[132415] trunk/dports/perl/p5-extutils-libbuilder/Portfile

devans at macports.org devans at macports.org
Sat Jan 31 13:22:40 PST 2015

Revision: 132415
Author:   devans at macports.org
Date:     2015-01-31 13:22:40 -0800 (Sat, 31 Jan 2015)
Log Message:
p5-extutils-libbuilder: update to version 0.06, reformat long description.

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/perl/p5-extutils-libbuilder/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/perl/p5-extutils-libbuilder/Portfile	2015-01-31 20:48:40 UTC (rev 132414)
+++ trunk/dports/perl/p5-extutils-libbuilder/Portfile	2015-01-31 21:22:40 UTC (rev 132415)
@@ -5,25 +5,23 @@
 PortGroup           perl5 1.0
 perl5.branches      5.16 5.18 5.20
-perl5.setup         ExtUtils-LibBuilder 0.04
-revision            3
+perl5.setup         ExtUtils-LibBuilder 0.06
 platforms           darwin
 maintainers         nomaintainer
-supported_archs     noarch
 license             {Artistic-1 GPL}
 description         help build perl modules with self-contained C libraries
-long_description \
-  Some Perl modules need to ship C libraries together with their Perl    \
-  code. Although there are mechanisms to compile and link (or glue) C    \
-  code in your Perl programs, there isn't a clear method to compile      \
-  standard, self-contained C libraries. This module's main goal is to    \
-  help in that task.
+long_description    Some Perl modules need to ship C libraries together with their Perl    \
+                    code. Although there are mechanisms to compile and link (or glue) C    \
+                    code in your Perl programs, there isn't a clear method to compile      \
+                    standard, self-contained C libraries. This module's main goal is to    \
+                    help in that task.
-checksums           sha256 dcac851a093331a7fb6349c08a2b9bd75a10ea4b009b2771af7b59c347879948 \
-                    rmd160 a12ef706c4da6a3b0fbc2facf5b37f05a3509a82
+checksums           sha256  f05bd6e211efd3e53d02c75819b4496ab5ca822b2b17623c51e12393bee2bf33 \
+                    rmd160  8fc9812365f12bf37c3cb8965863228c4f033c8d
 if {${perl5.major} != ""} {
+    supported_archs noarch
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