[127938] trunk/dports/devel/icu/Portfile

mcalhoun at macports.org mcalhoun at macports.org
Sat Nov 8 08:48:23 PST 2014

Revision: 127938
Author:   mcalhoun at macports.org
Date:     2014-11-08 08:48:23 -0800 (Sat, 08 Nov 2014)
Log Message:
icu: whitespace changes only

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/devel/icu/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/devel/icu/Portfile	2014-11-08 16:45:53 UTC (rev 127937)
+++ trunk/dports/devel/icu/Portfile	2014-11-08 16:48:23 UTC (rev 127938)
@@ -73,152 +73,151 @@
     if { ${supported_archs} ne "noarch" } {
         PortGroup       muniversal 1.0
-extract.suffix  .tgz
-distfiles       ${distname}-src${extract.suffix}
-checksums       rmd160  9bd1b4bdc2010545c76a927dcf46049686beeab9 \
-                sha256  6fa74fb5aac070c23eaba1711a7178fe582c59867484c5ec07c49002787a9a28
-patchfiles      patch-config-mh-darwin.diff
-# icu appends -O2 to the cflags and cxxflags
-configure.optflags-delete -Os
-# ICU has three mechanisms to aid other projects in building properly
-#     1) .pc files for pkg-config
-#     2) shell script icu-config that can output compiler flags
-#     3) Makefile include files Makefile.inc and pkgdata.inc
-# For a time, all three assumed other projects would want to be
-#     built as ICU had been built, regardless of whether it was appropriate.
-# For the most part, the extraneous flags have been removed.
-#     1) They have been removed completely from the .pc files.
-#        pkg-config is the recommended way of building against ICU.
-#     2) icu-config does not print them out, but they are still contained in the script itself.
-#     3) They still exist in the Makefile include files.
-# for descriptions of the problem, see
-#     r101578
-#     #40069
-#     https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=202059
-# for upstream reports and discussion, see
-#    http://bugs.icu-project.org/trac/ticket/10308
-#    http://bugs.icu-project.org/trac/ticket/6102
-if { [variant_exists universal] && [variant_isset universal]} {
-    merger-post-destroot {
-        set rebuilton ""
-        foreach arch ${universal_archs_to_use} {
-            set dir ${destroot}-${arch}
-            # SIZEOF_VOID_P is no longer used in icu-config, so remove it to facilitate merging of the shell script
-            reinplace {s| -DSIZEOF_VOID_P=[48]||g} ${dir}${prefix}/bin/icu-config
-            # icu-config contains the exact time it was built, which makes merging difficult
-            # ensure that all versions of icu-config have the same build timestamp
-            if { ${rebuilton} eq "" } {
-                set rebuilton [exec /usr/bin/tail -n 1 ${dir}${prefix}/bin/icu-config]
-            } else {
-                reinplace "s|^# Rebuilt on .*|${rebuilton}|" ${dir}${prefix}/bin/icu-config
+    extract.suffix  .tgz
+    distfiles       ${distname}-src${extract.suffix}
+    checksums       rmd160  9bd1b4bdc2010545c76a927dcf46049686beeab9 \
+                    sha256  6fa74fb5aac070c23eaba1711a7178fe582c59867484c5ec07c49002787a9a28
+    patchfiles      patch-config-mh-darwin.diff
+    # icu appends -O2 to the cflags and cxxflags
+    configure.optflags-delete -Os
+    # ICU has three mechanisms to aid other projects in building properly
+    #     1) .pc files for pkg-config
+    #     2) shell script icu-config that can output compiler flags
+    #     3) Makefile include files Makefile.inc and pkgdata.inc
+    # For a time, all three assumed other projects would want to be
+    #     built as ICU had been built, regardless of whether it was appropriate.
+    # For the most part, the extraneous flags have been removed.
+    #     1) They have been removed completely from the .pc files.
+    #        pkg-config is the recommended way of building against ICU.
+    #     2) icu-config does not print them out, but they are still contained in the script itself.
+    #     3) They still exist in the Makefile include files.
