Different dmgs for different felines (was: Re: Make 1.6.0 the default version for new tickets)

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at macports.org
Mon Dec 24 09:11:17 PST 2007

On Dec 24, 2007, at 01:03, Juan Manuel Palacios wrote:

> I'm sorry for taking so long to get back to you on this issue, Maun  
> Suang, but I've been both away for the last three days and unable  
> to test, as I don't have access to any Panther box I can test on.  
> Nevertheless, I'll try looking into the report you sent me to see  
> if I can come up with at least a theory... and hopefully work our  
> way up from there. If no one hits the bull's eye on this bug then I  
> guess we're going to have to discuss what to do about the Panther  
> dmg and maybe even Panther support as a whole. But lets not get too  
> ahead of ourselves just yet, I'll look again at your report before  
> proposing any alternatives.

Why is it again that we need separate dmgs for separate OS releases  
at all? Why don't we just have a single universal dmg, with the  
PowerPC part built with the 10.3.9 SDK and the Intel part built with  
the 10.4u SDK, and everyone's happy? Isn't that the whole point of  
universal binaries and those SDKs?

Frankly, that's how I'd like ports built too, when the +universal  
binary is selected. But that can be a separate topic for another day.

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