[MacPorts] howto/ShareArchives2 modified

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Wed Aug 3 09:04:20 PDT 2011

Changed page "howto/ShareArchives2" by arno+macports at alum.wpi.edu from*
Page URL: <https://trac.macports.org/wiki/howto/ShareArchives2>
Diff URL: <https://trac.macports.org/wiki/howto/ShareArchives2?action=diff&version=6>
Revision 6
Comment: Replaced references to ${prefix} with /opt/local

Index: howto/ShareArchives2
--- howto/ShareArchives2 (version: 5)
+++ howto/ShareArchives2 (version: 6)
@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
 Users with multiple machines can save significant compilation effort by installing pre-built ports from binary archives that have been assembled on another system. Under previous MacPorts releases this [wiki:howto/ShareArchives involved] enabling archive mode on all systems, manually transferring archives, and sometimes manually unpacking the archive before proceeding with the installation. MacPorts 2.0.0 introduces features which permanently enables archive mode and includes support for fetching archives from local or remote sources.
 == Installation ==
+Note: This HowTo assumes a MacPorts installation prefix of '''/opt/local'''. If you have installed to an alternate location, please update the paths accordingly.
 === Step 1: '''Generate signing keys''' ===
@@ -101,7 +103,7 @@
 === Step 3: '''Share archives''' ===
-In order to retrieve archives from the build system, they must first be shared. MacPorts expects this to be a basic web listing of the software directory ('''${prefix}/var/macports/software/'''). While Mac OS X ships with an installation of Apache, that's a bit heavy for what we need. Instead, the light weight web server [http://www.lighttpd.net/ lighttpd] can be used with minimal configuration.
+In order to retrieve archives from the build system, they must first be shared. MacPorts expects this to be a basic web listing of the software directory ('''/opt/local/var/macports/software/'''). While Mac OS X ships with an installation of Apache, that's a bit heavy for what we need. Instead, the light weight web server [http://www.lighttpd.net/ lighttpd] can be used with minimal configuration.
 Conveniently, it's available through MacPorts, so go ahead and install that.
@@ -186,12 +188,12 @@
 Now, MacPorts needs to be configured to fetch archives from the build system. The '''archive_site_local''' setting can be set to an IP, but it will likely be more convenient to use the Bonjour name of the local system. This name can be found in the '''Sharing''' preference pane.
-Add the following to '''${prefix}/etc/macports/macports.conf'''
+Add the following to '''/opt/local/etc/macports/macports.conf'''
 archive_site_local      http://bonjour.local:6227/
-A line indicating the location of the public key must also be added to '''${prefix}/etc/macports/pubkeys.conf'''. Something like:
+A line indicating the location of the public key must also be added to '''/opt/local/etc/macports/pubkeys.conf'''. Something like:


* The IP shown here might not mean anything if the user or the server is
behind a proxy.

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