[MacPorts] howto/MAMP modified

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Sun Dec 28 13:56:21 PST 2014

Page "howto/MAMP" was changed by magill at mac.com
Diff URL: <https://trac.macports.org/wiki/howto/MAMP?action=diff&version=83>
Revision 83
Comment: cosmetic
Index: howto/MAMP
--- howto/MAMP (version: 82)
+++ howto/MAMP (version: 83)
@@ -73,9 +73,9 @@
 sudo port unload apache2
 sudo port load apache2
-In Apache documentation (including this page), you will see the use of "apachectl -k restart" described as the method to cause the config file to be re-read.
-However, the purpose of launchd is to notice processes that stop without its knowledge, and to restart them. So if you use apachectl -k restart, launchd may notice apache "crashing" and restart it itself, confusing apachectl. Instead, you shoulduse "port" to tell launchctl to unload apache2, then load it again. This will result in a short interruption of service.
+In Apache documentation (including this page), you will see the use of "''apachectl -k restart''" described as the method to cause the config file to be re-read.
+However under OSX, the purpose of ''launchd'' is to notice processes that stop without its knowledge, and to restart them. So if you use ''apachectl -k restart'', launchd may notice apache "crashing" and restart it itself, confusing apachectl. Instead, you shoulduse "port" to tell launchctl to unload apache2, then load it again. This will result in a short interruption of service.
 If the sever name is not set properly in the configuration file, `/opt/local/apache2/conf/httpd.conf`, you will encounter the warning below. 
@@ -126,22 +126,6 @@
 Restart Apache using `sudo /opt/local/apache2/bin/apachectl -k restart` to make this change take effect. You can then view your personal pages by accessing http://localhost/~username/, where "username" is your Mac OS X account's short name.
-However, the purpose of launchd is to notice processes that stop without its knowledge, and to restart them. So if you use apachectl -k restart, launchd may notice apache "crashing" and restart it itself, confusing apachectl. Instead, you may want to use "port" to tell launchctl to unload apache2, then load it again. This will result in a short interruption of service.
-This is done by using 
-sudo port unload apache2
-to stop apache and then using
-sudo port load apache2
-to start it again.
 === Local Apache manual === #manual

Page URL: <https://trac.macports.org/wiki/howto/MAMP>
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