[47773] branches/release_1_7/base/src/macports1.0/macports.tcl

jmr at macports.org jmr at macports.org
Thu Mar 5 16:42:05 PST 2009

Revision: 47773
Author:   jmr at macports.org
Date:     2009-03-05 16:42:04 -0800 (Thu, 05 Mar 2009)
Log Message:
Backport part of r47771 to the 1.7 branch. Fixes #16085.
Improvements for the upgrade proc:
 *	Don't mess with which version is active at the start
 *	The variants from the active version are now used for the new version, unless there is no active version in which case it uses the most recent version
 *	Epoch is now considered when finding the most recent installed version

Modified Paths:

Modified: branches/release_1_7/base/src/macports1.0/macports.tcl
--- branches/release_1_7/base/src/macports1.0/macports.tcl	2009-03-05 23:54:53 UTC (rev 47772)
+++ branches/release_1_7/base/src/macports1.0/macports.tcl	2009-03-06 00:42:04 UTC (rev 47773)
@@ -2024,29 +2024,31 @@
         # XXX  this sets $version_installed to $version_in_tree even if not installed!!
         set version_installed $version_in_tree
         set revision_installed $revision_in_tree
+        set epoch_installed $epoch_in_tree
         set iname $portname
         # That was a very dirty hack showing how ugly our depencendy and upgrade code is.
         # To get it working when user provides -f, we also need to set the variant to
         # avoid a future failure.
         set variant ""
     } else {
-        # a port could be installed but not activated
-        # so, deactivate all and save newest for activation later
+        # find latest version installed and active version (if any)
         set num 0
         set variant ""
         foreach i $ilist {
             set variant [lindex $i 3]
             set version [lindex $i 1]
             set revision [lindex $i 2]
-            if { $version_installed == {} ||
-                    [rpm-vercomp $version $version_installed] > 0
-                    || ([rpm-vercomp $version $version_installed] == 0
+            set epoch [lindex $i 5]
+            if { $version_installed == {} || $epoch > $epoch_installed ||
+                    ($epoch == $epoch_installed && [rpm-vercomp $version $version_installed] > 0)
+                    || ($epoch == $epoch_installed
+                        && [rpm-vercomp $version $version_installed] == 0
                         && [rpm-vercomp $revision $revision_installed] > 0)} {
                 set iname [lindex $i 0]
                 set version_installed $version
                 set revision_installed $revision
                 set variant_installed $variant
-                set epoch_installed [registry::property_retrieve [registry::open_entry $iname [lindex $i 1] [lindex $i 2] $variant] epoch]
+                set epoch_installed $epoch
                 set num $i
@@ -2059,32 +2061,17 @@
                 set variant_active $variant
-        if { $anyactive && ([rpm-vercomp $version_installed $version_active] != 0
-                            || [rpm-vercomp $revision_installed $revision_active] != 0
-                            || [string compare $variant_installed $variant_active] != 0)} {
-            # deactivate version
-            if {[catch {portimage::deactivate $active_name ${version_active}_${revision_active}${variant_active} $optionslist} result]} {
-                global errorInfo
-                ui_debug "$errorInfo"
-                ui_error "Deactivating $active_name @${version_active}_${revision_active} failed: $result"
-                return 1
-            }
-        }
-        if { [lindex $num 4] == 0 && 0 == [string compare "image" ${macports::registry.installtype}] } {
-            # activate the latest installed version
-            if {[catch {portimage::activate $iname ${version_installed}_${revision_installed}$variant $optionslist} result]} {
-                global errorInfo
-                ui_debug "$errorInfo"
-                ui_error "Activating $iname @${version_installed}_${revision_installed} failed: $result"
-                return 1
-            }
-        }
     # output version numbers
     ui_debug "epoch: in tree: $epoch_in_tree installed: $epoch_installed"
     ui_debug "$portname ${version_in_tree}_$revision_in_tree exists in the ports tree"
-    ui_debug "$iname ${version_installed}_$revision_installed is installed"
