[121772] branches/gsoc14-cleanup/src/macports1.0

ksammons at macports.org ksammons at macports.org
Mon Jul 7 11:59:05 PDT 2014

Revision: 121772
Author:   ksammons at macports.org
Date:     2014-07-07 11:59:05 -0700 (Mon, 07 Jul 2014)
Log Message:
Merged from https://www.github.com/centip3de/GSoC.git

Modified Paths:

Modified: branches/gsoc14-cleanup/src/macports1.0/doctor.tcl
--- branches/gsoc14-cleanup/src/macports1.0/doctor.tcl	2014-07-07 18:28:44 UTC (rev 121771)
+++ branches/gsoc14-cleanup/src/macports1.0/doctor.tcl	2014-07-07 18:59:05 UTC (rev 121772)
@@ -1,10 +1,204 @@
+# Todo:
+# Move port_doctor.ini to the port tree, below _resources 
+# Command-Line tools version check
+# Support comments for the parser
+# Add error catching for line's without an equals sign. 
 package provide doctor 1.0 
 package require macports
 namespace eval doctor {
     proc main {} {
-        puts "Success!"
+        # The main function. Handles all the calls to the correct functions, and sets the config_options array, 
+        # as well as the parser_options array.
+        #
+        # Args:
+        #           None
+        # Returns:
+        #           None
+        array set config_options    [list]
+        set parser_options          {"macports_location" "profile_path" "shell_location" "xcode_version_10.9" "xcode_version_10.8" \
+                                    "xcode_version_10.7" "xcode_version_10.6" "xcode_version_10.7" "xcode_version_10.6" "xcode_version_10.5" \
+                                    "xcode_version_10.4" "xcode_build"}
+        set user_config_path        ${macports::portdbpath}/port_doctor.ini
+        set xcode_config_path       ${macports::portdbpath}/xcode_versions.ini
+        # Make sure at least a default copy of the xcode and user config exist
+        make_xcode_config
+        make_user_config
+        # Read the config files
+        get_config config_options $parser_options $user_config_path 
+        get_config config_options $parser_options $xcode_config_path 
+        # Start the checks
+        check_path $config_options(macports_location) $config_options(profile_path) $config_options(shell_location)
+        check_xcode config_options
+    proc check_xcode {config_options} {
+        # Checks to see if the currently installed version of Xcode works with the curent OS version.
+        # 
+        # Args:
+        #           config_options - The associative array containing all options in the config files
+        # Returns:
+        #           None
+        upvar $config_options config 
+        set mac_version     ${macports::macosx_version}
+        set xcode_current   ${macports::xcodeversion} 
+        set xcode_versions  $config(xcode_version_$mac_version)
+        if {$xcode_current in $xcode_versions} {
+            return
+        } else {
+            ui_error "currently installed version of Xcode, $xcode_current, is not supported by MacPorts. \
+                      For your currently installed system, only the following versions of Xcode are supported: \
+                      $xcode_versions"
+        }
+    }
+    proc make_xcode_config {} {
+        # Checks to see if xcode_versions.ini exists. If it does, it returns. If it doesn't, then it creats a defult config file.
+        # 
+        # Args: 
+        #           None
+        # Returns:
+        #           None
+        set path    ${macports::portdbpath}/xcode_versions.ini
+        if {[file exists $path] == 0} {
+            ui_warn "No configuration file found at $path. Creating generic config file."
+            set fd      [open $path w] 
+            puts $fd "xcode_version_10.9=5.1.1 5.1 5.0.2 5.0.1"
+            puts $fd "xcode_version_10.8=5.1 5.0.2 5.0.1 5.0 4.6.3 4.6.2 4.6.1 4.6 4.5.2 4.5.1 4.5"
+            puts $fd "xcode_version_10.7=4.6.3 4.6.2 4.6.1 4.6 4.5.2 4.5.1 4.5 4.3.3"
+            puts $fd "xcode_version_10.6=4.2 3.2.6 3.2.5 3.2.4 3.2.3 3.2.2 3.2.1 3.2"
+            puts $fd "xcode_version_10.5=3.1.4 3.1.3 3.1.2 3.1.1 3.1 3.0"
+            puts $fd "xcode_version_10.4=2.5 2.4.1 2.4 2.3 2.2.1 2.2 2.1 2.0"
+            puts $fd "xcode_build=5B1008"
+            close $fd
+        }
+    }
+    proc make_user_config {} {
+        # Builds a config file for the user using all default parameters if needed.
+        #
+        # Args:
+        #           None
+        # Returns:
+        #           None
+        set path    ${macports::portdbpath}/port_doctor.ini
+        if {[file exists $path] == 0} {
+            ui_warn "No configuration file found at $path. Creating generic config file."
