Problem with patchfiles (same name for different versions)

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Wed Sep 5 16:49:56 PDT 2007

On Sep 5, 2007, at 14:21, Juan Manuel Palacios wrote:

> On Sep 3, 2007, at 10:39 AM, Vincent Lefevre wrote:
>> Upstream patches are versioned: they are in different subdirectories.
>> But MacPorts doesn't care, unless I've missed something to have the
>> subdirectory taken into account.
> You could always rename ${distpath}, which is were files are  
> downloaded to (${prefix}/var/macports/distfiles/${name} by default  
> IIRC) and do something like "set distpath ${prefix}/var/macports/ 
> distfiles/${name}-${version}" or whatever. That would certainly  
> download everything into a versioned subdir of the distfiles  
> directory, but I don't know all the implications that might have  
> for other things like cleaning (I presume none, but exercising  
> caution is always good).

I already suggested using "dist_subdir ${name}/${version}" which is a  
bit simpler, and Vincent already did this:

The fact that MacPorts offers a "dist_subdir" keyword implies to me  
that it will work properly for all cases. If it does not, I would  
consider that a bug.

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