[MacPorts] BadContent modified

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at macports.org
Wed Feb 17 09:53:54 PST 2010

On Feb 17, 2010, at 08:53, William Siegrist wrote:

> Don't bother changing the BadContent page, it gets managed by tools on the server. I monitor the wiki changes and will handle these myself, but I don't watch all ticket changes show just email me when you see them.

Uh, ok. That's nonintuitive. Is there a way to put a statement to that effect on the BadContent page, or does that have the effect of making that statement bad content? :)

> As for the backslashes, I don't bother with them as they are unnecessary. 

I know they're not particularly necessary here; I just wanted to make sure nobody inadvertently clicks one of the bad domains. They appeared as clickable links in my email program before I added the backslashes.

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