[21117] trunk/dports/PortIndex

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Wed Jan 3 00:32:23 PST 2007

Revision: 21117
Author:   dluke at macports.org
Date:     2007-01-03 00:32:22 -0800 (Wed, 03 Jan 2007)

Log Message:

Total number of ports parsed:	3709 
Ports successfully parsed:	3709	 
Ports failed:			0

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/PortIndex
--- trunk/dports/PortIndex	2007-01-03 07:57:17 UTC (rev 21116)
+++ trunk/dports/PortIndex	2007-01-03 08:32:22 UTC (rev 21117)
@@ -651,7 +651,7 @@
 apr 433
 portdir devel/apr description {The apache group's portability library} variants darwin_9 name apr version 1.2.8 categories devel homepage http://apr.apache.org/ revision 0 epoch 0 maintainers dluke at geeklair.net long_description {The Apache Portable Runtime is a library of C data structures and routines, forming a system portability layer that covers as many operating systems as possible, including Unices, Win32, BeOS, and OS/2.}
 apr-util 457
-variants {no_bdb no_sqlite openldap} description {utilities built with the apache group's portability library} portdir devel/apr-util homepage http://apr.apache.org/ epoch 0 depends_lib {lib:libapr-1:apr port:expat port:libiconv port:db44} name apr-util long_description {apr-util is a library of useful utilities built with and intended to be used with the Apache Portable Runtime.} maintainers dluke at geeklair.net categories devel version 1.2.8 revision 0
+variants {no_bdb no_sqlite openldap} description {utilities built with the apache group's portability library} portdir devel/apr-util homepage http://apr.apache.org/ epoch 0 depends_lib {lib:libapr-1:apr port:expat port:libiconv port:db44} name apr-util long_description {apr-util is a library of useful utilities built with and intended to be used with the Apache Portable Runtime.} maintainers dluke at geeklair.net categories devel version 1.2.8 revision 1
 aqbanking 697
 variants {ofx geldkarte python} depends_build {port:libtool port:automake} portdir devel/aqbanking description {a generic online banking interface} homepage http://www.aqbanking.de/ epoch 0 name aqbanking depends_lib {port:gwenhywfar port:qt3 port:ktoblzcheck port:libglade2} maintainers mas at seligma.com long_description {aqbanking is a generic online banking interface mainly supporting Home Banking Computer Interface, a standard used for German checking accounts, but also suitable for OFX as used in several other countries. Note that the YellowNet backend (for Suisse Postfinance) is not available for OS X (upstream only has a Linux binary).} version 2.2.4 categories {devel net} revision 0
 arch 535
@@ -2206,10 +2206,10 @@
 variants darwin_8 depends_build lib:libnetpbm:netpbm portdir graphics/gocr description {Optical Character Recognition, converts images back to text} homepage http://jocr.sourceforge.net/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name gocr maintainers nomaintainer at macports.org long_description {GOCR is an OCR (Optical Character Recognition) program. It converts scanned images of text back to text files.} version 0.40 categories graphics revision 0
 gqview 380
 description {GQview image browser} portdir graphics/gqview homepage http://gqview.sourceforge.net/ epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib lib:libgtk.2:gtk2 name gqview long_description {GQview is an image browser that features single click access to view images and move around the directory tree.} maintainers mvitocruz at gmail.com categories {graphics x11} version 2.0.1 revision 0
-graphviz 914
-variants {darwin_6 darwin_7 darwin_8 guile ocaml perl php python ruby all_lang no_x11} portdir graphics/graphviz description {Graph visualization software from AT&T and Bell Labs} homepage http://www.graphviz.org/ depends_run port:urw-fonts epoch 0 platforms darwin name graphviz depends_lib {lib:libX11.6:XFree86 port:jpeg port:libpng port:freetype port:expat port:gd2 port:zlib port:gettext} maintainers gwright at opendarwin.org long_description {Graph Visualization Software from AT&T Laboratories and Bell Laboratories (Lucent Technologies). The package contains: dot - batch program for drawing directed graphs as hierarchies neato - batch program for drawing undirected graphs using Kamada-Kawai spring models. Users wishing to have only the graph layout programs (for non-interactive use) can use the +no_x11 variant to build graphviz without its display routines.} version 2.8 categories graphics revision 1
-graphviz-cairo 421
-variants {darwin_7 darwin_8} portdir graphics/graphviz-cairo description {Rendering plugin for graphviz using the Cairo library.} homepage http://www.graphviz.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name graphviz-cairo depends_lib {port:graphviz port:cairo port:p5-xml-parser} maintainers gwright at opendarwin.org long_description {{Rendering plugin for graphviz using the Cairo library.}} version 2.8 categories graphics revision 0
