[45914] trunk/dports/graphics

ryandesign at macports.org ryandesign at macports.org
Sun Jan 25 02:35:30 PST 2009

Revision: 45914
Author:   ryandesign at macports.org
Date:     2009-01-25 02:35:28 -0800 (Sun, 25 Jan 2009)
Log Message:
graphviz-oldgui: new port, taken from the +gui variant of graphviz-devel; closes #18175

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Removed Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/graphics/graphviz-oldgui/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/graphics/graphviz-devel/Portfile	2009-01-25 01:52:10 UTC (rev 45912)
+++ trunk/dports/graphics/graphviz-oldgui/Portfile	2009-01-25 10:35:28 UTC (rev 45914)
@@ -2,407 +2,68 @@
 PortSystem              1.0
-name                    graphviz-devel
-set my_name             graphviz
-version                 2.21.20090121.0545
+name                    graphviz-oldgui
+version                 16
 categories              graphics
 maintainers             ryandesign
-homepage                http://www.graphviz.org/
-platforms               darwin
-use_parallel_build      yes
-dist_subdir             ${my_name}
-distname                ${my_name}-${version}
-distfiles               ${distname}${extract.suffix}:source
+homepage                http://www.pixelglow.com/graphviz/
+master_sites            http://www.pixelglow.com/downloads/
+platforms               macosx
+use_parallel_build      no
+dist_subdir             graphviz
+distname                graphviz-1.13-v${version}
+extract.suffix          .tgz
+universal_variant       no
 description \
-    Graph visualization software from AT&T and Bell Labs
+    Mac OS X Aqua GUI for viewing and exporting Graphviz graphs
 long_description \
-    Graph Visualization Software from AT&T Laboratories and \
-    Bell Laboratories (Lucent Technologies). \
-    The package contains: \
-        dot    - batch program for drawing directed graphs as \
-         hierarchies \
-        neato  - batch program for drawing undirected graphs \
-         using Kamada-Kawai spring models. \
-    Users wishing to have only the graph layout \
-    programs (for non-interactive use) can use the +no_x11 \
-    variant to build graphviz without its display routines.
+    ${description}.
-master_sites \
-    ${homepage}pub/graphviz/development/SOURCES/:source \
-    http://www.pixelglow.com/downloads/:guiapp
 checksums \
-    ${distname}${extract.suffix} \
-        md5     67956ca52e38bd3a875d9e92b9f4a20b \
-        sha1    9a74a03576f165c4eebe0e3cea931a3b67199286 \
-        rmd160  b5d39c5bd730a03ae390734af2e0ffdb9de57f7e
+    md5     a3278f993ef3ce021043a17b16a9fd5f \
+    sha1    87ee05a99088a98aef4937d72c3bb6cf488e3074 \
+    rmd160  35eac7c7013bddc0d1f107fcaf8e9c7d1e078231
-platform darwin 6 {
-    pre-fetch {
-        ui_msg "Note: dot2gxl and gxl2dot do not build on Mac OS X 10.2 Jaguar,"
-        ui_msg "but the rest of Graphviz should work correctly."
