[104695] branches/new-help-system/base/src/port

raimue at macports.org raimue at macports.org
Sun Mar 31 14:53:53 PDT 2013

Revision: 104695
Author:   raimue at macports.org
Date:     2013-03-31 14:53:53 -0700 (Sun, 31 Mar 2013)
Log Message:
Remove no longer needed file port-help.tcl

Modified Paths:

Removed Paths:

Modified: branches/new-help-system/base/src/port/Makefile
--- branches/new-help-system/base/src/port/Makefile	2013-03-31 21:52:29 UTC (rev 104694)
+++ branches/new-help-system/base/src/port/Makefile	2013-03-31 21:53:53 UTC (rev 104695)
@@ -36,5 +36,4 @@
 	$(INSTALL) -d -o ${DSTUSR} -g ${DSTGRP} -m ${DSTMODE} ${INSTALLDIR}/bin
 	$(INSTALL) -d -o ${DSTUSR} -g ${DSTGRP} -m ${DSTMODE} ${INSTALLDIR}/var/macports
 	$(INSTALL) -o ${DSTUSR} -g ${DSTGRP} -m 555 port portindex portmirror ${INSTALLDIR}/bin/
-	$(INSTALL) -o ${DSTUSR} -g ${DSTGRP} -m 444 port-help.tcl  ${INSTALLDIR}/var/macports/
 	cd ${INSTALLDIR}/bin && $(LN_S) -f port portf

