13" \
-      "ftp://sourceware.org/pub/libffi/libffi-3.0.13.tar.gz"
-  fi;
-  #
-  # Python dependencies
-  #
-  # First, let's make sure that we ourselves are on PYTHONPATH, in case some
-  # code (like, let's say, trial) decides to chdir somewhere.
-  export PYTHONPATH="${wd}:${PYTHONPATH:-}";
-  # Sourceforge mirror hostname.
-  local sf="superb-sea2.dl.sourceforge.net";
-  local st="setuptools-1.4";
-  local pypi="http://pypi.python.org/packages/source";
-  py_dependency -v 1 -m "5710464bc5a61d75f5087f15ce63cfe0" \
-    "setuptools" "setuptools" "${st}" \
-    "$pypi/s/setuptools/${st}.tar.gz";
-  local v="0.6";
-  local n="cffi";
-  local p="${n}-${v}";
-  py_dependency -v "0.6" -m "5be33b1ab0247a984d42b27344519337" \
-    "${n}" "${n}" "${p}" \
-    "${pypi}/c/${n}/${p}.tar.gz";
-  local v="2.10";
-  local n="pycparser";
-  local p="${n}-${v}";
-  py_dependency -v "0.6" -m "d87aed98c8a9f386aa56d365fe4d515f" \
-    "${n}" "${n}" "${p}" \
-    "${pypi}/p/${n}/${p}.tar.gz";
-  local v="4.0.5";
-  local n="zope.interface";
-  local p="${n}-${v}";
-  py_dependency -v 4 -m "caf26025ae1b02da124a58340e423dfe" \
-    "Zope Interface" "${n}" "${p}" \
-    "http://pypi.python.org/packages/source/z/${n}/${p}.zip";
-  local v="0.12";
-  local n="pyOpenSSL";
-  local p="${n}-${v}";
-  py_dependency -v 0.12 -m "60a7bbb6160950823eddcbba2cbcb0d6" \
-    "${n}" "OpenSSL" "${p}" \
-    "http://pypi.python.org/packages/source/p/${n}/${p}.tar.gz";
-  local n="PyKerberos";
-  if type -P krb5-config > /dev/null; then
-    local v="9409";
-    local p="${n}-${v}";
-    py_dependency -r "${v}" \
-      "${n}" "kerberos" "${p}" \
-      "${svn_uri_base}/${n}/trunk";
-  fi;
-  local v="0.6.4";
-  local n="xattr";
-  local p="${n}-${v}";
-  py_dependency -v 0.6 -m "1bef31afb7038800f8d5cfa2f4562b37" \
-    "${n}" "${n}" "${p}" \
-    "${pypi}/x/${n}/${n}-${v}.tar.gz";
-  if [ -n "${ORACLE_HOME:-}" ]; then
-    local v="5.1.2";
-    local n="cx_Oracle";
-    local p="${n}-${v}";
-    py_dependency -v "${v}" -m "462f309e00f7bff7100e2077fc43172c" \
-      "${n}" "${n}" "${p}" \
-      "http://${sf}/project/cx-oracle/${v}/${p}.tar.gz";
-  fi;
-  local v="4.1.1";
-  local n="PyGreSQL";
-  local p="${n}-${v}";
-  py_dependency -v "${v}" -m "71d0b8c5a382f635572eb52fee47cd08" \
-    "${n}" "pgdb" "${p}" \
-    "${pypi}/P/${n}/${p}.tgz";
-  local v="0.1.2";
-  local n="sqlparse";
-  local p="${n}-${v}";
-  py_dependency -v "${v}" -s "978874e5ebbd78e6d419e8182ce4fb3c30379642" \
-    "SQLParse" "${n}" "${p}" \
-    "http://python-sqlparse.googlecode.com/files/${p}.tar.gz";
-  local v="2.6.1";
-  local n="pycrypto";
-  local p="${n}-${v}";
-  py_dependency -v "${v}" -m "55a61a054aa66812daf5161a0d5d7eda" \
-    "PyCrypto" "Crypto" "${p}" \
-    "http://ftp.dlitz.net/pub/dlitz/crypto/${n}/${p}.tar.gz";
-  local v="0.1.7";
-  local n="pyasn1";
-  local p="${n}-${v}";
-  py_dependency -v "${v}" -m "2cbd80fcd4c7b1c82180d3d76fee18c8" \
-    "${n}" "${n}" "${p}" \
-    "${pypi}/p/${n}/${p}.tar.gz";
-  local v="13.2.0";
-  local n="Twisted";
-  local p="${n}-${v}";
-  py_dependency -v 13.2 -m "83fe6c0c911cc1602dbffb036be0ba79" \
-    "${n}" "twisted" "${p}" \
-    "${pypi}/T/${n}/${p}.tar.bz2";
-  local v="12414";
-  local n="twext";
-  local p="${n}-${v}";
-  py_dependency -fe -r "${v}" \
-    "${n}" "${n}" "${p}" \
-    "${svn_uri_base}/${n}/trunk";
-  local v="1.5";
-  local n="python-dateutil";
-  local p="${n}-${v}";
-  py_dependency -m "35f3732db3f2cc4afdc68a8533b60a52" \
-    "${n}" "dateutil" "${p}" \
-    "http://www.labix.org/download/${n}/${p}.tar.gz";
-  local v="1.2.0";
-  local n="psutil";
-  local p="${n}-${v}";
-  py_dependency -m "f8ae906249e65db21f17d873ae07e584" \
-    "${n}" "${n}" "${p}" \
-    "${pypi}/p/${n}/${p}.tar.gz";
-  local v="2.4.13";
-  local n="python-ldap";
-  local p="${n}-${v}";
-  py_dependency -v "${v}" -m "74b7b50267761540451eade44b2049ee" \
-    "Python-LDAP" "ldap" "${p}" \
-    "${pypi}/p/${n}/${p}.tar.gz";
-  local v="12724";
-  local n="PyCalendar";
-  local p="${n}-${v}";
-  py_dependency -fe -i "src" -r "${v}" \
-    "${n}" "pycalendar" "${p}" \
-    "${svn_uri_base}/${n}/trunk";
-  # Can't add "-v 2011g" to args because the version check expects numbers.
