[87564] trunk/dports/x11/pango

ryandesign at macports.org ryandesign at macports.org
Fri Nov 25 12:53:31 PST 2011

Revision: 87564
Author:   ryandesign at macports.org
Date:     2011-11-25 12:53:28 -0800 (Fri, 25 Nov 2011)
Log Message:
pango: fix build failure of other ports that use pango with glib2 2.30.x; see #32242

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/x11/pango/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/x11/pango/Portfile	2011-11-25 19:56:00 UTC (rev 87563)
+++ trunk/dports/x11/pango/Portfile	2011-11-25 20:53:28 UTC (rev 87564)
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 conflicts               pango-devel
 epoch                   1
 version                 1.28.4
-revision                1
+revision                2
 set branch              [join [lrange [split ${version} .] 0 1] .]
 categories              x11
 maintainers             ryandesign openmaintainer
@@ -40,8 +40,8 @@
 archcheck.files         lib/libglib-2.0.dylib \
-patchfiles \
-    patch-ltmain.sh.diff
+patchfiles              patch-ltmain.sh.diff \
+                        patch-G_CONST_RETURN.diff
 configure.ccache        no

Added: trunk/dports/x11/pango/files/patch-G_CONST_RETURN.diff
--- trunk/dports/x11/pango/files/patch-G_CONST_RETURN.diff	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/dports/x11/pango/files/patch-G_CONST_RETURN.diff	2011-11-25 20:53:28 UTC (rev 87564)
@@ -0,0 +1,404 @@
+[pango] Stop using G_CONST_RETURN
+Tomas Bzatek tbzatek at fedoraproject.org
+Thu Jun 16 08:27:57 UTC 2011
+    Previous message: [Bug 713126] Review Request: harfbuzz - Text shaping library
+    Next message: rpmguard: PASSED; 0 warnings for pango-1.28.4-2.fc16
+    Messages sorted by: [ date ] [ thread ] [ subject ] [ author ]
+commit eededf8c4ac865d8b35bb87588466c648bda9b05
+Author: Tomas Bzatek <tbzatek at redhat.com>
+Date:   Thu Jun 16 10:27:41 2011 +0200
+    Stop using G_CONST_RETURN
+--- modules/hebrew/hebrew-shaper.c.const	2009-11-23 07:19:48.000000000 +0100
++++ modules/hebrew/hebrew-shaper.c	2011-06-16 10:22:58.000000000 +0200
+@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ static const gboolean compose_table[4][4
+ #define	is_composible(cur_wc, nxt_wc)	(compose_table[char_type_table[ucs2iso8859_8 (cur_wc)]]\
+ 						      [char_type_table[ucs2iso8859_8 (nxt_wc)]])
++const char *
+ hebrew_shaper_get_next_cluster(const char      *text,
+ 			       gint		length,
+ 			       gunichar        *cluster,
+--- pango/fonts.c.const	2011-04-04 22:21:10.000000000 +0200
++++ pango/fonts.c	2011-06-16 10:22:58.000000000 +0200
+@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ pango_font_description_set_family_static
+  *               %NULL if not previously set.  This has the same life-time
+  *               as the font description itself and should not be freed.
+  **/
++const char *
+ pango_font_description_get_family (const PangoFontDescription *desc)
+ {
+   g_return_val_if_fail (desc != NULL, NULL);
+@@ -1927,7 +1927,7 @@ pango_font_family_init (PangoFontFamily
+  * Return value: the name of the family. This string is owned
+  *   by the family object and must not be modified or freed.
+  **/
++const char *
+ pango_font_family_get_name (PangoFontFamily  *family)
+ {
+   g_return_val_if_fail (PANGO_IS_FONT_FAMILY (family), NULL);
+@@ -2060,7 +2060,7 @@ pango_font_face_is_synthesized (PangoFon
+  * Return value: the face name for the face. This string is
+  *   owned by the face object and must not be modified or freed.