-    }
-    patchfiles-append \
-        patch-Makefile.in
-platform darwin 7 {
-    depends_lib-append \
-        port:gnuregex
-    post-extract {
-        reinplace "s|<regex.h>|<gnuregex.h>|g" ${worksrcpath}/lib/gvc/gvconfig.c
-    }
-platform darwin 9 {
-    # http://developer.apple.com/qa/qa2007/qa1567.html
-    configure.ldflags-append \
-        "-dylib_file /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libGL.dylib:/System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libGL.dylib"
-depends_lib \
-    port:xorg-libs \
-    port:cairo \
-    path:lib/pkgconfig/pango.pc:pango \
-    port:jpeg \
-    port:libpng \
-    port:freetype \
-    port:expat \
-    port:zlib \
-    port:gettext
 depends_build \
-    port:pkgconfig
+    port:libiconv
 depends_run \
-    port:urw-fonts
+    path:bin/neato:graphviz
-configure.args \
-    --mandir=${prefix}/share/man \
-    --with-codegens \
-    --with-x \
-    --without-devil \
-    --without-smyrna \
-    --with-digcola \
-    --without-ipsepcola \
-    --without-rsvg \
-    --with-pangocairo \
-    --without-glitz \
-    --with-freetype2 \
-    --with-fontconfig \
-    --without-gdk-pixbuf \
-    --without-gtk \
-    --without-gtkgl \
-    --without-gtkglext \
-    --without-glade \
-    --without-gnomeui \
-    --without-ming \
-    --without-quartz \
-    --with-mylibgd \
-    --disable-swig \
-    --disable-sharp \
-    --disable-guile \
-    --disable-io \
-    --disable-java \
-    --disable-lua \
-    --disable-ocaml \
-    --disable-perl \
-    --disable-php \
-    --disable-python \
-    --disable-python23 \
-    --disable-python24 \
-    --disable-python25 \
-    --disable-r \
-    --disable-ruby \
-    --disable-tcl
-platform macosx {
-    if {${os.major} > 8} {
-        configure.args-delete --without-quartz
-        configure.args-append --with-quartz
-    }
+post-extract {
+    move "${workpath}/Graphviz 1.13 (v16)" ${worksrcpath}
+    delete ${worksrcpath}/Graphviz.app/Contents/Frameworks
+    system "cd ${worksrcpath}/Graphviz.app/Contents/Resources/English.lproj && ${prefix}/bin/iconv -f utf-16 -t utf-8 InfoPlist.strings > InfoPlist.strings.utf8"
-variant guile description {Include Guile language bindings} {
-    depends_lib-append \
-        port:guile
-    depends_build-append \
-        port:swig
-    configure.args-delete \
-        --disable-swig \
-        --disable-guile
-    configure.args-append \
-        --enable-guile
+patchfiles \
+    patch-version.diff \
+    patch-gv-extension.diff
-variant lua description {Include Lua language bindings} {
-    depends_lib-append \
-        port:lua
-    depends_build-append \
-        port:swig
-    configure.args-delete \
-        --disable-swig \
-        --disable-lua
-    configure.args-append \
-        --enable-lua
-    post-patch {
-        reinplace "s|/usr/lib\$LIBPOSTFIX/lua|${prefix}/lib\$LIBPOSTFIX/lua|g" ${worksrcpath}/configure
-    }
+post-patch {
+    system "cd ${worksrcpath}/Graphviz.app/Contents/Resources/English.lproj && ${prefix}/bin/iconv -f utf-8 -t utf-16 InfoPlist.strings.utf8 > InfoPlist.strings"
+    delete ${worksrcpath}/Graphviz.app/Contents/Resources/English.lproj/InfoPlist.strings.utf8
-variant ocaml description {Include Objective Caml language bindings} {
-    depends_lib-append \
-        port:ocaml
-    depends_build-append \
-        port:swig
-    configure.args-delete \
-        --disable-swig \
-        --disable-ocaml
-    configure.args-append \
-        --enable-ocaml
-    configure.cppflags-append \
-        -I${prefix}/lib/ocaml
+use_configure           no
-variant perl description {Include PERL 5 language bindings} {
-    depends_lib-append \
