[Fwd: [MacPorts Lint] Portfile Lint Errors for: vim]

Rainer Müller raimue at macports.org
Mon Feb 11 09:39:45 PST 2008

William Siegrist wrote:
> I actually get 147 warnings now instead of what you got in the  
> email... As far as I know, the linting is working. I dont maintain the  
> lint code, I just maintain the server-side process for making those  
> emails exactly from the output of "port lint". You should get the same  
> errors locally with "port lint" before committing. If you see a  
> discrepancy, definitely forward me the output the server gave you and  
> the output you get locally.

Yes, locally I also get these 147 warnings and they are "unfixable" (the 
patches will be downloaded and therefore can't be named differently). 
But the port lint post-commit hook sent me this error message only.


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