[146297] trunk/dports/devel

khindenburg at macports.org khindenburg at macports.org
Thu Mar 3 19:07:27 PST 2016

Revision: 146297
Author:   khindenburg at macports.org
Date:     2016-03-03 19:07:27 -0800 (Thu, 03 Mar 2016)
Log Message:
wolfssl: new port renamed from cyassl; update to 3.8.0 #50214

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Removed Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/devel/wolfssl/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/devel/cyassl/Portfile	2016-02-25 01:59:33 UTC (rev 146024)
+++ trunk/dports/devel/wolfssl/Portfile	2016-03-04 03:07:27 UTC (rev 146297)
@@ -3,30 +3,30 @@
 PortSystem          1.0
-name                cyassl
-version             3.3.0
+name                wolfssl
+version             3.8.0
 categories          devel security
 platforms           darwin
 maintainers         yassl.com:chris
-homepage            http://www.wolfssl.com/yaSSL/Products-cyassl.html
+homepage            https://wolfssl.com/wolfSSL/Products-wolfssl.html
 license             GPL-2
-description         CyaSSL Embedded SSL Library
+description         wolfSSL Embedded SSL Library
 long_description    \
-    The CyaSSL embedded SSL library is a lightweight SSL library written \
+    The wolfSSL embedded SSL library is a lightweight SSL library written \
     in ANSI C and targeted for embedded and RTOS environments - primarily \
     because of its small size, speed, and feature set.  It is commonly \
     used in standard operating environments as well because of its \
     royalty-free pricing and excellent cross platform support.  CyaSSL \
     supports industry standards up to the current TLS and DTLS 1.2 levels, \
     is up to 20 times smaller than OpenSSL, and offers progressive ciphers \
-    such as HC-128, RABBIT, and NTRU.
+    such as ChaCha20, Poly1305, and NTRU.
 master_sites        http://www.wolfssl.com/
 use_zip             yes
-checksums           rmd160  29a3d8b6d055c6c9d475e1739e440467164c9096 \
-                    sha256  e51583ea1e4d64537553922d67a96360312811dffef58d4c05506aa98a296fe3
+checksums           rmd160  9a75c938bd2f2594c2f83aa6b3362bd9a0623902 \
+                    sha256 36369304dd107b2ae1360c91f3d0eea491802dcacb2155562652bf5257117016
 configure.args      --enable-opensslExtra \
                     --enable-dtls \
@@ -34,14 +34,10 @@
                     --enable-atomicuser \
                     --enable-pkcallbacks \
                     --enable-aesgcm \
-                    --enable-aesccm \
                     --enable-camellia \
-                    --enable-md2 \
-                    --enable-md4 \
                     --enable-nullcipher \
                     --enable-ripemd \
                     --enable-blake2 \
-                    --enable-sha384 \
                     --enable-sha512 \
                     --enable-sessioncerts \
                     --enable-keygen \
@@ -73,27 +69,29 @@
                     --enable-gcc-hardening \
                     --enable-static \
-variant debug description {Enable CyaSSL debugging support} {
+variant debug description {Enable wolfSSL debugging support} {
     configure.args-append \
-variant aesni description {Enable CyaSSL Intel AES-NI support, if available} {
+variant aesni description {Enable wolfSSL Intel AES-NI support, if available} {
     configure.args-append \
-variant sniffer description {Enable CyaSSL sniffer support} {
+variant sniffer description {Enable wolfSSL sniffer support} {
     depends_lib-append \
     configure.args-append \
-patchfiles      honor_cflags.patch
+depends_build-append    port:coreutils
 use_autoreconf  yes
 autoreconf.args -fvi
-livecheck.url   http://yassl.com/yaSSL/download/downloadForm.php
+test.run        yes
+livecheck.url   https://www.wolfssl.com/wolfSSL/download/downloadForm.php
 livecheck.regex "${name}-((?!.*${name}.*|\\${extract.suffix}).*)\\${extract.suffix}"
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