[69119] trunk/dports/x11/xdotool/Portfile

ryandesign at macports.org ryandesign at macports.org
Thu Jun 24 03:41:03 PDT 2010

Revision: 69119
Author:   ryandesign at macports.org
Date:     2010-06-24 03:41:03 -0700 (Thu, 24 Jun 2010)
Log Message:
xdotool: update to 2.20100623.2954 and fix formatting of notes

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/x11/xdotool/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/x11/xdotool/Portfile	2010-06-24 08:28:57 UTC (rev 69118)
+++ trunk/dports/x11/xdotool/Portfile	2010-06-24 10:41:03 UTC (rev 69119)
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 PortSystem                  1.0
 name                        xdotool
-version                     2.20100602.2915
+version                     2.20100623.2954
 categories                  x11 devel
 platforms                   darwin
 maintainers                 ryandesign
@@ -16,21 +16,21 @@
                             move, resize, hide and show windows\; \
                             modify window properties like the title\; etc.
-notes                       To use xdotool (and avoid the error message \
+notes                       "To use xdotool (and avoid the error message\
                             \"Error: XTEST extension unavailable on '(null)'\")\
-                            you need to enable the XTEST extension. If you're \
-                            using Apple's X11.app, the command to do so is: \
-                            \n\ndefaults write org.x.X11 enable_test_extensions -boolean true \
-                            \n\nIf you're using the MacPorts X11.app, use: \
-                            \n\ndefaults write org.macports.X11 enable_test_extensions -boolean true \
-                            \n\nThis only needs to be done once.
+                            you need to enable the XTEST extension. If you're\
+                            using Apple's X11.app, the command to do so is:\
+                            \n\ndefaults write org.x.X11 enable_test_extensions -boolean true\
+                            \n\nIf you're using the MacPorts X11.app, use:\
+                            \n\ndefaults write org.macports.X11 enable_test_extensions -boolean true\
+                            \n\nThis only needs to be done once."
 homepage                    http://www.semicomplete.com/projects/xdotool/
 master_sites                googlecode:semicomplete
-checksums                   md5     feea60df4e5731e5a2607860d3a2727f \
-                            sha1    6b540e49aa5a711c4aa16f2bc4027863e43c3468 \
-                            rmd160  936a94049073378d228375a4394cef276bb546ce
+checksums                   md5     18169034f136cef0d52baeb1b8c90a40 \
+                            sha1    5d980e951cd4ece25065a6155f7ad8cf71537803 \
+                            rmd160  b9e2f327fcabeafd4633097ece3d57066b56f844
 depends_build               port:pkgconfig \
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