-  local v="2013.8";
-  local n="pytz";
-  local p="${n}-${v}";
-  py_dependency -m "37750ca749ed3a52523b9682b0b7e381" \
-    "${n}" "${n}" "${p}" \
-    "${pypi}/p/${n}/${p}.tar.gz";
-  #
-  # Tool dependencies.  The code itself doesn't depend on these, but
-  # they are useful to developers.
-  #
-  if type -P pyflakes > /dev/null; then
-    using_system "PyFlakes";
-  else
-    local v="0.6.1";
-    local n="pyflakes";
-    local p="${n}-${v}";
-    py_dependency -v "${v}" -m "00debd2280b962e915dfee552a675915" \
-      "Pyflakes" "${n}" "${p}" \
-      "${pypi}/p/${n}/${p}.tar.gz";
-  fi;
-  local v="12068";
-  local n="CalDAVClientLibrary";
-  local p="${n}-${v}";
-  py_dependency -o -r "${v}" \
-    "${n}" "caldavclientlibrary" "${p}" \
-    "${svn_uri_base}/${n}/trunk";
-  local v="1.1.8";
-  local n="setproctitle";
-  local p="${n}-${v}";
-  py_dependency -v "1.0" -m "728f4c8c6031bbe56083a48594027edd" \
-    "${n}" "${n}" "${p}" \
-    "${pypi}/s/${n}/${p}.tar.gz";
-  svn_get "CalDAVTester" "${top}/CalDAVTester" \
-      "${svn_uri_base}/CalDAVTester/trunk" HEAD;
-  local v="3.0.1";
-  local n="epydoc";
-  local p="${n}-${v}";
-  py_dependency -o -m "36407974bd5da2af00bf90ca27feeb44" \
-    "Epydoc" "${n}" "${p}" \
-    "${pypi}/e/${n}/${p}.tar.gz";
-  local v="0.10.0";
-  local n="Nevow";
-  local p="${n}-${v}";
-  py_dependency -o -m "66dda2ad88f42dea05911add15f4d1b2" \
-    "${n}" "nevow" "${p}" \
-    "${pypi}/N/${n}/${p}.tar.gz";
-  local v="0.5b1";
-  local n="pydoctor";
-  local p="${n}-${v}";
-  py_dependency -o -m "c4fb33672f37624116cc7a0606f74f28" \
-    "${n}" "${n}" "${p}" \
-    "{$pypi}/p/${n}/${p}.tar.gz";
-  if "${do_setup}"; then
-    cd "${caldav}";
-    echo "Building our own extension modules...";
-    "${python}" setup.py build_ext --inplace;
-  fi;
-# Actually do the initialization, once all functions are defined.

Deleted: CalendarServer/trunk/support/py.sh
--- CalendarServer/trunk/support/py.sh	2014-03-21 19:47:59 UTC (rev 12987)
+++ CalendarServer/trunk/support/py.sh	2014-03-21 19:51:51 UTC (rev 12988)
@@ -1,205 +0,0 @@
-# -*- sh-basic-offset: 2 -*-
-# Copyright (c) 2005-2014 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-set -e
-set -u
-# Echo the major.minor version of the given Python interpreter.
-py_version () {
-  local python="$1"; shift;
-  echo "$("${python}" -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_version; print get_python_version()")";
-# Test if a particular python interpreter is available, given the full path to
-# that interpreter.