Deleted: branches/new-help-system/base/src/port/port-help.tcl
--- branches/new-help-system/base/src/port/port-help.tcl	2013-03-31 21:52:29 UTC (rev 104694)
+++ branches/new-help-system/base/src/port/port-help.tcl	2013-03-31 21:53:53 UTC (rev 104695)
@@ -1,388 +0,0 @@
-# This file contains help strings for the various commands/topics in port(1)
-# Many of these strings are place-holders right now.  Replace with genuinely
-# helpful text and then delete this message.
-# port-help.tcl
-# $Id$
-set porthelp(activate) {
-Activate the given ports
---no-exec   Do not execute any stored pre- or post-activate procedures
-set porthelp(archive) {
-Archive the given ports, i.e. install the port image but do not activate
-set porthelp(archivefetch) {
-Fetch archive for the given ports
-set porthelp(build) {
-Build the given ports
-set porthelp(cat) {
-Writes the Portfiles of the given ports to stdout
-set porthelp(cd) {
-Changes to the directory of the given port
-Only in interactive mode.
-set porthelp(checksum) {
-Compares the checksums for the downloaded files of the given ports
-set porthelp(clean) {
-Removes files associated with the given ports
---dist        Removes downloaded distfiles
---logs        Removes log files
---work        Removes work directory (default)
---all         Removes everything from above
-set porthelp(configure) {
-Configure the given ports
-set porthelp(contents) {
-Returns a list of files installed by given ports
-set porthelp(deactivate) {
-Deactivates the given ports
---no-exec   Do not execute any stored pre- or post-deactivate procedures
-set porthelp(dependents) {
-Returns a list of installed dependents for each of the given ports
-Note: Don't get fooled by the language!
-Dependents are those ports which depend on the given port, not vice-versa!
-set porthelp(rdependents) {
-Recursive version of dependents
---full          Display all branches of the tree of dependents instead of only
-                showing each port once.
-set porthelp(deps) {
-Display a dependency listing for the given ports
---index         Do not read the Portfile, instead rely solely on the PortIndex
-                information. Note this option will prevent the dependencies
-                reported from reflecting the effects of any variants specified.
---no-build      Exclude dependencies only required at build time, i.e.
-                depends_fetch, depends_extract, and depends_build.
-set porthelp(rdeps) {
-Display a recursive dependency listing for the given ports
---full          Display all branches of the dependency tree instead of only
-                showing each port once.
---index         Do not read the Portfile, instead rely solely on the PortIndex
-                information. Note this option will prevent the dependencies
-                reported from reflecting the effects of any variants specified.
---no-build      Exclude dependencies only required at build time, i.e.
-                depends_fetch, depends_extract, and depends_build.
-set porthelp(destroot) {
-Destroot the given ports
-set porthelp(dir) {
-Returns the directories of the given ports
-This can be quite handy to be used in your shell:
-cd $(port dir <portname>)
-set porthelp(distcheck) {
-Checks if the given ports can be fetched from all of its master_sites
-set porthelp(distfiles) {
-Returns a list of distfiles for the given port
-set porthelp(dmg) {
-Creates a dmg for each of the given ports
-set porthelp(dpkg) {
-Creates a dpkg for each of the given ports
-set porthelp(echo) {
-Returns the list of ports the argument expands to
-This can be useful to see what a pseudo-port expression expands to.
-set porthelp(edit) {
-Edit given ports
-set porthelp(exit) {
-Exit port
-Only in interactive mode.
-set porthelp(extract) {
-Extract the downloaded files of the given ports
-set porthelp(fetch) {
-Downloaded distfiles for the given ports
-set porthelp(file) {
-Returns the path to the Portfile for each of the given ports
-set porthelp(gohome) {
-Opens the homepages of the given ports in your browser
-set porthelp(help) {
-Displays short help texts for the given actions
-set porthelp(info) {
-Returns information about the given ports. Most of the options specify a field
-to be included in the resulting report. Multiple fields may be specified, in
-which case all will be included.  If no fields are specified, a useful default
-set will be used.  The other options which do not correspond to fields are:
-   --depends   An abbreviation for all depends_* fields
-   --index     Do not read the Portfile, instead rely solely on the index
-               information. Note this option will prevent the information
-               reported from reflecting the effects of any variants specified.
-   --line      Report on each port on a single line, with fields separated
-               by spaces.  Handy for automatically processing the output of
-               info called on a large number of ports.
-   --pretty    Format the output in a convenient, human-readable fashion. Note
-               that this option is the default when no options are specified to
-               info.
-set porthelp(install) {
-Installs the given ports.
-    --no-rev-upgrade    Do not run rev-upgrade after the installation.
-    --unrequested       Do not mark the port as requested.
-set porthelp(installed) {
-List installed versions of the given port, or all installed ports if no port is given
-set porthelp(lint) {
-Checks if the Portfile is lint-free for each of the given ports
-set porthelp(list) {
-List the available version for each of the given ports
-set porthelp(livecheck) {
-Checks if a new version of the software is available
-set porthelp(load) {
-Interface to launchctl(1) for ports providing startup items
-set porthelp(location) {
-Returns the install location for each of the given ports
-set porthelp(log) {
-Shows main log for given ports
---phase <phase>		Filters by phase (fetch, checksum, extract, patch, configure, build, destroot)
---level <level>	        Filter messages above verbosity level (error, warn, msg, info, debug)
-set porthelp(mdmg) {
-Creates a dmg containing an mpkg for each of the given ports and their dependencies
-set porthelp(mirror) {
-Fetches distfiles for the given ports
-set porthelp(mpkg) {
-Creates an mpkg for each of the given ports and their dependencies
-set porthelp(notes) {
-Displays informational notes for each of the given ports
-set porthelp(outdated) {
-Returns a list of outdated ports
-set porthelp(patch) {
-Applies patches to each of the given ports
-set porthelp(pkg) {
-Creates a pkg for each of the given ports
-set porthelp(platform) {
-Returns the current platform that port is running on
-set porthelp(provides) {
-Return which port provides each of the files given
-set porthelp(quit) $porthelp(exit)
-set porthelp(rev-upgrade) {
-Scan for broken binaries in the installed ports and rebuild them as needed. Can
-be run with -y to only report broken ports, but not automatically rebuild them.
-You normally wouldn't have to run rev-upgrade manually; it is run automatically
-after each install and upgrade by default. Rev-upgrade doesn't honor package
-names, e.g.
-	upgrade outdated
-will not run rev-upgrade only on outdated, because ports not in outdated might
-have been broken by upgrade outdated. Rev-upgrade will always run on all your
-active ports.
-See man 1 port, section rev-upgrade, and man 5 macports.conf, directives
-starting with revupgrade_ for configuration and more information.
-set porthelp(rpm) {
-Creates a rpm for each of the given ports
-set porthelp(search) {
-Search for a port
---case-sensitive   match the search string in a case-sensitive manner
---exact   match the literal search string exactly
---glob    treat the given search string as a glob (default)
---line    print each result on a single line
---regex   treat the given search string as a regular expression
---<field> match against <field>, default is '--name --description'
-set porthelp(select) {
-Select between multiple versions of a versioned port
-This allows you to choose which version, among several installed versions
-of a port, is to be considered primary.  What this means is which version
-becomes the one most would consider the default, e.g. the one run without
-specifying any version.
-One example is the set of python ports, where there are (among others)
-python25, python26, and python31.  The select action lets you set which
-of these becomes the version run when you simply use 'python'.
-<arguments> must include the group upon which to be acted, and may include
-a version if --set is used.
---list   List available versions for the group
---set    Select the given version for the group
---show   Show which version is currently selected for the group (default if
-         none given)
-set porthelp(selfupdate) {
-Upgrade MacPorts itself and run the sync target
-set porthelp(space) {
-Show the disk space used by the given ports
---units <units> Specify units to use. Accepted units are: B, kB, KiB, MB, MiB,
-                GB, GiB. The 'B' may be omitted.
---total         Display the grand total only
-set porthelp(srpm) {
-Creates a srpm for each of the given ports
-set porthelp(setrequested) {
-Marks each of the given ports as requested
-set porthelp(unsetrequested) {
-Marks each of the given ports as unrequested
-set porthelp(sync) {
-Synchronize the set of Portfiles
-set porthelp(test) {
-Run tests on each of the given ports
-set porthelp(unarchive) {
-Unarchive the destroot of the given ports from installed images
-set porthelp(uninstall) {
-Uninstall the given ports
---follow-dependents     Recursively uninstall all ports that depend on the
-                        specified port before uninstalling the port itself.
---follow-dependencies   Also recursively uninstall all ports that the
-                        specified port depended on. This will not uninstall
-                        dependencies that are marked as requested or that
-                        have other dependents.
---no-exec               Do not execute any stored pre- or post-uninstall
-                        procedures.
-set porthelp(unload) $porthelp(load)
-set porthelp(upgrade) {
-Upgrades the given ports to the latest version. Respects global options
--n, -R, and -u (see the port man page).  Note that in selecting variants
-to use in the upgraded build of the port, the order of precedence is variants
-specified on the command line, then variants active in the latest installed
-version of the port, then the variants.conf file.
---force             Ignore circumstances that would normally cause ports to be
-                    skipped (e.g. not outdated).
---enforce-variants  If the installed variants do not match those requested,
-                    upgrade even if the port is not outdated.
---no-replace        Do not replace one port with another according to the
-                    replaced_by field
-set porthelp(url) {
-Returns the URL for each of the given ports
-set porthelp(usage) {
-Returns basic usage of the port command
-set porthelp(variants) {
-Returns a list of variants provided by the given ports, with descriptions if present
-set porthelp(version) {
-Returns the version of MacPorts
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