Update to xemacs Portfile

Blair Zajac blair at orcaware.com
Tue Oct 24 12:25:17 PDT 2006

John Ridgway wrote:
> Friends -
> I have made a few changes to the xemacs Portfile, and I have attached 
> the modified Portfile.  Should I install this, and if so could someone 
> point me to directions on how to do that?  Alternatively, would someone 
> else do this?  The modifications are to install xemacs 21.4.19 rather 
> than 21.4.17, and the addition of a mule variant, that works properly 
> with the sumo variant (I believe).


Can you try the attached Portfile?  It's based off of your work and includes an 
updated carbon_beta variant.

I've tested it with all the combinations of variants and appears to work fine.

I'll commit it when you've reported success with it.


-------------- next part --------------
# $Id: Portfile,v 1.24 2006/06/09 23:18:02 blair Exp $

PortSystem 1.0
name		xemacs
version		21.4.19
categories	editors
maintainers	darwinports at opendarwin.org
description	A highly customizable open source text editor.
long_description \
		 XEmacs is a highly customizable open source text editor and \
		 application development system. It is protected under the \
		 GNU Public License and related to other versions of Emacs, \
		 in particular GNU Emacs.
platforms	darwin
homepage	http://www.xemacs.org
master_sites	ftp://ftp.xemacs.org/pub/xemacs/xemacs-21.4/:stable \
		http://ftp.xemacs.org/pub/xemacs/xemacs-21.4/:stable \
		ftp://ftp.xemacs.org/pub/xemacs/xemacs-21.5/:beta \
		http://ftp.xemacs.org/pub/xemacs/xemacs-21.5/:beta \
		http://mirrors.ibiblio.org/pub/mirrors/xemacs/xemacs-21.5/:beta \
		http://members.shaw.ca/akochoi-xemacs/Old%20Website/diff/:carbonport \
		ftp://ftp.xemacs.org/pub/xemacs/packages/:sumo \
		http://ftp.xemacs.org/pub/xemacs/packages/:sumo \

distfiles	${name}-${version}${extract.suffix}:stable

checksums	${name}-${version}${extract.suffix} \
		md5 3f753e2cc22a428c7d775339f29c7e46 \
		sha1 638a58db6794d3424e13ad65932697ad1343ab69 \
		rmd160 5e2fdd5073934efa6c42fd44cb6d9f6588754314

configure.args	--without-postgresql --without-ldap --with-sound=none --pdump \
		--site-prefixes=${prefix} --with-tty \
		--with-dialogs=athena --with-widgets=athena --with-athena=3d

depends_lib	lib:libpng.3:libpng lib:libXaw3d.7:Xaw3d

destroot.args	prefix=${destroot}/${prefix}

set pkg_contents	"etc info lisp man pkginfo"
set xemacs_lib		${destroot}${prefix}/lib/xemacs-${version}
set sumo_date		2006-05-10
set sumo_dist		${name}-sumo-${sumo_date}${extract.suffix}
set mule_sumo_dist	${name}-mule-sumo-${sumo_date}${extract.suffix}

post-destroot {
	ui_info "Installing packages into destroot"

	destroot.keepdirs ${destroot}${prefix}/lib/xemacs
	xinstall -d ${xemacs_lib}/xemacs-packages

	system "tar -cpf - -C ${worksrcpath}/.. ${pkg_contents} | \
		tar -xpf - -C ${xemacs_lib}/xemacs-packages"

variant carbon_beta {
	if {[variant_isset mule]} {
		ui_msg "\nThe carbon_beta variant already includes MULE support so you do not\nneed to add that variant.\n"
		exit 1

	version			21.5.26

	set carbonport_name	${name}-${version}-carbon-b5.diff

	distfiles		${name}-${version}${extract.suffix}:beta \

	checksums-append \
		${name}-${version}${extract.suffix} \
			md5 e0cd4521e8857a16f6cd675bb4c1039b \
			sha1 f2bdb0ba704f730d8151bfa83da5157b6b96f0a0 \
		${carbonport_name}.bz2 \
			md5 f77988f09d4a2c95d54c1eb113805b50 \
			sha1 881871b9c8dc3cb1c35df4263cbe944a37fbf928

	# This is set here to not extract ${carbonport_name} since it
	# is a .bz2 file and all the other files are .gz files, so
	# gzip will be attempted to uncompress the .bz2 file, which fails.
	extract.only		${name}-${version}${extract.suffix}

	post-extract	{
		 system "cp ${distpath}/${name}-${version}-carbon-b5.diff.bz2 ${workpath}"
		 system "cd ${workpath} && bzip2 -d ${name}-${version}-carbon-b5.diff.bz2"
		 system "cd ${workpath} && patch -p1 -d ${distname} <${name}-${version}-carbon-b5.diff"

	configure	{}

	build.cmd	cd ${worksrcpath}/carbon/ && sh ./build-app.sh
	build.args	{}

	destroot.args	{}

	set xemacs_lib	${destroot}/Applications/MacPorts/XEmacs.app/Contents/Resources/lib/xemacs/

	# This code is duplicated in the mule variant, so any changes
	# here should be duplicated there.
	if {[variant_isset sumo]} {
		distfiles-append	${mule_sumo_dist}:sumo
		checksums-append	${mule_sumo_dist} \
					md5 2b53293efea9d29d7f7af7942cb17939 \
					sha1 bd0a94580c986703324a0a79614536d77722ef6a \
					rmd160 a2998681eaba7702f00085a034412f22133ddfe7
		extract.only-append	${sumo_dist} ${mule_sumo_dist}

		post-destroot {
			ui_info "Installing mule-sumo distribution into destroot"
			system "cp -Rp ${worksrcpath}/../mule-packages ${xemacs_lib}"

	post-destroot	{
		system "cp -Rp ${worksrcpath}/carbon/XEmacs.app ${destroot}/Applications/MacPorts/"

variant mule {
	depends_lib-append	port:gettext

	configure.args-append	--with-mule

	# This code is duplicated in the carbon_beta variant, so any
	# changes here should be duplicated there.
	if {[variant_isset sumo]} {
		distfiles-append	${mule_sumo_dist}:sumo
		checksums-append	${mule_sumo_dist} \
					md5 2b53293efea9d29d7f7af7942cb17939 \
					sha1 bd0a94580c986703324a0a79614536d77722ef6a \
					rmd160 a2998681eaba7702f00085a034412f22133ddfe7

		post-destroot {
			ui_info "Installing mule-sumo distribution into destroot"
			system "cp -Rp ${worksrcpath}/../mule-packages ${xemacs_lib}"

variant sumo {
	distfiles-append	${sumo_dist}:sumo
	checksums-append	${sumo_dist} \
				md5 51f9ca6843dae22aec78e6f1033e16b5 \
				sha1 7816110ec71dedb56caca8eb0a11ed8b6cf6fb91 \
				rmd160 4f9b3f9160071e7497026a9b6a42c9a17ddbd14b

	post-destroot {
		ui_info "Installing sumo distribution into destroot"
		system "cp -Rp ${worksrcpath}/../xemacs-packages ${xemacs_lib}"

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