+    #
+    # for descriptions of the problem, see
+    #     r101578
+    #     #40069
+    #     https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=202059
+    #
+    # for upstream reports and discussion, see
+    #    http://bugs.icu-project.org/trac/ticket/10308
+    #    http://bugs.icu-project.org/trac/ticket/6102
+    if { [variant_exists universal] && [variant_isset universal]} {
+        merger-post-destroot {
+            set rebuilton ""
+            foreach arch ${universal_archs_to_use} {
+                set dir ${destroot}-${arch}
+                # SIZEOF_VOID_P is no longer used in icu-config, so remove it to facilitate merging of the shell script
+                reinplace {s| -DSIZEOF_VOID_P=[48]||g} ${dir}${prefix}/bin/icu-config
+                # icu-config contains the exact time it was built, which makes merging difficult
+                # ensure that all versions of icu-config have the same build timestamp
+                if { ${rebuilton} eq "" } {
+                    set rebuilton [exec /usr/bin/tail -n 1 ${dir}${prefix}/bin/icu-config]
+                } else {
+                    reinplace "s|^# Rebuilt on .*|${rebuilton}|" ${dir}${prefix}/bin/icu-config
+                }
+                # Removing architecture specific information from the Makefile include files is necessary to merge them correctly.
+                # It is conceivable that this could cause problems for certain projects.
+                # The developers of ICU suggest using pkg-config over both icu-config and the Makefile includes.
+                reinplace {s| -DSIZEOF_VOID_P=[48]||g} ${dir}${prefix}/lib/icu/${version}/Makefile.inc
+                reinplace -E {s:-arch +[^ ]+::g} ${dir}${prefix}/lib/icu/${version}/pkgdata.inc
-            # Removing architecture specific information from the Makefile include files is necessary to merge them correctly.
-            # It is conceivable that this could cause problems for certain projects.
-            # The developers of ICU suggest using pkg-config over both icu-config and the Makefile includes.
-            reinplace {s| -DSIZEOF_VOID_P=[48]||g} ${dir}${prefix}/lib/icu/${version}/Makefile.inc
-            reinplace -E {s:-arch +[^ ]+::g} ${dir}${prefix}/lib/icu/${version}/pkgdata.inc
+    } else {
+        post-destroot {
+            # stay consistent with the universal build (see comments above)
+            if { [file exists ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/icu-config] } {
+                reinplace {s| -DSIZEOF_VOID_P=[48]||g} ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/icu-config
+            }
+            if { [file exists ${destroot}${prefix}/lib/icu/${version}/Makefile.inc] } {
+                reinplace {s| -DSIZEOF_VOID_P=[48]||g} ${destroot}${prefix}/lib/icu/${version}/Makefile.inc
+            }
+            if { [file exists ${destroot}${prefix}/lib/icu/${version}/pkgdata.inc] } {
+                reinplace -E {s:-arch +[^ ]+::g} ${destroot}${prefix}/lib/icu/${version}/pkgdata.inc
+            }
+        }
-} else {
-    post-destroot {
-        # stay consistent with the universal build (see comments above)
-        if { [file exists ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/icu-config] } {
-        reinplace {s| -DSIZEOF_VOID_P=[48]||g} ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/icu-config
+    set platform [switch ${os.platform} {darwin {format MacOSX} freebsd {format FreeBSD}}]
+    configure.cmd   ./runConfigureICU ${platform}
+    configure.args  --enable-static \
+                    --disable-samples
+    configure.universal_args-delete --disable-dependency-tracking
+    if {[variant_isset universal]} {
+        # ICU detects cross compiling by trying to run binaries.
+        # r73849 and #29904 indicate that cross compiling is a problem.
+        # Of the solutions tried (r79660, r73865, and r73849), simply disallowing cross compiling is by far the simplest.
+        # Note that #29904 should not show up again because universal now better recognizes 32/64-bit cross compiling (r79658)
+        set merger_must_run_binaries "yes"
+    }
+    # Fix bug #11981 that prevents ICU from building when upgrading.
+    # The default configure flags causes utilisation of outdated ICU
+    # headers/libs instead of the right ones.
+    configure.cppflags
+    configure.ldflags
+    build.type      gnu
+    build.args      VERBOSE=1
+    use_parallel_build  yes
+    test.run        yes
+    test.target     check
+    test.args       VERBOSE=1
+    if { ${name} eq ${subport} } {
+        post-destroot {
+            xinstall -d ${destroot}${docdir}
+            eval xinstall -m 0644 [glob ${worksrcpath}/../*.{css,html,txt}] ${destroot}${docdir}
-        if { [file exists ${destroot}${prefix}/lib/icu/${version}/Makefile.inc] } {
-        reinplace {s| -DSIZEOF_VOID_P=[48]||g} ${destroot}${prefix}/lib/icu/${version}/Makefile.inc
+        if { [variant_isset doc] } {
+            ui_warn "You have requested an obsolete variant. Replaced by port ${name}-docs"
+            depends_build-append port:${name}-docs
-        if { [file exists ${destroot}${prefix}/lib/icu/${version}/pkgdata.inc] } {
-        reinplace -E {s:-arch +[^ ]+::g} ${destroot}${prefix}/lib/icu/${version}/pkgdata.inc
+        if { [variant_isset doxygen] } {
+            ui_warn "You have requested an obsolete variant. Replaced by port ${name}-doxygen-docs"
+            depends_build-append port:${name}-doxygen-docs
-set platform [switch ${os.platform} {darwin {format MacOSX} freebsd {format FreeBSD}}]
-configure.cmd   ./runConfigureICU ${platform}
-configure.args  --enable-static \
-                --disable-samples
-configure.universal_args-delete --disable-dependency-tracking
-if {[variant_isset universal]} {
-    # ICU detects cross compiling by trying to run binaries.