-        path:bin/perl:perl5
-    depends_build-append \
-        port:swig
-    configure.args-delete \
-        --disable-swig \
-        --disable-perl
-    configure.args-append \
-        --enable-perl
-    configure.perl  ${prefix}/bin/perl
-variant php description {Include PHP language bindings} {
-    depends_lib-append \
-        port:php5
-    depends_build-append \
-        port:swig
-    configure.args-delete \
-        --disable-swig \
-        --disable-php
-    configure.args-append \
-        --enable-php
-    post-patch {
-        reinplace "s|/usr/include/php|${prefix}/include/php|g" ${worksrcpath}/configure
-        reinplace "s|/usr/lib\${LIBPOSTFIX}/php|${prefix}/lib\${LIBPOSTFIX}/php|g" ${worksrcpath}/configure
-        reinplace "s|/usr/share/php|${prefix}/share/php|g" ${worksrcpath}/configure
+build {
+    set dispatcher graphviz-dispatcher.php
+    set macospath ${worksrcpath}/Graphviz.app/Contents/MacOS
+    xinstall -m 755 ${filespath}/${dispatcher}.in ${macospath}/${dispatcher}
+    reinplace "s%@PREFIX@%${prefix}%g" ${macospath}/${dispatcher}
+    foreach prog {acyclic bcomps ccomps circo cvtgxl dijkstra dot gc gvcolor gvpack gvpr neato nop sccmap tred twopi unflatten} {
+        delete ${macospath}/${prog}
+        ln -s ${dispatcher} ${macospath}/${prog}
-variant python24 description {Include Python 2.4 language bindings} conflicts python25 python26 {
-    depends_lib-append \
-        port:python24
-    depends_build-append \
-        port:swig
-    configure.args-delete \
-        --disable-swig \
-        --disable-python
-    configure.args-append \
-        --enable-python
-    configure.python ${prefix}/bin/python2.4
-    # The configure script asks python where to install
-    # This doesn't work for 2.4 and 2.5 (see #16334)
-    post-patch {
-        reinplace "s|PYTHON_INSTALL_DIR=.*|PYTHON_INSTALL_DIR=${prefix}/lib/python2.4|" ${worksrcpath}/configure
-    }
+destroot {
+    set apppath ${destroot}${applications_dir}
+    xinstall -d ${apppath}
+    copy ${worksrcpath}/Graphviz.app ${apppath}
-variant python25 description {Include Python 2.5 language bindings} conflicts python24 python26 {
-    depends_lib-append \
-        port:python25
-    depends_build-append \
-        port:swig
-    configure.args-delete \
-        --disable-swig \
-        --disable-python
-    configure.args-append \
-        --enable-python
-    configure.python ${prefix}/bin/python2.5
-    # The configure script asks python where to install
-    # This doesn't work for 2.4 and 2.5 (see #16334)
-    post-patch {
-        reinplace "s|PYTHON_INSTALL_DIR=.*|PYTHON_INSTALL_DIR=${prefix}/lib/python2.5|" ${worksrcpath}/configure
-    }
-variant python26 description {Include Python 2.6 language bindings} conflicts python24 python25 {
-    depends_lib-append \
-        port:python26
-    depends_build-append \
-        port:swig
-    configure.args-delete \
-        --disable-swig \
-        --disable-python
-    configure.args-append \
-        --enable-python
-    configure.python ${prefix}/bin/python2.6
-variant ruby description {Include Ruby language bindings} {
-    depends_lib-append \
-        port:ruby
-    depends_build-append \
-        port:swig
-    configure.args-delete \
-        --disable-swig \
-        --disable-ruby
-    configure.args-append \
-        --enable-ruby
-variant tcl description {Include Tcl language bindings} {
-    depends_lib-append \
-        port:tcl
-    depends_build-append \
-        port:swig
-    configure.args-delete \
-        --disable-swig \
-        --disable-tcl
-    configure.args-append \
-        --enable-tcl
-variant java description {Include Java language bindings} {
