[33496] trunk/dports/gnome/gnome-vfs/Portfile

nox at macports.org nox at macports.org
Sun Jan 27 19:49:44 PST 2008

Revision: 33496
Author:   nox at macports.org
Date:     2008-01-27 19:49:41 -0800 (Sun, 27 Jan 2008)

Log Message:
gnome-vfs: Whitespace changes.

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/gnome/gnome-vfs/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/gnome/gnome-vfs/Portfile	2008-01-28 00:16:00 UTC (rev 33495)
+++ trunk/dports/gnome/gnome-vfs/Portfile	2008-01-28 03:49:41 UTC (rev 33496)
@@ -1,92 +1,97 @@
 # $Id$
-PortSystem 1.0
-name		gnome-vfs
-version		2.20.0
-revision	1
-description	This is the GNOME Virtual File System.
-long_description        This is the GNOME Virtual File System. \
-			GNOME VFS is currently used as one of the \
-			foundations of the Nautilus file manager.
-maintainers	nomaintainer
-categories	gnome
-platforms	darwin 
-homepage	http://www.gnome.org/
+PortSystem      1.0
+name            gnome-vfs
+version         2.20.0
+revision        1
+description     This is the GNOME Virtual File System.
+long_description \
+    This is the GNOME Virtual File System. \
+    GNOME VFS is currently used as one of the \
+    foundations of the Nautilus file manager.
+maintainers     nomaintainer
+categories      gnome
+platforms       darwin 
+homepage        http://www.gnome.org/
 master_sites    gnome:sources/${name}/[strsed ${version} {/\.[0-9]*$//}]/
-checksums	md5 b9fe0a066d0e693e74a000e55338235b \
-		sha1 3ce1959b820f420f67e18e6f9da7bc9a87dd4349 \
-		rmd160 880e1c1afcb0c22131adfad4e5a5aa3605c136bb
+checksums       md5 b9fe0a066d0e693e74a000e55338235b \
+                sha1 3ce1959b820f420f67e18e6f9da7bc9a87dd4349 \
+                rmd160 880e1c1afcb0c22131adfad4e5a5aa3605c136bb
-depends_lib	\
-		port:gnome-mime-data \
-		port:gconf \
-		port:howl \
-		port:neon \
-		port:dbus \
-		port:openssl \
-		port:libidl \
-		port:dbus-glib \
-		port:libxml2 \
-		port:libiconv \
-		port:gettext
+depends_lib     port:gnome-mime-data \
+                port:gconf \
+                port:howl \
+                port:neon \
+                port:dbus \
+                port:openssl \
+                port:libidl \
+                port:dbus-glib \
+                port:libxml2 \
+                port:libiconv \
+                port:gettext
-use_bzip2 	yes
+use_bzip2       yes
 configure.args  --mandir=${prefix}/share/man \
-		--enable-ipv6 \
-		--enable-howl \
-		--with-openssl-libs=${prefix}/lib \
-		--with-openssl-includes=${prefix}/include \
-		--disable-gnutls
+                --enable-ipv6 \
+                --enable-howl \
+                --with-openssl-libs=${prefix}/lib \
+                --with-openssl-includes=${prefix}/include \
+                --disable-gnutls
 configure.env   PATH="${prefix}/bin:$env(PATH)"
-configure.ldflags-append	"-lresolv"
+configure.ldflags-append    "-lresolv"
 post-patch {
-	reinplace "s|open64||g" ${worksrcpath}/configure
-	reinplace "s|posix_fadvise||g" ${worksrcpath}/configure
-	reinplace "s|data_dirs = \"/usr|data_dirs = \"${prefix}/share:/usr|g" \
-		${worksrcpath}/libgnomevfs/xdgmime.c \