+  **/
++const char *
+ pango_font_face_get_face_name (PangoFontFace *face)
+ {
+   g_return_val_if_fail (PANGO_IS_FONT_FACE (face), NULL);
+--- pango/pango-attributes.c.const	2011-04-04 22:22:50.000000000 +0200
++++ pango/pango-attributes.c	2011-06-16 10:22:58.000000000 +0200
+@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ pango_attr_type_register (const gchar *n
+  *
+  * Since: 1.22
+  **/
++const char *
+ pango_attr_type_get_name (PangoAttrType type)
+ {
+   const char *result = NULL;
+--- pango/pango-attributes.h.const	2010-05-04 17:50:40.000000000 +0200
++++ pango/pango-attributes.h	2011-06-16 10:22:58.000000000 +0200
+@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ struct _PangoAttrFontDesc
+ };
+ PangoAttrType         pango_attr_type_register (const gchar        *name);
+-G_CONST_RETURN char * pango_attr_type_get_name (PangoAttrType       type) G_GNUC_CONST;
++const char *          pango_attr_type_get_name (PangoAttrType       type) G_GNUC_CONST;
+ void             pango_attribute_init        (PangoAttribute       *attr,
+ 					      const PangoAttrClass *klass);
+--- pango/pangocairo-context.c.const	2010-05-04 17:50:40.000000000 +0200
++++ pango/pangocairo-context.c	2011-06-16 10:22:58.000000000 +0200
+@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ pango_cairo_context_set_font_options (Pa
+  *
+  * Since: 1.10
+  **/
+-G_CONST_RETURN cairo_font_options_t *
++const cairo_font_options_t *
+ pango_cairo_context_get_font_options (PangoContext *context)
+ {
+   PangoCairoContextInfo *info;
+@@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ pango_cairo_context_get_font_options (Pa
+  * Return value: the combined set of font options. This value is owned
+  * by the context and must not be modified or freed.
+  **/
+-G_CONST_RETURN cairo_font_options_t *
++const cairo_font_options_t *
+ _pango_cairo_context_get_merged_font_options (PangoContext *context)
+ {
+   PangoCairoContextInfo *info = get_context_info (context, TRUE);
+--- pango/pango-context.c.const	2010-05-04 17:50:40.000000000 +0200
++++ pango/pango-context.c	2011-06-16 10:22:58.000000000 +0200
+@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ pango_context_set_matrix (PangoContext
+  *
+  * Since: 1.6
+  **/
+-G_CONST_RETURN PangoMatrix *
++const PangoMatrix *
+ pango_context_get_matrix (PangoContext *context)
+ {
+   g_return_val_if_fail (PANGO_IS_CONTEXT (context), NULL);
+--- pango/pango-context.h.const	2010-05-04 17:50:40.000000000 +0200
++++ pango/pango-context.h	2011-06-16 10:22:58.000000000 +0200
+@@ -84,9 +84,9 @@ void                      pango_context_
+ 							      PangoGravityHint            hint);
+ PangoGravityHint          pango_context_get_gravity_hint     (PangoContext               *context);
+-void                        pango_context_set_matrix (PangoContext      *context,
+-						      const PangoMatrix *matrix);
+-G_CONST_RETURN PangoMatrix *pango_context_get_matrix (PangoContext      *context);
++void                      pango_context_set_matrix           (PangoContext      *context,
++						              const PangoMatrix *matrix);
++const PangoMatrix *       pango_context_get_matrix           (PangoContext      *context);
+ /* Break a string of Unicode characters into segments with
+  * consistent shaping/language engine and bidrectional level.