+graphviz 930
+variants {darwin_6 darwin_7 darwin_8 guile lua ocaml perl php python ruby all_lang no_x11} portdir graphics/graphviz description {Graph visualization software from AT&T and Bell Labs} homepage http://www.graphviz.org/ depends_run port:urw-fonts epoch 0 platforms darwin name graphviz depends_lib {lib:libX11.6:XFree86 port:cairo port:jpeg port:libpng port:freetype port:expat port:gd2 port:zlib port:gettext} maintainers gwright at opendarwin.org long_description {Graph Visualization Software from AT&T Laboratories and Bell Laboratories (Lucent Technologies). The package contains: dot - batch program for drawing directed graphs as hierarchies neato - batch program for drawing undirected graphs using Kamada-Kawai spring models. Users wishing to have only the graph layout programs (for non-interactive use) can use the +no_x11 variant to build graphviz without its display routines.} version 2.12 categories graphics revision 0
+graphviz-cairo 333
+portdir graphics/graphviz-cairo description {Rendering plugin for graphviz using the Cairo library.} platforms darwin name graphviz-cairo version 2.12 categories graphics homepage http://www.graphviz.org/ revision 0 epoch 0 maintainers gwright at macports.org long_description {{Rendering plugin for graphviz using the Cairo library.}}
 gtksee 401
 description {A simple image viewer based on GTK+ 1.2.x and running on X Window System.} portdir graphics/gtksee homepage http://gtksee.berlios.de/ epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib lib:libgtk.1:gtk1 name gtksee maintainers nomaintainer at macports.org long_description {{A simple image viewer based on GTK+ 1.2.x and running on X Window System.}} categories {graphics x11} version 0.6.0b-1 revision 0
 icoconvert 490
@@ -4940,6 +4940,8 @@
 portdir print/latex-mk description {makefile fragments and shell scripts to manage LaTeX documents} name latex-mk depends_lib bin:latex:teTeX version 1.3 categories print homepage http://latex-mk.sourceforge.net/ revision 0 epoch 0 maintainers minskim at bawi.org long_description {Latex-Mk is a set of makefile fragments and shell scripts designed to assist in the management of LaTeX documents. The user creates a simple Makefile which sets up a few simple variables and then includes the latex.mk fragment at the end.}
 latex2html 419
 description {Convert LaTeX into HTML.} portdir print/latex2html homepage http://saftsack.fs.uni-bayreuth.de/~latex2ht depends_run {port:teTeX bin:gs:ghostscript bin:pnmcrop:netpbm bin:perl:perl5.8} epoch 0 platforms darwin name latex2html long_description {LATEX2HTML is a convertor written in Perl that converts LATEX documents to HTML.} maintainers gwright at opendarwin.org categories print version 2002-2-1 revision 1
+lcdf-typetools 501
+variants without_kpathsea portdir print/lcdf-typetools description {Tools for manipulating fonts.} homepage http://www.lcdf.org/type/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name lcdf-typetools depends_lib {{path:${prefix}/include/kpathsea/kpathsea.h:teTeX}} maintainers nomaintainer at macports.org long_description {The LCDF Typetools package contains several programs for manipulating PostScript Type 1, Type 1 multiple master, and PostScript-flavored OpenType fonts.} version 2.48 categories {print tex} revision 0
 libotf 338
 variants darwin_8 portdir print/libotf description {Library for handling OpenType fonts} homepage http://www.m17n.org/libotf/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name libotf depends_lib {port:zlib port:freetype} maintainers nomaintainer at macports.org long_description {{Library for handling OpenType fonts}} version 0.9.4 categories print revision 0
 libpaper 448
@@ -6452,8 +6454,14 @@
 variants {hiragino otf babel euc sjis utf8 nox11 motif xaw xaw3d nextaw macosx} depends_build {bin:bash:bash port:nkf} portdir tex/pTeX description {Japanese TeX (pTeX) processing environment} homepage http://www.nn.iij4u.or.jp/~tutimura/tex/ptetex.html depends_run {port:texi2html port:texinfo} epoch 20061130 platforms {darwin macosx} name pTeX depends_lib {bin:gs:ghostscript bin:perl:perl5.8 lib:libX11:XFree86 lib:libXm:openmotif port:gd2 port:jpeg port:libiconv port:libpng port:ncurses port:t1lib port:zlib} maintainers takanori at macports.org long_description {{Japanese TeX (pTeX) processing environment}} categories {tex print textproc japanese} version 20061130 revision 0
 tetex-frogg 362
 portdir tex/tetex-frogg description {Little collection of French LaTeX/BiBTeX styles} name tetex-frogg version 0.4 categories {tex print} homepage http://packages.debian.org/unstable/tex/tetex-frogg revision 0 epoch 0 maintainers vincent-opdarw at vinc17.org long_description {Little collection of French LaTeX/BiBTeX styles: fr-plain.bst, frmath.sty, lettre.cls.}
+tex-cm-super 824
