[44153] trunk/dports/gnome/gnome-doc-utils/Portfile

devans at macports.org devans at macports.org
Mon Dec 22 11:01:27 PST 2008

Revision: 44153
Author:   devans at macports.org
Date:     2008-12-22 11:00:57 -0800 (Mon, 22 Dec 2008)
Log Message:
gnome-doc-utils: white space (tabs to spaces).

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/gnome/gnome-doc-utils/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/gnome/gnome-doc-utils/Portfile	2008-12-22 18:52:59 UTC (rev 44152)
+++ trunk/dports/gnome/gnome-doc-utils/Portfile	2008-12-22 19:00:57 UTC (rev 44153)
@@ -3,58 +3,58 @@
 PortSystem  1.0
-name		gnome-doc-utils
-version		0.14.0
-set branch  [join [lrange [split ${version} .] 0 1] .]
-description	GNOME document utils.
+name           gnome-doc-utils
+version        0.14.0
+set branch     [join [lrange [split ${version} .] 0 1] .]
+description    GNOME document utils.
 long_description \
-	gnome-doc-utils is a collection of documentation utilities \
-	for the Gnomeproject. Notably, it contains utilities for building \
-	documentation andall auxiliary files in your source tree, and it \
-	contains the DocBookXSLT stylesheets that were once distributed \
-	with Yelp.
-maintainers	nomaintainer
-categories	gnome
-platforms	darwin
-homepage	http://www.gnome.org/
-master_sites    gnome:sources/${name}/${branch}/
+    gnome-doc-utils is a collection of documentation utilities \
+    for the Gnomeproject. Notably, it contains utilities for building \
+    documentation andall auxiliary files in your source tree, and it \
+    contains the DocBookXSLT stylesheets that were once distributed \
+    with Yelp.
+maintainers    nomaintainer
+categories     gnome
+platforms      darwin
+homepage       http://www.gnome.org/
+master_sites   gnome:sources/${name}/${branch}/
-checksums       md5 3aee9b504f6c9b1cb0f34f80264f2239 \
-                sha1 e3de92c19f9140cbdee9f6ad0b179e4e797b3505 \
-                rmd160 23743b6fc1e2389e306701d73523e2609ae0ac26
+checksums      md5 3aee9b504f6c9b1cb0f34f80264f2239 \
+               sha1 e3de92c19f9140cbdee9f6ad0b179e4e797b3505 \
+               rmd160 23743b6fc1e2389e306701d73523e2609ae0ac26
-use_bzip2 	yes
+use_bzip2      yes
-depends_build	\
+depends_build  \
     port:pkgconfig \
     path:bin/perl:perl5 \
-depends_lib	\
-	port:gettext \
-	port:libiconv \
-	port:libxml2 \
-	port:libxslt \
-	port:py25-hashlib \
-	port:py25-libxml2 \
-	port:python25
+depends_lib    \
+    port:gettext \
+    port:libiconv \
+    port:libxml2 \
+    port:libxslt \
+    port:py25-hashlib \
+    port:py25-libxml2 \
+    port:python25
-depends_run	\
-	port:docbook-xml \
-	port:docbook-xsl \
-	port:rarian \
-	port:iso-codes
+depends_run    \
+    port:docbook-xml \
+    port:docbook-xsl \
+    port:rarian \
+    port:iso-codes
 configure.env-append  INTLTOOL_PERL=${prefix}/bin/perl
 configure.python      ${prefix}/bin/python2.5
-configure.args	--disable-scrollkeeper \
-		--mandir=${prefix}/share/man
+configure.args         --disable-scrollkeeper \
+                       --mandir=${prefix}/share/man
-post-activate	{
+post-activate  {
     system "${prefix}/bin/scrollkeeper-update"
 universal_variant   no
-livecheck.check regex
-livecheck.url   http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/gnome/sources/${name}/${branch}/
-livecheck.regex {LATEST-IS-(\d+(?:\.\d+)*)}
+livecheck.check     regex
+livecheck.url       http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/gnome/sources/${name}/${branch}/
+livecheck.regex     {LATEST-IS-(\d+(?:\.\d+)*)}
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