+--- pango/pango-font.h.const	2010-05-04 17:50:40.000000000 +0200
++++ pango/pango-font.h	2011-06-16 10:22:58.000000000 +0200
+@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ void                 pango_font_descript
+ 							       const char           *family);
+ void                 pango_font_description_set_family_static (PangoFontDescription *desc,
+ 							       const char           *family);
+-G_CONST_RETURN char *pango_font_description_get_family        (const PangoFontDescription *desc) G_GNUC_PURE;
++const char          *pango_font_description_get_family        (const PangoFontDescription *desc) G_GNUC_PURE;
+ void                 pango_font_description_set_style         (PangoFontDescription *desc,
+ 							       PangoStyle            style);
+ PangoStyle           pango_font_description_get_style         (const PangoFontDescription *desc) G_GNUC_PURE;
+@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ GType      pango_font_family_get_type
+ void                 pango_font_family_list_faces (PangoFontFamily  *family,
+ 						   PangoFontFace  ***faces,
+ 						   int              *n_faces);
+-G_CONST_RETURN char *pango_font_family_get_name   (PangoFontFamily  *family) G_GNUC_PURE;
++const char *pango_font_family_get_name   (PangoFontFamily  *family) G_GNUC_PURE;
+ gboolean   pango_font_family_is_monospace         (PangoFontFamily  *family) G_GNUC_PURE;
+@@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ struct _PangoFontFamilyClass
+ GType      pango_font_face_get_type       (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
+ PangoFontDescription *pango_font_face_describe       (PangoFontFace  *face);
+-G_CONST_RETURN char  *pango_font_face_get_face_name  (PangoFontFace  *face) G_GNUC_PURE;
++const char           *pango_font_face_get_face_name  (PangoFontFace  *face) G_GNUC_PURE;
+ void                  pango_font_face_list_sizes     (PangoFontFace  *face,
+ 						      int           **sizes,
+ 						      int            *n_sizes);
+--- pango/pango-fontmap.c.const	2010-05-04 17:50:40.000000000 +0200
++++ pango/pango-fontmap.c	2011-06-16 10:22:58.000000000 +0200
+@@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ pango_font_map_real_load_fontset (PangoF
+  *
+  * Since: 1.4
+  **/
++const char *
+ pango_font_map_get_shape_engine_type (PangoFontMap *fontmap)
+ {
+   g_return_val_if_fail (PANGO_IS_FONT_MAP (fontmap), NULL);
+--- pango/pangoft2.c.const	2010-05-04 17:50:40.000000000 +0200
++++ pango/pangoft2.c	2011-06-16 10:22:58.000000000 +0200
+@@ -520,7 +520,7 @@ ft_error_compare (const void *pkey,
+   return ((ft_error_description *) pkey)->code - ((ft_error_description *) pbase)->code;
+ }
++const char *
+ _pango_ft2_ft_strerror (FT_Error error)
+ {
+ #undef __FTERRORS_H__
+--- pango/pango-language.c.const	2011-04-04 22:21:10.000000000 +0200
++++ pango/pango-language.c	2011-06-16 10:22:58.000000000 +0200
+@@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ pango_language_from_string (const char *
+  * Returns: a string representing the language tag.  This is owned by
+  *          Pango and should not be freed.
+  */
++const char *
+ (pango_language_to_string) (PangoLanguage *language)
+ {
+   return pango_language_to_string (language);
+@@ -531,7 +531,7 @@ static const LangInfo lang_texts[] = {
+  * Return value: the sample string. This value is owned by Pango
+  *   and should not be freed.
+  **/
++const char *
+ pango_language_get_sample_string (PangoLanguage *language)
+ {
+   const LangInfo *lang_info;
+@@ -592,7 +592,7 @@ pango_language_get_sample_string (PangoL
+  * Since: 1.22
+  **/
+-G_CONST_RETURN PangoScript *
++const PangoScript *
+ pango_language_get_scripts (PangoLanguage *language,
+ 			    int           *num_scripts)
+ {
+--- pango/pango-language.h.const	2010-05-04 17:50:40.000000000 +0200
++++ pango/pango-language.h	2011-06-16 10:22:58.000000000 +0200
+@@ -34,11 +34,11 @@ typedef struct _PangoLanguage PangoLangu
+ GType          pango_language_get_type    (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
+ PangoLanguage *pango_language_from_string (const char *language);
+-G_CONST_RETURN char *pango_language_to_string   (PangoLanguage *language) G_GNUC_CONST;
++const char    *pango_language_to_string   (PangoLanguage *language) G_GNUC_CONST;
+ /* For back compat.  Will have to keep indefinitely. */
+ #define pango_language_to_string(language) ((const char *)language)
+-G_CONST_RETURN char *pango_language_get_sample_string (PangoLanguage *language) G_GNUC_CONST;
++const char    *pango_language_get_sample_string (PangoLanguage *language) G_GNUC_CONST;
+ PangoLanguage *pango_language_get_default (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
+ gboolean      pango_language_matches  (PangoLanguage *language,
+@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ gboolean      pango_language_matches  (P
+ gboolean		    pango_language_includes_script (PangoLanguage *language,
+ 							    PangoScript    script) G_GNUC_PURE;
+-G_CONST_RETURN PangoScript *pango_language_get_scripts	   (PangoLanguage *language,
++const PangoScript          *pango_language_get_scripts	   (PangoLanguage *language,
+ 							    int           *num_scripts);
+--- pango/pango-layout.c.const	2011-04-04 22:24:17.000000000 +0200
++++ pango/pango-layout.c	2011-06-16 10:22:58.000000000 +0200
+@@ -677,7 +677,7 @@ pango_layout_set_font_description (Pango
+  *
+  * Since: 1.8
+  **/
+-G_CONST_RETURN PangoFontDescription *
++const PangoFontDescription *
+ pango_layout_get_font_description (PangoLayout *layout)
+ {
+   g_return_val_if_fail (PANGO_IS_LAYOUT (layout), NULL);
+@@ -1087,7 +1087,7 @@ pango_layout_set_text (PangoLayout *layo
+  *
+  * Return value: the text in the @layout.