-		${worksrcpath}/libgnomevfs/gnome-vfs-mime-info.c 
-	reinplace "s|\"/etc/fstab\"|\"/etc/fstab.hd\"|g" \
-		${worksrcpath}/libgnomevfs/gnome-vfs-unix-mounts.c
+    reinplace "s|open64||g" ${worksrcpath}/configure
+    reinplace "s|posix_fadvise||g" ${worksrcpath}/configure
+    reinplace "s|data_dirs = \"/usr|data_dirs = \"${prefix}/share:/usr|g" \
+        ${worksrcpath}/libgnomevfs/xdgmime.c \
+        ${worksrcpath}/libgnomevfs/gnome-vfs-mime-info.c 
+    reinplace "s|\"/etc/fstab\"|\"/etc/fstab.hd\"|g" \
+        ${worksrcpath}/libgnomevfs/gnome-vfs-unix-mounts.c
-	if {[variant_isset darwin_6]} {
+    if {[variant_isset darwin_6]} {
         reinplace "s|#include <arpa/nameser.h>|#include <arpa/nameser.h>\\
-		#ifndef T_SRV\\
-		#define T_SRV 33\\
-		#endif|g" \
-			${worksrcpath}/libgnomevfs/gnome-vfs-dns-sd.c 
+        #ifndef T_SRV\\
+        #define T_SRV 33\\
+        #endif|g" \
+            ${worksrcpath}/libgnomevfs/gnome-vfs-dns-sd.c 
         reinplace "s|#include <limits.h>|#include <limits.h>\\
-		#if \!defined getc_unlocked \\&\\& \!defined HAVE_GETC_UNLOCKED\\
-		#define getc_unlocked(fp) getc (fp)\\
-		#endif|g" \
-			${worksrcpath}/libgnomevfs/xdgmimemagic.c
-    	reinplace "s|socklen_t|int|g" ${worksrcpath}/modules/ftp-method.c
-	}
-	if {[variant_isset darwin_7]} {
-		reinplace "s|#include <stdio.h>|#include <stdio.h>\\
-		#include <stdint.h>|g" ${worksrcpath}/libgnomevfs/xdgmimecache.c
-	}
+        #if \!defined getc_unlocked \\&\\& \!defined HAVE_GETC_UNLOCKED\\
+        #define getc_unlocked(fp) getc (fp)\\
+        #endif|g" \
+            ${worksrcpath}/libgnomevfs/xdgmimemagic.c
+        reinplace "s|socklen_t|int|g" ${worksrcpath}/modules/ftp-method.c
+    }
+    if {[variant_isset darwin_7]} {
+        reinplace "s|#include <stdio.h>|#include <stdio.h>\\
+        #include <stdint.h>|g" ${worksrcpath}/libgnomevfs/xdgmimecache.c
+    }
 pre-build {
-	reinplace "s|-lkrb5support||g" \
-		${worksrcpath}/Makefile ${worksrcpath}/daemon/Makefile \
-		${worksrcpath}/devel-docs/Makefile ${worksrcpath}/doc/Makefile \
-		${worksrcpath}/devel-docs/gnome-vfs-tutorial/Makefile \
-		${worksrcpath}/imported/Makefile ${worksrcpath}/imported/neon/Makefile \
-		${worksrcpath}/libgnomevfs/Makefile ${worksrcpath}/modules/Makefile \
-		${worksrcpath}/schemas/Makefile 
+    reinplace "s|-lkrb5support||g" \
+        ${worksrcpath}/Makefile ${worksrcpath}/daemon/Makefile \
+        ${worksrcpath}/devel-docs/Makefile ${worksrcpath}/doc/Makefile \
+        ${worksrcpath}/devel-docs/gnome-vfs-tutorial/Makefile \
+        ${worksrcpath}/imported/Makefile ${worksrcpath}/imported/neon/Makefile \
+        ${worksrcpath}/libgnomevfs/Makefile ${worksrcpath}/modules/Makefile \
+        ${worksrcpath}/schemas/Makefile 
 platform darwin 6 {
         configure.ldflags-delete "-lresolv"
-	patchfiles	patch-xdgmimecache.c
+    patchfiles  patch-xdgmimecache.c
 platform darwin 7 {
-	patchfiles	\
-		patch-xdgmimecache.c \
-		patch-modules_file-method-acl.c.diff
+    patchfiles  \
+        patch-xdgmimecache.c \
+        patch-modules_file-method-acl.c.diff

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