-    depends_build-append \
-        port:swig
-    configure.args-delete \
-        --disable-swig \
-        --disable-java
-    configure.args-append \
-        --enable-java
-variant smyrna description {Include the Smyrna large graph viewer} {
-    configure.args-delete \
-        --without-smyrna \
-        --without-gtk \
-        --without-gtkglext \
-        --without-glade
-    configure.args-append \
-        --with-smyrna \
-        --with-gtk \
-        --with-gtkglext \
-        --with-glade
-    depends_lib-append \
-        port:gtk2 \
-        port:gtkglext \
-        port:libglade2 \
-        port:gts
-variant r description {Include R language bindings} {
-    depends_build-append \
-        port:swig
-    configure.args-delete \
-        --disable-swig \
-        --disable-r
-    configure.args-append \
-        --enable-r
-variant rsvg description {enable the rsvg plugin} {
-    depends_lib-append \
-        port:librsvg
-    configure.args-delete \
-        --without-rsvg
-    configure.args-append \
-        --with-rsvg
-variant gdk_pixbuf description {enable the gdk_pixbuf plugin} {
-    depends_lib-append \
-        port:gtk2
-    configure.args-delete \
-        --without-gdk-pixbuf
-    configure.args-append \
-        --with-gdk-pixbuf
-variant glitz description {enable the incomplete glitz plugin} {
-    depends_lib-append \
-        port:glitz
-    configure.args-delete \
-        --without-glitz
-    configure.args-append \
-        --with-glitz
-variant ming description {enable the incomplete ming plugin} {
-    depends_lib-append \
-        port:ming
-    configure.args-delete \
-        --without-ming
-    configure.args-append \
-        --with-ming
-variant no_pangocairo description {Remove pangocairo support (no antialiased bitmapped output; no PDF output)} {
-    depends_lib-delete \
-        port:cairo \
-        port:pango
-    configure.args-delete \
-        --with-pangocairo
-    configure.args-append \
-        --without-pangocairo
-variant no_x11 requires no_pangocairo description {Remove X11 support (removes lefty; implies no_pangocairo)} {
-    depends_lib-delete \
-        port:xorg-libs
-    configure.args-append \
-        --without-x
-variant gui description {Include the Pixelglow graph viewer} {
-    distfiles-append \
-        graphviz-1.13-v16.tgz:guiapp
-    checksums-append \
-        graphviz-1.13-v16.tgz \
-            md5 a3278f993ef3ce021043a17b16a9fd5f \
-            sha1 87ee05a99088a98aef4937d72c3bb6cf488e3074 \
-            rmd160 35eac7c7013bddc0d1f107fcaf8e9c7d1e078231
-    post-extract {
-        copy "${workpath}/Graphviz 1.13 (v16)/Graphviz.app" ${worksrcpath}
-        delete ${worksrcpath}/Graphviz.app/Contents/Frameworks
-        system "cd ${worksrcpath}/Graphviz.app/Contents/Resources/English.lproj && iconv -f utf-16 -t utf-8 InfoPlist.strings > InfoPlist.strings.utf8"
-    }
-    patchfiles-append \
-        patch-gv-extension.diff
-    post-patch {
-        reinplace "s|1\.13|${version}|g" \
-            ${worksrcpath}/Graphviz.app/Contents/Info.plist \
-            ${worksrcpath}/Graphviz.app/Contents/Resources/Info.plist \
-            ${worksrcpath}/Graphviz.app/Contents/Resources/English.lproj/InfoPlist.strings.utf8
-        system "cd ${worksrcpath}/Graphviz.app/Contents/Resources/English.lproj && iconv -f utf-8 -t utf-16 InfoPlist.strings.utf8 > InfoPlist.strings"
-        delete ${worksrcpath}/Graphviz.app/Contents/Resources/English.lproj/InfoPlist.strings.utf8
-    }
-    post-destroot {
-        set apppath ${destroot}${applications_dir}
-        set macospath ${apppath}/Graphviz.app/Contents/MacOS
