tetex/texlive dependencies

John Owens john_owens at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 9 15:48:44 PST 2008

Howdy, new committer here, happy to be on board!

For several years I've been using tetex successfully.
But as it's no longer updated, I'm happy to move to
the new texlive port.

It was tricky to install texlive because of tetex
(getting tetex deactivated and texlive activated
was ugly).

But more importantly, now that texlive is installed,
there's lots of other ports that still depend on
tetex that want to use tetex, such as:

$ port deps bibtex2html
bibtex2html has build dependencies on:
bibtex2html has runtime dependencies on:

Is there any way that we can have some sort of
'virtual' TeX port that either recognizes tetex
or texlive, or otherwise convince ports that 
depend on tetex that texlive is good enough?


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