molmol 2k2.0 vs MacPorts

Jack Howarth howarth at
Sun Oct 4 15:22:32 PDT 2009

   I've uploaded the MacPorts molmol 2k2.0 packaging (which
builds in an identical manner as on fink) as a MacPorts

The current X11 packages in MacPorts 1.8.1 still show
breakage when running the molmol binary that this package 
(or a manual build of molmol in /usr/local) produces.
The windows for molmol open but the user interface
widgets never appear (as is show in the documentation
for molmol here)...

I don't really believe this is a openmotif or glw problem since
I can build the fink package for molmol against the openmotif 2.3.2
release with essentially the same patches and it runs fine under fink.
Also, the glw runs the opensolar.c demo program fine so it shouldn't
be at fault. Could you make any suggestions for debugging this? I haven't
tried installing the Xquartz alpha release for 2.4.1 yet but
molmol should be able to run fine against the stock X11 in SL.
Thanks in advance for any help on debugging this.

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