-        set dispatcher graphviz-dispatcher.php
-        xinstall -d ${apppath}
-        copy ${worksrcpath}/Graphviz.app ${apppath}
-        xinstall -m 755 ${filespath}/${dispatcher}.in ${macospath}/${dispatcher}
-        reinplace "s%@PREFIX@%${prefix}%g" ${macospath}/${dispatcher}
-        foreach prog {acyclic bcomps ccomps circo cvtgxl dijkstra dot gc gvcolor gvpack gvpr neato nop sccmap tred twopi unflatten} {
-            delete ${macospath}/${prog}
-            ln -s ${dispatcher} ${macospath}/${prog}
-        }
-    }
-# Make the configuration file that makes the plugins work:
-post-activate {
-    system "dot -c"
-livecheck.check         regex
-livecheck.url           ${homepage}Download_source.php
-livecheck.regex         ${my_name}-(\[0-9\]+\\.\[0-9\]*\[13579\](\\.\[0-9\]+)*)\\.tar
+livecheck.check         none

Deleted: trunk/dports/graphics/graphviz-oldgui/files/patch-Makefile.in
--- trunk/dports/graphics/graphviz-devel/files/patch-Makefile.in	2009-01-25 01:52:10 UTC (rev 45912)
+++ trunk/dports/graphics/graphviz-oldgui/files/patch-Makefile.in	2009-01-25 10:35:28 UTC (rev 45914)
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
---- cmd/tools/Makefile.in.sav	2005-09-08 13:34:32.000000000 -0400
-+++ cmd/tools/Makefile.in	2005-09-08 13:35:52.000000000 -0400
-@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
--SOURCES = $(acyclic_SOURCES) $(bcomps_SOURCES) $(ccomps_SOURCES) $(dijkstra_SOURCES) $(gc_SOURCES) $(gvcolor_SOURCES) $(gvpack_SOURCES) $(gxl2dot_SOURCES) $(nop_SOURCES) $(sccmap_SOURCES) $(tred_SOURCES) $(unflatten_SOURCES)
-+SOURCES = $(acyclic_SOURCES) $(bcomps_SOURCES) $(ccomps_SOURCES) $(dijkstra_SOURCES) $(gc_SOURCES) $(gvcolor_SOURCES) $(gvpack_SOURCES) $(nop_SOURCES) $(sccmap_SOURCES) $(tred_SOURCES) $(unflatten_SOURCES)
- srcdir = @srcdir@
- top_srcdir = @top_srcdir@
-@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
- build_triplet = @build@
- host_triplet = @host@
--bin_PROGRAMS = gc$(EXEEXT) gvcolor$(EXEEXT) gxl2dot$(EXEEXT) \
-+bin_PROGRAMS = gc$(EXEEXT) gvcolor$(EXEEXT) \
- 	acyclic$(EXEEXT) nop$(EXEEXT) ccomps$(EXEEXT) sccmap$(EXEEXT) \
- 	tred$(EXEEXT) unflatten$(EXEEXT) gvpack$(EXEEXT) \
- 	dijkstra$(EXEEXT) bcomps$(EXEEXT)
-@@ -89,12 +89,6 @@
- gvpack_DEPENDENCIES = $(top_builddir)/lib/gvc/libgvc.la \
- 	$(top_builddir)/lib/ingraphs/libingraphs.la \
- 	$(top_builddir)/lib/plugin/libgvplugin_neato_layout.la
--am_gxl2dot_OBJECTS = cvtgxl.$(OBJEXT) dot2gxl.$(OBJEXT) \
--	gxl2dot.$(OBJEXT)
--gxl2dot_OBJECTS = $(am_gxl2dot_OBJECTS)
--gxl2dot_DEPENDENCIES = $(top_builddir)/lib/ingraphs/libingraphs.la \
--	$(top_builddir)/lib/agraph/libagraph.la \
--	$(top_builddir)/lib/graph/libgraph.la
- am_nop_OBJECTS = nop.$(OBJEXT)
- nop_OBJECTS = $(am_nop_OBJECTS)
- nop_DEPENDENCIES = $(top_builddir)/lib/ingraphs/libingraphs.la \
-@@ -124,11 +118,11 @@
- 	$(AM_LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@
- SOURCES = $(acyclic_SOURCES) $(bcomps_SOURCES) $(ccomps_SOURCES) \
- 	$(dijkstra_SOURCES) $(gc_SOURCES) $(gvcolor_SOURCES) \
--	$(gvpack_SOURCES) $(gxl2dot_SOURCES) $(nop_SOURCES) \
-+	$(gvpack_SOURCES) $(nop_SOURCES) \
- 	$(sccmap_SOURCES) $(tred_SOURCES) $(unflatten_SOURCES)
- DIST_SOURCES = $(acyclic_SOURCES) $(bcomps_SOURCES) $(ccomps_SOURCES) \
- 	$(dijkstra_SOURCES) $(gc_SOURCES) $(gvcolor_SOURCES) \
--	$(gvpack_SOURCES) $(gxl2dot_SOURCES) $(nop_SOURCES) \
-+	$(gvpack_SOURCES) $(nop_SOURCES) \
- 	$(sccmap_SOURCES) $(tred_SOURCES) $(unflatten_SOURCES)
- man1dir = $(mandir)/man1
- NROFF = nroff
-@@ -413,18 +407,12 @@
- pdfdir = $(pkgdatadir)/doc/pdf
- noinst_HEADERS = colortbl.h convert.h
--man_MANS = gc.1 gvcolor.1 gxl2dot.1 acyclic.1 nop.1 ccomps.1 sccmap.1 \