+  **/
++const char*
+ pango_layout_get_text (PangoLayout *layout)
+ {
+   g_return_val_if_fail (PANGO_IS_LAYOUT (layout), NULL);
+--- pango/pango-layout.h.const	2010-05-04 17:50:40.000000000 +0200
++++ pango/pango-layout.h	2011-06-16 10:22:58.000000000 +0200
+@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ void           pango_layout_set_markup_w
+ void           pango_layout_set_font_description (PangoLayout                *layout,
+ 						  const PangoFontDescription *desc);
+-G_CONST_RETURN PangoFontDescription *pango_layout_get_font_description (PangoLayout *layout);
++const PangoFontDescription *pango_layout_get_font_description (PangoLayout *layout);
+ void           pango_layout_set_width            (PangoLayout                *layout,
+ 						  int                         width);
+--- pango/pango-ot-ruleset.c.const	2010-05-04 17:50:40.000000000 +0200
++++ pango/pango-ot-ruleset.c	2011-06-16 10:22:58.000000000 +0200
+@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ pango_ot_ruleset_finalize (GObject *obje
+  *
+  * Since: 1.18
+  **/
+-G_CONST_RETURN PangoOTRuleset *
++const PangoOTRuleset *
+ pango_ot_ruleset_get_for_description (PangoOTInfo                     *info,
+ 				      const PangoOTRulesetDescription *desc)
+ {
+--- pango/pango-renderer.c.const	2010-05-04 17:50:40.000000000 +0200
++++ pango/pango-renderer.c	2011-06-16 10:22:58.000000000 +0200
+@@ -1352,7 +1352,7 @@ pango_renderer_set_matrix (PangoRenderer
+  *
+  * Since: 1.8
+  **/
+-G_CONST_RETURN PangoMatrix *
++const PangoMatrix *
+ pango_renderer_get_matrix (PangoRenderer *renderer)
+ {
+   g_return_val_if_fail (PANGO_IS_RENDERER (renderer), NULL);
+--- pango/pango-renderer.h.const	2010-05-04 17:50:40.000000000 +0200
++++ pango/pango-renderer.h	2011-06-16 10:22:58.000000000 +0200
+@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ PangoColor *pango_renderer_get_color (Pa
+ void                        pango_renderer_set_matrix (PangoRenderer     *renderer,
+ 						       const PangoMatrix *matrix);
+-G_CONST_RETURN PangoMatrix *pango_renderer_get_matrix (PangoRenderer     *renderer);
++const PangoMatrix          *pango_renderer_get_matrix (PangoRenderer     *renderer);
+ PangoLayout     *pango_renderer_get_layout      (PangoRenderer     *renderer);
+ PangoLayoutLine *pango_renderer_get_layout_line (PangoRenderer     *renderer);
+--- pango/pango-script.c.const	2010-05-04 17:50:40.000000000 +0200
++++ pango/pango-script.c	2011-06-16 10:22:58.000000000 +0200
+@@ -164,10 +164,10 @@ pango_script_iter_free (PangoScriptIter
+  * Since: 1.4
+  **/
+ void
+-pango_script_iter_get_range (PangoScriptIter      *iter,
+-			     G_CONST_RETURN char **start,
+-			     G_CONST_RETURN char **end,
+-			     PangoScript          *script)
++pango_script_iter_get_range (PangoScriptIter  *iter,
++                             const char      **start,
++                             const char      **end,
++                             PangoScript      *script)
+ {
+   if (start)
+     *start = iter->script_start;
+--- pango/pango-script.h.const	2010-05-04 17:50:40.000000000 +0200
++++ pango/pango-script.h	2011-06-16 10:22:58.000000000 +0200
+@@ -128,12 +128,12 @@ PangoScript pango_script_for_unichar
+ PangoScriptIter *pango_script_iter_new       (const char          *text,
+ 					      int                  length);
+-void             pango_script_iter_get_range (PangoScriptIter      *iter,
