[CalendarServer-users] Cannot add users

Paul van der Vlis paul at vandervlis.nl
Wed Jan 27 02:34:33 PST 2010

Paul van der Vlis schreef:
> Conrad Wasmer schreef:
>> Paul -
>> I am not sure if you misspoke regarding where you put your new user
>> listing, but it should be listed in your /conf/auth/accounts-test.xml file
>> (or other location depending on how you authenticate users, but this
>> assumes you are going with a pretty standard installation). In the
>> caldavd.plist file you can identify the type of authentication and the name
>> and location of the file - it's in that file that you need to put your new
>> users. I am pretty sure that the default is /conf/auth/accounts-test.xml  
> I am using Debian, the standard location there is: /etc/caldavd/accounts.xml
> I've checked this in /etc/caldavd/caldavd.plist
> The setup works with the users "test" and "amdin" what are defaults.
>> Also, you want to be sure to include a <guid> for each user (it seems it
>> may be best to use the command uuidgen to generate a fully compliant guid,
>> and cut and paste that into the guid field instead of just restating the
>> uid), 
> I try now:
>   <user>
>     <uid>paul</uid>
>     <guid>ba822231-5297-42a1-a4a5-12d9448741bc</guid>
>     <password>secret</password>
>     <name>Paul van der Vlis</name>
>     <cuaddr>mailto:paul at vandervlis.nl</cuaddr>
>   </user>
> But it still does not work. I will add the error.log.
> I see everything in the "test" calendar.
>> and in following the standards that have been introduced in the
>> accounts.xml file from trunk, you should also include the <name>,
>> <first-name>, <last-name> fields that you'll find in the accounts-test.xml
>> file located, like so:
> I use calendarserver version "1.2.dfsg-8" from Debian stable, which will
> be not so new.

I have it working now. The point seems to be that Lightning (version
0.8, Lightning is a Thunderbird plugin) saves only one username/password
correct and does not ask for another password on the same server, but
uses the old one. When I remove the old username/password and restart
the application there is a dialog-window what asks for a username and
password. Then it works, but only with one calendar per server.

Maybe this problem is gone with a newer version of Ligtning, the actual
version is 1.0-beta1.

I also use now this on the commandline to create a calendar for the
user. Not sure it's really nessesary:

curl -X MKCALENDAR -u username:secret \

With regards,
Paul van der Vlis.

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