+            set fd      [open $path w]
+            puts $fd "macports_location=/opt/local"
+            puts $fd "profile_path=${macports::user_home}/.bash_profile"
+            puts $fd "shell_location=/bin/bash"
+            close $fd
+        }
+   }
+    proc get_config {config_options parser_options path} {
+        # Reads in and parses the configureation file, port_doctor.ini. After parsing, all variables found are assigned 
+        # in the 'config_options' associative array.
+        #
+        # Args:
+        #           config_options - The associative array responsible for holding all the configuration options.
+        #           parser_options - The list responsible for holding each option to set/look for in the configuration file.
+        #           path           - The path to the correct config_file
+        # Returns:
+        #           None. 
+        upvar $config_options config 
+        set fd   [open $path r]
+        set text [read $fd]
+        set data [split $text "\n"]
+        close $fd
+        foreach line $data { 
+            set tokens [split $line "="]
+            if {[lindex $tokens 0] in $parser_options} {
+                set config([lindex $tokens 0]) [lindex $tokens 1]
+            } elseif {[lindex $tokens 0] eq ""} {
+                continue
+            } else {
+                ui_error "unrecognized config option in file $path: [lindex $tokens 0]"
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    proc check_path {port_loc profile_path shell_loc} {
+        # Checks to see if port_location/bin and port_location/sbin are in the environmental $PATH variable.
+        # If they aren't, it appends it to the correct shell's profile file.
+        #
+        # Args:
+        #           port_loc        - The location of port (as set in the config file)
+        #           profile_path    - The location of the profile file (as set in the config file)
+        #           shell_loc       - The location of the shell binary (as set in the config file)
+        # Returns:
+        #           None.
+        set path ${macports::user_path}
+        set split [split $path :]
+        if {"$port_loc/bin" in $split && "$port_loc/sbin" in $split } {
+            return
+        } else {
+            ui_warn "your environmental \$PATH variable does not currently include, $port_loc/bin, which is where port is located. \
+                     Would you like to add $port_loc/bin to your \$PATH variable now? \[Y/N\]"
+            set input [gets stdin]
+            if {$input == "y" || $input == "Y"} {
+                ui_msg "Attempting to add $port_loc/bin to $profile_path"
+                if {[file exists $profile_path] == 1} {
+                    set fd [open $profile_path a]
+                } else {
+                    ui_error "$profile_path does not exist."
+                }
+                puts $fd "export PATH=$port_loc/bin:$port_loc/sbin:\$PATH"
+                close $fd
+                ui_msg "Reloading $profile_path..."
+                exec $shell_loc $profile_path
+                ui_msg "Port should now be successfully set up."
+            } elseif {$input == "n" || $input == "N"} {    
+                ui_msg "Not fixing your \$PATH variable."
+            } else {
+                ui_msg "Not a valid choice: $input"
+            }
+       }
+   }

Modified: branches/gsoc14-cleanup/src/macports1.0/macports.tcl
--- branches/gsoc14-cleanup/src/macports1.0/macports.tcl	2014-07-07 18:28:44 UTC (rev 121771)
+++ branches/gsoc14-cleanup/src/macports1.0/macports.tcl	2014-07-07 18:59:05 UTC (rev 121772)
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
     variable user_options {}
     variable portinterp_options "\
         portdbpath porturl portpath portbuildpath auto_path prefix prefix_frozen portsharepath \
-        registry.path registry.format user_home \
+        registry.path registry.format user_home user_path \
         portarchivetype archivefetch_pubkeys portautoclean porttrace keeplogs portverbose destroot_umask \
         rsync_server rsync_options rsync_dir startupitem_type startupitem_install place_worksymlink macportsuser \
         configureccache ccache_dir ccache_size configuredistcc configurepipe buildnicevalue buildmakejobs \
@@ -660,6 +660,9 @@
         set macports::user_home /dev/null/NO_HOME_DIR
+    # Save the user's path for future processing.
+    set macports::user_path $env(PATH)
     # Configure the search path for configuration files
     set conf_files {}
     lappend conf_files ${macports_conf_path}/macports.conf
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