[152967] trunk/dports/mail/mutt

cal at macports.org cal at macports.org
Wed Sep 21 05:52:01 PDT 2016

Revision: 152967
Author:   cal at macports.org
Date:     2016-09-21 05:52:01 -0700 (Wed, 21 Sep 2016)
Log Message:
mutt: replace w/neomutt to reduce maint. effort

Maintaining all our patches against mutt in the ports tree is considerable
effort; now that the NeoMutt project does this for us, replace our mutt port
with neomutt to avoid wasting our time.

Closes: #52297

Modified Paths:

Removed Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/mail/mutt/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/mail/mutt/Portfile	2016-09-21 12:45:29 UTC (rev 152966)
+++ trunk/dports/mail/mutt/Portfile	2016-09-21 12:52:01 UTC (rev 152967)
@@ -5,200 +5,9 @@
 name                mutt
 version             1.6.0
+revision            1
 categories          mail
-platforms           darwin
-license             GPL-2
-maintainers         nomaintainer
-description         The Mutt E-Mail Client
-long_description    Mutt is a small but very powerful text-based MIME \
-                    mail client. Mutt is highly configurable, and is \
-                    well suited to the mail power user with advanced \
-                    features like key bindings, keyboard macros, mail \
-                    threading, regular expression searches and \
-                    a powerful pattern matching language for selecting \
-                    groups of messages.
-homepage            http://www.mutt.org
+replaced_by         neomutt
+PortGroup           obsolete 1.0
-conflicts           neomutt
-depends_lib         port:gettext \
-                    port:libiconv \
-                    port:ncurses
-depends_run         path:share/curl/curl-ca-bundle.crt:curl-ca-bundle
-master_sites        https://bitbucket.org/mutt/mutt/downloads/
-checksums           ${distfiles} \
-                    rmd160  1ea7153ef05413d0068b5478acad87927e5cecdb \
-                    sha256  29afb6238ab7a540c0e3a78ce25c970f975ab6c0f0bc9f919993aab772136c19
-patch.pre_args      -p1
-# Fix for handling emails from bad clients w.r.t smime
-# See https://trac.macports.org/ticket/39362 and http://dev.mutt.org/trac/ticket/3285
-patchfiles-append   patch-thunderbird-fix.diff
-configure.args      --disable-warnings \
-                    --mandir=${prefix}/share/man \
-                    --with-docdir=${prefix}/share/doc/mutt \
-                    --with-libiconv-prefix=${prefix} \
-                    --with-curses=${prefix} \
-                    --disable-silent-rules
-default_variants    +pop +imap +idn
-if {![variant_isset db4] && ![variant_isset qdbm] && ![variant_isset tokyocabinet]} {
-    variant_set     gdbm
-# These variants' patches modify Makefile.am
-if {[variant_isset compress] || [variant_isset sidebar]} {
-    use_autoreconf  yes
-post-destroot {
-    # delete pgpring to avoid a conflict with signing-party
-    delete ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/pgpring ${destroot}${prefix}/share/man/man1/pgpring.1
-    # delete horribly outdated ca bundle, I hope people weren't using that!
-    delete ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/mutt/samples/ca-bundle.crt
-variant idn description {Internationalized Domain Name support} {
-    configure.args-append   --with-idn=${prefix}
-    depends_lib-append      port:libidn port:zlib
-variant pop description {POP support} {
-    configure.args-append   --enable-pop
-variant imap description {IMAP support} {
-    configure.args-append   --enable-imap
-variant ssl description {Secure Sockets Layer support} {
-    configure.args-append   --with-ssl=${prefix}
-    depends_lib-append      path:lib/libssl.dylib:openssl
-variant sasl description {Simple Authentication and Security Layer support} {
-    configure.args-append   --with-sasl=${prefix}
-    depends_lib-append      port:cyrus-sasl2
-variant debug description {Debugging support} {
-    configure.args-append   --enable-debug
-variant gnuregex description {Use the GNU regular expression library} {
-    configure.args-append   --with-regex
-variant compress description {Compressed folders} {
-    configure.args-append   --enable-compressed
-    patch_sites-append      http://www.mutt.org.ua/download/mutt-1.5.24/
-    patchfiles-append       patch-1.5.24.rr.compressed.gz
-    checksums-append        patch-1.5.24.rr.compressed.gz \
-                            rmd160  2bf71a26de195ce11ed4ffa25403363cab7c9b72 \
-                            sha256  c5eb9b53f7bd3feaa5ee03722575f64e43512b756c099ffe20db6fe5c958e3dc
-variant headercache conflicts db4 description {Enable header caching (requires gdbm, qdbm, or tokyocabinet)} {
-    configure.args-append       --enable-hcache