-+man_MANS = gc.1 gvcolor.1 acyclic.1 nop.1 ccomps.1 sccmap.1 \
- 	tred.1 unflatten.1 gvpack.1 dijkstra.1 bcomps.1
--pdf_DATA = gc.pdf gvcolor.pdf gxl2dot.pdf acyclic.pdf nop.pdf ccomps.pdf \
-+pdf_DATA = gc.pdf gvcolor.pdf acyclic.pdf nop.pdf ccomps.pdf \
- 	sccmap.pdf tred.pdf unflatten.pdf gvpack.pdf dijkstra.pdf bcomps.pdf
--gxl2dot_SOURCES = cvtgxl.c dot2gxl.c gxl2dot.c
--gxl2dot_LDADD = \
--	$(top_builddir)/lib/ingraphs/libingraphs.la \
--	$(top_builddir)/lib/agraph/libagraph.la @EXPAT_LIBS@ \
--	$(top_builddir)/lib/graph/libgraph.la
- sccmap_SOURCES = sccmap.c
- sccmap_LDADD = \
- 	$(top_builddir)/lib/ingraphs/libingraphs.la \
-@@ -566,9 +554,6 @@
- gvpack$(EXEEXT): $(gvpack_OBJECTS) $(gvpack_DEPENDENCIES) 
- 	@rm -f gvpack$(EXEEXT)
- 	$(LINK) $(gvpack_LDFLAGS) $(gvpack_OBJECTS) $(gvpack_LDADD) $(LIBS)
--gxl2dot$(EXEEXT): $(gxl2dot_OBJECTS) $(gxl2dot_DEPENDENCIES) 
--	@rm -f gxl2dot$(EXEEXT)
--	$(LINK) $(gxl2dot_LDFLAGS) $(gxl2dot_OBJECTS) $(gxl2dot_LDADD) $(LIBS)
- nop$(EXEEXT): $(nop_OBJECTS) $(nop_DEPENDENCIES) 
- 	@rm -f nop$(EXEEXT)
- 	$(LINK) $(nop_LDFLAGS) $(nop_OBJECTS) $(nop_LDADD) $(LIBS)
-@@ -599,7 +584,6 @@
- @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote at ./$(DEPDIR)/gvcolor.Po at am__quote@
- @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote at ./$(DEPDIR)/gvpack.Po at am__quote@
- @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote at ./$(DEPDIR)/gvpack_builtins.Po at am__quote@
-- at AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote at ./$(DEPDIR)/gxl2dot.Po at am__quote@
- @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote at ./$(DEPDIR)/nop.Po at am__quote@
- @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote at ./$(DEPDIR)/sccmap.Po at am__quote@
- @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote at ./$(DEPDIR)/tred.Po at am__quote@
-@@ -828,11 +812,11 @@
- install-data-am: install-man install-pdfDATA
--	$(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) install-data-hook
- install-exec-am: install-binPROGRAMS
--	$(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) install-exec-hook
- install-info: install-info-am
-@@ -861,7 +845,7 @@
- uninstall-am: uninstall-binPROGRAMS uninstall-info-am uninstall-man \
- 	uninstall-pdfDATA
--	$(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) uninstall-hook
- uninstall-man: uninstall-man1
-@@ -870,29 +854,16 @@
- 	distclean-generic distclean-libtool distclean-tags distdir dvi \
- 	dvi-am html html-am info info-am install install-am \
- 	install-binPROGRAMS install-data install-data-am \
--	install-data-hook install-exec install-exec-am \
--	install-exec-hook install-info install-info-am install-man \
-+	install-exec install-exec-am \
-+	install-info install-info-am install-man \
- 	install-man1 install-pdfDATA install-strip installcheck \
- 	installcheck-am installdirs maintainer-clean \
- 	maintainer-clean-generic mostlyclean mostlyclean-compile \
- 	mostlyclean-generic mostlyclean-libtool pdf pdf-am ps ps-am \
- 	tags uninstall uninstall-am uninstall-binPROGRAMS \
--	uninstall-hook uninstall-info-am uninstall-man uninstall-man1 \
-+	uninstall-info-am uninstall-man uninstall-man1 \
- 	uninstall-pdfDATA
--	(cd $(DESTDIR)$(man1dir); rm -f dot2gxl.1; $(LN_S) gxl2dot.1 dot2gxl.1;)
--	(cd $(DESTDIR)$(pdfdir); rm -f dot2gxl.pdf; $(LN_S) gxl2dot.pdf dot2gxl.pdf;)
--	(cd $(DESTDIR)$(bindir); rm -f dot2gxl; $(LN_S) gxl2dot dot2gxl;)
--	(cd $(DESTDIR)$(man1dir); rm -f dot2gxl.1;)
--	(cd $(DESTDIR)$(pdfdir); rm -f dot2gxl.pdf;)
--	(cd $(DESTDIR)$(bindir); rm -f dot2gxl;)
- .1.pdf:
- 	groff -Tps -man $< | ps2pdf - - >$@
- # Tell versions [3.59,3.63) of GNU make to not export all variables.