-try_python () {
-  local python="$1"; shift;
-  if [ -z "${python}" ]; then
-    return 1;
-  fi;
-  if ! type "${python}" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
-    return 1;
-  fi;
-  local py_version="$(py_version "${python}")";
-  if [ "${py_version/./}" -lt "25" ]; then
-    return 1;
-  fi;
-  return 0;
-# Detect which version of Python to use, then print out which one was detected.
-detect_python_version () {
-  local v;
-  local p;
-  for v in "2.7" "2.6" ""
-  do
-    for p in                                                            \
-      "${PYTHON:=}"                                                     \
-      "python${v}"                                                      \
-      "/usr/local/bin/python${v}"                                       \
-      "/usr/local/python/bin/python${v}"                                \
-      "/usr/local/python${v}/bin/python${v}"                            \
-      "/opt/bin/python${v}"                                             \
-      "/opt/python/bin/python${v}"                                      \
-      "/opt/python${v}/bin/python${v}"                                  \
-      "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/${v}/bin/python"   \
-      "/opt/local/bin/python${v}"                                       \
-      "/sw/bin/python${v}"                                              \
-      ;
-    do
-      if try_python "${p}"; then
-        echo "${p}";
-        return 0;
-      fi;
-    done;
-  done;
-  return 1;
-# Detect if the given Python module is installed in the system Python configuration.
-py_have_module () {
-  local version=""; # Minimum version required
-  OPTIND=1;
-  while getopts "v:" option; do
-    case "${option}" in
-      'v') version="${OPTARG}"; ;;
-    esac;
-  done;
-  shift $((${OPTIND} - 1));
-  local module="$1"; shift;
-  if ! "${python}" -c "import ${module}" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
-    return 1;
-  fi;
-  local result=0;
-  if [ -n "${version}" ]; then
-    local symbol;
-    for symbol in "xxxx" "__version__" "version"; do
-      if module_version="$(
-        "${python}" -c \
-        'print __import__("'"${module}"'").'"$symbol"';' \
-        2>/dev/null
-      )"; then
-        break;
-      fi;
-    done;
-    if [ -z "${module_version}" ]; then
-      module_version=$("${python}" -c 'import pkg_resources; print pkg_resources.get_distribution("'"${module}"'").version;');
-    fi;
-    if [ -z "${module_version}" ]; then
-      if ! "${print_path}"; then
-        echo "Unable to determine version for ${module}.";
-      fi;
-      result=1;
-    elif ! cmp_version "${version}" "${module_version}"; then
-      if ! "${print_path}"; then
-        echo "A system version of ${module} exists, but version is ${module_version} (< ${version}).";
-      fi;
-      result=1;
-    fi;
-  fi;
-  return ${result};
-# Compare version numbers
-cmp_version () {
-  local  v="$1"; shift;
-  local mv="$1"; shift;
-  local result;
-  while true; do
-     vh="${v%%.*}"; # Get highest-order segment
-    mvh="${mv%%.*}";
-    if [ "${vh}" -gt "${mvh}" ]; then
-      result=1;
-      break;
-    fi;
-    if [ "${vh}" -lt "${mvh}" ]; then
-      result=0;
-      break;
-    fi;
-    if [ "${v}" == "${v#*.}" ]; then
-      # No dots left, so we're ok
-      result=0;
-      break;
-    fi;
-    if [ "${mv}" == "${mv#*.}" ]; then
-      # No dots left, so we're not gonna match
-      result=1;
-      break;
-    fi;
-     v="${v#*.}";
-    mv="${mv#*.}";
-  done;
-  return ${result};
-# Detect which python to use, and store it in the 'python' variable, as well as
-# setting up variables related to version and build configuration.
-init_py () {
-  # First, detect the appropriate version of Python to use, based on our version
-  # requirements and the environment.  Note that all invocations of python in
-  # our build scripts should therefore be '"${python}"', not 'python'; this is
-  # important on systems with older system pythons (2.4 or earlier) with an
-  # alternate install of Python, or alternate python installation mechanisms
-  # like virtualenv.
-  python="$(detect_python_version)";
-  # Set the $PYTHON environment variable to an absolute path pointing at the
-  # appropriate python executable, a standard-ish mechanism used by certain
-  # non-distutils things that need to find the "right" python.  For instance,
-  # the part of the PostgreSQL build process which builds pl_python.  Note that
-  # detect_python_version, above, already honors $PYTHON, so if this is already
-  # set it won't be stomped on, it will just be re-set to the same value.
-  export PYTHON="$(type -p ${python})";
-  if [ -z "${python:-}" ]; then
-    echo "No suitable python found. Python 2.6 is required.";
-    exit 1;
-  fi
-          py_platform="$("${python}" -c "from distutils.util import get_platform; print get_platform()")";
-           py_version="$(py_version "${python}")";
-   py_platform_libdir="lib.${py_platform}-${py_version}";
-  py_platform_scripts="scripts-${py_version}";
-            py_prefix="$("${python}" -c "import sys; print sys.prefix;")";
-            py_libdir="$("${python}" -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print get_python_lib(1);")";
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