+description {CM-Super font package.} portdir tex/tex-cm-super homepage {} epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib bin:mktexlsr:teTeX name tex-cm-super maintainers nomaintainer at macports.org long_description {The CM-Super package contains Type 1 fonts converted from METAFONT fonts and covers entire EC/TC, EC Concrete, EC Bright and LH fonts (Computer Modern font families). All European and Cyrillic writings are covered. Each Type 1 font program contains ALL glyphs from the following standard LaTeX font encodings: T1, TS1, T2A, T2B, T2C, X2, and also Adobe StandardEncoding (585 glyphs per non-SC font and 468 glyphs per SC font), and could be reencoded to any of these encodings using standard dvips or pdftex facilities (the corresponding support files are also included).} categories {tex print} version 0.3.3 revision 0
+tex-fourier-gutenberg 536
+description {Fourier-GUTenberg provides all complementary typefaces needed to allow Utopia based TeX typesetting.} portdir tex/tex-fourier-gutenberg homepage {} epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib {bin:mktexlsr:teTeX {path:${prefix}/share/texmf-local/fonts/type1/adobe/utopia/putr8a.pfb:tex-utopia}} name tex-fourier-gutenberg maintainers nomaintainer at macports.org long_description {{Fourier-GUTenberg provides all complementary typefaces needed to allow Utopia based TeX typesetting.}} categories {tex print} version 1.4.1 revision 0
 tex-tipa 475
 description {Fonts and macros for IPA phonetics characters.} portdir tex/tex-tipa homepage http://www.essex.ac.uk/linguistics/clmt/latex4ling/tipa/ epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib bin:mktexlsr:teTeX name tex-tipa maintainers pguyot at kallisys.net long_description {TIPA (TeX International Phonetic Alphabet) is a latex package for International Phonetic Alphabet characters by Rei Fukui, Hajime Kobayashi, and Shun Shirakawa} categories {tex print} version 1.3 revision 1
+tex-utopia 264
+description {Utopia Type1 fonts.} portdir tex/tex-utopia homepage {} epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib bin:mktexlsr:teTeX name tex-utopia maintainers nomaintainer at macports.org long_description {{Utopia Type1 fonts.}} categories {tex print} version 0 revision 0
 xdvipdfmx 575
 description {Extended version of dvipdfmx for XeTeX} portdir tex/xdvipdfmx homepage http://scripts.sil.org/cms/scripts/page.php?site_id=nrsi&item_id=xetex_linux epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib {lib:libkpathsea:teTeX lib:libpng:libpng lib:libz:zlib port:expat port:fontconfig port:freetype port:dvipdfmx} name xdvipdfmx maintainers pguyot at kallisys.net long_description {Extended version of dvipdfmx for XeTeX Support files are provided by dvipdfmx port (they are identical and this allows the installation of both binaries)} categories {tex print} version 0.1 revision 0
 agree 321
@@ -6465,7 +6473,7 @@
 asciidoc 735
 depends_build port:python24 description {Formatter/translator for text files to numerous formats} portdir textproc/asciidoc homepage http://www.methods.co.nz/asciidoc/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name asciidoc long_description {AsciiDoc is a text document format for writing short documents, articles, books and UNIX man pages. AsciiDoc files can be translated to HTML (with or without stylesheets), DocBook and LinuxDoc markup using the asciidoc(1) command. AsciiDoc is highly configurable: both the AsciiDoc source file syntax and the backend output markups (which can be almost any type of SGML/XML markup) can be customized and extended by the user.} maintainers nomaintainer at macports.org categories textproc version 7.1.2 revision 0
 aspell 414
-portdir textproc/aspell description {Spell checker with better logic than ispell} platforms darwin name aspell version 0.60.4 categories textproc homepage http://aspell.net/ revision 1 epoch 0 maintainers mij at macports.org long_description {Aspell is a spell checker designed to eventually replace ispell. Aspell's main feature is that it does a much better job of coming up with possible suggestions than ispell.}
+portdir textproc/aspell description {Spell checker with better logic than ispell} platforms darwin name aspell version 0.60.5 categories textproc homepage http://aspell.net/ revision 0 epoch 0 maintainers mij at macports.org long_description {Aspell is a spell checker designed to eventually replace ispell. Aspell's main feature is that it does a much better job of coming up with possible suggestions than ispell.}
 aspell-dict-bg 258
 portdir textproc/aspell-dict-bg description {Bulgarian dictionary for aspell} platforms darwin name aspell-dict-bg version 4.0-0 categories textproc depends_build port:aspell revision 0 epoch 0 maintainers sava.chankov at gmail.com long_description description
 aspell-dict-de 274

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