[MacPorts] KDE modified

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Mon Mar 4 15:41:33 PST 2013

Page "KDE" was changed by iandw.au at gmail.com
Diff URL: <https://trac.macports.org/wiki/KDE?action=diff&version=4>
Revision 4
Comment: Rewrote the introduction. Added to and edited the 'KDE on Mac' section.
Index: KDE
--- KDE (version: 3)
+++ KDE (version: 4)
@@ -1,10 +1,13 @@
 = KDE =
-KDE is a suite of user workspace applications which allow interaction with the operating system. Several applications are provided within this framework.
+KDE is a world-wide community of hundreds of programmers producing Free Open Source Software (FOSS). Its central product is a desktop system equivalent to Apple Mac OS X or Microsoft Windows, but running on Linux and UNIX-based operating systems.
+KDE also produces a range of applications, system programs, tools and utilities, many of which will run on Mac OS X or Windows, because they are based on the [http://qt-project.org Qt] framework, a set of C++ libraries and tools that is portable to several operating systems and hardware types.
 == KDE on Mac ==
-KDE is primarily meant to work on UNIX systems, but as it is built on top of the [http://qt-project.org Qt] framework, it can be built on multiple platforms, such as Mac OS X. However, the use on Mac is still pretty experimental, and some parts of KDE are not designed to work on this platform.[[br]]
-Some unexpected behaviours and glitches should thus be expected.
+On Mac OS X, Qt uses the OS X (Cocoa) widgets and window style, which means that KDE and Qt applications look and feel like other OS X applications. However, KDE is primarily meant to work on Linux and UNIX systems. Its use on Mac is still experimental. Many packages will work if you follow the instructions below, but some parts of KDE are not designed to work on this platform.
+Some unexpected behaviours and glitches should be expected. Please provide feedback to the macports-users mailing list of your experiences, both good and bad.
 = Installing KDE with MacPorts =

Page URL: <https://trac.macports.org/wiki/KDE>
MacPorts <http://www.macports.org/>
Ports system for OS X

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