[36324] trunk/dports/net/netcat/Portfile

ryandesign at macports.org ryandesign at macports.org
Sat Apr 26 23:56:21 PDT 2008

Revision: 36324
Author:   ryandesign at macports.org
Date:     2008-04-26 23:56:20 -0700 (Sat, 26 Apr 2008)

Log Message:
netcat: portfile cleanup:

 * use `use_configure no` instead of `configure {}` so that the `+universal` variant correctly fails
 * avoid use of deprecated `cd` command
 * use `extract.mkdir yes` instead of `pre-extract` and `extract.dir`
 * use `xinstall` instead of `system "install"`
 * remove unnecessary slash between `${destroot}` and `${prefix}` (`${prefix}` already begins with a slash)
 * no need to create `${destroot}${prefix}/bin` (MacPorts already does so)

Closes #15038 (maintainer timeout)

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/net/netcat/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/net/netcat/Portfile	2008-04-27 06:37:14 UTC (rev 36323)
+++ trunk/dports/net/netcat/Portfile	2008-04-27 06:56:20 UTC (rev 36324)
@@ -23,25 +23,20 @@
 regsub -all	"\\." ${version} "" num
 ## and appropriately name the distfile
 distfiles	nc${num}.tgz
+extract.mkdir	yes
 checksums	md5 402632f2fe01c169ff19a0ad6e9d608c
-## The problem here is that nc110.tgz (at least) doesn't have a
-## directory in the tarball.  So we need some way to extract things
-## into a named directory rather than just into the work/ directory.
-pre-extract     { system "mkdir -p ${worksrcpath}" }
-extract.dir     ${worksrcpath}
 platform darwin 6 {
 # Some version of Darwin 6 don't understand -s when linking
 	patchfiles-append	patch-Makefile
-configure	{}
+use_configure   no
 build.target	generic
-destroot  { cd ${workpath}/${worksrcdir}
-              system "install -m 755 -d ${destroot}/${prefix}/bin"
-              system "install -m 755 -d ${destroot}/${prefix}/share/doc/netcat"
-              system "install -m 755 -s -c nc ${destroot}/${prefix}/bin"
-              system "install -m 644 -c README ${destroot}/${prefix}/share/doc/netcat" }
+destroot {
+              xinstall -m 755 -d ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/netcat
+              xinstall -m 755 -s -W ${worksrcpath} nc ${destroot}${prefix}/bin
+              xinstall -m 644 -W ${worksrcpath} README ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/netcat

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