[RFC] universal variants and python portgroup

Adam Mercer ram at macports.org
Wed Nov 21 05:38:28 PST 2007


As the default universal variant only works with configure based ports
it will therefore not work with ports using the python portgroups

$ port variants py25-boto
py25-boto has the variants:
$ sudo port install py25-boto +universal
Error: Error executing universal: Default universal variant only works
with ports based on configure
Error: Unable to open port: Error evaluating variants

As expected adding "universal_variant no" to the Portfile removes the
universal variant. But as all ports using the python portgroups with
not be configure based (by default) could this "universal_variant no"
be added to the portgroup?

I've had this line in my local python portgroups for the past day or
so with no adverse effects, but would be interested in hearing what
people who understand base much better than I have to say on this?
Could this cause any unforeseen effects?



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