postgres dependency variables

Darren Weber dweber at
Mon May 11 15:23:35 PDT 2009

Can you see any significant problems with this code to find the current
postgre config (for a vtk-devel variant):

variant pgsql description {build the PostgreSQL driver for vtkSQLDatabase} {
    set pgconf [exec pg_config]
    set includeIdx [lsearch -regex ${pgconf} "^INCLUDEDIR"]
    set includePath [lindex ${pgconf} [expr ${includeIdx} + 2]]
    set libIdx [lsearch -regex $pgconf "^LIBDIR"]
    set libPath [lindex $pgconf [expr $libIdx + 2]]
    set libFile [exec find ${libPath} -name "libpq.dylib"]
    depends_lib-append \
    configure.args-append \
        #// A URL for a PostgreSQL server of the form
        #// psql://[[username[:password]@]hostname[:port]]/[dbname]

Do you think this will work for any version of postgres?  Should the variant
be version specific to a port of postgres, like postgres83 and then specify
a full path to pg_config for that port?

Thanks, Darren
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