Batch replace for livecheck.type and svn.revision

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Mon Aug 31 09:08:58 PDT 2009

On Aug 31, 2009, at 10:20, David Evans wrote:

> Jeremy Lavergne wrote:
>>> I don't  think that helps as they still have to upgrade/install a  
>>> new
>>> MacPorts version to eliminate the errors.
>> If they're not updating on that branch even then it's not our problem
>> to cater to them.
>>> Is there a way to determine the MacPorts version within the  
>>> portfile?
>>> If so then you could do something like (pseudo code only)
>>> if  {macports_version  < 1.8.0} {
>>>  livecheck.check  regex
>>> } else {
>>>  livecheck.type regex
>>> }
>> Putting that in every single portfile seems very excessive.
> Probably.

And there is no advantage to doing so, over keeping it at  
"livecheck.check regex", which we're not going to do, since the point  
of renaming this option was to make it more consistent with other  
similar options elsewhere in MacPorts.

> So I'm back to make the change and promote everyone to update to
> 1.8.0 ASAP.

We always promote everyone to update to every release of MacPorts  
ASAP. We've always had a habit of updating portfiles very quickly  
after a MacPorts release to include features only that version of  
MacPorts understands (for better or for worse). MacPorts base is  
closely tied to the portfiles. If you want to keep using an old  
MacPorts base, you can do so, but must then also use old versions of  
portfiles, and we're probably not going to help you with it.

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