[25114] trunk/dports/graphics/wxWidgets/Portfile

source_changes at macosforge.org source_changes at macosforge.org
Mon May 14 04:42:15 PDT 2007

Revision: 25114
Author:   jwa at macports.org
Date:     2007-05-14 04:42:12 -0700 (Mon, 14 May 2007)

Log Message:
version to 2.8.4, adding ldflags to config phase (#11577) to prevent
the usual missing symbols error during build

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/graphics/wxWidgets/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/graphics/wxWidgets/Portfile	2007-05-14 08:53:07 UTC (rev 25113)
+++ trunk/dports/graphics/wxWidgets/Portfile	2007-05-14 11:42:12 UTC (rev 25114)
@@ -3,42 +3,42 @@
 PortSystem 1.0
 name			wxWidgets
-version			2.8.3
+version			2.8.4
 categories		graphics devel
 platforms		darwin
 maintainers		mww at macports.org jwa at macports.org
 description		mature cross-platform C++ GUI framework
 long_description	wxWidgets is a mature open-source cross-platform C++ \
-			GUI framework for MacOS, Unix, Linux, Windows. It can \
-			make use of a variety of native widget sets as well as \
-			its own widget set: MacOS, GTK+, Motif, WIN32. \
-			wxWidgets will even run on embedded systems using \
-			Linux and X11.
+    GUI framework for MacOS, Unix, Linux, Windows. It can \
+    make use of a variety of native widget sets as well as \
+    its own widget set: MacOS, GTK+, Motif, WIN32. \
+    wxWidgets will even run on embedded systems using \
+    Linux and X11.
 homepage		http://www.wxwidgets.org/
 distname		wxWidgets
 master_sites		sourceforge:wxwindows \
-			http://biolpc22.york.ac.uk/pub/${version}/ 
+			    http://biolpc22.york.ac.uk/pub/${version}/ 
 use_bzip2		yes
 distfiles		${distname}-${version}${extract.suffix}
 dist_subdir		${distname}/${version}
 checksums		${distname}-${version}${extract.suffix} \
-				md5 0f8d2110bab5dfd13a9700b37ee101bb \
-			${distname}-${version}${extract.suffix} \
-				sha1 a42135133655f1b04daa2309a13210dd572947a1 \
-			${distname}-${version}${extract.suffix} \
-				rmd160 fb25317d896a12d7c741c8cfafe018397709119c
+			    md5 47cf67e1e3e2cc88938eac797783aab4 \
+ 			    ${distname}-${version}${extract.suffix} \
+    			    sha1 8c84b562ff4bfa3197924998a2b9ca0e6147be90 \
+    			    ${distname}-${version}${extract.suffix} \
+			    rmd160 8c17820c11e530aef53af73695cc0eb6666bd866
 depends_lib		port:jpeg \
-				port:tiff \
-				port:libpng \
-				port:zlib \
-				port:libiconv \
-				port:expat \
-				port:libsdl \
-				port:libsdl_mixer
+			    port:tiff \
+    			    port:libpng \
+    			    port:zlib \
+    			    port:libiconv \
+    			    port:expat \
+    			    port:libsdl \
+    			    port:libsdl_mixer
 #set worksrcdir	build
 set worksrcdir	${distname}-${version}/build
@@ -46,20 +46,21 @@
 extract.only	${distname}-${version}${extract.suffix}
 #configure.cmd	../${distname}-${version}/configure
-configure.cmd	../configure
-configure.args	--mandir=${prefix}/share/man \
-				--with-libiconv-prefix=${prefix} \
-				--with-libjpeg \
-				--with-libtiff \
-				--with-libpng \
-				--with-zlib \
-				--with-sdl \
-				--with-opengl \
-				--with-mac \
-				--disable-sdltest \
-				--enable-unicode \
-				--enable-display \
-				--enable-monolithic
+configure.cmd		../configure
+configure.ldflags	-L${build.dir}/lib
+configure.args		--mandir=${prefix}/share/man \
+			    --with-libiconv-prefix=${prefix} \
+    			    --with-libjpeg \
+    			    --with-libtiff \
+    			    --with-libpng \
+    			    --with-zlib \
+    			    --with-sdl \
+    			    --with-opengl \
+    			    --with-mac \
+    			    --disable-sdltest \
+    			    --enable-unicode \
+    			    --enable-display \
+    			    --enable-monolithic
 platform darwin 8 {
 	configure.env-append	CC=/usr/bin/gcc-4.0 CPP=/usr/bin/cpp-4.0 CXX=/usr/bin/g++-4.0
@@ -70,24 +71,24 @@
 post-build {
-		system "cd ${build.dir} && make -C contrib/src/gizmos"
-		system "cd ${build.dir} && make -C contrib/src/stc"
-		system "cd ${build.dir} && make -C contrib/src/ogl"
+    foreach c { ${contrib} } {
+	system "cd ${build.dir} && make -C contrib/src/${c}"
+    }
 post-destroot {
-		system "cd ${destroot.dir} && make -C contrib/src/gizmos install ${destroot.destdir}"
-		system "cd ${destroot.dir} && make -C contrib/src/stc install ${destroot.destdir}"
-		system "cd ${destroot.dir} && make -C contrib/src/ogl install ${destroot.destdir}"
+    foreach c { ${contrib} } {
+	system "cd ${destroot.dir} && make -C contrib/src/gizmos install ${destroot.destdir}"
+    }
-	xinstall -d -m 755 ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name}
-	xinstall -m 644 -W ${workpath}/${distname}-${version} \
-		install-mac.txt install-mgl.txt install-motif.txt \
-		INSTALL-OS2.txt install-x11.txt readme-cocoa.txt \
-		readme-gtk.txt readme-mac.txt \
-		readme-mgl.txt readme-motif.txt readme-x11.txt \
-		${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name}
-	system "cd ${destroot}${prefix}/bin && \
+    xinstall -d -m 755 ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name}
+    xinstall -m 644 -W ${workpath}/${distname}-${version} \
+	install-mac.txt install-mgl.txt install-motif.txt \
+	INSTALL-OS2.txt install-x11.txt readme-cocoa.txt \
+	readme-gtk.txt readme-mac.txt \
+	readme-mgl.txt readme-motif.txt readme-x11.txt \
+	${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name}
+    system "cd ${destroot}${prefix}/bin && \
 		ln -sf ${prefix}/lib/wx/config/mac-unicode-release-2.8 wx-config"

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