Ticket #14796 (pike): please commit

James Berry jberry at macports.org
Mon Mar 31 10:02:58 PDT 2008

On Mar 31, 2008, at 9:47 AM, Daniel J. Luke wrote:

> On Mar 31, 2008, at 12:41 PM, Jordan K. Hubbard wrote:
>> No offense to jmpp intended, but I think what macports is really  
>> lacking is effective technical leadership.  There are a lot of good  
>> ideas floating around, but nobody really driving the bus.  I also  
>> used to think that you could elect someone to drive the bus and was  
>> a strong proponent of the democratic process which led FreeBSD to  
>> elect its core team, but I was wrong.  Completely, utterly and  
>> totally wrong. :-)
> In this case, I don't think you were totally wrong ;-)
> When we originally did our Portmgr elections the plan was for a  
> limited term (but allowing people to run for re-election).  
> Additionally, there was an at least tacit understanding that people  
> who ended up not having enough time to dedicate to the project would  
> step down.

I don't think anybody would disagree that many of us don't have enough  
time to dedicate to the project at present. Of the three elected  
members of PortMgr, and know that mww has effectively stepped away  
from the project and would be happy to have a replacement. I know I  
have been far too busy elsewhere lately to effectively lead the  
MacPorts effort, and would be happy to step away if there are other  
people with the time and energy to step in and make progress. I won't  
speak for jmpp.

The last time the three of us discussed this, the best thing for the  
project seemed to be to encourage a continuity of leadership. It's  
been several years since that discussion, our respective time  
commitments have changed, and things have stabilized to a large  
degree, not to mention that we've transitioned to a new name and home,  
all of which have helped. It may be time to address this situation.

I am encouraged by some of those who have recently brought in a new  
surge of energy (I'm thinking of afb, raim, and Ryan, in particular,  
not to mention wms, though I'm sure I'm missing others, to whom I  
apologize). If anyone is interested in taking a more direct and  
sanctioned leadership role, please do speak up: your destiny may lie  
just ahead!

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