[38978] trunk/dports/gnome/planner/Portfile

jmr at macports.org jmr at macports.org
Mon Aug 4 11:04:40 PDT 2008

Revision: 38978
Author:   jmr at macports.org
Date:     2008-08-04 11:04:40 -0700 (Mon, 04 Aug 2008)
Log Message:
planner: whitespace fixes, modeline (#16090)

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/gnome/planner/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/gnome/planner/Portfile	2008-08-04 17:44:15 UTC (rev 38977)
+++ trunk/dports/gnome/planner/Portfile	2008-08-04 18:04:40 UTC (rev 38978)
@@ -1,44 +1,45 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:filetype=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
 # $Id$
-PortSystem	1.0
+PortSystem      1.0
-name		planner
-version		0.14.2
-revision	1
-categories	gnome
-maintainers	billitch at gmail.com
-description	Project management application for GNOME 2
+name            planner
+version         0.14.2
+revision        1
+categories      gnome
+maintainers     billitch at gmail.com
+description     Project management application for GNOME 2
 long_description \
-	Planner is a tool for planning, scheduling and tracking \
-	projects for the GNOME Desktop. Planner is an open source \
-	project aiming at being a better alternative than the \
-	available proprietary tools. \
-	Planner is part of GNOME Office, a productivity suite \
-	composed of entirely free software, integrated with the \
-	GNOME Desktop.
+    Planner is a tool for planning, scheduling and tracking \
+    projects for the GNOME Desktop. Planner is an open source \
+    project aiming at being a better alternative than the \
+    available proprietary tools. \
+    Planner is part of GNOME Office, a productivity suite \
+    composed of entirely free software, integrated with the \
+    GNOME Desktop.
 homepage        http://live.gnome.org/Planner
 platforms       darwin
-master_sites	gnome:sources/planner/0.14/
+master_sites    gnome:sources/planner/0.14/
 checksums       md5 d03081c6562a94b64628689500f55195
 distname        planner-${version}
 use_bzip2       yes
 depends_build   port:pkgconfig \
-		port:shared-mime-info
+                port:shared-mime-info
 depends_lib     port:gtk2 \
-		port:gconf \
-		port:libgnomeui \
+                port:gconf \
+                port:libgnomeui \
                 port:libgnomeprintui \
-		port:rarian \
-		port:libxslt \
-		port:p5-xml-parser \
-		port:evolution-data-server
+                port:rarian \
+                port:libxslt \
+                port:p5-xml-parser \
+                port:evolution-data-server
 configure.args  --disable-python \
                 --disable-dotnet \
-		--disable-update-mimedb \
-		--enable-eds \
-		--mandir=${prefix}/share/man
+                --disable-update-mimedb \
+                --enable-eds \
+                --mandir=${prefix}/share/man
 variant debug description {Enable debug} {
                 configure.cflags-delete -O2
@@ -46,5 +47,5 @@
 post-activate {
-	system "update-mime-database ${prefix}/share/mime"
+    system "update-mime-database ${prefix}/share/mime"
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