Jaguar support

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Fri Jun 13 01:17:39 PDT 2008

On Jun 12, 2008, at 18:23, Kevin Van Vechten wrote:

>> checking for Tcl configuration... found /System/Library/Tcl/8.3/
>> checking for existence of /System/Library/Tcl/8.3/
>> loading
>> checking for Tcl public headers... /usr/include
>> checking for tclsh... /usr/bin/tclsh
>> checking for Tcl package directory... /mp/Library/Tcl
>> checking whether tclsh was compiled with threads... no
>> configure: error: tcl wasn't compiled with threads enabled
> MacPorts has never really been supported on Jaguar, but compiling and
> installing the Panther Tcl sources on Jaguar should get you further.

I didn't try installing Panther's Tcl from source; that's too  
involved for me at the moment. I did try installing a binary of Tcl  
8.4.6 for Jaguar provided here:

The configure phase passed, but the build did not, so this may have  
been the wrong thing to try:

cc -dynamiclib  -o libthread2.6.dylib threadCmd.o threadSvCmd.o  
threadSpCmd.o threadPoolCmd.o psGdbm.o threadSvListCmd.o  
threadSvKeylistCmd.o tclXkeylist.o threadUnix.o   -L/System/Library/ 
Frameworks/Tcl.framework/Versions/8.4 -ltclstub8.4
/usr/bin/libtool: can't locate file for: -ltclstub8.4
/usr/bin/libtool: file: -ltclstub8.4 is not an object file (not  
allowed in a library)
make[2]: *** [libthread2.6.dylib] Error 1
make[1]: *** [all] Error 1
make: *** [all] Error 1

As to MacPorts never really being supported on Jaguar: I hadn't  
realized that. I had seen that the first commits to the project's  
repository occurred in July 2002, a month before the release of  
Jaguar. So it seems the initial development of DarwinPorts occurred  
on Puma and Jaguar. And as I said originally, we still have 99 ports  
containing Jaguar-specific directives, and probably more ports that  
were designed to work on Jaguar but didn't use a "platform darwin 6"  
section. But I now also see that DarwinPorts 1.0 wasn't released  
until May 2005, a couple weeks after the release of Tiger.

Basically, the fact that we have Jaguar-specific directives in our  
ports at all caused me to assume that MacPorts itself would work on  
Jaguar, and that at least some of the ports would work too. 18 of the  
ports I took over still contain "platform darwin 6" sections which I  
mostly haven't touched, so I wanted to install MacPorts on Jaguar to  
see if my ports worked there, and if not, to see if I could fix that.  
But now I'm seeing that my initial assumption was wrong. MacPorts  
itself does not work on Jaguar. It requires a newer sed, a newer Tcl,  
an X installation... so I don't think any user can be currently using  
MacPorts on Jaguar. Also, using an earlier DarwinPorts won't work,  
since ports are being updated all the time to include keywords that  
only the current MacPorts understands (use_parallel_build,  
universal_variant, etc.). Given all this, shouldn't we remove the  
remaining Jaguar-specific code from those 99 ports and declare that  
MacPorts not only isn't supported on Jaguar and earlier, but that it  
in fact will not work?

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