[libdispatch-dev] [PATCH] use libkqueue if sys/event.h is missing

Robert Watson robert at fledge.watson.org
Sun Nov 15 04:50:48 PST 2009

On Wed, 11 Nov 2009, Mark Heily wrote:

> Attached is a patch that uses pkg-config(1) to determine the installed 
> location of libkqueue and set the appropriate Makefile variables. I'm not 
> 100% sure the LIBADD and LDFLAGS variables are correct, but I can't test it 
> until libdispatch compiles cleanly on Linux.

Is there a reason not to use PKG_CHECK_MODULES(), which will define _LIBS and 
_FLAGS variables automatically?  This would avoid encoding the use of 
pkg-config in the makefiles, limiting it to a configuration-time step.  On the 
other hand, I've never worked with pkg-config before, so reeducation welcome 


Robert N M Watson
Computer Laboratory
University of Cambridge

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