[23568] trunk/dports/math/arpack

source_changes at macosforge.org source_changes at macosforge.org
Wed Apr 4 13:14:28 PDT 2007

Revision: 23568
Author:   stechert at macports.org
Date:     2007-04-04 13:14:28 -0700 (Wed, 04 Apr 2007)

Log Message:
committing patch for trac ticket #11661 proxying for moll at cs.rice.edu

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/math/arpack/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/math/arpack/Portfile	2007-04-04 20:08:28 UTC (rev 23567)
+++ trunk/dports/math/arpack/Portfile	2007-04-04 20:14:28 UTC (rev 23568)
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 name          arpack
 version       1
+revision      1
 categories    math
 platforms     darwin
 maintainers		mmoll at cs.rice.edu
@@ -20,9 +21,9 @@
 # gfortran-dp-4.2, otherwise we could just say bin:gfortran:gcc42.
 depends_build port:gcc42
 use_configure	no
-worksrcdir	 ARPACK
-patchfiles		 patch-arpack.diff
-build.args all FC=gfortran-dp-4.2 home=${worksrcpath}
+worksrcdir	ARPACK
+patchfiles	patch-arpack.diff
+build.args 	all FC=gfortran-dp-4.2 home=${worksrcpath} 
 destroot    { 
    xinstall -m 644 -v -W ${worksrcpath} libarpack.a ${destroot}${prefix}/lib

