[CalendarServer-users] First request ignored

Ulrich Fourier ulrich.fourier at rockyourlife.de
Fri Jan 16 07:46:27 PST 2015

Hey everybody,

I've setup calendarserver 3.2 on my debian wheezy using the filesystem
as storage.
Every time I add a new appointment to my calendar in iCal and give it a
Name, after the next sync with the Server it reverts to the old name
("new Event").
It seems like just the second change will be actually changed on the
Same Behavior when I change the time. And I also need to delete every
appointment two times.
I attached the access.log file, there you can clearly see that the
server gets a GET request right after deletion and I need to delete the
appointment a second time.

Hope you can help me out
Ulrich Fourier
-------------- next part --------------
123.456.789.000 - - [16/Jan/2015:15:40:33 +0200] "PUT /calendars/__uids__/1634da1e-0f07-1033-8766-2708925ed8ba/calendar/87221464-3956-4E66-A85F-57C84BA03759.ics HTTP/1.1" 401 141 "-" "CalendarStore/5.0.3 (1204.2); iCal/5.0.3 (1605.4); Mac OS X/10.7.5 (11G63)" i=0 t=8.1 or=2
123.456.789.000 - Ulrich Fourier [16/Jan/2015:15:40:33 +0200] "PUT /calendars/__uids__/1634da1e-0f07-1033-8766-2708925ed8ba/calendar/87221464-3956-4E66-A85F-57C84BA03759.ics HTTP/1.1" 201 0 "-" "CalendarStore/5.0.3 (1204.2); iCal/5.0.3 (1605.4); Mac OS X/10.7.5 (11G63)" i=0 t=31.8 or=2 cl=337
123.456.789.000 - - [16/Jan/2015:15:40:39 +0200] "PUT /calendars/__uids__/1634da1e-0f07-1033-8766-2708925ed8ba/calendar/87221464-3956-4E66-A85F-57C84BA03759.ics HTTP/1.1" 412 157 "-" "CalendarStore/5.0.3 (1204.2); iCal/5.0.3 (1605.4); Mac OS X/10.7.5 (11G63)" i=0 t=5.7 or=2
123.456.789.000 - Ulrich Fourier [16/Jan/2015:15:40:39 +0200] "GET /calendars/__uids__/1634da1e-0f07-1033-8766-2708925ed8ba/calendar/87221464-3956-4E66-A85F-57C84BA03759.ics HTTP/1.1" 200 337 "-" "CalendarStore/5.0.3 (1204.2); iCal/5.0.3 (1605.4); Mac OS X/10.7.5 (11G63)" i=0 t=10.5 or=2
123.456.789.000 - Ulrich Fourier [16/Jan/2015:15:40:46 +0200] "PUT /calendars/__uids__/1634da1e-0f07-1033-8766-2708925ed8ba/calendar/87221464-3956-4E66-A85F-57C84BA03759.ics HTTP/1.1" 204 0 "-" "CalendarStore/5.0.3 (1204.2); iCal/5.0.3 (1605.4); Mac OS X/10.7.5 (11G63)" i=0 t=46.0 or=2 cl=331
123.456.789.000 - - [16/Jan/2015:15:40:49 +0200] "DELETE /calendars/__uids__/1634da1e-0f07-1033-8766-2708925ed8ba/calendar/87221464-3956-4E66-A85F-57C84BA03759.ics HTTP/1.1" 412 157 "-" "CalendarStore/5.0.3 (1204.2); iCal/5.0.3 (1605.4); Mac OS X/10.7.5 (11G63)" i=0 t=6.3 or=2
123.456.789.000 - Ulrich Fourier [16/Jan/2015:15:40:49 +0200] "GET /calendars/__uids__/1634da1e-0f07-1033-8766-2708925ed8ba/calendar/87221464-3956-4E66-A85F-57C84BA03759.ics HTTP/1.1" 200 331 "-" "CalendarStore/5.0.3 (1204.2); iCal/5.0.3 (1605.4); Mac OS X/10.7.5 (11G63)" i=0 t=13.3 or=2
123.456.789.000 - Ulrich Fourier [16/Jan/2015:15:40:52 +0200] "DELETE /calendars/__uids__/1634da1e-0f07-1033-8766-2708925ed8ba/calendar/87221464-3956-4E66-A85F-57C84BA03759.ics HTTP/1.1" 204 0 "-" "CalendarStore/5.0.3 (1204.2); iCal/5.0.3 (1605.4); Mac OS X/10.7.5 (11G63)" i=0 t=21.1 or=2

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