[90444] trunk/dports/audio/sox/Portfile

jmr at macports.org jmr at macports.org
Mon Mar 5 13:19:51 PST 2012

Revision: 90444
Author:   jmr at macports.org
Date:     2012-03-05 13:19:51 -0800 (Mon, 05 Mar 2012)
Log Message:
sox: update to 14.4.0 (#33481)

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/audio/sox/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/audio/sox/Portfile	2012-03-05 21:13:48 UTC (rev 90443)
+++ trunk/dports/audio/sox/Portfile	2012-03-05 21:19:51 UTC (rev 90444)
@@ -4,39 +4,67 @@
 PortSystem 1.0
 name             sox
-version          14.3.2
+version          14.4.0
 categories       audio
+platforms        darwin
 maintainers      stare.cz:hans
-description      SOund eXchange - universal sound sample translator
+description      the Swiss Army knife of audio manipulation
 long_description \
 	SoX (also known as Sound eXchange) translates sound samples between \
 	different file formats, and optionally applies various sound \
 	effects. SoX is intended as the Swiss Army knife of sound processing \
 	tools. It doesn't do anything very well, but sooner or later it \
 	comes in very handy.
 homepage         http://sox.sourceforge.net/
 master_sites     sourceforge:project/sox/sox/${version}
-platforms        darwin
 use_bzip2        yes
+checksums        sha1    12dfc57e503ed4e18cedcac292cdae7982281978 \
+                 rmd160  d8dcf58fe0012fa02450893252fdee7759b7b54a
-depends_lib      port:libao \
-                 port:libsndfile \
-                 port:libid3tag \
-                 port:libsamplerate \
-                 port:libvorbis \
-                 port:ffmpeg \
-                 port:libmad \
-                 port:flac \
-                 port:wavpack \
-                 port:file \
-                 port:libpng
+depends_lib	port:libsndfile		\
+		port:libid3tag		\
+		port:libvorbis		\
+		port:libogg		\
+		port:libmad		\
+		port:lame		\
+		port:flac		\
+		port:wavpack		\
+		port:opencore-amr	\
+		port:twolame		\
+		port:file		\
+		port:libpng		\
+		port:libiconv		\
+		port:zlib
-checksums        sha1    026636c90d7accba76225a2821aaa2ffa6fe41a3 \
-                 rmd160  1b06f5349e24c459357c7da2428c36f0f576fdf6
-configure.args   --mandir=\\\${prefix}/share/man \
-                 --disable-gomp --without-libltdl
-build.env        ${configure.env}
-destroot.destdir prefix=${destroot}${prefix}
+configure.args   		\
+	--enable-largefile	\
+	--enable-symlinks	\
+	--disable-gomp		\
+	--without-libltdl	\
+	--with-magic		\
+	--with-png		\
+	--without-ladspa	\
+	--with-gsm		\
+	--with-lpc10		\
+	--with-mad		\
+	--with-mp3		\
+	--with-id3tag		\
+	--with-lame		\
+	--with-twolame		\
+	--with-oggvorbis	\
+	--with-flac		\
+	--with-amrwb		\
+	--with-amrnb		\
+	--with-wavpack		\
+	--with-sndfile		\
+	--without-ffmpeg	\
+	--with-coreaudio	\
+	--without-sndio		\
+	--without-alsa		\
+	--without-ao		\
+	--without-pulseaudio	\
+	--without-waveaudio	\
+	--without-oss		\
+	--without-sunaudio
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