[CalendarServer-users] DCS Rhel6 install: Address family not supported by protocol

Glyph glyph at twistedmatrix.com
Sun Jul 14 17:14:37 PDT 2013

On Jul 9, 2013, at 6:25 PM, Andre LaBranche <dre at apple.com> wrote:

> Hi James,
> I don’t know exactly what is wrong here, but I agree that it looks like an IPv6 issue. We don’t have an explicit configuration setting for ipv4 / ipv6, but there is a BindAddress setting that influences this behavior.

Hi James,

I feel like we should also note that any unhelpful or confusing error reporting like this is always a bug, even if it's something you can work around :-).  Certainly you should never see tracebacks during normal operation, although some are harmless.  It would be helpful for you to file a bug on calendarserver.org including this traceback if you haven't already.

In terms of your own setup though, Dre's BindAddress fix should be good.

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