[Ticket #16549] gcc43: patch to add Ada support

Anders F Björklund afb at macports.org
Tue Oct 7 23:46:14 PDT 2008

Martin Krischik wrote:

> The Trac Ticket #16549 [1] now open for 3 weeks  and it seem to be
> stalled. And it seems that the ticket is stalled over the fundamental
> problem on how to handle self hosted systems [2]. Now I still would
> like to go ahead so I would like to put the problem up for discussion.
> Both on user as well as development list, as both parties are affected
> on the possible outcome of discussion.

I don't really use the MacPorts versions of GCC (nor the ones of X11)
on Mac OS X, I did on Darwin OS but don't really bother with it now...
And for those languages that are _not_ available in Xcode Tools, like
the D programming language for instance, I use external installers...

Anyway, I can see how having a gcc port with Ada would be a good thing.

> However MacPorts is source based so one need a "user friendly" which
> is a little trickier.
> My current solution is a variant in gcc43 which can only be used when
> certain pre-condition are meed. However it was suggested that the
> Portfile should download and install everything needed on its own.
> That would result in a rather complex Portfile.

I'd go with the +macada variant. MacPorts uses outside stuff like
/usr/bin/gcc and /usr/X11R6 already, so it's even not that "dirty".
If you look at the "ghc" port, you'll see that it also uses an
available binary Mac distribution in order to bootstrap itself...

And sure, it's a lot trickier than your regular standard port.


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