[launchd-dev] LaunchD crashing daemon in 10.5

Hamish Allan hamish at gmail.com
Fri Feb 8 15:59:18 PST 2008

Not that this should be causing the problem, but you shouldn't be
writing to /System -- your daemon should be installed in

Can you not just catch SIGTERM in your daemon and exit cleanly?


On Feb 8, 2008 11:45 PM, Carl Smith <Carl.Smith at kaseya.com> wrote:
> I have an agent and daemon that I have installed and running on a 10.5
> system. The problem I am having is when I do an 'update' the call from
> 'sudo launchctl unload
> /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.mycompany.mydaemon.com' my daemon
> receives a SIGTERM and aborts and the rest of my install procedures
> fails.
> My project consists of an agent and a daemon. The plists that I use
> 'launchctl unload' on live in the following areas:
> Daemon = /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/
> Agent = /Library/LaunchAgents/
> I use 'sudo launchctl unload ...' for the daemon and 'launchctl unload
> ...' for the agent.
> This 'update' works fine in 10.4 but fails under 10.5. I can install my
> agent and daemon fine I just can't seem to 'unload' gracefully running
> in the 10.5 enviroment.
> Any suggestions or help would greatly be appreciated.
> Carl
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