Help with MacOsX native encoding when using SSH

Jean-Michel Pouré jm at
Sun Feb 1 01:21:30 PST 2009

Dear friends,

I am connecting to a remove MacOsX computer using SSH from a GNU/Linux
Debian station.

Accents are not displayed well. When I try to svn diff in the SVN tree
to send patches, it answers:

kdenlive$ svn diff
Index: Portfile
svn: Impossible de convertir la cha?\195?\174ne de 'UTF-8' vers
l'encodage natif:
svn: --- Portfile	(r?\195?\169vision 46176)
+++ Portfile	(copie de travail)

How can I connect using MacOsX native encoding in SSH. Any idea?

Kind regards,

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