-    # r73849 and #29904 indicate that cross compiling is a problem.
-    # Of the solutions tried (r79660, r73865, and r73849), simply disallowing cross compiling is by far the simplest.
-    # Note that #29904 should not show up again because universal now better recognizes 32/64-bit cross compiling (r79658)
-    set merger_must_run_binaries "yes"
-# Fix bug #11981 that prevents ICU from building when upgrading.
-# The default configure flags causes utilisation of outdated ICU
-# headers/libs instead of the right ones.
-build.type      gnu
-build.args      VERBOSE=1
-use_parallel_build  yes
-test.run        yes
-test.target     check
-test.args       VERBOSE=1
-if { ${name} eq ${subport} } {
-post-destroot {
-    xinstall -d ${destroot}${docdir}
-    eval xinstall -m 0644 [glob ${worksrcpath}/../*.{css,html,txt}] ${destroot}${docdir}
-if { [variant_isset doc] } {
-    ui_warn "You have requested an obsolete variant. Replaced by port ${name}-docs"
-    depends_build-append port:${name}-docs
-if { [variant_isset doxygen] } {
-    ui_warn "You have requested an obsolete variant. Replaced by port ${name}-doxygen-docs"
-    depends_build-append port:${name}-doxygen-docs
-# icu @51.2_0 and earlier also installed the following files directly, bypassing destroot:
-#   ${prefix}/lib/icu/${version}/pkgdata.inc
-# These files can be removed from the below deactivation block after August 2014.
-pre-deactivate {
-    if {[variant_isset universal]} {
-        # Ticket #23773
-        foreach f [list "${prefix}/bin/icu-config" \
-                        "${prefix}/lib/icu/${version}/Makefile.inc" \
-                        "${prefix}/lib/icu/${version}/pkgdata.inc" \
-                        "${prefix}/lib/pkgconfig/icu-i18n.pc" \
-                        "${prefix}/lib/pkgconfig/icu-io.pc" \
-                        "${prefix}/lib/pkgconfig/icu-le.pc" \
-                        "${prefix}/lib/pkgconfig/icu-lx.pc" \
-                        "${prefix}/lib/pkgconfig/icu-uc.pc"] {
-            delete ${f}
+    # icu @51.2_0 and earlier also installed the following files directly, bypassing destroot:
+    #   ${prefix}/lib/icu/${version}/pkgdata.inc
+    # These files can be removed from the below deactivation block after August 2014.
+    pre-deactivate {
+        if {[variant_isset universal]} {
+            # Ticket #23773
+            foreach f [list "${prefix}/bin/icu-config" \
+                           "${prefix}/lib/icu/${version}/Makefile.inc" \
+                           "${prefix}/lib/icu/${version}/pkgdata.inc" \
+                           "${prefix}/lib/pkgconfig/icu-i18n.pc" \
+                           "${prefix}/lib/pkgconfig/icu-io.pc" \
+                           "${prefix}/lib/pkgconfig/icu-le.pc" \
+                           "${prefix}/lib/pkgconfig/icu-lx.pc" \
+                           "${prefix}/lib/pkgconfig/icu-uc.pc"] {
+                delete ${f}
+            }
+    platform freebsd {
+        build.env       MAKE=/usr/local/bin/gmake
+        destroot.env    MAKE=/usr/local/bin/gmake
+    }
+    platform darwin 8 {
+        patchfiles-append patch-common-putil.cpp.diff
+    }
-platform freebsd {
-    build.env       MAKE=/usr/local/bin/gmake
-    destroot.env    MAKE=/usr/local/bin/gmake
-platform darwin 8 {
-    patchfiles-append patch-common-putil.cpp.diff
 livecheck.url   http://site.icu-project.org/download
 livecheck.regex {>ICU4C \((\d+(?:\.\d+)*)\)<}
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