Modified: trunk/dports/math/arpack/files/patch-arpack.diff
--- trunk/dports/math/arpack/files/patch-arpack.diff	2007-04-04 20:08:28 UTC (rev 23567)
+++ trunk/dports/math/arpack/files/patch-arpack.diff	2007-04-04 20:14:28 UTC (rev 23568)
@@ -1,138 +1,90 @@
-*** ./ARmake.inc	Fri Apr 26 12:12:57 1996
---- ./ARmake.inc	Thu Dec  7 21:01:43 2006
-*** 34,39 ****
---- 34,44 ----
-  #
-  PLAT = SUN4
-  #
-+ #  The communication library ( need for parallel library only )
-+ #  Current availible platforms are: BLACS or MPI
-+ #
-+ COMMLIB       = MPI
-+ #
-  #  %------------------------------------------------------%
-  #  | The directories to find the various pieces of ARPACK |
-  #  %------------------------------------------------------%
-*** 42,47 ****
---- 47,54 ----
-  LAPACKdir    = $(home)/LAPACK
-  UTILdir      = $(home)/UTIL
-  SRCdir       = $(home)/SRC
-+ PSRCdir      = $(home)/PARPACK/SRC/$(COMMLIB)
-+ PUTILdir     = $(home)/PARPACK/UTIL/$(COMMLIB)
-  #
-  DIRS        = $(BLASdir) $(LAPACKdir) $(UTILdir) $(SRCdir)
-  #
-*** 51,67 ****
-  # | NOTE: ARPACK assumes the use of LAPACK version 2 codes.           |
-  # %-------------------------------------------------------------------%
-  #
-! #DIRS         = $(UTILdir) $(SRCdir)
-  #
-  # %---------------------------------------------------%
-  # | The name of the libraries to be created/linked to |
-  # %---------------------------------------------------%
-  #
-! ARPACKLIB  = $(home)/libarpack_$(PLAT).a
-  #
-  #
-  # 
-  # %---------------------------------------------------------%
---- 58,78 ----
-  # | NOTE: ARPACK assumes the use of LAPACK version 2 codes.           |
-  # %-------------------------------------------------------------------%
-  #
-! DIRS         = $(UTILdir) $(SRCdir)
-  #
-  # %---------------------------------------------------%
-  # | The name of the libraries to be created/linked to |
-  # %---------------------------------------------------%
-  #
-! ARPACKLIB  = $(home)/libarpack.a
-! PARPACKLIB = $(home)/libparpack.a
-! LAPACKLIB = -framework Accelerate
-  #
-  #
-  # 
-  # %---------------------------------------------------------%
-*** 102,108 ****
-  # %-----------------------------------------%
-  #
-  FC      = f77
-! FFLAGS	= -O -cg89
-  CD      = cd
---- 113,119 ----
-  # %-----------------------------------------%
-  #
-  FC      = f77
-! FFLAGS	= -O2 -ff2c -fno-underscoring
-  CD      = cd
-*** 112,118 ****
-  LN      = ln
-  LNFLAGS = -s
-! MAKE    = /bin/make
-  RM      = rm
-  RMFLAGS = -f
---- 123,129 ----
-  LN      = ln
-  LNFLAGS = -s
-! MAKE    = make
-  RM      = rm
-  RMFLAGS = -f
-*** ./UTIL/second.f       Mon Oct  2 11:56:44 1995
---- ./UTIL/second.f       Fri Dec  8 10:56:45 2006
-*** 20,34 ****
-        REAL               TARRAY( 2 )
-  *     ..
-  *     .. External Functions ..
-!       REAL               ETIME
-!       EXTERNAL           ETIME
-  *     ..
-  *     .. Executable Statements ..
-  *
-!       T1 = ETIME( TARRAY )
-!       T  = TARRAY( 1 )
-        RETURN
-  *
-  *     End of SECOND
---- 20,34 ----
-        REAL               TARRAY( 2 )
-  *     ..
-  *     .. External Functions ..
-!       REAL               SECOND_
-!       EXTERNAL           SECOND_
-  *     ..
-  *     .. Executable Statements ..
-  *
-! *     T1 = ETIME( TARRAY )
-! *      T  = TARRAY( 1 )
-!       T  = SECOND_()
-        RETURN
-  *
-  *     End of SECOND
\ No newline at end of file
+--- ./ARmake.inc	2007-03-29 16:08:05.000000000 +0200
++++ ./ARmake.inc	2007-03-29 16:08:15.000000000 +0200
+@@ -34,6 +34,11 @@
+ #
+ #
++#  The communication library ( need for parallel library only )
++#  Current availible platforms are: BLACS or MPI
++COMMLIB       = MPI
+ #  %------------------------------------------------------%
+ #  | The directories to find the various pieces of ARPACK |
+ #  %------------------------------------------------------%
+@@ -42,6 +47,8 @@
+ LAPACKdir    = $(home)/LAPACK
+ UTILdir      = $(home)/UTIL
+ SRCdir       = $(home)/SRC
++PSRCdir      = $(home)/PARPACK/SRC/$(COMMLIB)
++PUTILdir     = $(home)/PARPACK/UTIL/$(COMMLIB)
+ #
+ DIRS        = $(BLASdir) $(LAPACKdir) $(UTILdir) $(SRCdir)
+ #
+@@ -51,17 +58,21 @@
+ # | NOTE: ARPACK assumes the use of LAPACK version 2 codes.           |
+ # %-------------------------------------------------------------------%
+ #
+-#DIRS         = $(UTILdir) $(SRCdir)
++DIRS         = $(UTILdir) $(SRCdir)
+ #
+ # %---------------------------------------------------%
+ # | The name of the libraries to be created/linked to |
+ # %---------------------------------------------------%
+ #
+-ARPACKLIB  = $(home)/libarpack_$(PLAT).a
++ARPACKLIB  = $(home)/libarpack.a
++PARPACKLIB = $(home)/libparpack.a
++LAPACKLIB = -framework Accelerate
+ #
+ #
+ # 
+ # %---------------------------------------------------------%
+@@ -102,7 +113,7 @@
+ # %-----------------------------------------%
+ #
+ FC      = f77
+-FFLAGS	= -O -cg89
++FFLAGS	= -O2 -ff2c
+ CD      = cd
+@@ -112,7 +123,7 @@
+ LN      = ln
+ LNFLAGS = -s
+-MAKE    = /bin/make
++MAKE    = make
+ RM      = rm
+ RMFLAGS = -f
+diff -rubw ARPACK.orig/ARPACK/UTIL/second.f ARPACK/UTIL/second.f
+--- ./UTIL/second.f	2007-03-29 16:08:05.000000000 +0200
++++ ./UTIL/second.f	2007-03-29 16:08:15.000000000 +0200
+@@ -20,15 +20,15 @@
+       REAL               TARRAY( 2 )
+ *     ..
+ *     .. External Functions ..
+-      REAL               ETIME
+-      EXTERNAL           ETIME
++*      REAL               ETIME
++*      EXTERNAL           ETIME
+ *     ..
+ *     .. Executable Statements ..
+ *
+-      T1 = ETIME( TARRAY )
+-      T  = TARRAY( 1 )
++*     T1 = ETIME( TARRAY )
++*      T  = TARRAY( 1 )
++      T  = 1
+       RETURN
+ *
+ *     End of SECOND

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