+-					      G_CONST_RETURN char **start,
+-					      G_CONST_RETURN char **end,
+-					      PangoScript          *script);
+-gboolean         pango_script_iter_next      (PangoScriptIter      *iter);
+-void             pango_script_iter_free      (PangoScriptIter      *iter);
++void             pango_script_iter_get_range (PangoScriptIter     *iter,
++                                              const char         **start,
++                                              const char         **end,
++                                              PangoScript         *script);
++gboolean         pango_script_iter_next      (PangoScriptIter     *iter);
++void             pango_script_iter_free      (PangoScriptIter     *iter);
+ #include <pango/pango-language.h>
+--- pango/pango-utils.c.const	2011-04-04 22:21:10.000000000 +0200
++++ pango/pango-utils.c	2011-06-16 10:22:58.000000000 +0200
+@@ -689,7 +689,7 @@ DllMain (HINSTANCE hinstDLL,
+  * Return value: the Pango sysconf directory. The returned string should
+  * not be freed.
+  */
++const char *
+ pango_get_sysconf_subdirectory (void)
+ {
+ #ifdef G_OS_WIN32
+@@ -718,7 +718,7 @@ pango_get_sysconf_subdirectory (void)
+  * Return value: the Pango lib directory. The returned string should
+  * not be freed.
+  */
++const char *
+ pango_get_lib_subdirectory (void)
+ {
+ #ifdef G_OS_WIN32
+--- pango/pango-utils.h.const	2010-05-04 17:50:40.000000000 +0200
++++ pango/pango-utils.h	2011-06-16 10:22:58.000000000 +0200
+@@ -82,13 +82,13 @@ gboolean pango_parse_stretch (const char
+  * stored in the registry). The returned string should not be
+  * g_free'd.
+  */
+-G_CONST_RETURN char *   pango_get_sysconf_subdirectory (void) G_GNUC_PURE;
++const char *   pango_get_sysconf_subdirectory (void) G_GNUC_PURE;
+ /* Ditto for LIBDIR/pango. On Win32, use the same Pango
+  * installation directory. This returned string should not be
+  * g_free'd either.
+  */
+-G_CONST_RETURN char *   pango_get_lib_subdirectory (void) G_GNUC_PURE;
++const char *   pango_get_lib_subdirectory (void) G_GNUC_PURE;
+@@ -131,12 +131,12 @@ gboolean pango_is_zero_width (gunichar c
+ int pango_version (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
+ /* Return run-time Pango version as an string */
+-G_CONST_RETURN char * pango_version_string (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
++const char * pango_version_string (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
+ /* Check that run-time Pango is as new as required */
+-G_CONST_RETURN char * pango_version_check (int required_major,
+-					   int required_minor,
+-					   int required_micro) G_GNUC_CONST;
++const char * pango_version_check (int required_major,
++                                  int required_minor,
++                                  int required_micro) G_GNUC_CONST;
+--- pango/pangox-fontmap.c.const	2010-05-04 17:50:40.000000000 +0200
++++ pango/pangox-fontmap.c	2011-06-16 10:22:58.000000000 +0200
+@@ -1441,7 +1441,7 @@ pango_x_fontmap_atom_from_name (PangoFon
+ }
++const char *
+ pango_x_fontmap_name_from_atom (PangoFontMap *fontmap,
+ 				Atom          atom)
+ {
+@@ -1645,7 +1645,7 @@ pango_x_family_list_faces (PangoFontFami
+     }
+ }
+-static G_CONST_RETURN char *
++static const char *
+ pango_x_family_get_name (PangoFontFamily  *family)
+ {
+   PangoXFamily *xfamily = PANGO_X_FAMILY (family);
-------------- next part --------------
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