[CalendarServer-users] Users and Groups from AD

Dennison Williams dennison.williams at gmail.com
Wed Nov 28 21:17:45 PST 2012

I am currently trying to configure calendarserver to pull users and
groups from Microsoft Active Directory and I am having a hard time
figuring out the schema that is required for the mapping to the calendar
server filed names.  The documentation
(http://trac.calendarserver.org/wiki/ConfiguringLDAP) does not clarify
it for me either.  Are the definitions one for one in the RFC (I have
not read through that yet)?

For example:

            <string></string> <!-- this is included in my basdn
specified elsewhere -->
            <key>attr</key>  <!-- this is the calendarserver field name
? -->
            <string>uid</string><!-- and this is the related field in
the LDAP qurey results?  If so how do I find out what it is expecting
here?  Is this a mapping to a UNIX uid? Im confused -->
            <key>emailSuffix</key> <!-- how is this used ? -->
            <string></string> <!-- This would be the filter for
filtering out all of the results we are not interested in right? -->

Thanks for any help!
Dennison Williams

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