[MacPorts] SummerOfCode2010 modified

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Mon May 24 23:58:15 PDT 2010

Changed page "SummerOfCode2010" by tzikis at macports.org from*
Page URL: <http://trac.macports.org/wiki/SummerOfCode2010>
Diff URL: <http://trac.macports.org/wiki/SummerOfCode2010?action=diff&version=3>
Revision 3
Comment: corrected the MacPorts GUI Improvement section

Index: SummerOfCode2010
--- SummerOfCode2010 (version: 2)
+++ SummerOfCode2010 (version: 3)
@@ -23,23 +23,26 @@
 Extend and improve the existing [wiki:MacPortsGUI basic GUI] which has been implemented as part of GSoC 2008/2009. Pallet is at the moment functional to install/uninstall ports, but for example it cannot handle variants yet. Also, it is slow if you have many ports installed.
-Some feature proposals:
+Features to be implemented:
  * Variant selection
- * Interactive dependency tree/graph
+ * List Library, Compile, and Runtime Dependencies
+ * Growl notifications
+ * Queueing of operations
+ * Fix the framework to work with the latest MacPorts version
-The GUI is driven by the MacPorts Framework, which acts as an wrapper of the MacPorts Tcl API to Objective-C. To enhance the GUI you will probably have to implement the respective features in the framework first.
-It would be your task to identify possible improvements for the GUI. This can either be new features or (speed) improvements to existing ones.
+The GUI is driven by the MacPorts Framework, which acts as a wrapper of the MacPorts Tcl API to Objective-C. To enhance the GUI we are going to implement the respective features in the framework first. For more information on the roadmap, progress, and suggested features, visit the [wiki:MacPortsGUI GSoC2010 Improvement]. 
  * [wiki:MacPortsGUI]
  * [wiki:MacPortsGUIFAQ]
  * [wiki:MacPortsFramework]
+ * [wiki:MacPortsGUI GSoC2010 Improvement]
  * Pallet port
 Classification: medium task[[BR]]
 Programming languages: Objective-C and Tcl[[BR]]
-Potential mentors: juanger
+Mentors: juanger
 == MacPorts Web Application (MPWA) == #mpwa


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