+    ui_debug "$iname ${version_installed}_${revision_installed}${variant_installed} is installed"
+    if {$anyactive} { 
+        ui_debug "$active_name ${version_active}_${revision_active}${variant_active} is active" 
+    } else { 
+        ui_debug "no version of $portname is active" 
+    }
     # set the nodeps option  
     if {![info exists options(ports_nodeps)]} {
@@ -2166,7 +2153,11 @@
     # check if the variants is present in $version_in_tree
-    set oldvariant $variant
+    if {$anyactive} { 
+        set variant $variant_active 
+    } else { 
+        set variant $variant_installed 
+    }
     set variant [split $variant +]
     ui_debug "variants to install $variant"
     if {[info exists portinfo(variants)]} {
@@ -2205,30 +2196,32 @@
         return 1
+    if { 0 == [string compare "image" ${macports::registry.installtype}] } {
+        # deactivate version_active
+        if {[catch {portimage::deactivate $active_name ${version_active}_${revision_active}${variant_active} $optionslist} result]} {
+            global errorInfo
+            ui_debug "$errorInfo"
+            ui_error "Deactivating $active_name ${version_active}_${revision_active} failed: $result"
+            return 1
+        }
+    }
     # uninstall old ports
     if { $epoch_override == 1 || [info exists options(ports_force)] || 0 != [string compare "image" ${macports::registry.installtype}] } {
         # uninstall old
-        ui_debug "Uninstalling $iname ${version_installed}_$revision_installed$oldvariant"
+        ui_debug "Uninstalling $iname ${version_installed}_${revision_installed}${variant_installed}"
         # we have to force the uninstall in case of dependents
         set force_cur [info exists options(ports_force)]
         set options(ports_force) yes
-        if {[catch {portuninstall::uninstall $iname ${version_installed}_$revision_installed$oldvariant [array get options]} result]} {
+        if {[catch {portuninstall::uninstall $iname ${version_installed}_${revision_installed}${variant_installed} [array get options]} result]} {
             global errorInfo
             ui_debug "$errorInfo"
-            ui_error "Uninstall $iname ${version_installed}_$revision_installed$oldvariant failed: $result"
+            ui_error "Uninstall $iname ${version_installed}_${revision_installed}${variant_installed} failed: $result"
             return 1
         if {!$force_cur} {
             unset options(ports_force)
     } else {
-        # XXX deactivate version_installed
-        if {[catch {portimage::deactivate $iname ${version_installed}_$revision_installed$oldvariant $optionslist} result]} {
-            global errorInfo
-            ui_debug "$errorInfo"
-            ui_error "Deactivating $iname ${version_installed}_$revision_installed failed: $result"
-            return 1
-        }
         if { [info exists options(port_uninstall_old)] } {
             # uninstalling now could fail due to dependents when not forced,
             # because the new version is not installed
@@ -2239,16 +2232,16 @@
     if {[catch {set result [mportexec $workername install]} result]} {
         global errorInfo
         ui_debug "$errorInfo"
-        ui_error "Couldn't activate $portname ${version_in_tree}_$revision_in_tree$oldvariant: $result"
+        ui_error "Couldn't activate $portname ${version_in_tree}_${revision_in_tree}: $result"
         return 1
     if { [info exists uninstall_later] && $uninstall_later == yes } {
-        ui_debug "Uninstalling $iname ${version_installed}_$revision_installed$oldvariant"
-        if {[catch {portuninstall::uninstall $iname ${version_installed}_$revision_installed$oldvariant $optionslist} result]} {
+        ui_debug "Uninstalling $active_name ${version_active}_${revision_active}${variant_active}"
+        if {[catch {portuninstall::uninstall $active_name ${version_active}_${revision_active}${variant_active} $optionslist} result]} {
             global errorInfo
             ui_debug "$errorInfo"
-            ui_error "Uninstall $iname ${version_installed}_$revision_installed$oldvariant failed: $result"
+            ui_error "Uninstall $active_name ${version_active}_${revision_active}${variant_active} failed: $result"
             return 1
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