Added: trunk/dports/graphics/graphviz-oldgui/files/patch-version.diff
--- trunk/dports/graphics/graphviz-oldgui/files/patch-version.diff	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/dports/graphics/graphviz-oldgui/files/patch-version.diff	2009-01-25 10:35:28 UTC (rev 45914)
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+--- Graphviz.app/Contents/Info.plist	2004-08-23 07:43:31.000000000 -0500
++++ Graphviz.app/Contents/Info.plist	2009-01-25 02:26:20.000000000 -0600
+@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
+ 	<key>CFBundleExecutable</key>
+ 	<string>Graphviz</string>
+ 	<key>CFBundleGetInfoString</key>
+-	<string>1.13 (v16)</string>
++	<string>v16</string>
+ 	<key>CFBundleHelpBookFolder</key>
+ 	<string>GraphvizHelp</string>
+ 	<key>CFBundleHelpBookName</key>
+@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
+ 	<key>CFBundlePackageType</key>
+ 	<string>APPL</string>
+ 	<key>CFBundleShortVersionString</key>
+-	<string>1.13</string>
++	<string>16</string>
+ 	<key>CFBundleSignature</key>
+ 	<string>GRVZ</string>
+ 	<key>CFBundleVersion</key>
+--- Graphviz.app/Contents/Resources/English.lproj/InfoPlist.strings.utf8	2009-01-25 02:38:09.000000000 -0600
++++ Graphviz.app/Contents/Resources/English.lproj/InfoPlist.strings.utf8	2009-01-25 02:38:53.000000000 -0600
+@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
+ /* Localized versions of Info.plist keys */
+ CFBundleName = "Graphviz";
+-CFBundleShortVersionString = "1.13";
+-CFBundleGetInfoString = "1.13 (v16)";
++CFBundleShortVersionString = "16";
++CFBundleGetInfoString = "v16";
+ NSHumanReadableCopyright = "Copyright 2003, 2004 AT&T and Pixelglow Software.";
+--- Graphviz.app/Contents/Resources/Info.plist	2004-08-23 07:45:39.000000000 -0500
++++ Graphviz.app/Contents/Resources/Info.plist	2009-01-25 02:26:09.000000000 -0600
+@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
+ 	<key>CFBundleExecutable</key>
+ 	<string>Graphviz</string>
+ 	<key>CFBundleGetInfoString</key>
+-	<string>1.13 (v16)</string>
++	<string>v16</string>
+ 	<key>CFBundleHelpBookFolder</key>
+ 	<string>GraphvizHelp</string>
+ 	<key>CFBundleHelpBookName</key>
+@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
+ 	<key>CFBundlePackageType</key>
+ 	<string>APPL</string>
+ 	<key>CFBundleShortVersionString</key>
+-	<string>1.13</string>
++	<string>16</string>
+ 	<key>CFBundleSignature</key>
+ 	<string>GRVZ</string>
+ 	<key>CFBundleVersion</key>
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