-    configure.ldflags-append    "-L/usr/lib"
-variant qdbm conflicts db4 gdbm tokyocabinet description {Use QDBM database} {
-    depends_lib-append      port:qdbm
-    configure.args-append   --with-qdbm \
-                            --without-bdb \
-                            --without-gdbm \
-                            --without-tokyocabinet
-variant gdbm conflicts db4 qdbm tokyocabinet description {Use GNU dbm database} {
-    depends_lib-append      port:gdbm
-    configure.args-append   --with-gdbm \
-                            --without-bdb \
-                            --without-qdbm \
-                            --without-tokyocabinet
-variant db4 conflicts qdbm gdbm tokyocabinet description {Use Berkeley DB database} {
-    depends_lib-append          port:db44
-    configure.args-append       --with-bdb=${prefix} \
-                                --without-qdbm \
-                                --without-gdbm \
-                                --without-tokyocabinet
-    configure.cppflags-append   "-I${prefix}/include/db44"
-    configure.ldflags-append    "-L${prefix}/lib/db44"
-variant tokyocabinet conflicts db4 gdbm qdbm description {Use Tokyo Cabinet database} {
-    depends_lib-append      port:tokyocabinet
-    configure.args-append   --with-tokyocabinet \
-                            --without-bdb \
-                            --without-gdbm \
-                            --without-qdbm
-# The patches for nntp and sidebar conflict, see ticket #15135
-variant nntp conflicts sidebar description {NNTP support} {
-    configure.args-append   --enable-nntp
-    patch_sites-append      http://www.mutt.org.ua/download/mutt-1.5.24/
-    patchfiles-append       patch-1.5.24.vvv.nntp.gz
-    checksums-append        patch-1.5.24.vvv.nntp.gz \
-                            rmd160  028b86c3864ec2b8a485b998ce42d55fbb98e205 \
-                            sha256  d34be4542d549aab6de9f7038c88b3eeefe826db643c92b27e1e65ab5f7d573e
-variant deepif description {Allow nested if-else sequences in strings} {
-    patch_sites-append      http://home.uchicago.edu/~dgc/sw/mutt/
-    patchfiles-append       patch-1.5.8.dgc.deepif.1
-    checksums-append        patch-1.5.8.dgc.deepif.1 \
-                            rmd160  9372934147e8b832390c45833d0b8ce6c704dd24 \
-                            sha256  570c343a440f5957e8e4639bda598c861cfaeae065a380a2c01ccb17d373ce6b
-variant date_conditional requires deepif description \
-    {Allow the format of dates in the index to vary based on how recent the message is} {
-    # original, but now dgc hosts it with -p1
-    #patch_sites-append http://www.schrab.com/aaron/mutt/
-    patch_sites-append      http://home.uchicago.edu/~dgc/sw/mutt/
-    patchfiles-append       patch-1.5.8.ats.date_conditional.1
-    checksums-append        patch-1.5.8.ats.date_conditional.1 \
-                            rmd160  fc3703edc66b5043227a7abcfed10a9c44873fd0 \
-                            sha256  9e81f9f52577eb572e29651402ded3690e470d1628a890af9f3ad25b665d600f
-variant xlabel description {Custom message-tagging - X-Label:} {
-    patchfiles-append       patch-1.5.21.mp.xlabel_ext.9
-variant smtp description {Include internal SMTP relay support} {
-    configure.args-append   --enable-smtp
-variant sidebar conflicts nntp trash description {Add a sidebar with a list of folders} {
-    # http://www.lunar-linux.org/mutt-sidebar/
-    #patch_sites-append      http://lunar-linux.org/~tchan/mutt:sidebar-patch
-    patchfiles-append       patch-1.6.0.sidebar.20160408.macports.diff \
-                            1-Make_hierarchy_separator_for_folder_indentation_configurable.patch \
-                            2-Support_long_er__folder_names_in_sidebar.patch
-    #checksums-append        patch-1.5.24.sidebar.20151111.txt \
-    #                        rmd160  521938ab47440e93f73bc5ae358e867ab3d3212c \
-    #                        sha256  66441edf056032119f854fc5ee86c73eece8b95dc998c0cfae5ed05b0b035070
-# Trash patch from https://trac.macports.org/ticket/20412 conflicts with sidebar patch on global.h
-variant trash conflicts sidebar description {Add a Trash folder} {
-    patchfiles-append       patch-1.5.24-trash_folder-purge_message.diff
-variant gpgme description {Enable GPGME crypto support} {
-    configure.args-append   --enable-gpgme \
-                            --with-gpgme-prefix=${prefix}
-    depends_lib-append      port:gpgme
-notes "This port no longer installs the pgpring binary. Please install the signing-party port if you need it."
-livecheck.url       ${homepage}/download.html
-livecheck.type      regex
-livecheck.regex     {The current stable public release version is (\d+(?:\.\d+)*)}
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